Thursday, June 21, 2012

Pocomoke City Police Dept. ~ Links To Photos

OH, Happy Day!! The Pocomoke City Police Department is now totally working from their new facility on Market Street!! (oh, this brings happy tears to my eyes)

And to think all these photos I've taken through the months of the renovations taking place were because my husbands support and because of a Christmas gift from my husband. No, not my brand new camera but a signed copy of the book "Why Do We Kill?" ( written by former Baltimore Homicide Detective Kelvin Sewell, now Chief of Police for Pocomoke City, and Stephen Janis)

The fact that I was able to carry out my plans in providing the public with photos as the renovations progressed is to due my very dear friend Councilman Malloy....he knew I was on a mission and even through my stupid mistakes, has laughed at me.

I am very excited for Chief of Police Kelvin Sewell and his department and for the city of Pocomoke.

Listed below are links to photos I have taken along the way..... and there are so many more that I did not post. I hope they work.

Don't forget the Ribbon Cutting Ceremony
Friday @ 1:00 PM

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