Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Change Maryland Blasts July 1 Tax and Toll Hikes

Change Maryland founder Larry Hogan fired up a sold-out crowd of several hundred at a fundraiser last Thursday, "Your family trip to the beach just got a lot more expensive. Today, the second round of O'Malley toll increases took effect and the gas tax increase kicked in at the same time. While you are sitting in traffic at the Bay Bridge for the 4th of July weekend you can thank Governor O'Malley and the monopoly in Annapolis for the 140% increase in tolls, and for giving us the most expensive gas in the region."

Change Maryland, a non-partisan organization, is the largest and fastest growing grassroots movement in the state made up of more than 46,000 people from every jurisdiction in the state. Nearly half of them are Democrats and Independents. The group's Facebook page includes 10 times more people than Democrat gubernatorial candidate Anthony Brown, and 25 times more than Republican candidate David Craig. In fact, the Change Maryland page has more people engaged on-line than the Maryland Democrat and Republican Parties, and all the potential Democrat and Republican candidates for governor, combined. As of last week, Larry Hogan's organization actually surpassed that of his frequent sparring partner, Martin O'Malley, the former Baltimore Mayor, two term governor and candidate for President.

Hogan explained that the impact of the 30% increase in state spending and the 40 consecutive O'Malley-Brown tax increases was that the state has gone from 13 Fortune 500 companies down to 3, we lost 6,500 small businesses, the unemployment rate has nearly doubled and 31,000 taxpayers have fled the state. Hogan then fired up the standing room only crowd with: "Governor O'Malley says he's 'Moving Maryland Forward'. But if that's moving Maryland forward, I say maybe next year, we'll just have to take Maryland back!"

The bipartisan crowd at the Change Maryland event included many top Republican leaders, as well as a former Democratic Governor, a former Speaker of the House and a number of prominent Democrats from across the state. "This isn't just another fight between Democrats and Republicans. It's more important than that. This is a fight for Maryland's future, and it's a fight worth fighting", Hogan said.

In addition to being the founder and Chairman of Change Maryland, Hogan is a successful businessman, and a former state Cabinet Secretary. In 2010 he was the only serious candidate willing to challenge O'Malley, until former Governor Bob Ehrlich entered the race. Ehrlich called him "One of the only Republicans in Maryland who could win." Maryland's most powerful Democrat, Steny Hoyer called Hogan the toughest opponent he has ever faced in his entire career.

--- Attached ---
Change Maryland Facebook Page Comparison.pdf (PDF - 181K)

When Less is More: The Power Of Limited Government

When Less is More: The Power Of Limited Government
by Delegate Mike McDermott
JULY 1, 2013
I have seen few applications in life where the phrase, “Less is more” could be applied accurately; but when it comes to government, I can make the connection. When the American people experience “less government” in their lives, the result is always “more” liberty; and what Americans have done with their freedom is the envy of the world.
Our Constitution was purposely crafted to “limit” the powers of government rather than limit the freedom of the people.   Big government remains expensive to operate, and every dollar sent to Uncle Sam is a dollar not utilized by the one who earned it in the first place. Government is a taker, not a producer. Some believe that government spending stimulates the economy despite all evidence to the contrary. Any short term gains are soon replaced with greater deficits, while there is convincing evidence that the private sector and consumer confidence are what move our country forward.
When he became President, Ronald Reagan restored our sense of liberty in America. His policies worked to limit the size and scope of government. Through tax cuts and streamlining, our country pulled itself out of the muck and mire. Conservatism was put on display and what followed was the greatest economic expansion in our nation’s history.
Our economy and American way of life has always been based upon risk versus reward. It holds us in check and makes us weigh our choices carefully. It makes us responsible for our own actions or lack thereof.
Liberty allows us to choose wisely, it does not protect us from failure. You want to stretch a double into a triple? You better be sure you can make it!
When consumers pick the winners, we all win. We all know what it is like when an umpire (government) becomes part of the game instead of a neutral arbiter.
Time is money in business.  Consider a chicken house up and running in 6-months versus 2-years (MD’s current rate). During the 18-month difference, a broiler operation could produce 9-10 flocks as opposed to zero.
That constitutes a family providing for itself while feeding the world. It means discretionary spending boosting our local economy and increased government revenues from Property and Income Taxes paid.  Over regulation costs time, and we begin to see that time is money for taxpayers as well.
The best stimulus for our economy is limited government.  Less money in taxes and fees results in more money in the pockets of taxpayers.
Historically, what do Americans do with more money in their pockets?
They invest, and they spend which fuels an economy like nothing else can. Again, this results in increased government revenue through an increasing tax base.
Our government is to protect us from all enemies, both foreign and domestic. It has been established to serve at our pleasure that we may,”… secure the blessings of liberty, to ourselves and our posterity.”  When we focus government on protecting and defending liberty, we narrow the scope and make it more effective.
"Marylanders Take Back Your State!"

Monday, July 1, 2013

Search for Victims Continues After Plane Crashes into Ocean

WBOC Photo
OCEAN CITY, Md.Authorities have resumed their search for the victims after a small plane crashed into the ocean off Ocean City.

After having to suspend search efforts Sunday evening because of darkness and unsafe conditions, dive teams picked up their efforts once again Monday at 9 a.m. The search was called off overnight due to dangerous conditions.

On Monday morning, wreckage of the plane was located on the ocean floor, according to Ocean City police and Maryland State Police.

State police said the plane went down at around 4 p.m. Sunday a half mile offshore at 133rd Street. Mayor Rick Meehan said witnesses told police that the aircraft spun out of control before crashing.

The U.S. Coast Guard said the single-engine CJ-6A took off from Ocean City Municipal Airport.

There is still no official word about the number of passengers on board the plane or their identities. However, the Maryland Coast Dispatch newspaper in Ocean City is reporting that two people were on board that plane and both were off-duty members of the Ocean City  Department.

Anyone who may have witnessed the crash, especially anyone who may have photos or video of the aircraft prior to or during its descent, is urged to contact the MSP Berlin Barrack at (410) 641-3101.


Sunday, June 30, 2013


(Reader-friendly viewing of newspaper archives material)

In 1935 a young man writes a letter to a newspaper near his Pennsylvania home about his life at a CCC (Civilan Conservation Corps) camp in Worcester County. Little did he realize that his letter would be read again by the public now, almost 80 years later, as he shares his interesting and informative comments about the CCC experience from that bygone era. (And is he offering some food for thought about a similar experience that some of today's young people might benefit from?) -tk

 (Wikipedia) The Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) was a public work relief program that operated from 1933 to 1942 in the United States for unemployed, unmarried men from relief families, ages 18–25. Robert Fechner was the head of the agency. A part of the New Deal of President Franklin D. Roosevelt, who provided unskilled manual labor jobs related to the conservation and development of natural resources in rural lands owned by federal, state and local governments. The CCC was designed to provide jobs for young men, to relieve families who had difficulty finding jobs during the Great Depression in the United States while at the same time implementing a general natural resource conservation program in every state and territory. Maximum enrollment at any one time was 300,000; in nine years 3 million young men participated in the CCC, which provided them with shelter, clothing, and food, together with a small wage of $30 a month ($25 of which had to be sent home to their families). 

January, 1935
(The Titusville Herald- Titusville, Pa.)


Editor Of The Herald.

Dear Sir:- I am a CCC boy and my home is in Diamond, Pa. My folks and friends take The Titusville Herald and (I) would like to have you publish this letter. You may send me a copy of it.

My temporary home is now in the CCC Co. No. 1318 S-62 Snow Hill, Md.  I enlisted on October 8, 1934 for a period of six months, was sent to Fort Meade, Md., for a medical examination and a few simple army and camp instructions.

I was kept at Fort Meade for six weeks and later sent here to my temporary home.

This camp is located in amongst large pines of varying heights, 100 to 150 feet, and off the state highway about 1/2 mile, between Pocomoke City and Snow Hill, Md.

We have a good outfit here, the best in the third corps area, with 250 boys. Life here is different than on the outside. It builds up the boys physically and mentally. Every day is something different, so we get some experience here that was never done on the outside,- from dish washing down on the line to cutting trees in swamps and changing clothes after falling in a swamp hole. Therefore, we are being prepared for everything that gets in our way in the line of work and play.

I am in the CCC going on four months and like it quite well, except for dish washing which I get for Sunday K.P. about twice a month, which means standing over a big tub 3 x 3 x 4 feet, filled with water and soap, standing there for three solid hours except for about a half hour or so of gold bricking, washing 250 plates, knives, spoons, forks, cups and bowls, not to mention what other boys on K.P. have to do with greasy pots and pans. I mean its fun if you take it that way.

Although we get plenty to eat, some outsiders say that we are being fed too well, for some of the boys look like as if they were over fed. It isn't the eats, its the G.I. grease. It gives us strength and health, with lots of fresh air, which we need to cut down those pines which are of varying heights.

Our work here consists of cutting down defective trees, clearing away underbrush, and building fire trails.

One thousand acres of state forest land here have to be cleared and it will take the rest of our two months to put a kink in it. Most of the boys are excellent workers and are rated according to their work. Now, I mean when we work, it's work.

We ride to work on trucks and to see us coming resembles a funeral. Five stake body trucks and ten dump trucks, all loaded with men. We ride to work and back for we have 1 1/2 miles to go.

We work 40 hours a week, 8 hours a day, rain or shine. Saturday afternoon and Sunday we get off. Saturday morning until noon we have to work in camp. In camp- scrub barracks floor, wash clothes, clean windows, stoves and arrange our clothing for inspection. After dinner is dress inspection. We line up in front of the U.S. flag on the parade grounds, stand at attention until the captain O. K.'s our dress. Then we are free to roam anywhere until 6 a. m. Monday morning. We have to sign in the recreation hall on a book when we come back or leave camp, so as to keep tally on us. Anyone leaving camp without signing out gets extra duty of 72 hours in the kitchen as K. P.

Monday mornings we must all be in camp. Reveille is at 6:45 a.m. The sergeant in the barracks yells out , "crawl out, boys, and push on the mops." We have to mop the floor every morning besides Saturday, make our bunk, and eat chow at 7 a. m.  7:30 a. m. we polish up the camp area, pick up all match sticks, paper and cigarette stubs that have been thrown away carelessly over Saturday and Sunday. 8 a. m. call for work detail, line up and be on our way with axes and saws, to the wood, ready to do work and fill the woods with the ringing of the saws and and echoes of our axes, until 4 p. m., when the days work is done.

Hurrah for the CCC, for every boy is a man when he leaves.

Now friends, if you doubt what I've said come down to Co. No. 1318 S-62 CCC Snow Hill, Md., at your own expense and find out.

Your CCC friend,

Steve J. Brenner

Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? It can be just a line or two, or more if you wish. Send to tkforppe@yahoo.com and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!

Annual Independence Day Celebration TODAY

Annual Independence Day Celebration

New Church Volunteer Fire and Rescue Company
Sunday, June 30, 2013
4 p.m. until 9:30 p.m.
 New Church firehouse
good food
  well-known local DJ
 one of the best fireworks shows on the
 Eastern Shore

Launch Postponed NASA's Wallops Flight Facility

Launch Update:

Since weather conditions do not look favorable there will be no launch today- Sunday. 

Next attempt will be Monday, July 1, 2013 with a launch window of 9:30 to 11:30 a.m.

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Two Reading Pennsylvania Men Arrested In Connection With Early Morning Shooting

Elvin Jovany Mendez-Espada
OCPD Arrest Two Reading Pennsylvania Men In Connection With Early Morning Shooting

On June 29, 2013, at approximately 2:15 a.m. Ocean City Police officers were in the area of 18th Street and Coastal Highway when they heard what appeared to be gunshots coming from the area of 1801 Coastal Highway near Kingfish Road. Officers responded to the area and located a male subject, whose name is not being released, who appeared to be the victim of a gunshot wound.

The investigation revealed that at approximately 2:10 a.m. two males were in the pool at the Islander Motel, 2001 North Philadelphia Avenue, adjacent to the sidewalk, when another group of people walking by on the street engaged in a verbal exchange with the group in the pool. The verbal exchange escalated when the group in the pool confronted the group on the street and an altercation occurred. During the altercation a male suspect, later identified as Elvin Jovany Mendez-Espada, 21 of Reading, PA, produced a handgun and shot two victims.

 After further investigation, police discovered the second victim, who had been shot through his clothing, but was not injured. The injured victim was treated at the scene by Ocean City EMS and transported by ambulance to Peninsula Regional Medical Center for treatment of non-life threatening injuries.
Carwin  Duarte

Police immediately began a search of the area for the suspects. Officers initially located one suspect, who was identified as Carwin Duarte, 19, of Reading, PA, near the shooting scene on Dolphin Lane. Officers then spotted Mendez-Espada hiding in shrubs in the near-by Marlin Drive area. He was later located in the water under a boat dock at a private residence on Marlin Drive. He was taken into custody without further incident.

The OCPD is still investigating the incident. OCPD Forensic Services Unit and the Ocean City Dive Team are also assisting with the recovery of evidence. Police have charged Mendez-Espada with two counts of first degree assault, two counts of first degree attempted murder and use of a handgun in the commission of a violent crime. Duarte has been charged with second degree assault, disorderly conduct and affray. At the time of this release, Mendez-Espada and Daurte are in custody at the Ocean City Police Department awaiting an initial appearance in front of the Maryland District Court Commissioner.

Ocean City Police Department

TIME MACHINE ... This Sunday's Preview.

In 1935 a young man writes a letter to a newspaper near his Pennsylvania home about his life at a CCC (Civilan Conservation Corps) camp in Worcester County. Little did he realize that his letter would be read again by the public now, almost 80 years later, as he shares his interesting and informative comments about the CCC experience from that bygone era. (And is he offering some food for thought about a similar experience that some of today's young people might benefit from?) -tk 

Read about it this Sunday right here at The Pocomoke Puble Eye!

Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? It can be just a line or two, or more if you wish. Send to tkforppe@yahoo.com and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!

One Killed and Several Injured In Vehicle Crash

(GLEN BURNIE, MD) – A mother is dead and her two children injured after her vehicle veered across a median and struck oncoming traffic this afternoon causing a multi-vehicle crash on Rt. 295 in Anne Arundel County.

The deceased driver is identified as Katherine K. Grooms, 41, of Ft. Washington, Md. She was transported to the University of Maryland Shock Trauma Center where she was pronounced dead. Her children are identified as Stephen Bard, 9, and Gabril Bard, one month. Both children were taken to Johns Hopkins Hospital.
A second driver injured is identified as Eric D. Hause, 50, of Severn, Md. He was transported to Harbor Hospital where he is undergoing treatment.

A third driver involved is identified as Jakin Rankin, 33, of Lanham, Md. He did not claim to be injured, but his three children traveling with him, Elijah Rankin, 5, Serena Rankin, 8, and Javiah Rankin, 10, were taken to St. Agnes Hospital.

Shortly after 3:00 p.m. today, troopers from the Glen Burnie Barrack were dispatched to a crash site on northbound Rt. 295 near I-895. Due to the severity of the crash, troopers called for assistance from the State Police CRASH Team.

The preliminary investigation indicates Grooms was driving a 2008 Honda Accord southbound on Rt. 295 when, for unknown reasons, her car veered across the grass median and entered the fast lane of northbound Rt. 295.

Hause was driving a 2010 Freight Line box truck northbound on Rt. 295 when the Honda entered his lane. The Honda and box truck struck head-on. The box truck rolled onto its side and struck a northbound 2004 Buick driven by Rankin. Two other vehicles traveling northbound were struck by debris from the initial crash. Their drivers were not injured and those two vehicles were eventually driven from the scene.

The investigation indicates Grooms was wearing a seatbelt, as was her nine-year-old son. The infant was secured in a child safety seat. Investigators have been unable to determine why Grooms’ vehicle crossed the median into oncoming traffic.

Due to the size of the crash scene, all regular travel lanes of Rt. 295 had to be closed for about four hours. Traffic was able to pass by the scene on the shoulder of the road. State Highway Administration personnel responded to the scene to set up detours and assist with sign boards at the scene to channel traffic. All lanes were reopened shortly after 7:00 p.m.

The investigation is continuing.

Maryland State Police

Remember Maryland's Move Over Law

Maryland’s Move Over Law

As more drivers use Maryland roads this summer it is important to
remember Maryland’s Move Over Law.

 The intent of Maryland’s ‘move over’ law is to provide an extra barrier of safety for police officers, firefighters, and emergency rescue personnel working along Maryland roads.

 Drivers approaching an emergency vehicle that is stopped, standing, or parked on a highway and using any visual signals, must move into the next lane away from the emergency vehicle.

If a lane change is not possible, the driver must slow to a reasonable and prudent speed that is safe for the existing conditions.

Delmarva Discovery Center Daily Summer Programs


Town of Chincoteague, Inc.
The Chincoteague Police Department would like to remind everyone that new scooter laws took effect July 1, 2013.
Helmets are now required. These helmets are marked with a DOT sticker and are classified as motorcycle helmets. Riders must also wear a face shield, safety goggles, or safety glasses while riding a scooter. An excerpt of the new laws are shown below:

§ 46.2-914. Limitations on operation of mopeds.
 B. No moped shall be driven on any highway by any person under the age of 16, and every person driving a moped shall carry with him a government-issued form of photo identification that includes his name, address, and date of birth.

§ 46.2-915.2. Safety equipment for mopeds; effect of violation; penalty.

Every person operating a moped, as defined in § 46.2-100, on a public street or highway shall wear a face shield, safety glasses, or goggles of a type approved by the Superintendent or have his moped equipped with safety glass or a windshield at all times while operating such vehicle, and operators and passengers thereon, if any, shall wear protective helmets of a type approved by the Superintendent.
A violation of any such ordinance this section shall not constitute negligence, be considered in mitigation of damages of whatever nature, be admissible in evidence or be the subject of comment by counsel in any action for the recovery of damages arising out of the operation, ownership, or maintenance of a moped or motor vehicle, nor shall anything in this section change any existing law, rule, or procedure pertaining to any such civil action.
Any person who knowingly violates this section shall be guilty of a traffic infraction and be subject to a fine of not more than fifty dollars.

Friday, June 28, 2013

Six Arrested for Drug Violations after Traffic Stop

On June 25, 2013, at approximately 4 p.m., an Ocean City Police officer initiated a traffic stop in the area of 1st Street and Philadelphia Avenue for a seatbelt violation.  After noticing that the six occupants of the vehicle had become scared and nervous, officers requested to search the vehicle.

During the search, officers recovered approximately one-quarter pound of marijuana, over 100 doses of LSD, a butterfly-style knife and over $2,000. The vehicle was also seized as contraband.

The following people have been charged by Ocean City Police:

Eric Michael Livering, 24, of Lebanon, PA
◾Possession of marijuana
◾Possession of LSD
◾Making false statements to a police officer
◾Not restrained by a seatbelt
◾Failure to provide license to a police officer

Joshua Tyler Saverwein, 18, of Lebonon, PA
◾Possession of marijuana
◾Possession of LSD

Seth Richard Shindel, 21, of Lebanon, PA
◾Possession with intent to distribute LSD
◾Possession of LSD
◾Possession of marijuana

Leah Corinne Moyer, 18, Cleono, PA
◾2 counts of possession of LSD with intent to distribute
◾Possession of LSD
◾Possession of marijuana

Ari Ann Hoch, 32, Lebonon, PA
◾2 counts of possession of LSD with intent to distribute
◾Possession of LSD
◾Possession of marijuana
◾Possession of a concealed dangerous weapon

Alfredo Alexander Hernandez, 31, of Palmyra, PA
◾Possession of marijuana
◾Possession of LSD

All six individuals were seen by an Ocean City District Court Commissioner. Livering , Saverwein, Shindel and Hernandez were released. Moyer and Hoch were transferred to the Worcester County Jail on a $2,500 bond.

Ocean City Police Dept.




The Daytime Dynamo mission scheduled for today, June 28, has been scrubbed due to unfavorable weather conditions with high winds, high cloud elevations and storms down range.

A decision will be made later today to determine the next available launch opportunity.

Hogan's Group Grows Larger than O'Malley's - Change Maryland Blasts July 1 Tax and Toll Hikes

Steve Crim
(410) 353-3116


Change Maryland founder Larry Hogan fired up a sold-out crowd of several hundred at a fundraiser last night, "Your family trip to the beach just got a lot more expensive. On July 1 the second round of O'Malley toll increases will take effect and the gas tax increase kicks in at the same time. While you are sitting in traffic at the Bay Bridge for the 4th of July weekend you can thank Governor O'Malley and the monopoly in Annapolis for the 140% increase in tolls, and for giving us the most expensive gas in the region."

Change Maryland, a non-partisan organization, is the largest and fastest growing grassroots movement in the state made up of more than 46,000 people from every jurisdiction in the state. Nearly half of them are Democrats and Independents.

The group's Facebook page includes 10 times more people than Democrat gubernatorial candidate Anthony Brown, and 25 times more than Republican candidate David Craig. In fact, the Change Maryland page has more people engaged on-line than the Maryland Democrat and Republican Parties, and all the potential Democrat and Republican candidates for governor, combined. As of yesterday, Larry Hogan's organization actually surpassed that of his frequent sparring partner, Martin O'Malley, the former Baltimore Mayor, two term governor and candidate for President.

Hogan explained that the impact of the 30% increase in state spending and the 40 consecutive O'Malley-Brown tax increases was that the state has gone from 13 Fortune 500 companies down to 3, we lost 6,500 small businesses, the unemployment rate has nearly doubled and 31,000 taxpayers have fled the state. Hogan then fired up the standing room only crowd with: "Governor O'Malley says he's ‘Moving Maryland Forward'. 

But if that's moving Maryland forward, I say maybe next year, we'll just have to take Maryland back!"

The bipartisan crowd at the Change Maryland event included many top Republican leaders, as well as a former Democratic Governor, a former Speaker of the House and a number of prominent Democrats from across the state. "This isn't just another fight between Democrats and Republicans. It's more important than that. This is a fight for Maryland's future, and it's a fight worth fighting", Hogan said.

In addition to being the founder and Chairman of Change Maryland, Hogan is a successful businessman, and a former state Cabinet Secretary. In 2010 he was the only serious candidate willing to challenge O'Malley, until former Governor Bob Ehrlich entered the race. Ehrlich called him "One of the only Republicans in Maryland who could win." Maryland's most powerful Democrat, Steny Hoyer called Hogan the toughest opponent he has ever faced in his entire career.

--- Attached ---

Change Maryland Facebook Page Comparison.pdf (PDF - 181K)

Follow Us:

This email was sent to pcitypubliceye@gmail.com by info@changemaryland.org


Change Maryland
(410) 266-5100
2661 Riva Road
Suite 300
Annapolis, MD 21401

Coast Guard Units Kickoff "Operation Dry Unit"

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — Coast Guard units and partner agencies will be increasing their presence along the Gulf Coast in support of Operation Dry Water, June 28 – 30.

Operation Dry Water is an annual nationwide campaign during which federal, state and local maritime agencies take to the water to educate boaters and raise awareness that it is unsafe, as well as illegal, to operate a boat under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol.

According to 2012 Coast Guard statistics, alcohol use is the leading contributing factor in fatal boating accidents; it was listed as the leading factor in 17 percent of deaths. States have gotten tougher in recent years in enforcing laws against this high-risk behavior. Operating a recreational vessel with a blood alcohol concentration of .08 or higher is against federal and most state laws.

Boaters caught operating under the influence will have their voyage terminated and their vessel impounded. Additionally, penalties can include arrest, fines, loss of boating privileges, even loss of driving privileges.

Operation Dry Water, launched by the National Association of State Boating Law Administrators in 2009, in partnership with the U.S. Coast Guard, puts thousands of local, state and federal marine law-enforcement officers on the water the weekend before Independence Day to give BUI enforcement high visibility before a holiday known for drinking and boating – and deadly accidents.

"We strongly encourage local Coast Guard units to support and participate with local law enforcement officials in their efforts to remove impaired boat operators from our waterways," said Ed Huntsman, 8th Coast Guard District recreational boating safety coordinator.

The 2-rocket Daytime Dynamo - Launch Today

The 2-rocket Daytime Dynamo mission is on schedule for 9:30 to 11:30 a.m., Friday, June 28.

Live coverage on the Wallops UStream site begins at 8:30.

The rockets will be visible to residents in the Wallops region. The NASA Visitor Center will open at 8 a.m. on launch day for viewing the launches.

Live coverage of the launch is available via UStream beginning at 8:30 a.m. on launch day at:http://www.ustream.tv/channel/nasa-tv-wallops

Launch status can be followed on launch day on Twitter at:http://www.twitter.com/NASA_Wallops and Facebook at:http://www.facebook.com/NASAWFF

Launch status also is available on the Wallops launch status line at 757-824-2050.

Further information on the Daytime Dynamo mission and NASA sounding rockets is available


"Paradise On the Pocomoke"

Make your reservations NOW for the newest partnership/ adventure of the Delmarva Discovery Center
Starting July 4 at 11 AM, the Delmarva Discovery Center and the Pocomoke River Canoe Company will host
 "Paradise on the Pocomoke"
a two hour excursion on the Pocomoke River.
 This program will occur every other Thursday in the summer. $45/boat.
Call Pocomoke River Canoe Company at 410 632-3971 to book your reservation now! Picture yourself on the Pocomoke!

Worcester County Sheriff's Office Warns Of Resurgence of a Telephone and Computer Scam

The Worcester County Sheriff’s Office has seen a resurgence of a telephone and computer scam. The victim will receive a phone call, with the caller saying the victims computer has a virus and needs to be repaired.

The caller needs access remotely and he/she will examine the computer. If granted access, the caller will then say the computer needs to be cleaned and that he/she can do it for a sum of money.

This scam can allow the caller control of the victims computer and also any sensitive data on the computer. The victim usually will also supply the caller with credit card information.

 Treat any form of contact like this, phone call, email ,etc as very dubious in legitimacy. Do not allow remote access or give your personal information to anyone you did not initiate the conversation with.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Pocomoke City Volunteer Fire Company Annual Chicken BBQ

PCVFC Annual 4th of July Chicken BBQ
Thursday, July 4, 2013
Friday, July 5, 2013
Saturday, July 6, 2013
KRW Auto & Golf Cart Sales

1316 Ocean Highway, Pocomoke City, Maryland
 1/2 Chicken + Baked Beans + Potato Salad + Roll $7.00 adult tickets or $8.00 at the door
 Buy tickets from Pocomoke Firefighters or at
 First Shore Federal in Pocomoke!

Traffic Stop Results in Two Drug Arrests

On June 23, 2013, at approximately 10:35 a.m. an Ocean City Police officer stopped a vehicle that was driving on Baltimore Avenue after he noticed neither of the two occupants were wearing seatbelts. As the vehicle was turning off of Baltimore Avenue to stop, the officer noticed the suspects toss a hand rolled cigarette containing marijuana out of the passenger-side window.

On June 23, 2013, at approximately 10:35 a.m. an Ocean City Police officer stopped a vehicle that was driving on Baltimore Avenue after he noticed neither of the two occupants were wearing seatbelts. As the vehicle was turning off of Baltimore Avenue to stop, the officer noticed the suspects toss a hand rolled cigarette containing marijuana out of the passenger-side window.

During the investigation, officers seized marijuana cigarettes, loose marijuana in a plastic bag and drug paraphernalia. Officers determined that driver of the vehicle, Jason Karl Brandt, 20, of Leola, PA, was selling the marijuana. Officers also seized over $900 in cash, a set of nunchaku (nunchucks), and the driver’s vehicle as contraband.

Brandt has been charged by Ocean City Police with possession of marijuana, possession with intent to distribute, possession of a concealed dangerous weapon, possession of nanchaku, and possession of drug paraphernalia.

The passenger of the vehicle, Jason John Kichline, 19, of West Chester, PA, has been charged with possession of marijuana, possession of a concealed dangerous weapon, and possession of nanchaku.

Brandt and Kichline were seen by a Maryland District Court Commissioner and released.

Submitted by:
Ocean City Police Dept.

TIME MACHINE ... This Sunday's Preview.

In 1935 a young man writes a letter to a newspaper near his Pennsylvania home about his life at a CCC (Civilan Conservation Corps) camp in Worcester County. Little did he realize that his letter would be read again by the public now, almost 80 years later, as he shares his interesting and informative comments about the CCC experience from that bygone era. (And is he offering some food for thought about a similar experience that some of today's young people might benefit from?) -tk 

Read about it this Sunday right here at The Pocomoke Puble Eye!

Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? It can be just a line or two, or more if you wish. Send to tkforppe@yahoo.com and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Annual Independence Day Celebration ~ June 30, 2013

New Church Volunteer Fire and Rescue Company To Hold

 Annual Independence Day Celebration
~ June 30 ~ 
 In keeping with tradition the New Church Volunteer Fire and Rescue Company will hold their annual
Independence Day Celebration !!

Join them in their

Sunday, June 30, 2013
4 p.m. until 9:30 p.m.
 New Church firehouse

Beginning @ 4 PM

Carnival rides


Beginning @ 5:30 p.m.
(in its 11th year)

Pedal Tractor Pull for kids

BBQ chicken platters
 half a barbecued chicken, baked beans, and a roll

Oyster fritters
 hot dogs
 boardwalk fries
 funnel cakes
 snow cones
 ice cream
 fresh strawberry shortcake
LIVE AUCTION  7 p.m.  
(one of the favorite events of the evening)
Mike Shannon -  well-known local DJ, will provide entertainment.




Rain date: Sunday, July 7

From The Worcester County Sheriff's Office

 Saturday, June 22, 2013 at 1:51AM a Worcester County Deputy observed what appeared to be a disabled pick-up truck and utility trailer on the shoulder of westbound Ocean Gateway just west of Old Bridge Road, West Ocean City, Maryland. This deputy stopped to offer assistance and observed a white male was standing outside the vehicle looking perplexed at the trailer, truck combination.

The trailer had sheets of formed metal loaded on it that extended up and over the bed of the pick-up truck onto its roof.  The rear window of the pick-up was shattered by the sheets of metal that had shifted. This individual was identified as Nicholas Richard Vilkas, 23 of Hebron Md. There had been prior thefts from business in that area.

The trailer had sheets of formed metal loaded on it that extended up and over the bed of the pick-up truck onto its roof.  The rear window of the pick-up was shattered by the sheets of metal that had shifted. This individual was identified as Nicholas Richard Vilkas, 23 of Hebron Md. There had been prior thefts from business in that area.

Mr. Vilkas was charged with two counts of theft and taken before a District Court Commissioner for an initial appearance. Mr. Vilkas was released on his personal recognizance pending trial.

Saturday,  June 22, 2013 At 8:25 pm Worcester County Sheriff’s Office Deputies  observed a silver Audi traveling east on US Route 50 in Berlin at approximately 100 miles per hour.  The Deputies stopped the vehicle and upon contacting the operator a suspicion of criminal activity was raised. As the rear seat passenger, identified as James D. Owens 20 years of age from Easton Md., exited the vehicle a glass smoking device was located on the seat.  Mr. Owens was also in possession of several unidentified pills.

 Mr.  Owens was charged with possession of a controlled dangerous substance and released pending trial. The driver was cited for speeding, reckless driving, negligent driving, and following too closely. 

Lt. Edward C. Schreier
Worcester County Sheriff’s Office

Heat Safety and Preparedness

During extremely hot days this summer, take precautions to protect your health and safety and the health of your children, neighbors and pets.

The health department has a complete heat emergency preparedness brochure avaible here:
Heat Emergency Preparedness. 

People at high risk for heat-related illness include infants, young children, people over age 65 as well as people who have a personal or family history of heat illness or symptoms, mental health diagnoses, sickle cell trait or disease, personal history of severe muscle pain with activity or heat injury, or use of supplements containing metabolic stimulants, caffeine and other medications.

Health officials advise residents to be familiar with the signs and symptoms of heat stroke, heat stress and heat cramps:
  • Heat stroke is the most serious heat-related illness. Symptoms are hot, dry skin, shallow breathing, a rapid, weak pulse and confusion. Heat stroke occurs when a person’s body temperature exceeds 105 degrees Fahrenheit and could render the victim unconscious. Call for emergency medical treatment. If possible, relocate the person to an air-conditioned room while awaiting an ambulance.
  • Heat exhaustion is characterized by heavy sweating, weakness, cold, pale, clammy skin. There may be fainting and vomiting. Someone suffering from heat exhaustion should be moved to a cool area out of direct sunlight and sponge bathed in cool water and fanned. Give one cup of water to the individual every 15 minutes for one hour. Do not return to heat exposure, work or exercise that day.
  • Heat cramps are characterized by painful spasms, usually in muscles of legs and abdomen and by heaving sweating. To relieve heat cramps, apply firm pressure on cramping muscles or gently massage the muscles. Give a cup of water every 15 minutes for one hour. Discontinue exercise and do not return to heat exposure or exercise that day.
For heat safety tips visit  http://www.cdc.gov/Features/ExtremeHeat/.
You may also call the Worcester County Health Department at 410-632-1100. Follow our updates on facebook.com/worcesterhealth and on twitter.com/WorcesterHealth.

LIVE: Godspell ~ Featuring Local Talent

Maybe you remember it from the 70's...

Godspell is a high-energy retelling of the parables and the passion of Christ.

 Based on scriptures found in the Gospel of Matthew, Godspell is a bright, musical, modern portrayal of the community that Jesus formed with his disciples - trading in materialism and unhappiness for the joy that comes from forgiveness, unconditional love, and a child-like faith.  Using pantomime, pop-culture references, and an unconventional setting.

The Mar-Va's summer-themed version of the show will have you singing, laughing, crying, and treasuring that which is most dear.

Directed by
Jay & Alicia Burton
featuring local talent
Jay Burton is excited to be joining the Mar-Va team for the first time as both co-director and actor (Jesus) in "Godspell"!  Originally from Pocomoke, Jay grew up singing locally and playing in the PHS marching band.  After high school he went on to perform with the group Broadway Magic (Kutztown University).  He later moved to Lancaster, PA where he worked for eight years at Sight and Sound Theatres both onstage and behind the scenes.  Favorite roles there include the Tomb Angel in "Behold the Lamb" and Michael the Archangel in "Miracle of Christmas".  Jay has also performed in the southern gospel quartet, "Zion's Cry", performed as Schroeder in Basketcase Productions', "You're a Good Man Charlie Brown", and has been a featured soloist in shows with the Lancaster-based PRIMA Theatre Company. He is thrilled to be back in his hometown sharing his love of theatre and music with our enthusiastic cast!
Alicia Burton hails originally from Columbus, OH where she grew up performing in church, various choirs, community theatre, and performing arts schools.  She earned a BA in Musical Theatre from Palm Beach Atlantic University where she received such honors as the 2004 PBAU Best Actress Award, and was a two-time Irene Ryan Award Nominee. She met her husband, Jay, while performing at Sight and Sound Theatres where she appeared in "Behold the Lamb," "Miracle of Christmas," "Ruth," "In the Beginning," "Daniel," and "Joseph".  Some favorite past roles include Natalia Stepanovna in Chechov's "The Proposal", Queen Gertrude in "Hamlet", Elizabeth in "Miracle of Christmas", and Snoopy in "You're a Good Man Charlie Brown".  Recently she spends her days working at the YMCA, teaching/coaching voice and acting, and chasing around her adorable one-year-old, Jaxson.  Alicia is excited to join the Mar-Va for both Godspell and Theatre Academy this summer!
June 28th & 29th
7 PM
June 30th
2 PM
$15/adult; $7/12 & under
Tickets are on sale NOW!

Mar-Va Theater Box Office & Online
Market Street Deli
Enchanted Florist
T's Corner

Beginning Monday Drivers Can Be Stopped For Texting and Driving

Time is running out for you to send that text. 

Starting Monday, it will cost you more if you text while driving in Virginia.

Starting July 1st, texting and driving will be a primary offense meaning police can pull you over.

Right now, aw enforcement can only pull you over for another offense, like speeding, and give you a second ticket for texting.

The new law means you’ll pay $125 for a first offense and $250 for any others.


Ocean City Police K-9 Graduates from Training

K-9 Goro
The Ocean City Police Department’s newest K-9 team recently graduated from a six-week training program at Shallow Creek Kennels training facility in Sharpsville, Pennsylvania. Both Ofc. Nicholas Forsyth and his K-9 partner Goro are currently certified by the North American Police Work Dog Association as patrol and drug detection police K-9. They join an elite group of K-9 patrol teams, which are an integral part of the Ocean City Police Department.

Goro, a 18-month-old Belgian Malinois, is specially trained and came to the Ocean City Police Department from Holland, where he received specialized training for law enforcement duties. In addition to his training in Holland, Goro and Ofc. Forsyth received additional patrol/narcotics schooling, which develops the capabilities and physical conditioning of both the handler and K-9 alike. Upon completion of their training, both were certified by the North American Police Working Dog Association and the
Ofc. Forsyth and Goro

Maryland Police and Corrections Training Commission.

Once on patrol, the new K-9 team is authorized to respond to calls for service and is often among the first specialized units to be called to a scene. Their specific skills, including apprehension techniques, obedience, narcotics detection, searching and tracking, are a critical asset to the Ocean City Police Department. In addition to their duties and responsibilities on the road, K-9 units participate in continual training, community events and public relations functions, self-initiated patrol and/or rendering assistance to state and county law enforcement patrols in the Ocean City area.

Ocean City Police Dept.

The Annual Snow Hill Canoe Joust and Fire Works

The  Annual Snow Hill Canoe Joust and Fire Works
Sturgis Park
Snow Hill, Maryland
Saturday, July 6, 2013
10:00 AM
 FOOD and BEVERAGES served during the day and evening. An excellent show for the entire family.
Come out and say hello to your neighbors and your
local Law Enforcement and the
Snow Hill Volunteer Fire Department
Fireworks begin approximately 9pm.