Monday, July 22, 2013

Unemployment Doubles Under O'Malley

Inline image 1

Unemployment Doubles Under O'Malley

For Immediate Release
July 22, 2013

Contact: Steve Crim

Governor Martin O'Malley issued another self congratulatory and blatantly false statement n a press released issued Friday saying: "As a state we've now recovered more than 99% of the jobs lost in the national economic downturn - a significant step forward in our job creation and recovery effort." 

As he travels around  the country, he continually touts his success at job growth and "driving down unemployment."There's just one problem, it's just not true. The irrefutable facts show the actual situation to be completely the opposite of his false claims.

When Martin O'Malley became Governor in January 2007 the unemployment rate was 3.6%, on the very day of O'Malley's latest outrageous claim, unemployment rose to 7%. So rather than driving unemployment down, as he claims, unemployment has, in fact, nearly doubled under the O'Malley Administration.

When O'Malley took the reins of state government in January 2007 there were 108,096 people unemployed in Maryland, today after nearly seven years of his leadership, there are now 218,741 people unemployed. That is an increase of 110,645 additional people unemployed and represents an increase in unemployment of more than 100%.

"This is a tragedy, these aren't just terrible numbers, these are real people, fathers and mothers struggling to make ends meet, to keep a roof over their head, put clothes on their kids back and food on the table," said Change Maryland Chairman Larry Hogan. 

Hogan, a successful businessman, who has brought hundreds of companies and thousands of jobs to Maryland said, "Sometimes politicians think that if they repeat something enough times people will eventually believe it. Governor O'Malley is pretty good at weaving magical tales with no basis in reality. But, no amount false spin can change the cold hard fact that no other Governor in Maryland history has ever lost as many jobs as Martin O'Malley has."

Change Maryland hosted an Summit on Improving Maryland's Economic Competitiveness looking for solutions to the State's serious economic problems, and has produced numerous economic studies and reports showing that the 40 consecutive O'Malley tax hikes have caused us to lose more than 6,500 businesses including 10 of our 13 Fortune 500 companies, and have caused a mass exodus of taxpayers fleeing the state in record numbers.

"The time for results is long overdue. There are no more excuses left for the O'Malley Administration? After nearly seven years of failed economic policy, there is no one to blame but themselves. We need Democrats, Republicans and Independents to put aside partisanship and work together on the shared goal of increasing employment is Maryland. The need for a real change in direction for Maryland has never been more clear," said Hogan, a former State Cabinet Secretary.

Change Maryland is the largest independent citizen activist group in Maryland, and advocates for pro-jobs policy in the state. The movement is made up of of more than 50,000 people from every jurisdiction in the state, and was founded by Hogan, who is also a Director of the Maryland Public Policy Institute, a respected economic think tank and policy group.

Sunday, July 21, 2013


(Reader-friendly viewing of newspaper archives material)


I'm away this week and have selected this item from the Time Machine archive which, perhaps, you may have missed when it was originally posted or would like to read again. Next Sunday, July 28th, we'll have a first-time posting of a big local story that gained national attention in 1937. -tk


December, 1878
(The New York Times)

Every man for himself is emphatically the modern sentiment, and there are some signs of completing this declaration of independence by adding the clause "Every woman for herself, also."



What is more clear than the fact that now no family is left to itself and to its own traditions and habits, but that the most out-of-the-way homes, whether in the backwoods or on the distant coast, are within reach of the world's vast and intense life, and no strangers to its hopes and fears, its learning and its folly, its triumphs and its disasters.

Not only every family that takes a newspaper, but every person who hears the village gossip, knows what is going on all over the globe, and every man who has to buy or sell anything, has cause to revise his estimates from day to day; and very often men lose their appetite for their breakfast by news from the great market of America or Europe that prices have changed sadly to their hurt. A considerable proportion of pain goes with the news of the day, and a large portion of unwholesomeness, for disasters and scandals are dwelt upon with more minuteness than successes and satisfactions, and no great bargains or great weddings are reported half as fully as great frauds and great divorce and scandals.

It is not remarkable that the rich and conspicuous should strive to outshine each other in dress and living, but the remarkable thing is that in our modern life there are now no radical distinctions of class or fortune in costume or habits, and that all persons, and especially all women, follow the same fashions as far as they can, and catch the course of the same social ambition. So far as street dress is concerned, the wives, and especially the daughters, of the poorer classes, make, relatively, far more display than their richer neighbors, and to a certain extent, the exactions of modern society are in the inverse proportion of means and abilities, since they who have least fortune and talent are subject to the same high pressure from the reigning mode, and women who are not usually trained to earn their own living are beset by the same ruling passion for dress and ornament.

The palace of merchants and bankers, and the cottages of farmers and mechanics among us have a similar story to tell. Indeed it may be set down as part of the universal strain on modern living, that its exactions are out of proportion to its means, and the exaction presses upon every family, while the means at hand vary from wealth, or what is called competency, down to limitation and want.

Surely our modern living is under great strain, and many lives break down beneath the pressure. 

Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? It can be just a line or two, or more if you wish. Send to and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

For Immediate Release

Mike Latimer
2146 Old Snow Hill Rd, unit 1
Pocomoke MD

For Immediate Release

Don’t miss your chance to get a FREE backpack full of school supplies for your child before the new school year!

We encourage you to bring your children to your local The Cellular Connection store at 2146 Old Snow Hill Rd, next to Dollar Tree, in Pocomokebetween noon and 2 p.m. on Saturday, Aug. 3 to pick up a free backpack filled with pencils, paper, a pencil box, folder, glue and more. It’s as simple as that: just come in and ask for a backpack. Your local TCC store will be donating between 100 and 150 backpacks, which will be given away on a first-come, first-served basis while supplies last.

TCC is the largest Verizon Premium Wireless Retailer in the U.S. In a joint effort with its customers, the company is donating a total of 60,000 backpacks full of school supplies to children across the country through the School Rocks Backpack Giveaway initiative.

More information about the School Rocks Backpack Giveaway initiative is available on YouTube. Supporters of the cause are encouraged to use hashtag #TCCRocks on Instagram and Twitter to help spread the word.

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YouTube - Videos from this email

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Change Maryland Grows to 50,000

Join the fight to Change Maryland! Follow us: Twitter Facebook
Check out our Website
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Stay Informed

Letter from the Chairman
Dear Friends,
I have spent a lifetime challenging the status quo, fighting against tax increases and wasteful spending, fighting to reform government and to make Maryland a better place. And in spite of the tremendous odds stacked against us, I am not ready to give up the fight.
Our mission quite simply is to organize, inform and energize average Marylanders to fight back and to bring some much needed fiscal restraint and common sense to Annapolis.
All Marylanders - Republicans, Democrats and Independents - suffer when the professional politicians and the special interest groups go unchecked and continue to push the same failed tax and spend policies, year after year.
The sad truth is that the one-party monopoly that rules Annapolis has a failed record of lost jobs, higher spending, record tax increases and broken promises. I think it's time we said 'enough is enough.' The time has come for us to stand up together and fight back for a change.
My hope is that you won't give up on our state and that you will become a part of this important fight forMaryland's future. With your help, with all of us working together, I truly believe that we can send a loud and clear message to Annapolis and that we can Change Maryland for the better.
Please join us by "liking" our ChangeMaryland facebook page, and going to our website at to volunteer, contribute and join the fight!

Change Maryland, the state's largest and fastest-growing, independent, nonpartisan grassroots movement, has surged to 50,000 members, from every single county and jurisdiction in Maryland. Founded in 2011 by successful business leader and former Maryland Cabinet Secretary Larry Hogan, the organization's primary mission is to increase the state's economic performance and job growth. The group has built a dominating presence on social media with more people engaged online than the Maryland Democratic Party, the Maryland Republican Party and all of the potential statewide candidates of either party, added together. Change Maryland's Facebook page has a total weekly reach of over 341,153 people. No other citizen group in the state has ever accomplished what Change Maryland has, in just over two years.

Read more»

Change Maryland Blasts July 1 Tax and Toll Hikes

Change Maryland founder Larry Hogan fired up a sold-out crowd of several hundred at a fundraiser last Thursday, "Your family trip to the beach just got a lot more expensive. Today, the second round of O'Malley toll increases took effect and the gas tax increase kicked in at the same time. While you are sitting in traffic at the Bay Bridge for the 4th of July weekend you can thank Governor O'Malley and the monopoly in Annapolis for the 140% increase in tolls, and for giving us the most expensive gas in the region."

Read more»

Hogan's Group Grows Larger than O'Malley's

Change Maryland, a non-partisan organization, is the largest and fastest growing grassroots movement in the state made up of more than 46,000 people from every jurisdiction in the state. Nearly half of them are Democrats and Independents. The group's Facebook page includes 10 times more people than Democrat gubernatorial candidate Anthony Brown, and 25 times more than Republican candidate David Craig. In fact, the Change Maryland page has more people engaged on-line than the Maryland Democrat and Republican Parties, and all the potential Democrat and Republican candidates for governor, combined. As of yesterday, Larry Hogan's organization actually surpassed that of his frequent sparring partner, Martin O'Malley, the former Baltimore Mayor, two term governor and candidate for President.

Read more»

Another Month, and Job Losses Continue for Maryland Families

"Every month in Maryland is like Groundhog's Day – over and over again we hear this administration talk about jobs, yet more times than not, Maryland families wake up to learn once again our state has lost jobs," said Larry Hogan. "Career politicians think that if they say something enough times, it will eventually become true. And while the O'Malley-Brown administration likes to talk about jobs, the cold harsh reality is that 5,700 hard working Marylanders lost their job last month."

Read more»

Hogan hopes Change Maryland is the ticket

"'We're the largest and fastest growing grassroots organization in Maryland,' Hogan said in an interview, with 10 times more 'likes' than Lt. Gov. Anthony Brown. His nonprofit group has more thumbs-up than all the candidates of both parties combined."

Read the story here»
Paid for by Change Maryland

Pocomoke Area Chamber of Commerce Newsletter


RSVP for Thursday
July 18 General Membership Luncheon
at the Upper Deck
 at noon with speakers Worcester County Commissioner Merrill Lockfaw and
Maryland State Delegate Mike McDermott.
 Please notice the date change from Wednesday to Thursday
Next month's lunch will return to the regular Wednesday schedule

Please RSVP or 410-957-1919 with your menu
selection from below. Lunch is $12.

1. Chef salad
2. Crispy chicken Caesar wrap
3. Fried fish sandwich

Hope to see you there!

  Upcoming Events
for many more see<>

 Free Yoga at the
Pocomoke Branch Library
Tuesdays, 5:30-6:30
RSVP required by 4:30 Tuesdays
Please email Shuli at

Pocomoke Branch Library
 Story Time
for 2 to 5 year old children
 Wed, July 17, 10:30am - 11:30am
Stories, Rhymes, Fingers Plays, Music and Crafts. A different theme each

 Mike Rose: "Magic You Will Dig" at the Pocomoke Branch Library
 Thu, July 18, 2pm - 3pm
An action packed, hilarious magic show full of no-holds-barred comedy.
Suitable for the whole family.

 Worcester County 4-H ~Adventurers Club ~

Change Maryland Grows to 50,000 People

For Immediate Release
July 16, 2013

Contact: Steve Crim
ANNAPOLIS - Change Maryland, the state's largest and fastest-growing, independent, nonpartisan grassroots movement, has surged to 50,000 members, from every single county and jurisdiction in Maryland. Founded in 2011 by successful business leader and former Maryland Cabinet Secretary Larry Hogan, the organization's primary mission is to increase the state's economic performance and job growth. The group has built a dominating presence on social media with more people engaged online than the Maryland Democratic Party, the Maryland Republican Party and all of the potential statewide candidates of either party, added together. Change Maryland's Facebook page has a total weekly reach of over 341,153 people. No other citizen group in the state has ever accomplished what Change Maryland has, in just over two years.

Nearly half the organization's members are Democrats and Independents. "The only way to bring about real change in Maryland is to build a coalition of Republicans, Independents, and fiscally conservative and moderate Democrats to work together. That is exactly what Change Maryland has been doing so effectively. We are uniting people of all parties to work together to bring reform, fiscal responsibility, and common-sense to Annapolis. This isn't just another fight between Democrats and Republicans, it's more important than that. This is a fight for Maryland's economic future, and it's a fight worth fighting!", Hogan said.

Change Maryland gained national prominence with the production of numerous economic studies that have shown the impact of 40 consecutive O'Malley-Brown tax increases, that take an additional $3.1 billion annually out of the pockets of struggling Maryland families and small businesses. The group has highlighted the fact that Maryland is no longer competitive with other states in the region, that we have lost 6,500 businesses and that our unemployment rate has nearly doubled under the O'Malley-Brown Administration. A well-publicized taxpayer migration study by Change Maryland showed that the state had the largest mass exodus of any state in the region and that 31,000 taxpayers have fled the state, taking $1.7 billion per year out of Maryland's economy. Change Maryland hosted an Economic Summit on Improving Maryland's Economic Competitiveness, which brought together economists, think-tanks, Federal, State and local government officials, and over 400 top business leaders, to focus on finding solutions to the state's serious economic problems.

Change Maryland founder and Chairman Larry Hogan is also the founder, President and CEO of the Hogan Companies, leaders in economic development who have brought hundreds of companies and thousands of jobs to Maryland, and have done over $2 billion in business in the state. Hogan left his business for public service as a State Cabinet Secretary from 2003-2007, appointing over 7,000 people to all three branches of state government. In 2010, Hogan was the only serious challenger willing to take on O'Malley, and was considered by many to be the presumed Republican nominee for Governor, until former Governor Bob Ehrlich decided to enter the race. Bob Ehrlich called Hogan one of the only Republicans in the state with a chance to win. Maryland's most powerful Democrat, Steny Hoyer called Hogan the toughest opponent he has ever faced in his entire career.

David Craig Announces Lt. Governor Running Mate

Annapolis - Harford County Executive David Craig announced his Lt. Governor running mate today saying she is “capable of being Governor on day one.”

Jeannie Haddaway, who has served as a Delegate representing the Eastern Shore for nearly ten years, brings legislative leadership, committee experience and a wide-ranging policy background to the Craig ticket.   She started her own graphic design business in 2003 and held environmental policy positions in the government and non-profit sectors prior to holding elective office.   She is a longtime advocate for policies that protect women, children and families.

“The Lt. Governor is too important a position to tell them to go in a corner for eight years and dabble on public policy experiments and
come out to attend press conferences for the cameras," said Craig.  "I chose Jeannie because she will actually help me run the government."

Craig, who has extensive experience in local office, also chose Haddaway because she understands rural Maryland and the importance of county and municipal government in an era of unbridled state power affecting land use, public schools and transportation.   Characterizing the Eastern Shore as a region that represents a disproportionate amount of “forgotten Marylanders,” Craig has been pushing a theme of getting state government  aligned with the aspirations of the vast majority of Marylanders.

Craig will widen the portfolio of the Lt. Governor beyond that seen in any modern Administration, where Haddaway will help rejuvenate the state’s lackluster record on job growth, business retention and recruitment.

"Many have heard me criticize the O’Malley/Brown Administration," said Haddaway. "It is not criticism for the sake of being critical.  The
arrogance of power in Annapolis has cost us a great deal, but especially so when it comes to job creation.  We must do better."

Haddaway comes from an Eastern Shore family who made their living in agriculture and commercial fishing.  Her husband, Joe Riccio, is a real estate broker, and they reside in St. Michaels with their dog Max.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

TIME MACHINE ... 1929, 1909, 1930, 1982, 1897

(Reader-friendly viewing of newspaper archives material)

August, 1929
(Denton Journal)

A Street Afire

The intense heat of summer is said to cause asphalt paved streets in some of our cities to expand for several inches, but it remained for Crisfield to furnish the first instance in the country's history where a highway actually caught fire. One day last week children playing with matches on "Paper Street," set off a lot of trash and paper which had been dumped there by the city garbage man and it required the local fire department to put the blaze out, as the flames were spreading desperately near to several large buildings. "Paper Street" runs parallel to Main Street and is a continuation of Broadway. It runs through the marsh and is being constructed of garbage and waste paper, collected by the city garbage man. In this way the city has found it inexpensive to build the street and at the same time to provide a dumping place for waste paper.


May, 1909  (Time Machine archive)
(Trenton Evening Times- Trenton, N.J.)


NEW CHURCH, VA., MAY 20 - There is a strip of land of considerable area lying between here and Pocomoke City, Md., that for more than a century truly has been called "No Man's Land." It is not within the recollection of the oldest resident of Accomac County, Va., or of Worcester County, Md., that anyone ever has laid claim to it, nor are there any records of it in the courts of either county. Even the question as to which of the two states the land belongs has been considered seriously.

Not a few of the older residents hold the opinion that the land does not even belong to the United States, some of them going so far as to say that, if it belongs to any country at all, it is England's as the mother country owned everything down this way before the Declaration of Independence changed ownerships, and they think it more than likely that, in dividing up, Maryland and Virginia overlooked "No Man's Land," leaving it out in the cold and making of it a miniature territory unto itself, without a ruler.

There are between 300 and 400 acres of virgin soil in the tract that could be made to produce bumper crops, but no one cultivates it, and, so far as is known today, there is no one who has any desire to do so. For some unaccountable reason it does not appeal strongly to the farmers and truckers of this section, and they always take good care to steer clear of the apparently hoodooed land.  

November, 1930
(Cumberland Evening Times)


Unearthed By Worcester Co. Roads Engineer Employees At St Martin's
Pocomoke City, Md., Nov. 22 (AP)- What is believed to be an ancient burying ground of the great tribe of Pocomoke Indians, that roamed the Eastern Shore 300 years ago, has been unearthed at St. Martin's by employees of the Worcester County roads engineer's office who are constructing an improved road in that vicinity. The relics disclosed have been found on the Noah Adkins farm and the excavation of several loads of sand from a nearby hill, for use on the road, unearthed arrow heads, tomahawk stones, pewter bowls and parts of skeletons. Since several hundred loads of sand remain to be taken from the hill engineers are interested in prospects of digging other relics of other days.

September, 1982

Pocomoke City Mayor J. Dawson Clarke was to be one of five Maryland mayors to be featured in the 1983 winter issue of Maryland Magazine according to The Maryland Municipal League bulletin. The other mayors featured would be from Baltimore, Frederick, Easton, and LaPlata. The bulletin stated "these mayors were selected for the article because of their innovative and creative approach in managing their city/town and also because of the variety in population, size, and geographic location. The Department Of Economic And Community Development published the quarterly magazine. 

March, 1897 

(Emmet County Republican- Estherville, Iowa)

William Moore, of Snow Hill, Md., on a wager of 5 cents, attempted to kiss a possum and is now mourning the loss of part of his nose.

Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? It can be just a line or two, or more if you wish. Send to and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!

Thursday, July 11, 2013

TIME MACHINE ... This Sunday's Preview.


1929.. Crisfield's "Paper Street;" 1909.. An Eastern Shore "No Man's Land," 1930.. Indian burial ground found in Worcester County, 1982.. Maryland Magazine feature includes Pocomoke City's Mayor Clarke, 1897.. Bad wager for Snow Hill man.
  Although you may not find these items in a history book, they are a part of our local history and you can read more about it this Sunday right here at The Pocomoke Public Eye!

Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? It can be just a line or two, or more if you wish. Send to and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Delmarva Discovery Center / " DIVE DIOLOG"

Has anyone out there missed
 'Dive Dialogue'?

Join us for the shenanigans of
 Scorchy, the diamondback terrapin
and Sarah!



July 9, 2013
 The Pocomoke City Police Department is currently conducting an investigation in reference to citizens receiving phone calls from an unknown subject demanding money, stating that a family member was involved in an accident and has been kidnapped. The suspect may restrict their phone number to avoid detection and has personal information about a family member. The suspect tells the person that a family member has been involved in an accident and/or has been kidnapped and is being held hostage. The suspect then attempts to obtain bank account information or instructs them to wire money to a certain location. The suspect claims that once the money is received, the family member will no longer be in any danger.

Anyone receiving a phone call of this nature should make contact with their family member and confirm that they are not in any danger. Do not provide any personal information or send any money to the caller. Attempt to obtain information about the caller to include a phone number and notify the police immediately.

Anyone with information about these types of incidents should contact the Pocomoke City Police at (410) 957-1600.

Kelvin D. Sewell

Chief of Police

Sunday, July 7, 2013

TIME MACHINE ... 2005, 1920, 1909, 1963, 1933

(Reader-friendly viewing of newspaper archives material)

January, 2005
(The Sunday Capital- Annapolis, Md.)

Report: Md.-Va. ferry could profit


FREDERICKSBURG, Va. (AP)- Despite a startup cost that could approach $47 million, a study suggests that a ferry across the Chesapeake Bay from Virginia's Northern Neck to the Eastern Shore could be profitable.

The draft study predicts that more than 200,00 cars and trucks a year would use a ferry between Reedville, Va., and Crisfield, Md., which are separated by 38 miles of water.

A ferry could make the crossing in about two hours, while the Chesapeake Bay Bridge-Tunnel is a 220-mile, five-hour journey. By the Bay Bridge at Annapolis, the trip is about 270 miles and six hours.

Previous studies have concluded a ferry could help the rural economies of the two regions by improving cross-bay commerce, and enhancing tourism. The latest study reaffirms a previous conclusion that 20-knot, twin-hulled ferries may be too expensive for the run.

The study, however, suggests that two off-shore vessels be converted to ferries at a cost of about $3 million each. At 16.5 knots, a converted vessel would take about 20-minutes longer to make the run than a 20-knot boat.

Using converted service vessels might lower the capital costs of the entire system to $19 million. A Reedville terminal might cost between $5 million and $6 million, the Crisfield terminal about $1 million more, and a maintenance facility about $2 million, according to the study, the contents of which were released Saturday by The Free-Lance Star.

With fares in the $32 to $40 range, the study says the converted service boats should expect annual income of $8.7 million, expenses of $7.1 million, and profit of $1.6 million.

The ferry studies have been commissioned by a coalition of local governments and other interested parties on both sides of the bay, but neither Northumberland County nor Somerset County, Md., has committed funds to the enterprise.

The counties, however, should now back the proposal with money, the report says.
August, 1920
(The Washington Post)
Pocomoke City, Md., Aug.18- Francis F. Thomas, 21 years old, a brakeman in the employ of the New York, Philadelphia, and Norfolk railroad, had a miraculous escape from death yesterday at Pocomoke City when he fell from the top of a freight car to the tracks beneath the moving train, which was switching cars. Despite the fact that an engine and twenty loaded cars passed over his body, he escaped with slight injuries, no bones being broken. 

October, 1909
(The Washington Post)

Parksley Church In Ashes

Special To the Washington Post.

Parksley, Va., Oct 20- The Methodist Protestant Church here was destroyed by fire tonight, which originated from the heater in the cellar. Before discovered it had gained such headway it was beyond control. The parsonage and other dwellings close by were saved after a hard fight. Loss estimated at about $3,000.

January, 1963 (Time Machine archive)

New officers installed by the Pocomoke City Kiwanis Club were:

Robert Pike, President
Gene Lusby, Vice President
William Murdock, Secretary-Treasurer
Board Of Directors:
A.T. Harmon
Paul Ehrenwald
Woody Selby
Ben Cohen
Norris Outten
Elmer Pryor
William Buchanan (outgoing president)

Receiving perfect attendance pins were Mr. Cohen for nine years; Mr. Selby eight years; Mr.Pryor and Mr. Outten seven years; Reds Harmon four years; and Mr. Buchanan one year.

November, 1933
(Reno Evening Gazette- Reno, Nevada)

Milk Trucks Carry Water To Fight Fire

Snow Hill, Md., Nov. 15- (AP)- When neighboring farmers and volunteer firemen couldn't put out the fire in the farm house of Walter Shockley, the milkmen did the job.

Shockley's electric pump broke down. The Snow Hill fire company ran out of chemicals. But a fleet of milk trucks was passing. The drivers drove to Snow Hill, filled their milk cans with water and rushed back to the farm to put out the flames.

Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? It can be just a line or two, or more if you wish. Send to and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Coast Guard Medevacs Woman From Sailboat

PORTSMOUTH, Va. — The Coast Guard medevaced an 66-year-old woman Friday from a 45-foot sailboat at the entrance of the Cape Fear River near Wilmington, N.C.

Crewmembers aboard the sailboat Valaudrey contacted Coast Guard Sector North Carolina watchstanders via VHF-FM channel 16 at approximately 5 p.m., reporting a woman had lost consciousness.

Watchstanders dispatched a Coast Guard Station Oak Island crew aboard a 47-foot Motor Life Boat to assist.

The crew arrived on scene, transferred the woman from the Valaudrey to the Coast Guard boat and took her to Station Oak Island, where she was met by awaiting Burnswick County emergency medical services personnel.

U.S. Coast Guard

TIME MACHINE ... This Sunday's Preview

2005.. Positive study for across-the-bay ferry to Crisfield; 1920.. Miraculous escape on Pocomoke tracks; 1909.. Parksley church fire; 1963.. Pocomoke City Kiwanis Club's new officers; 1933.. Milk trucks put out fire near Snow Hill.

Although you may not find these items in a history book, they are a part of our local history and you can read more about it this Sunday right here at The Pocomoke Public Eye!

Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? It can be just a line or two, or more if you wish. Send to and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!

Snow Hill V. F. C. Canoe Joust TODAY !

Come  TODAY  for the Joust!!!
Sign Up at 10.
Joust at noon!

During the joust food and drinks will be available.

After joust live music, food and drinks available.

Fireworks at dark. Then also live music after fireworks with bar available till mid night!

Friday, July 5, 2013


 New Church Volunteer Fire Department
5 pm to 8 pm
 Cheese or Pepperoni Pizza
All proceeds go to support the

 New Church Volunteer Fire Department.

Thursday, July 4, 2013


TIME MACHINE ... This Sunday's Preview

2005.. Positive study for across-the-bay ferry to Crisfield; 1920.. Miraculous escape on Pocomoke tracks; 1909.. Parksley church fire; 1963.. Pocomoke City Kiwanis Club's new officers; 1933.. Milk trucks put out fire near Snow Hill.

Although you may not find these items in a history book, they are a part of our local history and you can read more about it this Sunday right here at The Pocomoke Public Eye!

Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? It can be just a line or two, or more if you wish. Send to and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

July 3, 2013 - Convicted Arsonist- David Clifton Parks- Gets 20 Years

David Clifton Parks, 38, of Melfa, Virginia, was sentenced today for his conviction in an April 11, 2012 arson
on Sheephouse Road in Pocomoke City, Worcester County, Maryland.  Worcester County Circuit Court Judge Thomas C. Groton, III sentenced Parks to 20 years for the Second Degree Arson conviction.  Judge Groton suspended 8 years.  Additionally Parks was sentenced to 5 years supervised probation with mandatory alcohol and mental health consoling with GPS monitoring upon his parole.  Parks was also ordered (to pay) restitution to the family in the amount of $2,900.  During the sentencing today, Parks admitted to setting the fire and said he had "a problem with setting fires".  During the procedures today, Parks' defense attorney stated he was a firefighter.  Judge Groton quickly corrected the Defense and said, "He was a firefighter back in 2006 when he was convicted in Wicomico County of arson, he was not a firefighter in 2012."   Fire Marshal Jeff McMahon was asked to give a statement in which he stated, "With the conviction of two arsons it is clear Mr. Parks has a problem. 

Photo /Worcester Couty Fire Marsh Office

 Although the fire he (Parks) set was in an unoccupied structure, the hazards to the responding firefighter still exist.  These firefighters are volunteers and in addition to being placed in harms way during the supression of the fire, they also may be injured responding to and returning from the fires."  A family member also made a statement in which she expressed the stress on the family.

According to Worcester County Fire Marshal Jeff McMahon, after a lengthy investigation, Parks was arrested on August 14, 2012 and the trial was held in April 2013. Parks was found guilty on all four charges including Second Degree Arson, Malicious Burning, Malicious Destruction of Property and Reckless Enlargement. In 2006, Parks was charged with setting several fires in Salisbury, Maryland.  He was convicted of setting at least one of the fires in 2006 for which he served time in the Maryland Correctional System.


Worcester County Sheriff’s Office Press Release

 In the afternoon of July 2, 2013 a Worcester County Sheriff’s Office Deputy responded to a residence on Jarvis Rd for a burglary.

   The home owner stated that an older gentleman, possibly in his 60`s, wearing sunglasses, a black shirt, khaki shorts, and light colored socks and shoes, and had dark colored hair that appeared to be balding, came onto the property and opened a storage shed. The suspect then looked into the residence before leaving the property. 
     The suspect was further described as tall with a skinny build.  The suspect was operating a newer model white Ford Super Duty with 4 doors and had a silver colored folding ladder in the bed.  The vehicle had unknown Delaware registration.
If anyone has information in regards to this incident please contact the Worcester County Sheriff’s Office 410-632-1111.

Car Wash / Bake Sale To Benefit Courtney Bloxom & Family on Saturday


Mar-Va Theater This Weeked !

Friday, July 5th at 7 PM
Saturday, July 6th at 7 PM
Tickets: $5

Annual Forth of July Fireworks Celebration / Chincoteague

The Town of Chincoteague will host its
 Annual Forth of July Fireworks Celebration
10 p.m.
 Carnival Grounds on Main Street
Free transportation to and from the Carnival Grounds is available via the Town Shuttle Buses with free parking available at Chincoteague High School on North Main Street.


City Ordinance Violation Leads to Drug and Weapons Arrest

On June 30, 2012, at approximately 5:50 a.m. Ocean City Police officers observed a vehicle parked on 5th Street that was occupied by three sleeping individuals. As officers approached and spoke with the occupants, officers could smell marijuana coming from inside the vehicle.
After requesting to do a search of the vehicle, officers recovered marijuana, paraphernalia, MDMA, a concealed knife and a loaded .38 Special revolver.

All three occupants of the vehicle were arrested and charged with the following:

Tyrone Winston Lee, 25, of Plymouth, PA

  • Handgun in vehicle
  • Possession of MDMA
  • Possession of marijuana
  • Possession of drug paraphernalia
Desmond James Matthews, 22, of Willingboro, NJ
  • Handgun in vehicle
  • Possession of MDMA
  • Possession of marijuana
  • Possession of drug paraphernalia
Malcolm LaKnight Bates, 22, of Plymouth, PA
  • Handgun in vehicle
  • Possession of a concealed deadly weapon
  • Possession of marijuana
  • Possession of MDMA
Lee, Matthews and Bates were seen by an Ocean City District Court Commissioner and released without bond.
Ocean City Police Dept.

David Craig Calls on General Assembly to Repeal 'Rain Tax'

David Craig Calls on General Assembly to Repeal 'Rain Tax'
Harford County Executive David Craig today called on the Maryland General Assembly to repeal the so-called rain tax in the next legislative session.   Craig, a candidate for Maryland governor, raised red flags about the measure last Fall asking at what point Marylanders will have had enough of tax increases.  Answering that question in a morning appearance on "the Sean and Frank Show" on WCBM today, Craig said that time is now.

"Stormwater-related costs necessary to comply with EPA mandates are projected to cost county taxpayers a staggering $6.3 billion through 2025," said Craig.  "If you wanted to open a business with a parking lot,  would you want to come to Maryland and figure out this new tax?" he asked.

The law, formally known as the Stormwater Management - Watershed Protection and Restoration Program, allows counties to diverge widely in what to charge businesses and homeowners. For example,  Baltimore City charges homeowners $144 for a certain size residential property while Frederick County charges a penny regardless of size.  Harford County will charge homeowners $12.50 in the first year of implementation, and it is capped at $125 when fully phased in.  Taxes also vary widely in businesses and other organizations in the ten counties affected under the law.

Craig said Maryland Governors need to engage the U.S. EPA on mandates like the one on which the state rain tax law is premised.

"There is no reason the Governor of Maryland should assume a subservient status when it comes to conforming with federal government wishes," said Craig.  "Maryland is not leading, we're following, which is a shame because we have more at stake in protecting the Bay than any other state."

In an op-ed that ran in the Gazette last September, Craig said that economic considerations must provide a reality check on the need to protect the Bay in order to achieve balanced approach.

The EPA mandate, however, does not prescribe a tax as the sole method of reducing pollution loads into the Bay, and Maryland has adopted the most pervasive revenue collection regime of any state in the watershed.

"In the rush to comply with the EPA mandate, our elected officials over-compensated and defaulted to raising taxes," said Craig.

Two Hour Tour On the Pocomoke River on the 4th

Pocomoke City Volunteer Fire Company Annual Chicken BBQ

PCVFC Annual 4th of July Chicken BBQ
Thursday, July 4, 2013
Friday, July 5, 2013
Saturday, July 6, 2013
Next to-
KRW Auto & Golf Cart Sales
1316 Ocean Highway,
Pocomoke City, Maryland
1/2 Chicken + Baked Beans + Potato Salad + Roll $7.00 adult tickets or $8.00 at the door
 Buy tickets from Pocomoke Firefighters or at
 First Shore Federal in Pocomoke!

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Hole Cut In Side Of Crisfield Business- Two Arrested

Anthony Panzo
CRISFIELD, Md. - Two Marion men are accused of cutting a hole in the side of a building, in order to rob a business. Crisfield Police say on Monday night, they were called to the Somers Cove Market, on Cove Street, where they found a hole large enough for a person to fit through, on the outside of the building, making the inside accessible.

According to the report, damages and property loss are estimated at $3,000. An investigation lead to the arrest of 32-year-old Anthony Panzo and 21-year-old Robert Brown Jr., both of Marion.

Robert Brown Jr.,
 During searches of their homes, Police say they found several items of evidence. 

Panzo and Brown were arrested, charged with 2nd and 4th degree burglary, and theft. Both are being held at the Somerset County Detention Center on $35,000 bond.



Joshua Dale Adickes
It is with great sadness that the Ocean City Police Department confirms that two of our police officers, Joshua Dale Adickes and Thomas James Geoghegan, Jr., were the victims in yesterday’s plane crash in Ocean City.

OFC Adickes, 27, of Berlin, is originally from Long Valley, NJ. He joined the Ocean City Police Department as a seasonal police officer in the summer of 2011 and was hired as a full time officer in 2012. He was currently assigned to the patrol division where he worked on the evening south shift.  He was fun-loving, charismatic and liked by all who knew him.  He loved the beach and loved being an Ocean City Police officer. 

OFC Geoghegan, 43, of Ocean City is originally from Annapolis. He began serving the department in 1991 as a seasonal officer and has served each summer since 2002. OFC Geoghegan served numerous tours as an undercover narcotics detective and was currently assigned to the patrol division where he worked on the evening south shift. Amongst many hobbies, he loved to fly airplanes and enjoyed taking his friends for airplane rides.

Thomas James Geoghegan, Jr.,

Both officers were dedicated and courageous both on and off duty. They had a true love of life, which they demonstrated in their professional and personal pursuits. They exemplified the finest character and their passing is a tremendous loss to the Ocean City Police Department family.

As we deal with this difficult time, we recall their joyful spirits and professional accomplishments. The Town of Ocean City and the Ocean City Police Department, is a better place because of their attributes, and that is how they will be remembered