The Community Resource Day is an opportunity for people to have one-on-one time with groups that provide services such as housing, counseling, treatment and health care.
In addition to the regular soup kitchen, people attending the event will also have access to personal hygiene products such as soap and toothpaste that are not normally provided at food pantries.
Donations are needed for the success of the event. Local businesses and individuals are encouraged to donate personal hygiene products, especially individually rolled toilet paper, paper towels, diapers and baby wipes. The items will be distributed at the Community Resource Day in December and at future Community Resource Days throughout the winter. Monetary donations are also accepted.
To donate or for more information about donations, please contact Donna Taylor with Worcester Youth and Family Counseling Services, Inc. at 410-641-4598.
1 comment:
In Denver CO there is a "community" kitchen called So All May Eat. It's not your typical soup kitchen or food pantry but a place where people may volunteer to work in exchange for a healthy meal.
Rocker Jon Bon Jovi and his wife Dorothea have established similar eateris through their foundation, The Jon Bon Jovi Soul Foundation. He says "we empower people by having them earn their meal by working in the restaurant." There is a suggested contribution for a meal and those who can afford to pay are encouraged to do so. Those who can't are asked to bus tables, wash dishes or volunteer to help other local causes.
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