Monday, September 14, 2009

Shots Fired (updated)

Just heard shots fired from an automatic weapon at 2nd and Bonneville..
it was about 9-10 shots, very fast... and now ambulance is in route

Subject shot in the leg.

BOLO for a white or cream Cadillac with NC tags. Armed with an AK-47


  1. Anonymous9:40:00 PM

    tom i thought i heard that from here im on 8th street

  2. Anonymous9:44:00 PM

    have you heard anymore ?

  3. nothing new, I think they are still looking for the shooter

  4. Anonymous said...

    tom i thought i heard that from here im on 8th street

    9:40 PM

    WOW! you could hear way over there. It was pretty loud, and fast

  5. Anonymous10:27:00 PM

    it was man... be careful over there

  6. Anonymous10:28:00 PM

    i can hear sirens coming into town now

  7. White or cream cadillac with N. Carolina registration. Wanted in a shooting in Pocomoke. Unknown occupants but armed with an AK47

  8. Anonymous12:33:00 AM

    OMG, be careful.

  9. homegrown10:25:00 AM

    Not a very good feeling for a small town. Sitting in your comfy chair winding down for the night and shots from a an obviously rapid fire weapon ring out in your living room. This isn't the first time, when violence escalates to this point, someone needs to take a look and explain to it's citizens what is going on.

  10. Anonymous12:32:00 PM

    Alot of it Homegrown is lack of a stable home life while growing up. Father no where around, mother off doing who knows what.


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