Here are some other links that will give you even more information of what the business is all about.
Our View: High-tech jobs coming to Pocomoke is more good news for Shore
WORCESTER BIZ: High-tech company has big plans for Pocomoke City
Family friendly and striving to be a worthy choice for your Internet browsing. Comments and material submissions welcome: tkforppe@yahoo.com . Pocomoke City-- an All American City And The Friendliest Town On The Eastern Shore.
I hope Pocomoke sees the beauty in this new restaurant and doesn’t by-pass it due to the other Chinese establishments in Pocomoke that all taste the same. This is new, fresh, and different; exactly what the friendliest town on Eastern Shore needed.
The Worcester County Sheriff’s Office is proud to announce that Deputy Allison Herrman was awarded top academic honors from the Eastern Shore Criminal Justice academy June 13th 2012 Deputy Herrman graduated number one in her class. Deputy Herrman joins her brother Sgt. Nate Passwaters in serving the citizens of Worcester County.
POCOMOKE CITY, Md. - A new high tech company is bringing their business and products to Delmarva. Vorbeck Materials is well on their way to manufacturing innovative products that could change everyday technology. President John Lettow unveiled his company's new expansion project housed in this Pocomoke City facility.
"We make a new material and then form of that material in a powder, but we convert that powder into a range of different products," said Lettow.
"They're hoping that this could be the new Silicon Valley of the east coast and so we're excited about the opportunity here," said City Manager, Russell Blake.
What's more important: job growth. Vorbeck expects to employ 25 to 30 people in the first year, and 50 others soon after.
More of the story and video here.
"Reflections On the Riverside Grill"
Photo by: Rob Clarke (Councilman/Pocomoke City
Here's the weather report that tk for PPE sent me last night for an area a little North of us:
Barrow, Alaska
Tonight...Cloudy. Areas of fog. Lows in the mid to upper 30s. West winds 5 to 10 mph becoming northeast.
Friday...Cloudy. Areas of fog. Highs in the 40s. East winds to 10 mph.
Friday Night...Cloudy. Areas of fog. Lows in the mid to upper 30s. East winds around 10 mph.
Saturday...Cloudy. Areas of fog in the morning. Highs in the lower to mid 40s. Northeast winds to 10 mph.
Stay Cool!
Tom Beauchamp- owner of Beauchamp Construction with daughter.
Beauchamp Construction handled the rennovations on the building.
Pocomoke City Police Chief Kelvin D. Sewell and his wife Rhonda. It was so wonderful to finally meet her. I knew there had to be a strong woman behind that smile Chief Sewell almost always wears. Maybe she should write a book. Being the wife of a Baltimore City Homicide Detective could not have been an easy task. I just can't help but wonder about her long dark nights. How many times did she have to appear brave, keep a smile, bite her tongue and hold back tears sitting at home while waiting for her husband to finish a case to the point he could return home. How many times were important family matters put on hold? How many sleepless night.
On the Dedication page of "Why Do We Kill" Chief Sewell writes that his wife Rhonda once stated "The Police Department took my husband away from me years ago."
Here's hoping that now with your husband being Chief of the Police Department in Pocomoke City you have gotten back your husband. Oh, there's still crime, his responsibilities are there. But being in Pocomoke has to make all the difference in the world.....for all of you. My very best to all of you.
Thank you to those great people at Pocomoke City Hall for your words of appreciation. Pocomoke now has the best police department it has ever had with a new headquarters to be proud of for many years.
Councilman Malloy, thank so much for leading the way and making it possible for me to carry out my mission of keeping everyone informed mostly through photos. This is Mission Accomplished!
And a very special thanks to my wonderful husband. I love you. And remember: YOU bought me the book....and you bought me the camera.
While we enjoy a very safe community, in the United States, a residential burglary occurs every 13 seconds. In addition to the property loses, victims often develop personal feelings of vulnerability resulting from these crimes. To help prevent becoming a victim, the Pocomoke City Police Department offers some helpful hints:
•Have sturdy dead-bolt locks on all exterior doors – and use them.
•Trim shrubbery back to avoid giving burglars cover, and trim tree branches so there is no access to upper windows.
•Leave shades and blinds in normal positions.
•Keep porches, entrances, and driveways well lit – consider installing automatic lights that turn on at specific times or when there is movement in the area.
•Keep garages and sheds closed and locked when not in use – they offer excellent cover for a burglar attempting to break into a house.
•Store tools and ladders securely out of the way when not in use.
•Never carry identification tags on your keys.
•Do not hide "spare house keys" outside.
•Keep daily routines confidential and vary them when possible.
•Do not put valuables where they are visible from a door or window of your home.
•Do not let strangers into your home to use the phone – offer to make the call for them.
•Put lights and television and/or stereo on timers (not just when you are away on vacation).
•Make sure your exterior lights are not on during day light hours. (remember to adjust timers with seasonal day light changes).
•Do not let newspapers build up on your driveway and/or property - have a trusted neighbor retrieve your newspapers and mail.
•Do not let mail build up and/or over flow your mail box.
If you observe anyone acting suspicious call the Police immediately, you can remain anonymous.
If you have any questions or would be interested in further information on crime prevention, please contact the Pocomoke City Police Department.
Chief Kelvin D. Sewell
Pocomoke City Police
Pulled Pork Sandwich (any way) w/ Side
Drink ~ $7.95
1/2 BBQ Chicken & 1/2 Rack of Ribs
2 Sides ~ $17.95
Beef Brisket Sandwich w/ side
Drink ~ $7.95
1/2 BBQ Chicken & 1/2 Rack Ribs
w/ 2 Sides ~ 17.95
Want to volunteer for the Community Giving Garden?
Contact: Neelam Strom @ 443-437-7203; or Norma Howard @ 410-726-0066.
Harvest will benefit local families in need.
Activity and beauty will benefit all!
Route 13- South of Pocomoke
*****Tickets available from just about any fire fighter and at First Shore Federal on Market Street*****
The reader wants to warn everyone to be sure to keep your windows and doors LOCKED! Take ALL precautions to protect your possessions.
A burglary/breaking and entering occurred last Sunday near the readers residence, in broad daylight while her elderly neighbors were at church. Entry was gained from the back of the house by pushing in the air conditioning window unit in the kitchen.
A similar situation occurred last month at another residence near the reader except entry was gained this time by removing the air conditioning unit located in the garage area. The air conditioner was taken along with other property.
These incidences have been reported to the Pocomoke City Police Department.
But this information brings up a few questions. How DO you secure a window unit properly so this doesn't happen to anyone else? Most times we are all in a big hurry when the weather becomes suddenly hot and we don't think about what could happen if we don't take the time to properly protect ourselves.
Please remember that the Pocomoke City Police Department is once again on foot, on bicycle and driving through your neighborhood. But crime can strike at anytime and a criminal has no conscience. A criminal doesn't care who you are, how old you are, what he takes or how much he destroys to get what he wants......he just wants what belongs to you. If you see anything suspicious in your neighborhood PLEASE contact the Pocomoke Police Department.
Be good neighbors and look out for one another. And please feel free to take a look at the Crime Report. Click onto the Pocomoke City Police Dept. icon on the right of the PPE.
Congratulations to the Pocomoke City Police Department! Those congratulations include everyone and anyone linked to the department or had a role in bringing this beautiful facility to a reality for the people of Pocomoke City.
Pocomoke City Mayor Bruce Morrison was Master of Ceremonies and Councilman/Rev. George Tasker gave the invocation. But is was the remarks given by the guest speakers that touched our hearts when commenting on the men and women in uniform that protect and serve the citizens of Pocomoke. They are the best and they deserve the the best.
This isn't the first generation of police officers for Pocomoke City and Chief Sewell stated that. In fact he named many of them and went on to say how proud the newest generation of Pocomoke City Police Officers were to walk in the footsteps of those before them.
In the program handed out before the ceremony Chief Sewell stated: " All of us in the Pocomoke City Police Department are very excited about our new police building. This move has already resulted in greatly improved morale within the ranks of the officers and our civilian employees. We greatly appreciate the efforts of the Mayor and City Council, the City's Public Works Department, Beauchamp Construction, and everyone else who was in this project. We look forward to serving the community from this location for many years."
What wonderful words came from Delegate Mike McDermott as he spoke about the Pocomoke Police Department. To be honest I had to hold back my tears as he spoke. These brave men and women do leave their homes and the arms of their loved ones to become the protectors of society. They are the brave warriors who put their lives on the line for the people. They are the ones who patrol the dark streets on foot, bike or car. And we can not forget those back at the police department manning the radios and working in capacities that keep the Pocomoke Police Department running....nor should the loved ones waiting at home ever go unnoticed.
Worcester County Commissioner Merle Lockfaw
expressed the same sentiments as the others. Being a citizen of Pocomoke and Pocomoke City Volunteer fireman he knows the determination and dedication that is required to be successful.
Senator Jim Mathias - A long time friend to Pocomoke City and also had some great words to share with those present.
Two of my dear old friends....John McDaniel and Patrol Officer Ralph Corbin. Other officer's last name is Craven (I believe, help me on this one). If I am not mistaken this officer is the same one that tried to get me to give him my thumb print- to see if I was a fugitive!
This young lady seems to be the back bone to the police department. Angel D. Thornes, Executive Administrative Assistant for the Pocomoke Police Department. That's a pretty large title to hold for such a petite person. But in the course of the past few months I've seen her dig her heels in and work hard just like the others. On one occasion I saw her busy with the new furniture that had been delivered to the new department; and dealing with the headaches that you get when your goods are damaged. The last occasion I ran into her was on the second floor of the old police headquarters on a really hot day. She was in a file closet moving paper files. That's not easy work.
I also think I am correct when I tell you that it was Angel that did the excellant selection of furnishings in the new police department. Each and everyone that holds a position in the police department of Pocomoke City deserve our thanks. They have all done an outstanding job!