Maryland Tag - 23T629
Vehicle will have a logo similar to this one on the truck. Truck is driven by Kenneth Passwaters.
Passwaters failed to arrive at his destination this morning.
Per J. Shockley/Vertical Services
Family friendly and striving to be a worthy choice for your Internet browsing. Comments and material submissions welcome: . Pocomoke City-- an All American City And The Friendliest Town On The Eastern Shore.
We'll be there until it's gone.
facebook ~ Melson's Tractor Pulling
Full Rack w/ 2 Sides
Be sure to wish Dee a HAPPY BIRTHDAY !!
It takes lots of team work and effort to perform duties as risky as this one. Great job by all the departments involved. Keep up the outstanding work!
Information also submitted on Pocomoke City Arrest Report
· 1,207 Grams of Marijuana
· 61 Grams of Powder MDMA
· 16 Tablets of Ecstasy / MDMA
· Various items of paraphernalia to include a commercial heat sealer and scale
· $1,075.00 in U.S. Currency
1. Possession of Marijuana
2. Possession with intent to distribute Marijuana
3. Possession with intent to distribute Marijuana (School Zone)
4. Possession of powder MDMA
5. Possession with intent to distribute powder MDMA
6. Possession with intent to distribute powder MDMA (School Zone)
7. Possession of Ecstasy / MDMA
8. Possession with intent to distribute Ecstasy / MDMA
9. Possession with intent to distribute Ecstasy / MDMA (School Zone)
10. Possession of Paraphernalia
According to Fox 4 News, Facebook users have been posting a “Privacy Notice,” on their profiles warning government agents that they do not have permission to use any of the private information on their profile. But, posting this notice or any other disclaimer on your Facebook profile won’t protect you from the consequences of illegal activity.
When you first sign up to join the social networking site, you agree to the terms of Facebook’s privacy policy and legal terms. This means anything you post becomes public information.
Click here to read the full story on
~Scratch off birthday party invitations~
7:30 p.m., Tuesday, June 5, 2012
City Hall
2. Review and approval of minutes from meeting of May 7, 2012.
3. Review and approval of bills to be paid.
4. Public Hearing on proposed City budget as required by Sec. 49 of City Charter.
5. Constant Yield Tax Rate hearing on proposed tax rate for non-owner occupied properties.
6. First Reading of Res. No. 461 to adopt the City budget for fiscal year 2012-2013.
7. First Reading of Res. No. 462 to adopt the tax rates for various categories of real and personal property for fiscal year 2012-2013.
8. First Reading of Res. No. 463 to adopt the schedule of fees and charges for fiscal year 2012-2013.
9. Discuss letter from Mar Va Theater requesting abatement of taxes and water bills.
10. Res. No. 464 to approve revised Enterprise Zone acreage and map (Emergency Res).
11. Councilwoman Tracey Cottman to discuss proposed land use study being considered by members of the Tri-County Council concerning activities at the Patuxant River Naval Air Station.
12. City Attorney to present proposed Ord. No. 409 to regulate the types of furniture that may be placed on open porches and other areas for First Reading.
13. City Manager and Water Superintendent Mike Phillips to propose purchase of used generator for Water Treatment Plant. (Quinn Ave.)
14. Review list of properties for proposed partial tax abatements.
Comments from the Audience.
Mayor and Council Items.
Pick out a veterinarian ahead of time and schedule a visit within the first few days following the adoption.
Make sure everyone in the house is prepared to have a cat before it comes home.
Budget for the short- and long-term costs of a cat.
Stock up on supplies before the cat arrives.
Cat-proof your home.
Go slowly when introducing your cat to new friends and family.
Be sure to include your new pet in your family’s emergency plan.
If you’re considering giving a cat as a gift, make sure the recipient is an active participant in the adoption process.
Source:If interested in adopting a new cat contact the SPCA Virginia. They are open Tuesday thru Saturday, 10 a.m. until 3 p.m. or go to their website
Other information:
26528 Lankford Hwy.
PO Box 164
Onley, VA 23418
SPCA Eastern Shore Virginia can be found on facebook.
February, 1886
(The Daily Sentinel- Fort Wayne, Indiana)
A Maryland fisherman tells an expensive story of his experience with a sturgeon he caught in the Pocomoke. He called upon a friend to assist him in getting the fish into the boat, but the friend, being afraid of it, left him to manage as best he could. Being afraid of losing his prize, he sprang upon the back of the fish, caught it be the gills to keep its head out of the water, and with kicks and yells road it ashore.
April, 1901
(The Denton Journal)
Here's a fish story from Worcester: At Purnell's Mill pond, about a mile above Snow Hill, herring were so plentiful forty years ago that William K. Ronley, while waiting for his grist at the old mill that then stood there, caught a horse-cart load with a little dip net, and then had to wait for his grist; and the mill was a fast grinder and the miller active.
June, 1901
(The Denton Journal)
Herring are swarming in Purnell's Creek, a branch of the Pocomoke river, just above Snow Hill. The like has not been seen for many years. Charles Timmons, 15 years-old, Monday morning caught 2,000, and many others were almost as successful. All that has to be done is get any kind of a net with a pole to it and scoop them up. Apparently there are millions of them.
May, 1884
(The New York Times)
From The Pocomoke (Md.) Times
Levin Benson, of the Pitts Creek neighborhood, while out fishing on Monday succeeded in capturing what he considered a very singular kind of fish. As he floated down the river, holding his net and patiently waiting for the signal that told him a stray shad had wondered into its folds, he felt such a tug upon it as made him haul in his net, and his first view of its contents caused him to think, as he says, that he had caught the devil. But, as he had become entangled in his net and ruined a greater part of it he was determined to have revenge, and attacked him with a sturgeon-hook, and, after a hard fought contest, came off victorious. The animal proved to be a very beautiful seal. How it came in our river is a mystery. Its body gave evidence of being shot before its capture.
December, 1891
(The Denton Journal)
A whale recently stranded on the beach of Worcester County, measured 26 1/2 feet in length, 4 feet across the mouth, 18 feet girth.
March, 1939
(Democratic Messenger- Snow Hill)
*WAY BACK WHEN: Ocean City folks were younger, a mountain sized iceberg, towering hundreds of feet in the air, blew its chilly breath over the Maryland Seashore resort. Records show that on June 7, 1899 with the temperature above 90 degrees, a giant iceberg loomed into sight three miles offshore Ocean City in the Atlantic Ocean. The iceberg remained in sight for several hours as it slowly floated southward and its proximity to shore caused the temperature at Ocean City to drop below the 60 degree mark.
*Source: web page author George E. Richardson III, quoting item in March 16, 1939 edition.
August, 1936
Announcement was made of a $21,082 federal Public Works Administration grant to Pocomoke City to go towards construction of a municipal building and for completion of a school construction program. $16,850 was allotted for the two-story municipal building with two one-story wings and a basement. The building was to be designed to take care of all of Pocomoke City's municipal functions. The basement was to have a boiler room with concrete slabs overhead which were to serve as the floor for jail cells. Announcement of the funding came from First District Congressman T. Alan Goldsborough.
Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? It can be just a line or two or more if you wish. Your name won't be used unless you ask that it be. Send to and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!