conjunction with the dinner event, and in celebration of Black History Month,
the board of the “Sturgis” is sponsoring an “I Have a Dream,” essay contest for
Pocomoke High School (PHS) students. A $100 cash prize will be
awarded to the PHS student that delivers the most inspirational essay and the
winner will read his or her essay to guests of the fundraiser dinner that
evening. In addition, the Pocomoke High School show choir will
perform black gospel. This is all part of the museum board’s
expanded initiative to involve area youth with the museum and engage them in
preserving and promoting their heritage.
Sturgis One Room School Museum is the only African American One Room School in
Worcester County retaining its original integrity. Sturgis One Room School
Museum, Inc. is an organization that actively works to preserve, promote, and
protect the rich cultural heritage of Sturgis One Room School and educate our
youth to value the school's cultural and historical richness.

for the fundraiser dinner event are now available from,
City Hall or the Delmarva Discovery Center. They are $20 each. Final ticket
sales: February 14, 2013.
more information, please contact, Angela Manos, at 410.603.1178, or visit
for a complete schedule of events.
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