Monday, September 14, 2009

Lets Welcome our new contributor Tricia Griffith

I'd like to welcome our latest contributor Tricia Griffith owner/editor of International crime forum.

We are delighted to have Tricia Griffith on board with The Pocomoke Public Eye and I believe she will bring positive and informative post for our reading pleasure.

Remember our goal here on TPPE as we have become somewhat off track in the last couple of days and hopefully we will be back doing what we started this blog to do.

I'm confident with the addition of Tricia Griffith My admin jmmb, and a couple of surprise contributors that are joining forces with us we will be bringing you the News and information that the MSM does not report or does not want you to know.


  1. Anonymous9:34:00 PM


  2. Anonymous10:15:00 PM

    welcome, looking forward to your post

  3. Anonymous11:02:00 PM

    Welcome, Tricia. Nice to have you here.

  4. Anonymous11:17:00 PM

    When to the "Pocomoke public eye" T-shirts become available for sale?

  5. Anonymous11:34:00 PM

    Hi Tricia,

    Look forward to reading your contributions.

  6. Anonymous said...

    When to the "Pocomoke public eye" T-shirts become available for sale?

    11:17 PM

    we are going to sell pink guns with silver bullets, annnnnnnnd

    drum roll please.............. STICKS

  7. Cedar, pine, maple. Take your pick. Any color, gift boxed and sent to your door..............
    For all occasions.....yessireee, be the first on your block to own one.

    Not recommended to poke a dawg with though..............

  8. Thanks for the welcome. I hope I can live up to my introduction.

    If anyone has any questions about or how we run things I am certainly open to them.

    I have a very interesting story I'll be writing about. Just trying to confirm a few things first.

    Thank you again for the invite.


  9. Anonymous12:35:00 AM

    Looking forward to your posts. :)

  10. Anonymous3:18:00 AM

    Websleuths should pick this case up and find Christine. God knows they could use the help. Any websleuthers around Pocomoke?

  11. Anonymous2:09:00 PM

    Confirm things? Wow, what a novel concept. I wish Blink was "schooled" in that area.

    Still waitng for proof that Keven Hall was related to Levi and Joyce. Doubtful that will ever come. Blink is NEVER wrong! (sarcasm)

  12. Anonymous2:36:00 PM

    2:09, You forgot the rest of the story.
    The reason nothing was found at the farm during the search was because some fireman were searching. These fireman because of Keven Hall, who may or may not be related to Joyce and Levi Hall, may have just walked right over a dead body. In order to protect someone who may or may not be relatives of Keven. All this sounds convoluted but this is Blink and her followers way of thinking.

  13. Anonymous5:34:00 PM

    Thank you Tricia for staying professional and showing us all your integrity.

    If that was Blinks high road, I would really hate to see her low road. Oh wait, I think we have all read it. ;)

  14. Anonymous5:36:00 PM

    LOL, I want a stick. Then maybe I too can become an "associate."

  15. Anonymous6:40:00 PM

    Yes, I would like a stick too and I know exactly where I want to stick it. :)

  16. Anonymous8:54:00 AM

    Good news indeed. Welcome Tricia!

    Sorry, I know this is about welcoming Tricia but I need to ask.....

    The farm search where some firemen were searching....... What? There were firefighters from New Church VFD who belong to Flatland Search & Rescue searching as well. Did they just walk over a dead body to protect one of their own? Are we now to assume that anyone who wears a firefighters uniform or belongs to a VFD is in on the conspiracy?

  17. Anonymous9:33:00 AM

    Yep, that's what Blink and her team are saying, that the firemen searching could have done that to protect a PC fireman with the last name of Hall. Yes, so now the firefighters are involved in the conspiracy.

    But don't bother trying to defend them on Blink's site. You will either get accused of hiding something yourself or you will get banned from commenting. They will use the sorry excuse that you are commenting using multiple user names.

  18. Anonymous9:55:00 AM

    8:54, certain people with another local blog have even said that the Pocomoke City manager, Russ Blake has gotten his hands in the fire department and are now making them comment and defend the fire department.

  19. Anonymous11:46:00 AM

    I've got to say that this is just about enough. Flatland Search & Rescue including the firefighters,EMS from New Church who belong to FS&S have gone way above and beyond any call of duty to accomodate Lynn with searches.

    I've been on every search that Flatland has conducted. This is really crappy to even suggest that we, all volunteers I might add, are covering anything up.

    I think it's time that the truth of all of this come out. Us hillbillies volunteered to literally walk miles with Lynn, even in the dark of night, searching for Christine. To put even the slightest doubt or insinuation out there is unbelievable. What Garbage

  20. Anonymous12:10:00 PM

    I'm surprised Blink in her screwed up mind hasn't accused Flat Land of also walking over a body because most of their volunteers are firefighters. Blink since we know you can't stay away, maybe it's one of FL's volunteer, many who are firefighters who "deleted" information off of PCVFD's website? Spin that into your fantasy.

  21. 11:46

    I'm a bit confused by your post,

    You do realize that we are on your side correct?

    Hang in there friend, the truth is coming out.

  22. Anonymous4:45:00 PM

    11:46 says to the Public Eye -
    Sorry for the confusion about my post, I know that we are on the same side.

    I was talking about the doubt and insiuations that have been put out by others, not Public Eye. Sorry I should have been clearer. :)

    It just infuriates me about the garbage that is being put out and all of the so called conspiracies involving VFD.

    So much caring, time, and effort, have gone into searches helping Christine's family and then the bashing starts on the very people who helped.

    The man with the stick comes on here and says that he is not an associate of Blinks and was helping Blink at Lynn's request and.....

    I was on the other local blog reading the love fest that's going on and it's been said that Christine's family is okay with Blink.

    It's all just too much!

  23. 4:45

    thanks for the explanation...

    that is part of what has all confused also..

    This whole thing started because I chose to side with the local VFD's and not stand by and let y'all get trashed.

  24. Anonymous11:19:00 AM

    Public Eye - thank you for taking a stand. It takes a lot of moxy to stand up when you know that you are going to be slapped down by the groupies.

    Your standing up for not only the VFD's but also the many community volunteers has given many the courage to take a stand too.

    Thank you!

  25. Thanks, I knew what was coming, I knew it would be from those that didn't know much about this case or this City.

    I also know that those that are stirring the pot will get tired of this subject and move-on as soon as a new controversial topic comes-up somewhere else.

    Like vampires, they need fresh blood. They only have one purpose and that is to draw that first bite.

    But sadly for them they came here and found thick skin that they can't penetrate.


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