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Saturday, June 27, 2009
Island may be given to tribe
Carl Ifert, who owns the 65-acre Fair Island near Shelltown, asked County Commissioners on Tuesday for consent to give the land to the Delaware Tribe.
"We ask for your blessing," Ifert said. "We want it to be a joint venture."
Ifert said he was interested in giving the island to the Delaware Tribe because it has an Indian burial site. He also would be able to take a tax deduction because the tribe is a nonprofit organization.
Although several members of the Delaware Tribe visited Fair Island this week, they were still in preliminary talks with Ifert, Assistant Chief Wayne Stull told the commissioners. The Oklahoma-based tribe is not interested in building a casino, but it might look into a marina, destination hotel or upscale houses.
Any agreement with Ifert or plans to develop the land would first have to be approved by the tribal council, Stull said.
County Commissioners told Ifert he was free to give Fair Island to anyone he wanted, but warned environmental regulations and zoning restrictions could stall development plans.
"I don't think your problem's going to be with us -- it's with the state," Commissioner Rex Simpkins told him.
The entire island is zoned by the county as a conservation area and most of it is in the Chesapeake Bay Critical Area, said County Administrator Sam Boston.
The island has no roads, public water and sewer or other services. It is separated from the mainland by a canal dug during the 1930s.
Ifert said he planned to hire a local attorney to handle any further matters related to turning the island over to the tribe.
Friday, June 26, 2009
Why Don't People Keep Their Word Nowadays?
Long story short, today I get the cash and am ready to buy and they said sorry it's sold.
Why not just say up front sorry, first come first serve?
They didn't have to say they would hold the item if they didn't intend too.
I guess I don't understand because I'm a man of my word, if I told someone I'd hold something, I would.
Oh well, everything works out for the best.
WTH: For Today
DALLAS (June 26) -- A casket minus a cadaver yielded nearly 100 pounds of marijuana after a traffic stop in Dallas.
William Dale Crock of Cave City, Ark., was in jail Friday on a marijuana possession charge, plus traffic and seat belt violations.
Dallas police say Crock was arrested Wednesday when bundles of marijuana were discovered under the casket's cover and pillow.
Sr. Cpl. Kevin Janse said the van turned up during surveillance on a suspected drug house. Police stopped the van in Mesquite after noticing Crock not wearing a seat belt. Officers also said he allegedly ran a red light and made an improper lane change.
A drug-sniffing dog alerted officers to the casket in the van.
The online records of the Lew Sterrett Justice Center had no listing for an attorney for Crock.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Md. County Considers Naming Elementary School After Obama

UPPER MARLBORO, Md. (AP)- The Prince George's County school board is considering a proposal to name an Upper Marlboro elementary school after President Barack Obama.
The board is scheduled to vote on the proposed name for the school under construction just miles from the White House on Thursday evening.
If the proposal is approved, Barack Obama Elementary School would be the first in Maryland named after the president.
However, it would not be the first school in the nation named after Obama. A New York school district voted to rename an elementary school after him shortly after his election victory.
Some members of the Prince George's school board say naming a school after Obama would inspire students, but board member Linda Thornton Thomas says she would rather name the school after a local figure.
Top Ten Signs Barack Obama Is Stressed
10. Started his day eating a pack of cigarettes and smoking a waffle
9. He's losing so much hair, he asked for Biden's transplant guy
8. He's ballooned up to 155 pounds
7. On last "date night," accidentally went dancing with Secretary of Transportation Ray Lahoud
6. Instead of Gitmo, accidentally shut down Geico
5. He's eating dimes like they're Tic-Tacs
4. Vowed to put a man on Jupiter by the end of the week
3. Promised his kids a horse if they solve the housing crisis
2. Announced November election was rigged and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is our real president
1. Claims he's having a worse week than Letterman
“Top Ten Side Effects of the Transition to Digital TV”
- Steve P., Northridge, CA
9. All the channels are now in the metric system
- Tom H., Alma, WI
8. Wolf Blitzer is now more "blitzery"
- Gary R., Buffalo Grove, IL
7. "According to Jim" now hilarious
- Bob P., San Jose, CA
6. Now you can use your VCR to bake a potato
- Jon P., Dallas, TX
5. The President's ears finally appear on new widescreen - Rollin B., Fresno, CA
4. You suddenly understand what "Lost" is all about
- Karen O., Torrance, CA
3. Reduces the size of Keith Olbermann's head
- Roger C., Rapid City, SD
2. Having to see what the women on "The View" actually look like
- Shelli P., Columbus, OH
1. Ever since TV went digital, all channels now just show Letterman apologizing for something
- Scott N., Jackson, MI
Do you really want this guy driving around in your neighborhood with your children?….
Obama’s Double Speak on Iran
Kudos to Major Garrett for asking the questions that the American People want the answers to and not the pablum of the drooling Obama-worshipping media.
Now we have a report from the Washington Times that OUR Supreme Leader was kissing the arse of the Iranian Supreme Leader PRIOR to Iran’s elections. Take the report with a grain of salt as it comes from “unnamed sources” but the Ayatollah did make mention of the letter from President Obama during his Sermon last week…
Prior to this month’s disputed presidential election in Iran, the Obama administration sent a letter to the country’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, calling for an improvement in relations, according to interviews and the leader himself.
Ayatollah Khamenei confirmed the letter toward the end of a lengthy sermon last week, in which he accused the United States of fomenting protests in his country in the aftermath of the disputed June 12 presidential election.
In a lengthy sermon Friday that reaffirmed the disputed re-election of Mr. Ahmadinejad, Ayatollah Khamenei made an oblique reference to a letter from the U.S. but embedded the reference in a diatribe against purported U.S. interference in Iranian affairs.
“On the one hand, they [the Obama administration] write a letter to us to express their respect for the Islamic Republic and for re-establishment of ties, and on the other hand they make these remarks”
If the Obama administration did send such a letter, then that explains their lukewarm outrage over the Iranian government’s actions during the protests. Don’t want to piss off the mullahs and lose any chance of a photo-op sitdown at some later date. IF the Obama administration did send such a letter, that makes them complicit in the deaths of the innocent protestors in Iran and is further proof of the inability of Obama to grasp the importance of taking a stand prior to poll results.
Obama likes to puff his chest and say “I AM the President of the United States”… Yes he is. BUT it’s time he acted like it instead of being a stooge for the Socialists and Muslims.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Doe! Deer Rescuer Threatened With Criminal Charges
WTH: For Today
The family of a 19-year-old Iranian man killed during clashes between security forces and protesters in Tehran said morgue officials demanded they pay a $3,000 "bullet fee" before they were allowed to take his body, The Wall Street Journal reported Tuesday.
The fee was assessed to pay for the bullet that killed Kaveh Alipour, relatives told the newspaper. But Alipour's father told officials that all of his property combined wouldn't even amount to $3,000. He argued his case and said that since he was also a veteran of the Iran-Iraq war, the fee should be waived.
Morgue officials agreed, but demanded the family bury Alipour outside of Tehran. His body was eventually taken to Rasht, where the family has relatives.
Alipour was shot in the head on Saturday when he was returning from acting class -- apparently an innocent bystander during the protests in Iran's capital city. He was to be married later this month.
"He was a very polite, shy young man," a neighbor said.
Get more information on this story from The Wall Street Journal's Web site..
Civilians Run City-Wide Surveillance in Pennsylvania Town
Okay, Switched readers, here's a great debate. Lancaster, Pennsylvania is known as the home of Hershey's, the town where Peeps was invented, and the American city with the highest amount of surveillance per capita. Lancasterians have been subjected to a community-wide program that installs closed-circuit cameras on nearly every street, hosting more outdoor cameras than both San Francisco and Boston, reports The Dutch Pennsylvanian city considers itself to be a prime candidate for such security measures, considering the amount of tourism its attractions receive.
The argument is that, while this is a small city, Lancaster was plagued with four murders last year, and the surveillance system helped solve one of them. Post-9/11, a local crime commission suggested that cameras might help make the city safer. In response, local businesspeople, municipal officials, and otherwise concerned citizens formed a non-governmental group called the Lancaster Community Safety Coalition.
With money raised from private donors and foundations, the recorders were installed and local citizens hired to keep watch. Although the coalition's executive director, Joseph Morales, is also a city councilman, no governmental organizations were directly involved in these decisions. By the same token, the coalition only employees civilians and does not answer to the city government.
Last year, the number of cameras hit 165, and surprisingly, the crime rate rose. Police explained that this was because surveillance more frequently caught lesser crimes -- infractions that often go unnoticed. The way the system works, explained Doug Winglewich, a camera operator with a degree in public administration, is that workers monitor 911 calls to assist in gathering license plates and silently watch city blocks in order to call in suspicious activity.
On the program's ethical boundaries, executive director Morales told the L.A. Times, "The divorce lawyer who wants video of a husband coming out of a bar with his mistress, we won't do it." At present, the coalition does not abide by any explicit ethical guidelines, although Morales says that he is currently drafting them.
While the program has led to a lot of valid arrests, it has also received sharp criticism for infringing on citizens' rights to privacy. Lancaster mayor and self-professed civil libertarian J. Richard Gray has put the coalition -- in his words -- "on a short leash," and Pennsylvanian American Civil Liberties Union lawyer Mary Catherine Roper calls it a "phenomenally bad idea."
Even the seemingly supportive police chief cited George Orwell and 'Big Brother' when he described the project to the Times.
As interconnectivity grows and technology progresses, cities are going to find themselves faced more frequently with dilemmas between privacy and watchdog methods.
If the surveillance is accessible and its results useful, should cities resort to monitoring its residents, even if that means infringing on crucial American rights? Or is the right to safety the most fundamental of all? The debate rages on.
Coast Guard Rescue - Onancock Creek
Rescued was Dan Kelley of Onancock.
Chris Spence, a friend of Kelley, contacted Coast Guard Sector Baltimore watchstanders via telephone, reporting one person overdue on a personal water craft at approximately 11:30 p.m. Sunday.
A 25-foot response boat crew from Coast Guard Station Crisfield, Md., arrived on scene and located Kelley at approximately 1 a.m. on Onancock Creek shore near Olney Farm Lane. The boat crew took Kelley to a pier near Mallard's at the Wharf in Onancock, where he was met by a family member.
According to Petty Officer 2nd Class Keith Newman, the officer of the day at Station Crisfield, “Kelley telling Spence that he was leaving and would be home in 10 minutes was key to finding the overdue boater. His friend notified the Coast Guard when Kelley didn't arrive as planned and was able to give his approximate location, which aided rescuers in finding him."
The Coast Guard urges mariners to file a detailed float plan with friends, family, or your local marina and have a marine-band radio on hand at all times. A detailed float plan should include the number of people on your vessel, your intended destination and estimated time of return.
ACLU sues over limits on Muslim prayers in prison
The ACLU is such a disgusting group and supported by our tax dollars. They go against everything the majority believes in.
INDIANAPOLIS -Two Muslim inmates held in a special unit at the federal prison in Terre Haute say they aren't allowed to pray in groups as often as their religion commands and have asked a federal judge to ease worship limits imposed by the Bureau of Prisons.
The prison in western Indiana houses several high-security inmates, including American-born Taliban soldier John Walker Lindh, who is serving a 20-year sentence for aiding Afghanistan's now-defunct Taliban government.
The June 16 lawsuit filed by the American Civil Liberties Union of Indiana challenges limits on Islamic worship in the prison's restrictive Communications Management Unit, where about 30 of the 40 inmates are Muslim.
Muslims are required to pray five times a day, but the lawsuit, filed on behalf of inmates Enaam Arnaout and Randall T. Royer, says inmates in the CMU are allowed to pray as a group just one hour a week. The ACLU claims that violates a federal law barring the government from restricting religious activities without showing a compelling need.
The lawsuit echoes a 2007 complaint from convicted shoe bomber Richard Reid that he was denied access to group prayer at the Supermax federal prison in Florence, Colo.
The Indiana lawsuit is one of two the ACLU has filed in the past week concerning conditions in the CMU. Its other lawsuit claimed the unit was created in secrecy and keeps its mostly Muslim inmates in virtual isolation.
A Justice Department spokesman said last week that the government followed federal rules in creating the special unit in November 2006. Designed to house prisoners who require additional security, the unit closely monitors inmates' outside contacts.
Bureau of Prisons officials declined Tuesday comment on the prayer lawsuit.
Ken Falk, legal director of the ACLU of Indiana, questioned policies allowing prisoners out of their cells to watch television, play cards or engage in other group activities but limiting group worship to one hour on Fridays.
"That means four people can sit around the table playing cards or talking about the basketball game but they can't worship," Falk said.
Lindh's attorney George Harris confirmed Tuesday that Lindh, a convert to Islam, is held in the CMU. He declined to comment on the lawsuit or say whether Lindh has had problems practicing his religion at the prison.
The lawsuit asks the Bureau of Prisons to reinstate daily prayers that were held in a multipurpose room for several months after the CMU opened.
Louay Safi, director of leadership development with the Plainfield-based Islamic Society of North America, said Muslims try to pray in groups whenever possible.
"Muhammad said there is a much greater reward for people who pray in congregation than those who pray individually," he said.
Arnaout, 46, a Syrian-born U.S. citizen, is serving a 10-year sentence for racketeering after admitting in 2003 that he defrauded donors to his Benevolence International Foundation by diverting some of the money to Islamic military groups in Bosnia and Chechnya.
Royer, 36, a former spokesman for the Muslim American Society, is serving 20 years for his participation in what prosecutors called a "Virginia jihad network." The group used paintball games in 2000 and 2001 as military training in preparation for holy war against nations deemed hostile to Islam, prosecutors say.
Bomber Terry Nichols Sues Over Prison Food
Nichols claims in his suit that the federal Supermax prison in Colorado is causing him to "sin against God" because he doesn't get enough whole grains and fresh food.
Nichols asked for the legal aid in a document addressed to a federal judge in Denver on Monday.
Amy Padden of the U.S. Attorney's Office in Denver did not immediately respond to a call seeking comment Tuesday about the suit Nichols filed in March.
Nichols is serving life for conspiracy and involuntary manslaughter in the 1995 federal building bombing that killed 168 people.
Timothy McVeigh was convicted of murder and executed.
(From a senior level Chrysler person)
I cannot verify that this is fact, but, never the less it sounds like what our government might actually say/do in such a situation.
So lets change the laws of physics, after all, democrats don't believe in gravity.
Monday morning I attended a breakfast
meeting where the speaker/guest was David E. Cole, Chairman Center for
Automotive Research (CAR and Professor at the Univ. of Michigan . You have
all likely heard CAR quoted, or referred to in the auto industry news
Mr. Cole, who is an engineer by training, told many stories of the difficulty of working with the folks that the Obama administration has sent to save the auto industry. There have been many meetings where a 30+ year experience automotive expert has to listen to a
newcomer to the industry, someone with zero manufacturing experience, zero
auto industry experience, zero business experience, zero finance experience,
and zero engineering experience, tell them how to run their business.
Mr Cole's favorite story is as follows:
There was a team of Obama people speaking to
Mr. Cole (Engineer, automotive experience 40+ years, Chairman of CAR). They
were explaining to Mr. Cole that the auto companies needed to make a car
that was electric and liquid natural gas (LNG) with enough combined fuel to
go 500 miles so we wouldn't "need" so many gas stations (A whole other
topic). They were quoting BTU's of LNG and battery life that they had looked
up on some website.
Mr. Cole explained that to do this you would
need a trunk FULL of batteries and a LNG tank at big as a car to make that
happen and that there were problems related to the laws of physics that
prevented them from...
The Obama person interrupted and said (and I
am quoting here) "These laws of physics? Who's rules are those, we need to
change that. (Some of the others wrote down the law name so they could look
it up) We have the congress and the administration. We can repeal that law,
amend it, or use an executive order to get rid of that problem. That's why
we are here, to fix these sort of issues"
DNA brings arrest in 1991 Rape of Pocomoke Woman :Cold Case:
A New York man has been charged with the rape of a Pocomoke City woman after a DNA sample taken from the crime scene 18 years ago matched his own.
The Worcester County Bureau of investigation has accused Leslie Maize, now 67, with first- and second-degree rape, assault with the intent to rape and first-degree burglary in the 1991 crime. A warrant was issued for his arrest.
According to investigators, early in the morning of May 10, 1991, Maize allegedly broke into a Pocomoke City apartment and sexually assaulted the woman who lived there alone. He was armed at the time.
The case went cold until recently when evidence taken from the scene was submitted to the National DNA Index System, which linked Maize to the incident.
"It's always good to close a case like that even if it takes time," said Pocomoke City Mayor Michael McDermott. "Sometimes justice is a little slow, but it does work out in the end."
McDermott, who is also a lieutenant in the Worcester County Sheriff's Office, said the DNA was likely taken from bodily fluids found on a garment or cloth. While DNA matching wasn't available at the time of the crime, McDermott said "good policing" meant evidence was well-preserved.
"The fact that they collected the DNA back then and were able to hold on to it is incredible," he said. "I don't think anybody had any idea that back then that someday there might be a DNA database that matches things up like this."
Despite the positive match, it may be some time until the case goes to trial in Worcester County. Maize is currently four years into a 6- to 12-year prison sentence at the Gowanda Correctional Facility in upstate New York.
According to Linda Foglia, a spokeswoman for the New York State Department of Correctional Services, in February 2005, Maize pleaded guilty to the first-degree rape of a 45-year-old Long Island woman in 1993. His sentence, which includes sex offender counseling and treatment for drug use, ends in September 2014. If granted parole, Maize could be out in September 2010. While this is his only rape charge in New York, Foglia said there could be more.
"According to authorities, there were three other positive DNA matches to rapes that Maize is believed to have committed in New York City in the early 1990s," she said. He was never prosecuted for these cases because "there was a statute of limitations that precluded filing criminal charges in those cases."
This is the fourth sentence Maize has served in a New York correctional facility, according to state records. He spent two years in the late 1970s incarcerated on burglary and violating bail charges. In 1980, about a year after being released from prison the first time, he was sentenced to five years for breaking into a residence.
In 1994, Maize was convicted of second-degree assault and weapons possession after attacking a police officer, hitting him with a loaded gun. He was released in September 1999, but returned to jail in August 2001 for violating parole.
Once his current sentence is complete, Maize will be extradited to Worcester County to face charges. If found guilty of first-degree rape, he could spend the rest of his life in prison.
Bill would give support to GM, Chrysler franchises
Not anymore.
On May 14, Chrysler notified the Frostroms that their franchise agreement would be terminated, as the automaker went through bankruptcy proceedings. The local dealership had three weeks to sell off 40 new Jeeps and was forced to eat the cost of parts and inventory it suddenly had little use for, said Christy Frostrom.
"They're taking away your stability as if they want you to close," she said, adding that the business now survives on sales from its lone Subaru franchise.
Frostrom joined the owners of several other local car dealers Monday in a Salisbury news conference orchestrated to drum up support for a bill introduced by U.S. Rep. Frank M. Kratovil Jr. on June 8.
House Resolution 2743 would require Chrysler and General Motors to honor franchise agreements with dealers that bankruptcy rules allow them to vacate. The legislation would restore dealers' rights to levels under state law -- which dealers support, for they say they bear all the cost and risk associated with running their businesses.
"It's putting the pressure on GM and Chrysler to do the right thing; it's simply a matter of fairness," Kratovil, a Democrat, told 25 people -- a group that included Salisbury's mayor and Wicomico County's executive -- that had gathered in the showroom of Courtesy of Salisbury, a dealership that sells Cadillac and Chevrolet models.
So far, 100 Democrats and 62 Republicans have signed on to support the bill, Kratovil said, and a version of the bill was recently introduced in the Senate.
GM and Chrysler have taken different approaches with ending their franchise agreements. Each argue that, as sales of new vehicles have collapsed, they can't afford to spread their supplies of cars and trucks to so many dealers.
GM told 1,100 dealers their franchises won't be renewed when they expire in October 2010. Chrysler, however, nullified 789 of its contracts in one fell swoop.
"I think I have seen more change in the auto business in the past 45 days than in the past 39 years," said Ray Nordstrom, owner of Courtesy.
GM notified Nordstrom they won't renew his franchise come 2010, but Nordstrom immediately appealed the decision. According to Kratovil's estimate, about 60 dealers have successfully appealed GM decisions.
"I had a choice of laying down and potentially losing 45 jobs here, or trying to fight," Nordstrom said.
Even though Midway GM of Pocomoke City will keep its franchise, it will lose its rights to sell Cadillacs under GM's re-structuring plan, said Sharon Worth, an executive administrator.
"There won't be a Caddy dealer from Norfolk to Wilmington. Who is going to buy a Caddy now?" Worth said.
Midway GM -- if it loses the rights to sell Cadillacs -- will only be licensed to sell Buicks, she said. Years ago it sold five brands, she said.
In Maryland, 17 Chrysler dealers have had their franchises terminated and 26 GM dealers were put on notice, said Peter Kitzmiller, president of the Maryland Automobile Dealers Association in Annapolis.
He said Kratovil's bill could face opposition because he believes an auto task force commissioned by the president supports GM and Chrysler's restructuring plan.
Additionally, Kratovil admitted the nature of bankruptcy proceedings allows a company to take the approach of the auto makers.
Yet, it still seemed wrong to Sandy Fitzgerald, a representative from Pohanka Automobile Group of Salisbury.
"How is this legal? How is it American? It doesn't even make sense," Fitzgerald said.
Now without the ability to sell Jeeps, the Frostrom business -- which employs 22 -- must survive on sales from its Subaru franchise. It's a tough formula given the downturn in sales at dealerships across the USA.
"You start off with all the confidence that you're going to fight and get through this, but every day there's a new problem," Christy Frostrom said.
Monday, June 22, 2009
ESR team 1829 releases video
More videos on the way!
Now We Finally Know The Truth
Now you know the rest of the story.
Our Judeo-Christian Nation
This is a great speech… I don’t think our Founding Fathers ever meant to take God out of the schools or government… I think their intent was to get the government out of our churches!……
Bill Ayers Influence on Obama Goes Back to Grade School
While Obama’s membership as an adult in the controversial Trinity United
Church of Christ has received widespread media attention, almost nothing has
been reported about his Sunday school attendance at First Unitarian, a far-left
activist church that may have helped provide the president’s initial political
education.First Unitarian, a member of the Unitarian Universalist denomination, served
as a sanctuary for draft dodgers and was strongly tied to the Students for a
Democratic Society, or SDS, during the time Weatherman radical Bill Ayers was a
leader in that organization. The Weathermen was an offshoot of the SDS.As you’ll recall, Obama declared that Ayers’ political mentorship wasn’t relevant, since Ayers committed his terrorist acts when BHO was a child, before realizing that he could inflict more damage on the country by subverting the education establishment — and by nurturing the political career of a certain radical leftist who is currently steering us toward economic ruin. But even as a little boy, the Moonbat Messiah’s worldview was molded by Ayers and his ilk…..via
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Congratulations Shannon M. Croswell of Pocomoke
Thanks you for your service especially in these times of dire need and danger.
You truly are the American patriot.
POCOMOKE CITY -- Army National Guard Pvt. Shannon M. Croswell has graduated from basic combat training at Fort Jackson in Columbia, S.C.
During the nine weeks of training, the soldier studied the Army mission, history, tradition and core values and physical fitness; and received instruction and practice in basic combat skills, military weapons, chemical warfare and bayonet training, drill and ceremony, marching, rifle marksmanship, armed and unarmed combat, map reading, field tactics, military courtesy, military justice system, basic first aid, foot marches and field training exercises.
She is the daughter of Lillian Handy of Pocomoke City.
The private is a 2005 graduate of Pocomoke High School.
How's This For Art

You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong.
You cannot bring about prosperity by discouraging thrift.
You cannot lift the wage earner up by pulling the wage payer down.
You cannot further the brotherhood of man by inciting class hatred.
You cannot build character and courage by taking away people's initiative and independence.
You cannot help people permanently by doing for them, what they could and should do for themselves. .....Abraham Lincoln
Happy Fathers Day
I just wish all the dads out there a wonderful day with their family.
Enjoy your Father today and every day as tomorrow is not guaranteed.
I lost my Father at the very young age of 48, I was 16 and I miss him every day.
Happy Fathers Day !!