Monday, March 14, 2011

Questions For The Candidates Running For Mayor Of Pocomoke

 TODAY is the deadline to submit your answers. 
As of today I have NOT received any replies. 

It is very disappointing that not one candidate has taking the two minuets it would take to answer the few simple questions posted. These questions have been posted for over a month and so far we have only one candidate that has taken any interest at all. 

If they can not take the time to answer these questions what kind of support can we expect from them as our Mayor.

These questions will be removed today followed by a article of disappointment in those candidates that did not respond, we know that you read this blog so that is not an excuse.   

Below I have compiled a short list of questions for the candidates running for Mayor of Pocomoke, if any readers have questions to add to this list please send your questions to 

Directions on how to answer the questions; Simply copy and paste the questions in whatever Doc. you wish. Then place your answers under each question (use double space) then use the email address above and send in your questions and answers.

When every candidate sends in their answer I will at that time publish those answers. If I get the answers early I will post another set of questions and set a deadline for the second set of questions to be answered. If any candidate does not answer these first set of questions in a timely manner they will be disqualified and the next set of questions will be published.

The deadline for this set of questions will be 3/14/11 


Please send all answers to


  1. Anonymous8:28:00 AM

    Note on item 1. It is "curb" not "curve".
       /kɜrb/ Show Spelled[kurb] Show IPA

    2. anything that restrains or controls; a restraint; check.

  2. Anonymous9:19:00 AM

    I think "curve" is appropriate in this case. We can "curve" crime by turning the criminals around in a different direction and send them somewhere else; maybe Virginia or Salisbury.

  3. Anonymous1:59:00 PM

    that's really not a great way or a Christian way to think of it....and in fact thats the problem long as it isnt MY problem, most dont care about it. sending them somewhere else doesnt matter either. It is here and we have to deal with it. As times get tighter, gangs continue to increase their activity, we have to face it.

    When your car or your home is broken into, believe me it matters!

  4. Anonymous10:38:00 AM

    An answer to number 7-getting rid of any deals for someone who informs on another dealer. All this does is allows the informant to get rid of their competition and lets them get off without a drug conviction on their record.

  5. Anonymous9:05:00 PM

    What is a timely manner? What is your deadline?

  6. Anonymous said...

    What is a timely manner? What is your deadline?

    9:05:00 PM
    one week tops

  7. Anonymous12:03:00 PM

    and everyone wonders why voter turnout is so low

  8. Anonymous4:10:00 PM

    Off-topic: I always wondered where your sign painter was. I think I found him.. Took a drive down through rural Accomack County today. Sign currently reads Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha all over.

  9. Since people just don't jump into their cars anymore and take a ride to the country I hope you found what you were looking for. And I hope you got the chance to see the beautiful fields that have been freshly plowed. Time to plant potatoes!

  10. Anonymous5:21:00 PM

    I'd love to do it more, but today's ride unfortunately cost me about $10 in gas. There's a whole nother world right in my backyard that I had never seen. I did enjoy the ride though, found what I was lookin for too.

  11. Anonymous5:55:00 PM

    These candidates expect people to vote for them but then can't even take 10 minutes to answer a few questions. In this day and age w/the computer and the fact that most people work no one wants to be bothered going out somewhere to meet candidates.

  12. Anonymous11:34:00 PM

    Dear Tom,

    In truth, I sent you an email, dated March 6th, requesting a deadline for submission of questions and you responded on March 7th, indicating how to copy/paste your questions but did not respond with a deadline. I sent you an email, dated March 13th, asking what the deadline was, in addition to two other questions, and did not receive your response today until I just now checked email. In your email, you stated today was the deadline and I sent you a response asking a last second question stating my responses are being 'spell'/ grammar checked. I checked your website but this states the time is already expired. I do believe your questions are important ones. Please respond to my email. Thank you.

    Dr. Duffy, Candidate for Mayor

  13. Anonymous11:45:00 PM


    My email was sent at 11:20 pm.

    Dr. Duffy, Candidate

  14. Anonymous3:35:00 PM

    The truth is, we do not have any good choices. Either way, Pocomoke is in trouble.

  15. Anonymous8:21:00 PM

    That's totally being unfair and unreasonable 3:35. Duffy and Morrison are both good choices. Duffy has stated her platform and has some great ideas and visions. Morrison knows the workings of the political system. What it's going to boil down to is who hits on what is most important to the voters all the while staying away from any negatives.

  16. Anonymous1:20:00 AM

    Question is what has changed in last six years with Morrison in office?

    Spending has more then doubled. Crime has gotten worse. Elected officials dont attend meetings most the time yet want more meetings.

    Don't want more of the same.

  17. Anonymous1:28:00 AM

    They dont attend community awareness meetings. Heck, former mayor didnt attend but 2?


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