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Just click on the picture above, click on play, then leave the mouse alone , sit back and Enjoy a piece of creative brilliance. I wonder who had 'time' to do this.
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Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan, the alleged shooter in yesterday's massacre at Fort Hood, played a homeland security
advisory role in President Barack Obama's transition into the White House, according to a key university policy institute document.The Homeland Security Policy Institute at George Washington University
published a document May 19, entitled "Thinking Anew – Security Priorities for the Next Administration: Proceedings Report of the HSPI Presidential Transition Task Force, April 2008 – January 2009," in which Hasan of the Uniformed Services University School of MedicineHasan received his medical degree from the military's Uniformed Services University School in Bethesda, Md., in 2001.
Noting that the Obama administration transition was proceeding, the GWU Homeland Security Policy Institute report described on the first page the role of the Presidential Transition Task Force as including "representatives from past Administrations, State government, Fortune 500 companies, academia, research institutions and non-governmental organizations with global reach."
While the GWU task force participants included several members of government, including representatives of the Department of Justice and the U.S Department of Homeland Security, there is no indication in the document that the group played any formal role in the official Obama transition, other than to serve in a university-based advisory capacity.
Daniel Kaniewski, deputy director of the Homeland Security Policy Institute at George Washington University affirmed to WND in a telephone interview this morning that the Nidal Hasan listed as attending the meetings of the HSPI Presidential Transition Task Force was the same person as the alleged shooter in the Fort Hood massacre.
Kaniewski said Hasan attended the meetings in his capacity as a member of the faculty of the Uniformed Services University School of Medicine, not as a member of the HSPI Presidential Task Force.
Kaniewski believed Hasan applied on the institute's website to attend the meeting and was accepted because of his professional credentials.
Kaniewski could not tell WND whether or not Hasan made comments from the audience that influenced the task force recommendations or not.
He further confirmed Hasan had attended several meetings held by the Homeland Security Policy Institute at George Washington University and that the institute is currently searching conference records to see if it is possible to determine what additional institute conferences he attended.
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Alan Wade Tyler, 49, was arrested Wednesday after the Coast Guard boarded and then detained his 60-foot boat, the Chelsea Lane Tyler, in Tylerton until Maryland Natural Resources Police arrived.
The five children on board were transported home to Ewell by NRP officers, said Sgt. Art Windemuth, an NRP spokesman.
Tyler was charged with operating a vessel under the influence of alcohol, operating a vessel while impaired by alcohol, operating a vessel while impaired by any drug or combination of drugs and alcohol and negligent operation of a vessel.
The Coast Guard has temporarily suspended his license and will initiate administrative proceedings against him, according to a spokesman for the agency.
Tyler, along with his father, Alan Tyler Sr., share the responsibility of transporting island children to and from Crisfield High School each day.
Alan Tyler Sr. is the owner of the boat and has a contract with the Somerset County Board of Education, similar to contracts the school system has with bus drivers.
Superintendent Karen-Lee Brofee said she did not learn of the incident until about 24 hours later, and still did not know all the details except that the island children did not miss school Thursday.
"There was no break in service," she said. "The children will still get to school safely."
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Two gunmen in military uniforms shot and killed as many as nine people and wounded as many as 20 at Fort Hood in Texas on Thursday, officials said.
One of the shooters has been apprehended, Fort Hood spokesman Sgt. Maj. Jamie Posten told CNN.
"At this point we're looking for the other shooter," Posten said. Asked for a description, he said, "we're trying to develop that information."
The shooters were wearing military uniforms, but it was unclear whether they were soldiers, said U.S. Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison, R-Texas.
One of the gunmen was shot and wounded by military police, Hutchinson told CNN. She said she got her information from a general on the base.
Rep. John Carter, R-Texas, said between 20 and 30 were wounded.
President Obama has been informed of the incident, Press Secretary Robert Gibbs told reporters.
Officials at Fort Hood, which is the Army's largest U.S. post, were asking people there to stay away from windows, CNN affiliate KXXV said. The incident took place at the sports dome, now known as the soldier readiness area, the station reported.
FBI agents are headed to the scene to assist, said Erik Vasys, spokesman for the FBI office in San Antonio. He had no other details.
On the Fort Hood Web site, the word "closed" is posted with the statement, "Effective immediately, Fort Hood is closed. Organizations/units are instructed to execute a 100 percent accountability of all personnel."
Fort Hood, with about 40,000 troops, is home to the Army's 1st Cavalry Division and elements of the 4th Infantry Division, as well as the 3rd Armored Cavalry Regiment and the 13th Corps Support Command. It is located near Killeen, Texas.
At least 25,000 people are at Fort Hood on any given day, an Army spokesman at the Pentagon said.
Fort Hood is home to the Warrior Combat Stress Reset Program, which is designed to help soldiers overcome combat stress issues.
JOHNSON CITY, Tenn. – Jim Stevens said he's not particularly religious and is clueless about why an image resembling Jesus Christ keeps appearing on his pickup. Stevens, of Jonesborough, said nearly every morning, an image that looks to him like the face of Jesus Christ has appeared in the condensation on the driver's side window of his Isuzu truck. A Johnson City Press photo of the truck showed a facial image.
Stevens said when he first saw the image, he figured it would evaporate and not return. But it kept reappearing for two weeks now.
Stevens said folks at the grocery store he goes to were amazed to see the image.
He said he isn't going to wash the truck for a while.
Investigators spent five days searching dense vines and marshes for a missing infant, only to find her lying quietly in a 2-foot by 3-foot cedar box that had been shoved under her baby sitter's bed.
Clothing was packed around it to muffle any sounds and baking powder placed inside to mask the stench of dirty diapers.
Authorities say the baby's mother, Chrystina Lynn Mercer, gave her to baby sitter Susan Elizabeth Baker early Saturday, then reported her missing about 10 hours later.
Washington County Sheriff Bobby Haddock choked up Thursday as he described how 7-month-old Shannon Dedrick was stashed in the box for 12 straight hours before investigators discovered her late Wednesday. They believe she had been in the box on and off for several days before that.
"She was way back under the bed," he said. "But she was not crying."
Baker had written a letter to Gov. Charlie Crist's office in August, pleading for help for the baby and claiming her father shook her and both parents did drugs in front of her. She asked Mercer on Friday if she could have permanent custody, Haddock said. Officials do not believe Shannon's father, who is Baker's stepbrother, was involved in the disappearance.
Haddock said Shannon apparently had been fed and cared for while she was with Baker, who lived about 12 miles from Mercer, though there was no bottle in the box with her. He said Baker became a suspect several days ago but never told them where the baby was, even as they interviewed her for 12 hours while Shannon remained hidden.
Mercer and Baker were jailed and arraignments were scheduled for Thursday afternoon. Mercer was charged with interference of child custody, desertion of a child and several other charges. Charges against Baker included neglect of a child with aggravated circumstances and interference of child custody.
Mercer's mother, Candis Boyer, attended Thursday's news conference and said afterward that she was there to show support for her daughter and granddaughter.
"I love my daughter very deeply," she said.
Baker's husband, James Arthur Baker, was arrested but released. He is still under investigation, Haddock said.
Shannon's parents told investigators they last saw her when they went to bed around 3 a.m. Saturday and investigators thought she had vanished sometime between then and 8 a.m.
About 100 law enforcement agents and others spent days scouring dense vines and marshes around the baby's home in a remote, makeshift community of dirt roads, tin-roof shacks and old mobile homes. Searchers also dug through trash cans and dumpsters.
"Statistically speaking this should not have ever happened, that we found this child alive, especially after so many days," said Haddock, who cradled Shannon in his arms as he spoke to reporters earlier Thursday. "Time was against us."
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NRP found Kevin Matthew Twilley shining a light out a vehicle on Scotty Road in Worcester County at about 7:30 p.m.
Officers observed Twilley shooting deer in the field next to the road. A report says when officers approached Twilley, he fled, but Pocomoke City Police were able to stop the vehicle on Route 13.
A check of Twilley's license revealed it was suspended and a check of the vehicle plate revealed it was stolen.
Twilley was charged with numerous natural resources, criminal and traffic violations.
VIA DelmarvaNow
In the General Election for the Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia, Bob McDonnell is the clear winner. McDonnell won over 60% of the popular vote and was heavily favored from the start. McDonnell also won both Accomack and Northampton Counties.
In the General Election for the Lieutenant Governor, the winner is Bill Bolling. Bolling won more than 59 % of the vote. Bolling won Accomack County but Northampton County residents favored challenger Jody Wagner.
In the General Election for Attorney General, Ken Cuccinelli is the victor. Cuccinelli won just over 60% of the vote. Cuccinelli carried both Accomack and Northampton Counties.
The local election for the next Delegate in the Virginia 100th district was just as lopsided as the previous three. Incumbent Lynwood Lewis won more than 67% percent of the vote, beating challenger Melody Scalley. Lewis won both counties, winning Northampton by a larger margin. |
Northampton County Election Results |
Northampton County also held its Board of Supervisors Election last night. In District 1 the winner was Willie Randall, edging out opponents W.T. Nottingham and Granville Hogg. Randall won more than 48% of the vote.
In District 2 the winner was Samuel Long. Long won more than 63% of the vote to beat opponent David Burden.
Election Turnout |
The real story of this year’s election was voter turnout. In Northampton County the voter turnout was only 37%. In Accomack County it was worse than that; there was only a 33% voter turnout. When it was all said and done, approximately 20,000 voters did not head to the polls, which is almost twice the number who showed up to vote. VIA Shore Daily News |
Dear Friends,
Last week House Leadership released a merged version of the health care reform legislation that was passed by three House committees in July. I immediately posted the text of this bill on my website so that all of my constituents can view the bill for themselves.
Over the past several months, I’ve expressed a number of concerns with the initial draft of H.R. 3200. I was concerned that leaders here in Congress were not giving Members enough time to study the bill and discuss it with their constituents, which is why I pushed to postpone a vote until after the August recess. I’ve also raised concerns with some of the policy aspects of the bill, including its cost, its impact on the deficit, and the impact that the employer mandate and surtax would have on small businesses and job creation. Now that the revised bill has been introduced, I will be thoroughly reviewing this legislation to see how these priorities are addressed within the new language of the bill.
While I recognize the urgent need to reform our health care system to reduce costs for families, employers, and the federal government, I will not be able to support a bill that does not adequately address these goals. In the meantime, please know that I have greatly appreciated all of the feedback I have received from constituents on this issue, and I understand how important this moment is to our country's future. I will keep you updated as consideration of this bill proceeds in the days ahead.
With health care reform taking most of the headlines, I did want to take an opportunity to give a brief update about some of the other issues I have been working on in Congress to address concerns of families throughout Maryland’s First District.
Earlier this month, I introduced legislation to extend the home-buyers tax credit, which realtors and economists have pointed to as a major factor encouraging the recovery of the housing market in Maryland and across the country. H.R. 3640 will extend the $8,000 tax credit for one year and expand eligibility to include all homebuyers purchasing a principal residence, while also offering tax relief to individuals or families forced to sell their home at a loss. Simply put, this tax credit is working, and in this housing market it would be foolish to allow this program to expire when it is working so effectively. Click here to take a look a the bill and here to view an impartial CRS analysis of the extension.
Another bill I recently introduced is HR 3898, the Small Business Property Reimbursement Act. This legislation will extend a key tax deduction for small business owners that invest in new equipment for their businesses. Specifically, my bill will extend a provision of the tax code that allows small businesses to expense up to $250,000 of the total cost of qualified assets purchased for business purposes. I feel strongly that instead of bailing out giant corporations, we ought to focus on strengthening the small businesses that support our local economies and drive economic growth. This bill provides much-needed tax relief that will allow small business owners to re-invest and create new jobs. Click here to read the bill.
With warm regards,
Rep. Frank M. Kratovil, Jr.
The opportunity to vacation in space may be right around the corner.
Reuters wrote yesterday that a Barcelona-based company, Galactic Suite Ltd, plans to open a multi-billion dollar space resort in 2012.
The space pod will circumnavigate the Earth every 80 minutes, giving guests a chance to watch the sun rise 15 times a day. Weightless space tourists will also "wear Velcro suits so they can crawl around their pod rooms by sticking themselves to the walls like Spiderman," said Reuters.
Tourists looking for an adventure that is out of this world will have to plunk down around $4.4 million in order to blast off to the Galactic Suite Space Resort. In addition to three nights in orbit, jet-setters will also take part in an eight-week training course on a Caribbean island.
Reuters reported that 43 people have already made reservations for the space hotel, with over 200 more expressing interest in the project.
According to the Galactic Suite Web site, the three pillar project includes plans for a tropical spaceport with training facilities, a spaceship that holds four passengers and two pilot-astronauts, and the "space resort" itself.
It will take a day and a half to travel from Earth to the pod. A spokesperson for Galactic Suite Ltd told NewsLite.tv: "The flight will be one of the main highlights of the experience. Aboard the craft, space tourists will reach a speed of 28,000 km/h (17,398 miles/hour) in ten minutes after rocket ignition."
Once guests arrive at the space pod, they will be left to their own devices. No staff will live permanently in the space station, which will be much like spending a long weekend at a secluded mountain retreat.
Xavier Claramunt, Galactic Suite Ltd's CEO and former aerospace engineer believes that his space venture puts him on the brink of an emerging industry. "It's very normal to think that your children, possibly within 15 years, could spend a weekend in space," he told Reuters Television.
Others say the company's pie-in-the-sky ideas are a little unrealistic, questioning the time frame of the project as well as its financial sources.
Reuters reported that "Claramunt said an anonymous billionaire space enthusiast has granted $3 billion to finance the project."
Other space projects underway include Spaceport America, a space-airport being built in New Mexico, as well as Virgin Galactic, a space tour firm started by Richard Branson that will use the Spaceport America facilities. Around 300 people have already signed up for Branson's suborbital space trips, which will cost around $200,000 a ride.
Don't leave the light on for me!
POCOMOKE CITY, Md.- Students across Delmarva are building robots to learn about engineering.
On Monday, a team of local high schoolers showed off their latest creation, affectionately called "Bubbles" the robot, at the Hawk Institute for Space Sciences in Pocomoke City.
The students say they spent about 150 hours to build a robot that competed in an international competition earlier this year. It went against other robots in a game that required each machine to toss balls into the attached trailing nets of competitors.
Organizers of the local non-profit group, called Eastern Shore Robotics, say it helps recruit a next generation of engineers. The group participates in the international FIRST Robotics competition.
"As our older engineers retire, we don't have a lot of really well-trained [and] technically-minded young kids coming in to fill those positions," said Chris Thompson, an organizer of the group.
The group uses resources from the Navy and NASA. It plans to begin working on a its next robot, under a strict six-week build period for the competition, beginning in January.
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Into the Deep
This can be an explosive month, a month that offers the potential for breaking through stubborn resistance and empowers you to overcome difficult obstacles. You are forced to take relationships and your own limitations much more seriously now -- tough decisions are in the air.
More Aries Horoscopes for November.
Fresh Perspectives
November is slated to stir up relationship conflicts and perhaps even anger with yourself. The stakes in the game of love are getting higher as your desire for more may upset a current companion or attract the ardor of a new one.
More Taurus Horoscopes for November.
Conscious Cutbacks
Something big has changed, yet it might be difficult to put your finger on it. You could run into obstacles that seem to stand in the way of your happiness this month. Although you may worry whether you can withstand the slow but intense pressure to change, have faith that you are up to the task.
More Gemini Horoscopes for November.
Passion and Power Personified
November fuels competitive feelings and challenges you to get more out of yourself. There is a temptation to pursue a romantic fantasy, and the foresight to achieve your goals in ways that stir up the least amount of folly.
More Cancer Horoscopes for November.
Extreme Makeover
November starts a long-term process where you begin establishing healthy patterns in your everyday life that will sustain you for years. You are forced to eliminate destructive behavior and excessive consumption of resources while still finding the freedom to explore your imagination.
More Leo Horoscopes for November.
Student of Life
Travel and education are key this month, and you feel the need to break from the pressures of your routine. You may have to struggle to get what you want, so be bold in the pursuit of your dreams.
More Virgo Horoscopes for November.
Deconstruction Zone
There's no room for laziness this month, and extra efforts will be recognized and rewarded. There is change in the air, change that will affect the most stable and fundamental areas of your life, but leave you stronger and wiser if you're up for the challenge.
More Libra Horoscopes for November.
The Shape of Things to Come
Professional and personal change are stressed this November, and it's better to be bold and take the initiative than to stand still and simply react. You find yourself more comfortable in your own skin now, making you more alluring to others.
More Scorpio Horoscopes for November.
Work in Progress
Service, spirit and self-awareness are three major areas of interest throughout November. Your attention is drawn to meeting your obligations, but patience is essential. Spiritual ideals can be turned into action now, and there is a call to connect with higher meaning and dimensions beyond the ordinary.
More Sagittarius Horoscopes for November.
True Grit
November introduces demands that aren't likely to be satisfied by more hard work -- and events may not unfold according to your plan. Life seems harder now, and this time can be a test of your will. You are urged to think long-term yet stay on top life's immediate changes.
More Capricorn Horoscopes for November.
Taking Care of Business
Practical and immediate issues get the attention this November, leaving less time to fantasize about the future. Professional lives feel the shuffle as a sense of spirituality or community service feels like it's missing. The danger is taking on more than you can handle.
More Aquarius Horoscopes for November.
The Power of the Mind
Serious conversations are on the agenda this November. Dreams come into the focus of reality, bringing new life to your desires. Total discipline is critical to achieving your goals, and distancing yourself from individuals who don't respect you may determine whether you gain more control over your life.
More Pisces Horoscopes for November.
The USS New York, a Navy assult ship built with steel from the World Trade Center, will make its inaugural visit to New York today. The $1 billion ship, was built in Lousiana with using about 7.5 tons of steel in the bow.
The ship is scheduled to stop near ground zero today where survivors and families of the
victims, along with the public, have been invited to watch a 21-gun salute. Afterwards, the ship will travel up river to the George Washington Bridge where it will turn around, head south and dock at Pier 88 and remain there until Veteren's Day. On Saturday, an official commissioning ceremony is scheduled. After Veteren's Day, the USS New York travels to Norfolk, Virginia for a year of training and exercises.
The USS New York, which was actually scheduled to be built before the World Trade Center terrorist attack, is 684 feet long, can handle helicopters and the MV-22 osprey tilt-rotor aircraft.
Out of the 361 sailors serving aboard the ship 13 percent are from New York state. And the assult ship can carry up to 800 Marines.
Of the other four ships being built two of those will also have names related to the 911 attacks.
They are the USS Arlington, built in honor of the attack on the Pentagon, and the USS Somerset, named after the county in Pennsylvania in which the United Airlines flight 93 crashed.