Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Larry Hogan comments on Fed Gov’t report that Maryland’s economy did not grow at all last year.

For Immediate Release:                                                                                     Contact: Adam Dubitsky
June 11, 2014                                                                                             
                                                                                                                                O:(443)221-4450 x118 M: (202)247-0130

Hogan: “It's time to end one-party rule and get Maryland’s economy moving again.”

Cambridge, MD – June 11, 2014 – While visiting struggling small businesses and voters in towns on Maryland’s Eastern Shore today, GOP gubernatorial frontrunner Larry Hogan commented on the US Commerce Department’s report that Maryland’s economy did not grow at all last year.
According to Hogan, “Today, the Federal Government confirmed what Marylanders have long known:  Our economy is dead in the water.  The tax and spend policies and mismanagement of the Martin O'Malley and Anthony Brown years have destroyed jobs and are driving residents and employers out of state.  It's time to end one-party rule and get Maryland’s economy moving again.”
Hogan’s tour through this hard hit region of the state is part of a two-week “Changing Maryland” bus tour that will take the Anne Arundel businessman through all 24 of Maryland’s jurisdictions.

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For more information and interviews contact Adam Dubitsky (240)625-2683 or visit

Authority: Hogan-Rutherford Committee to Change Maryland.  John C. Wobensmith, Treasurer

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