Sunday, December 24, 2017

TIME MACHINE: Christmas 1990 & 2001 Columns, 1923, 1897.

Our Little Corner In Space And Time    
(Reader-friendly viewing of items from newspaper archives)

This month we've been posting some of the December newspaper columns of the late Edna Davy Muir of Somerset County.  Here's one of her Christmas Eve and Christmas Day columns.



The Daily Times (Salisbury)

December, 1923

The Evening Times (Salisbury)


Woodland Daily Democrat (Woodland, Ca.)

Next Sunday, December 31st, we'll take a look at 1973's year in review in Worcester County, and  we'll see how the change over to a new year was observed in 1873. 

Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers or something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? Please send to .

When you're clicking around the Internet remember to check in with The Pocomoke Public Eye.  We strive to be a worthwhile supplement to your choices.

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