Saturday, March 8, 2025

Recollections from generations past. (Rodney Bounds- 3)


(Rodney Bounds 1892 - 1990)


INTERVIEWER: Where’s Hungry Town?

RODNEY: Do you know where Hungry Town is?

INTERVIEWER: No I don’t, and somebody asked me that the other day and I

 said I don’t know. It’s up near Ironshire.

RODNEY: You know where Ironshire is?

INTERVIEWER: Yes, I know where Ironshire is.

RODNEY: Well you just turn there at Ironshire and go right toward the river.

INTERVIEWER: And that’s Hungry Town.

RODNEY: And that’s Hungry Town, and you turn on the other road, from

 where I lived when I got married you go the dirt around that way, and you

come in there, where the old race track used to be.


RODNEY: You know where……

INTERVIEWER: Yes I do too, I know where the race track was.

RODNEY: Well that road went right alongside the race track. Take that road

 and it would take you right by Hungry Town. Then you come down there

 between nearly to the Nine Pin Branch, the road would turn go over the river

 to Powellville. And the other one would turn left and come around to


INTERVIEWER: Did Hungry Town have anything? Storewise or…..

RODNEY: Well it had 2 stores at the time and now then its got one store but

 its got a lot of chicken houses, and built up all around there. It’s got a church

 there. Newark, its got 2 churches, at that time it had Trinity Church. The

 church that I go to was down here at Basketswitch.

INTERVIEWER: Good, now they said that the church was near the tree at

 Basketswitch. Isn’t there a BiCentennial Tree?

RODNEY: Right there down by where the tree is at Basketswitch. There’s a

 cemetery there too. It’s got tombstones.

INTERVIEWER: I wanted to go by there, the other day, but there was too much

 snow and that’s a dirt road, and I didn’t get back there.

RODNEY: Well that was the old road that went by the front of the church, it

 went on around and come out yonder and cross the road. It come out at

 Bowen’s place, you know, that was sold the other day. That’s all new road.

 That’s all new road. The other went up into Newark. Then there’s another

 road that goes out from Newark, right out past the station, that would carry

 you out to…by Hickory Ridge, and that would carry you to Hungry Town


INTERVIEWER: Hickory Ridge, was that a town or just a place?

RODNEY: That’s just a farm.

INTERVIEWER: Just a farm. It’s between Newark and Hungry Town on that

 road that goes out there by the station.

RODNEY: Used to be a colored church there on the corner there. There’s a

 graveyard there now. But they moved that church out to near Ironshire and

 as you go from Ironshire across to Hungry Town, why you go by that.

INTERVIEWER: But it was moved.

RODNEY: When I moved up to Newark, why they had a building there they

 used as a Odd Fellows Building, I believe it was, and then they had about 4

 stores there. One down there by the station, and then there was one where

 the post office is now, and then a store where the bank is…

INTERVIEWER: There was a store there?

RODNEY: There’s a store across in front of that.

INTERVIEWER: Okay. Now was there an Inn, there? The building beside the

 bank or across from the bank?

RODNEY: The old building?


RODNEY: That was a store too, and a residence too. Dennis lived there and he

 raised his family and had a store building. I don’t know, he had 6 or 8

 children, I don’t remember. More than that I guess, because he had I think

 about 6 girls and 2 boys and then turn to your right between the store and

 the bank, why old man Harry Bowen lived in the first big house that was

 along there.

INTERVIEWER: On the right or the left.

RODNEY: On the right. And the second one, old man Charlie Richardson, I

 believe his name was, he and his wife, and his wife’s brother, his name was

 Jones, I forget what it was. That’s been a long time ago. And it’s been a long

 time ago since these stores and such as that had been there. But that’s how

 it was when we moved to Queponco.

INTERVIEWER: They had the 4 stores. Was there a blacksmith shop?

RODNEY: Ya. Old man Jim Adkins, had a blacksmith shop over to the left as

 you turn to go on that road right across. Built wagons, carts, and do iron

 work and such as that. You know Sidney Northam?


RODNEY: Sidney’s mother was raised there, old man Adkins daughter. Dave

 and Sidney’s mother was an Adkins. All of them are dead now. Adkins,

 Mumfords, John Mumford, he was, you probably heard of him. I don’t know,

 he had a brother named Charlie, older brother, and John and then Harvey.

INTERVIEWER: It sounds familiar. Now he………

RODNEY: Well there was a Mumford, I believe a John Mumford to Ocean City,

 too wasn’t it…

INTERVIEWER: Yes, I think that’s what I’m confusing it with.

RODNEY: I don’t know whether they were related or not.

INTERVIEWER: No, because there are Mumfords in Berlin too that aren’t related.

Continues next Saturday here at The Pocomoke Public Eye.

Friday, March 7, 2025

Senator Carozza's proposed electrical energy legislation-


       (3/7/25 update from Senator Mary Beth Carozza)

      (Check here on Monday for Senator Carozza's other updates from Annapolis.)

New name & website for The Cricket Center-


Formerly known as The Cricket Center, the newly named Worcester County Child Advocacy Center (CAC) consists of collaborating agencies that aid child victims and their families during investigations. The CAC provides personalized medical and mental health treatment programs and supports victims by advocating for legal action against child abuse perpetrators. Additionally, the CAC also works to prevent child abuse through proactive initiatives to improve awareness, educate, and inform the community of potential maltreatment of children. 

(View new website:)

CAC Website

Time Machine Preview-

This Sunday here at The Pocomoke Public Eye: 


2007  ..

1898  ..

1928  ..

1965  ..              

                  Somerset County contestant is the 1965 Maryland Farm Queen.


Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Article shines favorable light on Worcester schools.


Pocomoke Public Eye note:
Capital News Service (CNS) is a student-run news organization that covers Maryland and other regions. CNS is operated by the University of Maryland's Philip Merrill College of Journalism.

(View article:)

Worcester schools turn to 'restorative practices' for discipline

Text fraud alert to motorists-

 (Shore Daily News)

The Chesapeake Bay Bridge-Tunnel (CBBT) is alerting motorists to a recent surge in fraudulent text messages impersonating toll road agencies and financial institutions. Known as “smishing,” these deceptive messages are sent to mobile phones, posing as legitimate toll authorities and requesting urgent personal or payment information in an attempt to defraud individuals.

(Read more about it:)
CBBT urges residents to be wary of scammers - Shore Daily News

Sunday, March 2, 2025

Winter farewell.. too soon to tell?


?  ?  ?  ?

At least a couple of media sources are saying that the U.S. could experience a mid-March cold snap due to projected activity of the Polar-Vortex.

Hope it isn't so. We reached out to a national meteorologist for further word about this.  His cautious "we'll see" response referenced there's not a lot of cold on the forecast map for the next 10 to 14 days "but that could change."

AccuWeather (3/4/25) is forecasting mostly 50's and 60's daytime temperatures throughout the remainder of March.

Time Machine: This week 100 years ago in Pocomoke's newspaper; 1892, 2006, 1990.



August, 1892
Baltimore Sun

*January, 2006

Salisbury Daily Times

*December, 1990

Baltimore Sun