Friday, May 20, 2011

Former Pocomoke City Mayor Curt Lippoldt

Salisbury, MD--Former Pocomoke City Mayor Curt Lippoldt, who served as mayor of the city from 1986-1998, died Wednesday afternoon. His death came a day after his 85th birthday.

Last Saturday, Lippoldt suffered a cardiac emergency and collapsed while giving a public talk on stage at his beloved Mar-Va Theater on 103 Market St. in downtown Pocomoke. He was rushed to Peninsula Regional Medical Center in Salisbury where he remained in a coma until his death early Wednesday afternoon. 

While mayor of Pocomoke, Lippoldt spearheaded efforts to revitalize downtown- including the Mar-Va Theater- and the city in general.

People who knew Lippoldt said he taught them so much. One of those people is the city's current mayor,

Bruce Morrison, who administered CPR to Lippoldt following his collapse last Saturday. Morrison said of his friend, "He taught me how to be an ambassador to Pocomoke just like he did, and to be friendly to people, talk to people and smile all the time. That was his big thing. If you always saw Curt, Curt was always smiling. No matter if he met a stranger on a street he would smile and ask them, 'How you're doing? Where are you from? What can I do to help you?'"

Joanne Lusby, who owns a hardware store located across the street from the Mar-Va Theater, said of Lippoldt, "He was a friend to everybody in Pocomoke, whether he knew them or not. People loved him because he couldn't do enough for you and he was the same way with the theater. He just had to do more than his part."

Lippoldt's funeral will will be held Saturday, May 21, at the Mar-Va Theater.


  1. I deleted a comment they left last night. This is not the post to leave your personal gripes.

  2. Anonymous9:46:00 AM

    Can't wait for the website

    Pocomoke Peyton Place

  3. Anonymous10:07:00 AM

    Yep, days of Lippoldt's Gentleman ways are long gone around here.....

  4. 9:41 AM let's get one thing straight! I deleted the comment because it did NOT apply to the posted article. Please keep in mind that this is up to ME and ONE other person on what we delete or what we allow to remain.

    If YOU or anyone ELSE have a grive with someone take it to that person. Don't leave bits and pieces.

    9:43 Most people do know who I am. I'm not hiding behind anything. And if you don't like it then email me. Send me your address and I'll meet with you face to face if you have issues with me and something that I have said that you feel is YOUR business. It's as simple as that.

    And that goes for anyone else!
    Some of you need to grow up.

  5. Anonymous11:32:00 AM

    amen JMMB, this is the cleanest most open and honest blog that I have ever seen. Keep up the good work.

  6. Anonymous4:58:00 PM

    When someone "hijacks" a post with off topic comments then the comments should be deleted. That's exactly what jmmb has done.

  7. Anonymous7:12:00 PM

    I wholeheartedly agree w/ 4:58. Hijacker and whiner comments that are unrelated to the post should just be deleted, period.

    To paraphrase Spiro Agnew, don't give the 'nattering nabobs of negativety' the satisfaction of seeing their comments published!

  8. Anonymous8:49:00 PM

    No bias here anon 12:46am. Trying to manipulate the content of a post into something that isn't the intended focus is distracting to readers.

  9. Anonymous12:49:00 AM

    My name is Stephen Dunker and I am Curt Lippoldt's nephew.

    I read this comment (below)and I need to say that it would make him sad to hear it.

    "Yep, days of Lippoldt's Gentleman ways are long gone around here....."

    Please tell me that all of you will do your best to honor his legacy.

    Thank you for considering my comment/request.

    Warm regards from Phoenix, Arizona

    PS: It is difficult to hold back tears when I think of him because he is the type of person many of us try to emulate. I miss him a lot and already. Please understand that much of the love you received from Curt is from Olive. They were two of the most kind and genuine people I've ever met. It will be a beautiful thing if all of you come together in love to honor Curt and Olive’s legacy. Please be kind to each other and respect each other.


All comments are the sole responsibility of the poster