Family friendly and striving to be a worthy choice for your Internet browsing. Comments and material submissions welcome: tkforppe@yahoo.com . Pocomoke City-- an All American City And The Friendliest Town On The Eastern Shore.
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Do All Ducks Want to Be the Aflac Ducks?

Friday, July 31, 2009
Ponies Return to Assateague

The "buy back" ponies were quite cordial today and I assumed they were ready to return home. They have done this before. Many of them have made the trip many times

Chincoteague Ponies Return to Assateague
No free Lunch at The White House
If you're a corporate CEO, and you are invited to the White House for lunch, you'd better bring your credit card along. Yes, the days of the free lunch are over at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. Case in point: A recent Oval Office powwow between President Obama and the heads of Xerox, Coca-Cola, AT&T, and Honeywell, where the executives were asked by White House staffers to provide their credit card information so that they could be billed for the cost of the meal. Via
The White House defended the unusual move as a way to avoid conflicts of interest. But the Bush administration didn't charge presidential guests for meals, one former official said, and at least one etiquette expert found the whole thing unseemly -- suggesting it was a serious breach of protocol.
The president regularly hosts meetings with the nation's top business leaders to listen to their grievances and suggestions, and making them pick up the tab for their meals is intended to show that the relationship is free of ethical complications.No word on what each CEO ordered, and whether the White House price structure seemed fair, wildly exorbitant, or like a bargain.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
84th Chincoteague Pony Penning and Carnival

Then on towards the carnival grounds to see those ponies. This is kinda like their very own Oscar week. Just as we got there I found this pony being led to the coral. The ooh and aahs began and I was captured myself. At first the litle guy wanted no part in the hoopla but soon settled down and the petting began. I felt sorry for the little guy because he wanted nothing more but to find his mom and get something to eat.

To be continued.....................
Pony Penning contd.

Lots of hearts will be broken this week because someone couldn't take a pony home with them. But along with that sadness will be many happy tales to tell and I am sure everyone will take home a "special" pony in their heart.

Sometimes it's even difficult to get a pony to smile

~~ This is dedicated to my daughter who is currently busy touring the United States.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Mall Boots Out Anti-Obama Kiosk
(July 29) -- Politics Daily's Mary C. Curtis calls it The Battle of Concord ... Mall.
Free Market Warrior, which sells conservative-themed products, is losing its lease and must leave North Carolina's Concord Mills mall at the end of the week.
Loren Spivak, who owns the kiosk, says the decision is purely political, noting that other stores in the mall sold lots of pro-Obama merchandise for months after the inauguration. A statement from the mall near Charlotte says it won't renew the lease because Spivak refuses to remove three bumper stickers and a T-shirt that suggest a link between the president and terrorism.
Although the future of Spivak's business is in doubt, he says the uproar has given his kiosk's sales a boost during its final days in the mall.
Chincoteague Salt Water Cowboys Pony Penning (Today)
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Police chief gives taser to citizen
HALLWOOD, Va. - A father waves a taser at a cell phone camera then points it at his son's back. The teen falls to the ground and out of the picture. Then he jumps up joining in the laughter of the other men.
The father then hands the taser back to its owner, a grinning Hallwood Chief of Police Wilson Glenn.
The town is home to nearly 300 residents. It sits about 2 hours away from Hampton Roads in Accomack County on the Eastern Shore.
WAVY.com caught up with Glenn outside his home in June. He wouldn't talk to us on camera about the incident but admitted he handed over his police weapon, claiming the video was just a joke. Glenn said he knew the whole thing was being videotaped.
Beyond that, he would only tell us the incident is being investigated. Whose investigating? WAVY.com learned it's the town council, who hired Chief Glenn in April 2006. No one from the council would comment. There's also no mention of the incident in council minutes for the past two months.
Mayor Timothy Raynor told WAVY.com over the phone, the incident "wasn't a big deal."
Glenn claims he is taser certified however, we checked and found no record.
As the video clearly shows, the X-26 taser is not being used as intended. So, WAVY.com sent the video to company representatives. Steve Tuttle, Vice President of Communications sent us the following statement:
While TASER International stands behind the safety of its life-saving technology, it is paramount that a successful TASER program requires clear use of force polices, stringent oversight and recurrent certified training.
WAVY.com discovered Hallwood does not have a policy which dictates how and when any weapon, including a taser, should be used.
Glenn ultimately blames someone trying to seek vengeance for leaking the video.
"We got a couple people in town trying to tear police department apart," he said.
WAVY.com told the Accomack County Commonwealth's Attorney Gary Agar about the video. He asked the state police to investigate. The investigation is currently ongoing.
from: www.wavy.com
Contributed by; jmmb
Monday, July 27, 2009

Elephants march through hotel lobby after it was built on their migration trail! The Mfuwe Lodge in Zambia happens to have been built next to a mango grove that one family of elephants have always visited when the fruit ripens. When they returned one year and found the luxury accommodation in the way, they simply walked through the lobby to reach their beloved grove of trees.

The animals come in two-by-two. Hotel staff and visitors have gotten used to the elephants' impromptu strolls through the lobby. Now the family group, headed by matriarch Wonky Tusk, return every November and stay for four to six weeks to gorge on mangos - up to four times a day. Andy Hogg, 44, the lodge director, has lived in South Luangwa National Park since 1982. But in all his years of dealing with wild animals he has never seen such intimate interaction between humans and wild animals. "This is the only place in the world where elephants freely get so close to humans," says Andy. "The elephants start coming through base camp in late November each year to eat the ripe mangos from our trees."

Living in the 5,000 square mile national park, the ten-strong elephant herd is led to the lodge each day by Wonky Tusk. The hotel was built directly in the path of the elephants' route to one of their favorite foods ....Mangos

"The most interesting thing about these wild animals," explains Andy, "is that this is the only herd that comes through, and they come and go as they please."
Mfuwe Lodge consists of seven camps and the base camp where the elephants walk through. Employing 150 staff, the management of the lodge report that there have been no incidents involving the wild elephants to date. "The elephants get reasonably close to the staff, as you can see in the pictures of the elephants near the reception area," Andy explains.. "But we do not allow the guests to get that close."

"Guests can stand in the lounge but only as long as there is a barrier between the elephants and the guests," he added.
"The elephants are not aggressive but you wouldn't want to tempt them. It is the elephant's choice to be here and they have been coming here for the last ten years. There are other wild mango trees around, but they prefer ours. The lodge was unwittingly built upon their path," Andy says, "so we had no idea they would do this. It wasn't a design error, we just didn't know. The lodge was built and the elephants started walking through afterward."

"We keep people at a safe distance, but allow them close enough to see what is going on. These are still wild and dangerous animals, so there must be enough time for people to get away."
The hotel is set in an idyllic national parkland. Naturally, the lodge becomes busier for both elephants and guests during November. "We find that we get more people visiting us during the elephant migration because of the unique experience of being so close to wild animals in an unusual environment," says Andy. "But as I said this is a totally natural phenomenon, as the elephants come here of their own accord. It is certainly a rare but magnificent sight."
Video For Today
How about a couple videos to perk ya up.
crank it up..........
Sunday, July 26, 2009
More on the Pain medication contract
Well it would be quite the opposite if one has any commonsense at all because a druggie will do anything to get their Buzz!
I have not had ANY form of pain medication now for quite some time, yeah I'm stubborn and in pain now, and have been threw the withdrawals of these harsh opiates all because I WILL NOT and I never will sign a contract that the Doctor/Government can invade my private life at their will, and at any time they want.
I found a copy of the standard contract that the Doctors can/will require you to sign, so I ask...... Would YOU sign it, or would you give-up your freedom of private life for a bottle of pills?
The quotes in red is what I object too.
Medication Contract
I, , _____________have agreed to use the following medications as
part of my treatment for chronic pain.
I understand that these medications may not eliminate
my pain but may reduce it and improve what I am able to do each day.
I understand the following guidelines for continuing pain treatment under the care of
1. I understand that I have the following responsibilities:
•I will take medications at the dose and frequency prescribed.
•I will not increase or change how I take my medications without the approval of this
health care provider.
•I will arrange for refills at the prescribed interval ONLY during regular office hours. I
will not ask for refills earlier than agreed, after-hours, on holidays or on weekends.
•I will obtain all refills for these medications only at pharmacy
(phone number: ), with full consent for my provider and pharmacist
to exchange information in writing or verbally.
•I will not request any pain medications or controlled substances from other providers
and will inform this provider of all other medications I am taking.
•I will inform my other health care providers that I am taking these pain medications
and of the existence of this contract. In event of an emergency, I will provide this same
information to emergency department providers.
•I will protect my prescriptions and medications. I understand that lost or misplaced
prescriptions will not be replaced.
•I will keep medications only for my own use and will not share them others. I will keep
all medications away from children.
•I agree to participate in any medical, psychological or psychiatric assessments recommended
by my provider.
•I will actively participate in any program designed to improve function, including social,
physical, psychological and daily or work activities.
2. I will not use illegal or street drugs or another person’s prescription. If I have an addiction
problem with drugs or alcohol and my provider asks me to enter a program to address this
issue, I agree to follow through. Such programs may include:
•12-step program and securing a sponsor
•Individual counseling
•Inpatient or outpatient treatment
If in treatment, I will request that a copy of the program’s initial evaluation and treatment
recommendations be sent to this provider and will not expect refills until that is received. I
will also request written monthly updates be sent to verify my continuing treatment.
3. I will consent to random drug screening to assure I am only taking prescribed drugs. I
understand that a drug screen is a laboratory test in which a sample of my urine or blood is
checked to see what drugs I have been taking.
4. I will keep all my scheduled appointments. If I need to cancel my appointment, I will do so
a minimum of 24 hours before it is scheduled.
5. I understand that this provider may stop prescribing the medications listed if:
•I do not show any improvement in pain or my activity has not improved.
•I develop rapid tolerance or loss of improvement from the treatment.
•I develop significant side effects from the medication.
•My behavior is inconsistent with the responsibilities outlined above, which may also
result in being prevented from receiving further care from this clinic.
Signed: Date:________________
Provider: Date:_________________
Click this link to the actual contract