By Kody Leibowitz
POCOMOKE CITY, Md. - Another busy weekend at the Mar-Va Theater has manager Katy Fleming looking at the projectors.
Fleming says the theater sold-out during their weekend viewing of Despicable Me 2. Two nights, five dollar tickets and a 548 seat house brought in $5,480 in ticket sales. With 40 percent due back to the movie company, that's at least $2,192 in sales for the theater, not including popcorn and candy.
"It was a fantastic film for us," Fleming said.
But Fleming admits that the film strips used last weekend are becoming more and more obsolete and soon could put theater out-of-business.
"All of the smaller theaters are being forced to upgrade from 35 mm film to this new digital version," said Fleming. "Honestly, it looks like we'll be forced to close our doors if we don't make this upgrade."
The theater manager added that they have until November before the switch needs to be made. Upgrades would cost the non-profit organization $110,000 for the 86-year-old Pocomoke City landmark and its only a few years after renovations that totaled almost $1 million, according to Fleming.
Shannon Walker, 15, says he's been volunteering at the theater for the past three summers. He calls the news "an absolute shock, it really made me emotional" when he first heard about the upgrades and possible closure.
"What's going through my mind is losing a historical place, which stands as an icon for most people in this city," said Walker.
Walker says several volunteers are going to start fundraising to save the Mar-Va, but he knows he only has three months left. Among his ideas, "car washes, bake sales, yard sales, anything just to earn money for the Mar-Va."
But volunteers have only been one source of fundraising. The theater itself has raised $10,000, or about a tenth of what's needed for the new equipment. Fleming says she has applied for two grants through the city. Pocomoke City manager Russ Blake, who also serves as vice president on the board of the Mar-Va Theater, says the city is looking into as many options as possible to try to keep the theater afloat.
"The city has worked closely with the Mar-Va Theater since the volunteers took over operation of the theater and have helped with the restoration of the theater all this time," said Blake. "We're still interested in helping them, because the Mar-Va Theater is one of the most important anchors of the downtown.
"As we revitalize the downtown, along with the other non-profit groups downtown, the new restaurant and several new businesses downtown, so we want to make sure that the Mar-Va Theater is able to continue in operation."
Fleming says the theater has been accepting donations in-person and online.
The Marva should be showing the movies on Sunday afternoons as well...i understand the need for volunteers on Sundays will be needed but if you want to earn more money it makes sense to show movies that make money more than just twice. Also...bring back Throwback Thursdays. Do what works... Something else... why keep saying the doors will have to close? That effects the movies being shown not live shows. Have more live shows. Bring in well- know acts...you have a great space and only half if what could be done is actually being done. ...Think I'm being harsh? Oh well...Ive seen some wonderful people put alot of work into the Marva and they would hate to see it close. Keep it open...where there is a will there is a way.
Thank you. Your blog was very helpful and efficient For Me,Thanks for Sharing the information.
Bryan Clark may be something for the Mar-Va Theater to look into.
He has a website and he's local. He's an impersonator. Does Sinatra, Elvis, Sammy Davis, Jr., Ray Charles, Stevie Wonder, Michael Jackson, Bobby Darin, Tom Jones.
I saw him a few years ago in Ocean City and his show was great.
Hi All!
Just to be clear...we plan to bring back the Throwback Thursdays, but we need to be very picky about what we choose. All of the movie companies charge a $250 guarantee to show their films. The attendance was only large enough at 2 of the films to cover the cost.
Sometimes we show Sunday movies...just depends on the popularity of the film.
And, just so it's known, I would love, LOVE, L-O-V-E to bring in more live well-known acts. We have such a cool venue for concerts & plays, but price tag is an issue. I'm trying though. Regarding plays, we are planning to have Guys & Dolls as our spring show.
I will definitely look into Bryan Clark. I've had many ladies requesting an Elvis return.
I really appreciate reading the feedback and please know, I'm trying to find more offerings with our limited budget. For the record, we have events planned through July of next year. The whole digital upgrade snafu is just a bump in the road, but a large bump. We are fortunate to cover all of our costs and seldom ask for money, but this is a huge price tag.
As always, thank you PPE for covering us and helping spread the word. Let me know if you'd like to cover it more.
Thanks again for the feedback & support!
Katy (Mar-Va Manager)
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