Saturday, February 26, 2011

Ongoing Investigation Finally Gets The Thief Arrested!

Tia Lynn Johnson was arrested on Thursday by WCBI officer,Frank Wright, at her place of employment -- Walmart.Once handcuffed, she was escorted and paraded through the store to her ride to jail. She was released the same day on a $10,000 bond.

Apparently WCBI has been working on this case with the cooperation from Walmart since 2009 and have Tia on video. This time she can't she can't lie her way out of it and this time she WILL have to talk!

For those that don't know, Tia is the girlfriend (or former girlfriend)of Jr. Jackson who is being housed at ECI in Westover, sentenced to 3 years for burglary. These two, it has always been believed, were two of the last people to ever see Chistine Sheddy alive back in 2007.

WCBI, no doubt, must have become suspicious when Tia came up with quite a bit of money to bail Jr. out a few years ago and then somehow found more money to retain former assistand State's Attorney Kathy Smith to represent Jr.

Regardless of what she did with the stolen money it was the WCBI this entire time that has been lying low in the "trenches" trying to nail Tia with something, anything to get her to talk.......short of prying it out of her mouth!

Great job Investigator Frank Wright and the rest of the WCBI! What a great group you are to have been working on this for so very long and never losing sight that justice must always remain supreme.

And a giant step, perhaps, for the Christine Sheddy case.


  1. Anonymous3:12:00 PM

    WCBI does such a great job. My friends had dealing with those guys a few weeks ago when they were robbed and have nothing but praise for them. The guy who burglarized them was also caught.

  2. Anonymous3:18:00 PM

    She don't see Jr. anymore I don't think. She's got a different boyfriend. I think he's the one who is driving her new SUV. Anyway she going around saying she bought one for him.

  3. Anonymous5:44:00 PM

    Didn't know Frank Wright went to WCBI? Did he take Mitchell's spot?

  4. Anonymous7:15:00 AM

    I wonder if she was doing this for drug money? I've seen her a few times and she did appear to be stoned and out of it. I'm surprised Walmart didn't notice it and fire her a long time ago.

  5. Anonymous7:50:00 AM

    She's going to be in for a rude awaking with Beau Oglesby in charge.

  6. Anonymous2:18:00 PM

    Perfect example of why people should have a little patience and not jump to conclusions. The world does not operate like CSI and crimes are not solved in 60 minutes with five time-outs for commercials. Investigators do not tell all they know until the appropriate time.

  7. Anonymous3:03:00 PM

    You are absolutly correct 2:18 and it's about time people realize that and start think sensibly about the time it takes to get crimes solved.

  8. Anonymous4:55:00 PM

    I just looked this up on case search and they've been watching her for almost 2 years! I wonder how it feels now her knowing she's been spied on for this long.

  9. Anonymous6:26:00 PM

    come on jmmb post her mug shot!


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