Monday, February 14, 2011

Please Join In Prayer

The Pocomoke Ministerial Association has taken up the charge and announced the intention to pray everyday for the next thirty days between the hours of 6 am and 6 pm for Save the Youth's need for a building.

It has been requested that the public join them in prayer.

Save The Youth is a nonprofit organization located in Pocomoke City.


  1. Anonymous3:21:00 PM

    Does the board of directors have a building in mind?

  2. Anonymous2:58:00 PM

    No, this needs prayers!

    One candidate for Mayor called the Director and asked him for his 'support' then offered he'd get a building for them.

    Politics in Pocomoke.

  3. Anonymous3:30:00 PM

    Oh the "tit for tat" of politics, 2:58. I hope the director doesn't support this candidate without getting it spelled out in black and white how this candidate plans on getting this building for the group.


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