Saturday, February 26, 2011

The Beautiful Eastern Shore

Yesterday was one of the disagreeable  days on Delmarva! If you had to be out in the weather you know just exactly what I am talking about. Oh, that wind and the pelting rain. Put simply, the day was just plain miserable!

I noticed  around 2:00 that the clouds had parted in some areas and the skies turned that beautiful color of Delmarva blue and the sun,  in all
 of its brightness, warmed us.                                                       

And, as always, remarkable beauty appeared in the skies...................

These were taken yesterday in the beautiful rural countryside of Preston, Maryland.  The photographer of these photos waited all day after the rain to snap these photos.

When you have lived on the Eastern Shore all your life sometimes you just know what comes next.
~Thanks for the photos Jordan!~


  1. Anonymous2:18:00 PM

    What beautiful pictures!

  2. Anonymous4:26:00 PM

    They are awesome! God's handy work.


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