Personally, I like the fact that shortly before his retirement the then Sheriff Giddens partnered with the nearby counties in the attempt to clean up crime- not in just one neighborhood- but all neighborhoods in many joining counties. I'm mainly speaking of Accomack County and Worcester County simply because I know more about it.
Reggie Mason was elected as sheriff in Worcester County last year. It was at that time our present Sheriff Larry Giddens began working with the Worcester County Sheriff's office in sharing information concerning crime in both counties. This makes most sense since both counties are close. Knowing this should give all of us the satisfaction of knowing law enforcement is working for US and doing their best.
At the present time Sheriff Todd Godwin maintains that friendly working relationship with, not just Worcester County, but many counties up and down the East Coast. I am sure most of you are aware of the major drug busts in both counties recently. Not only have these drug busts been successful in Accomack but Northampton County as well.
Sheriff Todd Godwin, his department and all departments called to duty to fight crime and rid out streets of criminals have done an outstanding job in a short period of time. I am certain that will continue.
Utilizing delivery persons, utility persons, bus drivers as eyes for the law is a good thing. It is a needed tool in our society today. Worcester County has been using this method for quite some time.
Community meetings- IF you can get the people to attend. I don't want to attend only to hear that crime is down. If you can't tell me WHERE, WHAT the crimes ARE I'm not interested. The public needs to know if the house on their block has been robbed, what was taken, what day.....residents deserve to know everything there is to know if you want US to be your eyes and ears.
Open and honest crime reports - weekly or monthly. If the suspect is still at large and you know who you are looking for DO NOT give us a discription and a name! Give us a PHOTO. So many people today have nicknames. We don't know the real names and just a worded description is of no use. We'll forget that. Most people can remember a face.
Crime reports are most important to the residence of Accomack County because we simply only know about an arrest when it is written in the local paper (once in a while) or after the trial. This is no good. I always ask "when did this occur"?
As residents of Accomack County we can not help YOU fight crime if you do not give us the tools we need.
Crime education in school? Oh, this is my favorite! What a waste of time. Those children that you will spend time talking about crime to and how to avoid, stay safe, etc. are the same children that go home to it. Children mimic, most times, what they learn and see at home.
It's an environmental problem, I guess. I spent many years raising my children (as many parents have/do) to be law abiding citizens because that's where it's supposed to begin. It's the PARENTS responsibility NOT mine. I certainly do not want MY tax dollars being spent on anything but a decent education for these children.
What are we supposed to do about these children that need that extra education about crime? Don't know. Maybe check with the parents.
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