Flu activity is on the uptick in the state and nation, but it is not too late to get your flu shot.
Flu shots are available to Worcester County residents at the Worcester County Health Department’s offices in Snow Hill, Pocomoke and Berlin. To make an appointment, call our office. The Snow Hill number is 410-632-1100; Berlin is 410-629-0164; Pocomoke is 410-957-2005.
Flu vaccine is $15 for self pay clients. Medicare is billed when cards are presented. No one will be denied service due to inability to pay.
Each year the flu poses serious health risks for thousands of Americans. Flu season generally peaks between January and March. Vaccination is the first and most important step in protecting against the flu. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommend everyone age 6 months and older get a seasonal flu shot each year. Remember, it takes about two weeks after vaccination for the body’s immune response to fully respond and for you to be protected.
This year’s vaccine provides protection for the flu viruses circulating this season. Two of the strains are different from the 2011 vaccine. Last year’s vaccine will not protect against this year’s flu viruses. All people including pregnant women and those with medical conditions are strongly recommended to get a flu vaccine each year.
People age 65 years and older who visit the Worcester County Health Department have the choice of receiving a high dose flu vaccine which will result in a stronger immune response against the flu.
For more information visit the Worcester County Health Department‘s website at http://worcesterhealth.org, email Worcester.Health@maryland.gov
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