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Saturday, January 2, 2010
Take The Cool Test
This test is based on how cool you were in High School...
What crowd you ran with, what car you drove, who you dated, etc.
It's pretty accurate.
You may want to send it to your friends to see if
they've changed.
Click below.
Take the Cool Person test Here
Mar-Va Theater Upcoming Event
2010 Season Kickoff
A fun-filled evening to celebrate the
opening of the Mar-Va Theater and
to introduce our exciting 2010 schedule
of live performances and movies!
Saturday, January 9, 2010
6 PM
Admission Only $10 - At the Door
Please RSVP by Jan 2
by calling 410-957-4230 or
e-mail to
Live Entertainment!
Complimentary Light Refreshments!
Wine & Beer available for purchase!
For more info go to
Friday, January 1, 2010
It was a Uszi New Year in Pocomoke
At midnight on 2009, bringing in the New Year of 2010 the sound of automatic weapons rang in the new Year. There's no mistake in the sound of of an Uzi or Mac-9 and that's what greeted my New Year.
There was a sound of a distance firecracker and and single-shot weapons but the automatics were the dominating force bringing in the year 2010 in Pocomoke city.
It was the sound of many, all coming from the area between Laurel st and Webs market where I know a fellow that lost a bet that at least 6 drug dealers would wave his truck down, and the bet was lost because the dealers that tried to stop him on 4th street totaled over 8 between Webs and Laurel.
I'll be out with my video cam in 2010 (just a heads up PCPD)
It's time we clean-up around here (again)
Thursday, December 31, 2009
If You Drink Don't Drive!
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
New Years Eve Traditions

I bet you didn't know that the celebration of the new year is the oldest of all holidays being observed for the first time in ancient Babylon about 4000years ago and lasting for eleven days. Each day had its own mode of celebration. The Babylonian New Year (around 2000 BC) began with the first new moon after the Vernal Equinox, which would be the first day of spring. This seemed to be the logical time to start the new year with the planting of new crops and blossoming of trees, shrubs and flowers.
Through many years the calendar changed to our new year of today which is January 1. But through the years the many traditions celebrated today have been brought forward from other lands. As Christianity spread thoughout the world these so called pagan traditions turned to more of Christian traditions. At one time the use of the baby to symbolize rebirth in the new year celebration was considered pagan and was denounced. But through the years the church finally allowed its use as the symbol of the birth of baby Jesus.
It was once thought (and maybe it is still today) that one could alter his luck and fortune for the new year by what he ate and did on the first day of the new year. So it has become common for folks to celebrate the first few hours of the new year surrounded by relatives and friends.
Then on New Years Day came the tradition of eating foods thought to bring good luck. And in many cultures anything that takes shape of a ring is good luck. While I like the tradition that the Dutch use because they believe the donut is good luck, in America it seems to be the black eyed pea. Well, good luck eating those! Usually accompanied with ham and turnip greens, my grandmother always had them on New Years Day. As a family we'd pile in the car and drive over there just for the "dose" of black eyed peas. I never saw any benefit in that but it made my mother and grandmother happy and that's all I cared about.
I find it amazing that so many traditions have a history that goes back for many years. And many families even today have their own New Years Eve and New Years Day traditions. And, yes, there are those of you that doze in the recliner until the ball drops, Auld Lang Syne is sung then stumble to your beds. That's your tradition.
Our family has always been big on celebrations. My father carried the tradition of our family having steamed shrimp on New Years Eve and bbq'd chicken on New Years Day! He kept that tradition for years and all of us would be there. And no, no black eyed peas.
So in your travels to the grocery store don't forget to buy some to cook for the family. They may bring you good luck and/or good fortune in the New Year. And don't look for me to taking a spoon full, I'm eating donuts.
Happy New Year Everyone! I hope 2010 is your best year yet.
Blue moon to shine on New Year's Eve
It happens only once in a blue moon -- and scientists say a blue moon is exactly what we'll see in the skies this New Year's Eve.
Don't expect an azure glow over our lunar satellite, however. The term "blue moon" simply refers to the second full moon in a calendar month, something that hasn't happened on a New Year's Eve for nearly 20 years, NASA says.
"December 1990 ended with a blue moon, and many New Year's Eve parties were themed by the event," said Professor Philip Hiscock of the department of folklore at Memorial University of Newfoundland, in Canada. "It was a lot of fun."
Most months have just one full moon, because the 29.5-day cycle of the moon matches up pretty well with the length of calendar months. Occasionally, there will be two full moons in a month, something that happens about every 2½ years, NASA says.
But a blue moon on December 31 is rare.
Elvis Presley crooned about it when he sang the old Rodgers and Hart song "Blue Moon," in which he stood alone without a dream in his heart or a love of his own.
He struck a more hopeful tone in another tune, singing about his love returning to his arms "When My Blue Moon Turns to Gold Again." He also covered Bill Monroe's bluegrass classic, "Blue Moon of Kentucky."
It is possible for the moon to have a cerulean hue, NASA says, but that's sometimes caused by fine dirt circulating in the Earth's atmosphere or the dark blue tone of the sky.
A blue moon hasn't always meant the second full moon in a month. Hundreds of years ago, it simply meant "never" or "absurd," Hiscock said.
"The phrase 'blue moon' has been around a long time, well over 400 years, but during that time its meaning has shifted," he said. "I have counted six different meanings which have been carried by the term, and at least four of them are still current today. That makes discussion of the term a little complicated."
When the Indonesian volcano Krakatoa erupted in 1883, it put so much dust in the atmosphere that the moon actually appeared blue -- an event so unusual that the term "once in a blue moon" was coined, according to NASA's National Space Science Data Center. The effect lasted for almost two years, Hiscock said.
Full moons used to have 12 names, one for each month, such as "harvest moon," NASA said. The term "blue moon" referred to the 13th full moon in a year.
The term acquired its current meaning in the 1940s, after the Farmer's Almanac of Maine offered an astronomical definition of a blue moon "so convoluted that even professional astronomers struggled to understand it," NASA wrote on its Web site.
A writer at Sky and Telescope magazine in the late 1940s tried to explain the almanac's definition by saying it referred to the second full moon in a month.
"That was not correct, but at least it could be understood," NASA wrote. "And thus the modern blue moon was born."
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Dave Barry's year in review: 2009
It was also a year of Change, especially in Washington, where the tired old hacks of yesteryear finally yielded the reins of power to a group of fresh, young, idealistic, new-idea outsiders such as Nancy Pelosi. As a result Washington, rejecting ``business as usual,'' finally stopped trying to solve every problem by throwing billions of taxpayer dollars at it and instead started trying to solve every problem by throwing trillions of taxpayer dollars at it.
To be sure, it was a year that saw plenty of bad news. But in almost every instance, there was offsetting good news:
BAD NEWS: The economy remained critically weak, with rising unemployment, a severely depressed real-estate market, the near-collapse of the domestic automobile industry and the steep decline of the dollar.
GOOD NEWS: Windows 7 sucked less than Vista.
BAD NEWS: The downward spiral of the newspaper industry continued, resulting in the firings of thousands of experienced reporters and an apparently permanent deterioration in the quality of American journalism.
GOOD NEWS: A lot more people were tweeting.
BAD NEWS: Ominous problems loomed abroad as -- among other difficulties -- the Afghanistan war went sour, and Iran threatened to plunge the Middle East and beyond into nuclear war.
GOOD NEWS: They finally got Roman Polanski.
In short, it was a year that we will be happy to put behind us. But before we do, let's swallow our anti-nausea medication and take one last look back, starting with. . . .
. . . during which history is made in Washington, D.C., where a crowd estimated by the Congressional Estimating Office at 217 billion people gathers to watch Barack Obama be inaugurated as the first American president ever to come after George W. Bush. There is a minor glitch in the ceremony when Chief Justice John Roberts, attempting to administer the oath of office, becomes confused and instead reads the side-effect warnings for his decongestant pills, causing the new president to swear that he will consult his physician if he experiences a sudden loss of sensation in his feet. President Obama then delivers an upbeat inaugural address, ushering in a new era of cooperation, civility and bipartisanship in a galaxy far, far away. Here on Earth everything stays much the same.
The No. 1 item on the agenda is fixing the economy, so the new administration immediately sets about the daunting task of trying to nominate somebody -- anybody -- to a high-level government post who actually remembered to pay his or her taxes. Among those who forgot this pesky chore is Obama's nominee for Treasury secretary, Timothy Geithner, who sheepishly admits that he failed to pay $35,000 in federal self-employment taxes. He says that the error was a result of his using TurboTax, which he also blames for his involvement in an eight-state spree of bank robberies. He is confirmed after the Obama administration explains that it inherited the U.S. Tax Code from the Bush administration.
Elsewhere in politics, a team of specially trained wildlife agents equipped with nets and tranquilizer darts manages, after a six-hour struggle, to remove Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich from office. He is transported to an undisclosed swamp, where he is released into the wild and quickly bonds with the native ferret population.
SignMan Still Painting
Sign of the week:
Body Found Is Identified
Lamb is believed to have departed from Deep Creek Marina, where she kept her boat, a 31 foot Chris-Craft, on the morning of December 17. Although reports are conflicting, authorities say Lamb may have been accompanied by another missing person, Daria Finn. Wind gusts were as high as 30 MPH on December 17.
Any information pertaining to this case or the whereabouts of Daria Finn are asked to contact the sheriffs office at 757-678-0458 or marine police at 800-541-4646.
Monday, December 28, 2009
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Something To Be Ashamed Of !!!
Now, I don't know who owns this small strip of stores and I don't really care. I do not know who works in any of these businesses. But what I DO know is that all of you are a bunch of creeps and uncaring citizens of the United States of America to allow the flag of this country to become this raveled and torn. Not to mention the fact that you don't appreciate where you live to even look at it to see if it is there or to care about it's condition! Shame on everyone of you. I have never shopped or stopped into either of those businesses and don't care to now at all.
If anyone knows who owns this area please let me know so that I may contact them to have it removed! As far as I am concerned if you don't care about the shape of your flag you can't possibly care about too much of anything.
Fatality on Virginia's Eastern Shore
According to Sargeant Cotton of the Virginia State Police, the three cars were involved were a Ford Taurus, a Ford Mustang and a Tractor Trailer.
Wanda Sue Taylor was operating the Taurus, traveling northbound in the southbound lanes of Route 13. Taylor was pronounced dead at the scene.
Jerrone Sloan of New Castle Delaware, was traveling in his Mustang on the southbound lanes, when he veered to avoid a head-on collision with Taylor. Coincidentally, Sloan's Mustang sideswiped a tractor trailer.
The sideswipe cause the tractor trailer to veer and hit Taurus carrying Ms. Taylor head-on. Taylor was not wearing a seat belt.
Sloan was transported to Riverside Memorial Hospital with major, life-threatening head injuries. The tractor trailer driver of Clementon, New Jersey did not suffer any injuries.
No cause has yet been determined as to why Taylor was traveling north in the southbound lanes.
This was the second fatality on the Shore over the Christmas weekend. Early Friday morning Leonardo Lopez of Onley died in a crash on Rt. 13 north of the Parksley Royal Farms.
Follow Up on Story
Autopsy Ordered on Woman's Body
Authorities have ordered an autopsy to be conducted on a womans body found on a beach here on the Eastern Shore.
The body of an unidentified white female was located on a private beach near the mouth of Westerhouse Creek on the Chesapeake Bay around 4 p.m. Tuesday, according to Major David Doughty of the Northampton County Sheriffs Department. The creek is near the Vaucluse neighborhood. The woman appeared to be over the age of 40 and has pierced ears.
According to authorities no one in Northampton or Accomack counties has been reported missing in recent days.
The medical examiner is conducting an autopsy and the Northampton County Sheriff's department is checking missing-person reports for other municipalities around the region.
A fish-fighting chair a heavy seat usually mounted on the back of offshore fishing boats was also found in the water in the area where the body was located. Major Doughty stated that it is impossible to tell whether the chair and body are related,
Anyone who may be able to help the identity of the woman is asked to contact the Northampton Sheriffs Department at 757-678-0458.
Let me tell y'all about T. J. Leggs
For a number of years I was a bouncer at a local night club, I was working there about 3-4 years when T. J. was hired. It wasn't long before we all knew his past. Needless to say those of us that are naturally protective of others were very concerned and myself not being the forgiving type, I questioned T. J. with small questions here and there.
T. J. is/was a likable guy, throughout my interrogation he never showed any amount anger in the fact that I wanted to know what he did to be a registered SO. He had his story down though, he left me believing that what he did was got caught with a young girl by her mother in a situation that many young men deal with and that was, that he was just over age and his girlfriend was just under age.
T. J. did love the night life and he was at home in the bar even at such a young age, just old enough to work there. T. J. was a normal everyday guy, he did his job and did it well. He got along with his coworkers and never caused any problems.
T. J. would sit with me every night at the bar, even on his nights off, he would come in just to sit at my table. To me T. J. seamed like just a guy. BUT....
From the first time T. J. and us 'crew' met, everytime T. J. left our presents, my wife would say "I like T. J. but somethings not right about him, it's his eyes"
It was not only my wife that saw this either, a lot of the women that knew us and that knew T. J. would say the exact same thing, they could see something in his eyes. Now I'm one that trust in 'intuition' so I kept a solid eye on him but he never did anything out of the way, not in my presents anyway.
Now I am in no means taking up for T. J. If T. J. is the person that murdered little Sarah I hope to God he reaps what he sowed 10 fold.
I'm just telling this and keeping it very short in hopes that others will look into who they subject their children too. If you have a "feeling" walk away and never look back, you may just save a life, use that "intuition" and use the resources available to look people up. What can it hurt? It may save a life.