Monday, March 14, 2011

Who Will Be Our Next Mayor?

As you know I published 9 simple questions to our candidates running for Mayor. I allowed more than ample time for their answers to be sent in yet not one single candidate responded. I was hoping that they would take the time to send in their answers because I was going to do follow-up questions that were asked by our readers.

It is very disappointing to learn that not one candidate took the time to send in their answers and to think they will be running our City. Will they answer our questions when we have a problem if they couldn't/wouldn't answer a few questions that they had a few weeks to think about? 

BTW: Who is Frank Ward?

More to come

You can see Dr. Duffy's answers on her website HERE>>


  1. Anonymous11:45:00 PM


    My email was sent at 11:20 pm.

    Dr. Duffy, Candidate

  2. Anonymous12:03:00 AM

    1.How do you feel about crime in Pocomoke and what plan do you have to curve the problem?

    Pocomoke City has a significant crime problem for this history of Pocomoke City. Anyone could reason we are blessed to not have the problems of larger cities. We may not have the problems of larger cities, but our town has crime. We need to address this together. No one person, no one department, can solve this problem. We must have a shared responsibility to work together toward a better tomorrow for Pocomoke City. As I talk with citizens, business owners, property owners, and various leaders in the community, I hear a repeating theme some people are growing tired of our leaders not addressing problems. When the police department hosts a monthly community awareness meeting and local leaders do not attend for months, or meetings are no more than discussing crime stats, without any plan to address concerns, this sends a mixed message to those attending meetings and the community. The mixed message is we don’t care and we accept things ‘as they are’. This is when complacency sets in for those who are concerned! From what I am hearing, this is not enough! We can hold meetings but meetings without working together or developing a plan, are meaningless to those truly concerned for our community. For example, some citizens have asked for at least 5 months about nonfunctioning cameras. Why are they not working after all this time? All should work or perhaps all should be turned off. We should not monitor only some areas.

    As far as a plan, I do have a plan – one that would bring together people to work together! Warren Bennis stated “The leader finds greatness in the group, and he or she helps the members find it in themselves.” I truly applaud efforts of New Macedonia Baptist Church for initially hosting the meetings and Police Department and the number of attendees was large. However, now the meetings are solely run by the Department. We need to bring everyone to the table and change the facilitation of the meetings to make EVERYONE feel their concerns are important. In doing so, I believe attendance will change and people will return. More than the numbers of attendees, those in attendance need a sense of ownership and I’m not talking about going out to clean another person’s property. At this point, the police department facilitates these meetings under the watchful eye of leaders who attended the last meeting. I have attempted to discuss this crucial element with the Police Chief but as to date, they have not changed the control of this. I have a plan, bringing people together to find a viable solution and one that I plan to initiate immediately when elected as your Mayor.

  3. Anonymous8:08:00 AM

    It would be nice if anonymous 12:03 told us who he is.

  4. Anonymous10:44:00 AM

    I've viewed Lynn Duffy's campaign website and I would encourage any Pocomoke City voters to do the same. To me she is a candidate with a vision and goals for PC. No offense to Dr Duffy as she seems to have her "quirkinesses" but who cares-don't we all.
    And no offense to the other 2 candidates but at this point all they seem to want to do is have the title Mayor before their names.
    I'm not a city resident so I can't vote, but I would seriuosly consider Lynn Duffy if I could. Not only does she live in the city BUT her whole livelihood depends on a safe prosperous Pocomoke City.

  5. Anonymous11:04:00 PM

    lol no person is without quirks.

    Elect DUFFY for Pocomoke City Mayor

  6. Anonymous11:05:00 PM

    hey did you catch the compensation signs that went up saturday

  7. 11:05 - Could you please tell me what "compensation signs" are? I can't seem to figure that one out.

  8. Anonymous12:56:00 PM

    maybe they mean the competition's signs jmmb?

  9. Anonymous1:17:00 AM

    lol. dont think so.


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