Other 2011-03-31 200 Block WALNUT STREET WARRANT
Other 2011-03-28 200 Block LAUREL STREET THEFT LESS THAN $100
Robbery 2011-03-28 2100 Block OLD SNOW HILL ROAD ROBBERY
Theft 2011-03-27 500 Block LINDEN AVENUE THEFT $100 - L/T 1,000
Theft 2011-03-27 800 Block MARKET STREET THEFT LESS THAN $100.00
Theft 2011-03-26 800 Block A SECOND STREET THEFT $100 - L/T 1,000
Theft 2011-03-25 600 Block SECOND STREET THEFT $100 - L/T 1,000
Other 2011-03-25 1100 Block MARKET STREET THEFT LESS THAN $100.00
Other 2011-03-25 1400 Block SNOW HILL LANE THEFT LESS THAN $100.00
Other 2011-03-22 400 Block BANK STREET ASSAULT - SECOND DEGREE
Other 2011-03-22 500 Block MOORE STREET WARRANT
Other 2011-03-20 400 Block MAPLE STREET RUNAWAY
Vehicle Stop 2011-03-16 100 Block LAUREL STREET DRIVING WHILE LIC. SUSPENDED UNDER (17 106, 26 204, 26 206, 27 103)
Theft 2011-03-16 2100 Block OLD SNOW HILL ROAD THEFT $100 - L/T 1,000
Theft 2011-03-15 200 Block LAUREL STREET THEFT $1,000 - L/T $10,000
Other 2011-03-14 700 Block FOURTH STREET WARRANT
Theft 2011-03-12 2100 Block OLD SNOW HILL ROAD
Other 2011-03-08 1400 Block SNOW HILL LANE MAL DESTR PROP/VALUE- $500
Other 2011-03-08 500 Block MOORE STREET WARRANT
Theft 2011-03-05 500 Block LINDEN AVENUE THEFT LESS THAN $100
Other 2011-03-04 1 Block CENTRAL AVENUE THEFT $10,000 - L/T $100,000
Other 2011-03-04 100 Block NEWTOWNE BOULEVARD MAL DESTR PROP/VALUE- $500
Assault 2011-03-04 100 Block EIGHTH STREET ASSAULT - SECOND DEGREE
Breaking & Entering 2011-03-02 700 Block CEDAR STREET BURGLARY - FOURTH DEGREE
Family friendly and striving to be a worthy choice for your Internet browsing. Comments and material submissions welcome: tkforppe@yahoo.com . Pocomoke City-- an All American City And The Friendliest Town On The Eastern Shore.
Saturday, April 2, 2011
Butler College Gives Final Four Tickets to Wounded Warrior Project
The Butler basketball team will have some special guests at this weekend's Final Four in Houston.
The school donated part of its ticket allotment to the Wounded Warrior Project, a non-profit organization that provides support and assistance to former U.S. service members injured in combat.
Butler is providing eight tickets to Saturday's semifinal session as well as Monday's championship game. The recipients from the Houston area had yet to be determined as of Thursday, according to Ayla Hay, the WWP's executive vice-president for communications.
"We just have tremendous admiration for the sacrifices that our soldiers make for us all," said Butler athletics director Barry Collier.
The WWP partners regularly with the National Association of Collegiate Directors of Athletics (NACDA) to provide football and basketball tickets. Around 70 schools have participated this season, the organization estimates. "Each year before the football season we send out a packet about the Wounded Warrior Project to the athletic directors," Hay said. "We were really excited to get the e-mail from Butler."
"I'm not trying to get any attention from this," Collier said. "If they want to cheer for the Bulldogs, that's OK, too, but it's certainly not part of the deal. Our nation just owes so much to these folks."
Source; usatoday.com http://content.usatoday.com/communities/campusrivalry/post/2011/03/butler-final-four-tickets-wounded-warriors/1
Accomack County Deputies Investigate Shooting

He was transported to Riverside Shore Memorial Hospital and later transferred to another medical facility where he is listed in stable condition.
Deputies and investigators spent hours processing the scene, collecting evidence, and conducting interviews.
The Accomack County Sheriff's Office was assisted by the Virginia State Police, Virginia Marine Police, Department of Game & Inland Fisheries, Parksley Police, Onley Police, and Onancock Police.
Deputies said the investigation is continuing.
Source; fox43tv.com http://www.fox43tv.com/dpps/news/local/accomack-deputies-investigate-shooting_3762230
Former Officers Of the Law Go To Court

On Tuesday, in court, Tarr was found guilty of 5 counts of petit larceny. The other five other charges were dismissed.
Tarr received 12 months probation, 30 days in jail with 30 days suspended and was required to pay court costs.
Also appearing in court;
Also appearing in court;
Former Onley Town Police Officer Mark Joseph Whitney was arrested and charged with a DUI in January.
Whitney was off duty when he drove his 2005 Suburu onto Rt. 13 from Rt. 695 into a car driven by Kenneth Jones that was already traveling on Rt. 13. Jones sustained minor injuries and Whitney was arrested for driving under the influence.
In court on Tuesday Former Officer Mark Joseph Whitney was found guilty of Driving While Intoxicated. He received 30 days jail time with 20 days usupended and a $1,000 fine, with $500 suspended.
Whitney will be serving his sentence through the Work Release Program.
Wal*Mart Carjacking Suspects Arrested
This seems to be happening more often in alot of towns. People working through the night, making an honest living and suddenly out of nowhere come thugs to do harm. At ages 18 and still a juvenile it would just seem to me they would want to still be asleep in bed like most teens seem to do. Instead of getting a job to buy a car they decide that it is more fun to frighten someone, a 69 year old woman, and steal their car in the wee hours of the morning.
What kind of parents do these children of today have? I wonder what will the parents do with their children now they have gotten themselves into trouble. Maybe some pressure should be put on the parents. Send them to jail with their rotten kids.
From the Daily Times
April 1, 2011
POCOMOKE CITY — Both of the men charged in the alleged armed carjacking of a 69-year-old woman at the Walmart parking lot have been taken into custody.
Troy Ewell, 18, of the 7400 block of Lankford Highway in New Church, Va., turned himself into the Worcester County Sheriff’s Office last night, according to police. The other man charged in the crime is a juvenile, who was arrested on separate charges and later gave a full confession to Pocomoke City police officers. He is awaiting extradition from the Eastern Shore Regional Jail to Maryland.
Both men are charged with several counts including armed robbery, assault and carjacking. Ewell also has charges stemming from his alleged use of a handgun during the alleged carjacking. He is being held in the Worcester County Detention Center on $250,000 bond.
Friday, April 1, 2011
Rant on blogger raises eyebrows
SALISBURY -- News of the conviction of the man who confessed to killing an 11-year-old Salisbury girl found dead on Christmas Day took a back seat when the child's grandmother publicly criticized a local blogger during a news conference.
Less than an hour after 31-year-old Thomas James Leggs Jr. pleaded guilty in the kidnapping, sexual abuse and brutal murder of the young child, the victim's maternal grandmother stood at a podium outside the Cecil County Circuit Courthouse and thanked law enforcement officers, the State's Attorney's Office and the thousands of volunteers who search for the child who was abducted from her home Dec. 23, 2009.
"In my opinion"
Roberta Wechsler's statement at Tuesday's news conference took an unexpected turn when she openly scolded blogger Joseph "Joe" Albero for additional "crimes and assaults" against the deceased child and her family as well as the "exploitation of her murder" for personal gain."In my opinion, there is still a sociopathic criminal loose in our community," Wechsler said. "He is the leader of a small cult of other sociopathic lemmings. From the moment of Sarah's kidnapping, in my opinion, he has exploited her murder and her memory and tortured and pillaged my family. In my opinion, he is as much a criminal as Thomas Leggs."
The blogger said Thursday that he has abandoned plans to write about Foxwell's kidnapping and murder.
She alleged Albero victimized her family repeatedly since Foxwell's abduction and stated she will seek justice against the blogger and others who committed crimes against her granddaughter.
"We're not the first to be victimized by this man, but we will be the last," she said.
Wicomico County State's Attorney Matthew "Matt" Maciarello said he has not received a formal complaint from Wechsler and he was unsure of the details of her claims."It was a day full of emotion and she certainly had a lot on her mind," Maciarello said. "Everyone who sat through the proceeding experienced an emotional release."
Wicomico County Sheriff Mike Lewis said his office had not received a complaint from Wechsler regarding Albero as of Thursday.
"I think it's very unfortunate that she would use our press conference to air her frustrations and concerns with Joe Albero," Lewis said. "This was not the proper venue nor was it the proper time. That press conference was about giving closure to the Foxwell family and the investigators that worked tirelessly to see this case to the end."
However, Lewis said he understood her concerns.
"I clearly heard her frustration," he said. "I heard her concern in her voice and I think what she said is shared by many in our community."
John Robinson, a business owner who filed criminal charges and a protective peace order against Albero in the past, said he was not surprised by Wechsler's comments.
"She said the same thing I did," Robinson said. "He will do anything for attention. He doesn't care."
Robinson said he hopes the State's Attorney's Office will investigate the allegations.
Albero has been sued by a number of individuals including former Salisbury mayor Barrie Parsons Tilghman, former Salisbury Police Chief Allan Webster and former Wicomico County Detention Center Director Doug Devenyns.
"We won each and every one," Albero said.
Businesses targeted
Wechsler was also critical of advertisers on Albero's blog."In my opinion, you have actively supported a criminal and cyberterrorist," she said. "And you, too, will be held responsible for that decision."
Albero said he charges a minimum of $100 per month for ads posted on the blog, which he created about six years ago. All income from the blog is donated to charities.
"I'm very proud of the people that advertise with Salisbury News," he said. "We're trying to give back."
Donna Cathell, the owner of a Salisbury consignment shop, said her husband placed an advertisement for her establishment on Albero's site hoping to spread the word around town when her store, Finders Keepers, opened in December. She said the $100 ad was within her budget.
"I'm not a fan of his," Cathell said. "It was advertising."
Another business owner who advertises on Albero's blog said the site gives more exposure for smaller businesses. The business owner asked not to be identified because her establishment has been vandalized because of her ad on the blog.
"If we pulled our ads from everything out there that somebody thought was in poor judgment, where would we advertise?" the business owner asked.
The business owner commended Albero for volunteering in the community.
"I don't agree with him all the time, but we know what's going on when we go to Joe's site," she said.
Market Street Inn owner Robert "Rob" Mulford also has an ad posted on the controversial blog site, but said he hasn't paid for it since December.
"It's America," Mulford said. "You can advertise with who you want. It's free speech. He can do what he wants. People complain but they go to his site every day."
A Comment Worty Of a Post
RightCoast said...
I'm sad that people don't understand that this event was for the family.
An Open Letter to the Foxwell Critics
Dear Critics,
I do not know the Foxwell family. I did not know Sarah Foxwell, nor did I know her grandmother, Roberta. In all likelihood I would of never had known of any of these people except for the news on that tragic day before the Christmas of 2009, when it was announced that this little 11 year old girl had gone missing. For one moment the community came together collectively, as one, to help find this child. Mothers and fathers looked and hoped she would be found. When she finally was, it was devastating. We learned she had been abducted from her home, while her grandfather slept, by a known sexual predator, who hurt her in horrific ways and ultimately killed her.
Kind, compassionate people would hold this family up and embrace them in prayer and love and try to help them through unimaginable pain and suffering. Decent people would pour their love out to a family in such unbearable agony. Yet you, critics of the Foxwells, have chosen to pick open every wound, examine every flaw under a microscope and try to destroy these people, who just like you, are imperfect.
No decent reasonable person wants to see a child harmed and no one wants to see them dead. For those of you who have tried to blame Sarah's mother, or aunt, or grandmother, to perhaps try to deflect some of your own responsibility for allowing a known sex offender roam the streets, I'm disgusted. You did not know Sarah and you did not love her and you have no claim or rights to her memory other than the smear campaign you have embarked in over the lat 15 months to tarnish this sweet child's memory. By besmirching her family, you kill Sarah just a little bit each time. You are willful accomplices in tarnishing this child's memory.
For the family that loved her. I am without a doubt you loved her very much and did the best you could. There are bad people in this world and the fact is, no one but Thomas Leggs is to blame for the loss of Sarah Foxwell.
For critics who choose to continue to bash this family, it verges on criminal misconduct at this point to me. You owe this family an apology. Get that plank out of your own eye, neighbor. Your sin is just as bad as any other.
To the media, if you are going to cover this any further, I suggest you invest those that have facilitated this onslaught of evil on a family in pain and continue to do so whenever or to whomever tragedy or convenience strikes.
Many of us wanted instant gratification and desired for Thomas Leggs to be served the death penalty immediately. Most of know that enforcement of the death penalty would never have taken place in the State of Maryland.
With that thought in mind, then the family should be the major concern for the prosecution and the community. Consideration for their thoughts about punishment coupled with their tragic loss should be the only real voice that matters. They wanted life without parole for Thomas Leggs.
Can you please just stop your blaming of everyone and just focus it in the right place. Empathize with the family's feelings and position, you'll realize we should be silent for once. They're truly hurting and after all this time, they all deserve a little peace, love, and respect.
Please try to show some dignity for a change and give some respect to this dead child and her family.
God bless Sarah Foxwell and those who loved her...and God Bless those that didn't know her or her family and think they do. Reach a little deeper in your hearts.
Thank you,
I'm sad that people don't understand that this event was for the family.
An Open Letter to the Foxwell Critics
Dear Critics,
I do not know the Foxwell family. I did not know Sarah Foxwell, nor did I know her grandmother, Roberta. In all likelihood I would of never had known of any of these people except for the news on that tragic day before the Christmas of 2009, when it was announced that this little 11 year old girl had gone missing. For one moment the community came together collectively, as one, to help find this child. Mothers and fathers looked and hoped she would be found. When she finally was, it was devastating. We learned she had been abducted from her home, while her grandfather slept, by a known sexual predator, who hurt her in horrific ways and ultimately killed her.
Kind, compassionate people would hold this family up and embrace them in prayer and love and try to help them through unimaginable pain and suffering. Decent people would pour their love out to a family in such unbearable agony. Yet you, critics of the Foxwells, have chosen to pick open every wound, examine every flaw under a microscope and try to destroy these people, who just like you, are imperfect.
No decent reasonable person wants to see a child harmed and no one wants to see them dead. For those of you who have tried to blame Sarah's mother, or aunt, or grandmother, to perhaps try to deflect some of your own responsibility for allowing a known sex offender roam the streets, I'm disgusted. You did not know Sarah and you did not love her and you have no claim or rights to her memory other than the smear campaign you have embarked in over the lat 15 months to tarnish this sweet child's memory. By besmirching her family, you kill Sarah just a little bit each time. You are willful accomplices in tarnishing this child's memory.
For the family that loved her. I am without a doubt you loved her very much and did the best you could. There are bad people in this world and the fact is, no one but Thomas Leggs is to blame for the loss of Sarah Foxwell.
For critics who choose to continue to bash this family, it verges on criminal misconduct at this point to me. You owe this family an apology. Get that plank out of your own eye, neighbor. Your sin is just as bad as any other.
To the media, if you are going to cover this any further, I suggest you invest those that have facilitated this onslaught of evil on a family in pain and continue to do so whenever or to whomever tragedy or convenience strikes.
Many of us wanted instant gratification and desired for Thomas Leggs to be served the death penalty immediately. Most of know that enforcement of the death penalty would never have taken place in the State of Maryland.
With that thought in mind, then the family should be the major concern for the prosecution and the community. Consideration for their thoughts about punishment coupled with their tragic loss should be the only real voice that matters. They wanted life without parole for Thomas Leggs.
Can you please just stop your blaming of everyone and just focus it in the right place. Empathize with the family's feelings and position, you'll realize we should be silent for once. They're truly hurting and after all this time, they all deserve a little peace, love, and respect.
Please try to show some dignity for a change and give some respect to this dead child and her family.
God bless Sarah Foxwell and those who loved her...and God Bless those that didn't know her or her family and think they do. Reach a little deeper in your hearts.
Thank you,
Emergency Siren Testing

In the event of an actual emergency, the sirens would be used as additional means to warn the surrounding communities of imminent danger and the need to tune to either radio, television or the Internet for information.
Miss Hope Eastern Shore Pageant
Everyone, now matter what your task was in bringing this event together, needs to give themselves a big pat on the back.
So it seems every one came away with a good feeling. Strangers became friends forever. They are 'pageant sisters'. They are that for life simply because they gave unselfishly to a cause for a beautiful young lady that needs so much right now. And I can't help but feel that if this had been for anyone elsebesides Courtney, she would have been there participating herself.
Congratulations to all the winners in the Miss Hope Eastern Shore Pageant. From all the comments I have read not one contestant had a bad experience and I think the entire event left them with more than they had expected. I have read comment after comment about the event and have yet to hear one person find anything to disagree with. And I've been told that everyone had a blast.
The entire event was the idea of two young local women, the Pettine sisters. They have every reason to feel so very proud for what they have accomplished. Arranging and managing what they did was not an easy task and I would have been holding my breath the whole time! Giving so much of their time and energy for such a worthy cause should never be forgotten.
What is so wonderful to know is that most, if not all, of the participants know Courtney Bloxom. Some of them are Courtney's good friends. Some of them sit with Courtney in her room at the center helping to keep her motivated, trying to bring her back to wonderful self. Some know her very well simply by the facebook page Courtney's mother keeps.
![]() |
Miss Hope ES contestant Lennie Bowe and Miss Hope ES Ashley Mapp |
Regardless, these participants gave of their time to help someone in need.
Everyone, now matter what your task was in bringing this event together, needs to give themselves a big pat on the back.
Saturday nights pagaent raised over $7,000.00 for the Courtney Bloxom Fund. The contest included 35 participants and crowned 22 Princesses while a crowd of 475 watched. That's incredible.
But the Pettine sisters are finished yet .The fundraising continues. They set a goal of $19,000 for the Courtney Bloxom Fund and they intend to meet every bit of that commitment. Every penny raised for the pageant went towards the fund in an effort to purchase physical therapy equipment for Courtney. The professional photographer has pledged ten percent of his sales to go towards the cause. A CD is being made and 10% from the sales will be donated back.
But the Pettine sisters are finished yet .The fundraising continues. They set a goal of $19,000 for the Courtney Bloxom Fund and they intend to meet every bit of that commitment. Every penny raised for the pageant went towards the fund in an effort to purchase physical therapy equipment for Courtney. The professional photographer has pledged ten percent of his sales to go towards the cause. A CD is being made and 10% from the sales will be donated back.
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Miss Hope Eastern Shore Teen Amy Wigglesworth with other local queens. |
**DVDs are available at Alan-Lynch Productions. The email is josh@alanlynchproductions.com or 302-344-2977 . All checks need to be made out to Alan-Lynch Productions. PLEASE BE SURE TO SEND: Name, Address, Email, Cell, and Home phone number for this order. DVD's are $30 each. 10% will be donated back to the Courtney Bloxom Fund.**
Pocomoke's Election Day Nears
Election Day, APRIL 5, is almost here for the citizens of Pocomoke.
On election day candidates say they will be at the library for all or most of the 12-hour day from 7 a.m.-7 p.m., campaigning, shaking hands and letting voters know what matters to them.
Bruce Morrison, Lynn Duffy and Frank Ward will be competing for the mayoral seat, while Bobby Brittingham and Donald Malloy are both seeking the District 3 council seat.
Many of the candidates said reducing crime and revitalizing downtown will be priorities if elected.
"We've got to find a way to make downtown work again," says mayoral candidate Morrison, adding crime prevention would be similarly important.
Duffy, a professional counselor, also wishes to tackle crime if elected and says she would pursue a more open government. "I'm fully committed," she said in an interview about her campaign. On her often-updated campaign website, duffy4pocomoke. com, she has written insistently about crime as a growing and dangerous problem.
"Crime went up and our town has no plan," Duffy wrote. "Everything is not okay in Pocomoke."
Ward, the third candidate, could not be reached for comment.
Last year, 162 people turned out to vote for District 1 and 2 City Council representatives. This year, city officials expect more votes to be cast, because all registered Pocomoke voters will be able to cast a ballot for mayor. Officials said their voter rolls show 2,773 registered voters who could participate in the election.
The mayoral seat became available last year after mayor Mike McDermott was elected to represent part of the Eastern Shore in the House of Delegates. After Morrison announced his intention to run for mayor after six years as District 3 councilman, his council seat also became available.
"I don't think there is anything rather drastic to be changed in Pocomoke," said Malloy. "I think I am capable of keeping Pocomoke running as well as I think it does now."
Brittingham won the Democratic primary race for Worcester County Sheriff last fall but lost to Republican Reggie Mason in the general election.
Source; delmarvanow.com http://www.delmarvanow.com/article/20110331/WCT01/103310302/Pocomoke-candidates-prepare-for-polling-day?odyssey=mod|newswell|text|Worcester County Times|s
Written by: Jennifer Shutt
March 31, 2011
POCOMOKE CITY -- In a few days, Pocomoke voters will head to the polls to select a new mayor and District 3 city council member.
Five people have registered to run for the two open seats -- three vying for the title of mayor and two campaigning to be the District 3 representative.On election day candidates say they will be at the library for all or most of the 12-hour day from 7 a.m.-7 p.m., campaigning, shaking hands and letting voters know what matters to them.
Bruce Morrison, Lynn Duffy and Frank Ward will be competing for the mayoral seat, while Bobby Brittingham and Donald Malloy are both seeking the District 3 council seat.
Many of the candidates said reducing crime and revitalizing downtown will be priorities if elected.
"We've got to find a way to make downtown work again," says mayoral candidate Morrison, adding crime prevention would be similarly important.
Duffy, a professional counselor, also wishes to tackle crime if elected and says she would pursue a more open government. "I'm fully committed," she said in an interview about her campaign. On her often-updated campaign website, duffy4pocomoke. com, she has written insistently about crime as a growing and dangerous problem.
"Crime went up and our town has no plan," Duffy wrote. "Everything is not okay in Pocomoke."
Ward, the third candidate, could not be reached for comment.
Last year, 162 people turned out to vote for District 1 and 2 City Council representatives. This year, city officials expect more votes to be cast, because all registered Pocomoke voters will be able to cast a ballot for mayor. Officials said their voter rolls show 2,773 registered voters who could participate in the election.
The mayoral seat became available last year after mayor Mike McDermott was elected to represent part of the Eastern Shore in the House of Delegates. After Morrison announced his intention to run for mayor after six years as District 3 councilman, his council seat also became available.
Council race
Malloy, who was a councilman in the 1960s, is running to fill the District 3 seat, and says he's bringing no grand plans for changes with him."I don't think there is anything rather drastic to be changed in Pocomoke," said Malloy. "I think I am capable of keeping Pocomoke running as well as I think it does now."
In a campaign statement, Brittingham said his experience as a retired policeman could help Pocomoke, and he said city government is at times unresponsive. "What I see today is the lack of confidence in our city government, and the lack of information that the city government provides to the people," he said in the statement. He would step up code enforcement for abandoned buildings, he said, and work to get tenants for empty storefronts.
Source; delmarvanow.com http://www.delmarvanow.com/article/20110331/WCT01/103310302/Pocomoke-candidates-prepare-for-polling-day?odyssey=mod|newswell|text|Worcester County Times|s
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Radio Comes To The Eastern Shore!
The One Plaza East office building at the intersection of East Main Street and North Division Street in Salisbury was the former Wicomico Hotel and early in its' history it was home to the Eastern Shore's first radio station. In the summer of 1928 WSMD went on the air from studios on the seventh floor of the hotel and was operated by cousins Charles and Alfred Truitt who were also publishers of Salisbury's daily newspaper. A 30 foot antenna was mounted on the hotel's roof and the station had 100 watts of power. WSMD's leased broadcast equipment had been used by The Woodward And Lothrop Department Store in Washington before that service was discontinued.
WSMD's most popular program was "Saturday Night Jamboree" from midnight to 2 AM featuring vaudeville from the Arcade Theater in Salisbury. After midnight there were less than a dozen American radio stations on the air and WSMD was heard as far away as California and Canadian provinces. However, if an SOS signal from a vessel was received the station was required to sign-off until the all-clear was received.
(-----12/6/03 Daily Times "In Times Past," Dec.12,1928-----) The "Voice Of The Eastern Shore" was carried to California and also up to New York and New England.
The radio station had received numerous letters from California within the past two days. One listener, Ollie Ross of Sanger, Calif., wrote: "Received your program this evening and wish to say that it was very good. We enjoyed it very much and wish to thank you for your splendid program. Hoping to tune in to WSMD again sometime."
Letters were also received from Massachusetts and New Hampshire.
Anna Hakala of Worcester, Mass., wrote: "This is the first time that I have had your station, it was coming in with tremendous loud speaker volume. I enjoyed your program very much. I would like to get a schedule of your programs, also a picture of your station if possible."
The station was also heard in New Jersey. The Eastern Shore was now known by many of those living outside of Maryland.
(-----9/9/53 The Salisbury Times: "Looking Backward" 25 Years Ago----)
Fans throughout the eastern part of the country yesterday heard the play by play description of the doubleheader between the Philadelphia Athletics and the New York Yankees broadcast over radio station WSMD here. Reports from a hundred towns and cities have been received by the station yesterday and today telling of the good reception and the appreciation of baseball fans for this service. Insofar as could be ascertained WSMD was the only station broadcasting a running account of the games as they were being played in the Yankee Stadium, N.Y., and several million listeners heard how the world champions took both engagements and went into the American League lead by 1 1/2 games. Most of the eastern stations were silent during that part of the afternoon and reports indicate that the local station was heard in probably a score of Eastern States. Telephone calls acknowledging reception were received between the first and second games of the program and there was immediate response. The switchboard at Wicomico Hotel, where the studio is located on the seventh floor, was so congested that the operation could not handle all of the them. Everywhere crowds were assembled at receiving sets in public places and about loud speakers placed at points of vantage on city streets.
The most celebrated guests to appear at the Wicomico Hotel studio were Gary Cooper and Faye Wray. Charles Truitt would recount later that prior to his interview with Faye Wray she was quite nervous about making her first live appearance on radio.
Helen Tawes of Crisfield, a vocalist and pianist who studied at The Peabody Institute Of Baltimore, sang on WSMD. Some three decades later she would be First Lady of Maryland when her husband, J. Millard Tawes, was governor.
But after about a year on the air the WSMD owners concluded there was a lack of advertising support to keep radio on the air on the Eastern Shore at that time. So the station ceased operation and its' broadcast equipment was acquired by WGH which was setting up operation in Newport News, Va.
There wouldn't be another try at radio on the Eastern Shore until 1937... (stay tuned).
Contributed by Terry Kleger of Salisbury. terrykleger@yahoo.com
WSMD's most popular program was "Saturday Night Jamboree" from midnight to 2 AM featuring vaudeville from the Arcade Theater in Salisbury. After midnight there were less than a dozen American radio stations on the air and WSMD was heard as far away as California and Canadian provinces. However, if an SOS signal from a vessel was received the station was required to sign-off until the all-clear was received.
(-----12/6/03 Daily Times "In Times Past," Dec.12,1928-----) The "Voice Of The Eastern Shore" was carried to California and also up to New York and New England.
The radio station had received numerous letters from California within the past two days. One listener, Ollie Ross of Sanger, Calif., wrote: "Received your program this evening and wish to say that it was very good. We enjoyed it very much and wish to thank you for your splendid program. Hoping to tune in to WSMD again sometime."
Letters were also received from Massachusetts and New Hampshire.
Anna Hakala of Worcester, Mass., wrote: "This is the first time that I have had your station, it was coming in with tremendous loud speaker volume. I enjoyed your program very much. I would like to get a schedule of your programs, also a picture of your station if possible."
The station was also heard in New Jersey. The Eastern Shore was now known by many of those living outside of Maryland.
(-----9/9/53 The Salisbury Times: "Looking Backward" 25 Years Ago----)
Fans throughout the eastern part of the country yesterday heard the play by play description of the doubleheader between the Philadelphia Athletics and the New York Yankees broadcast over radio station WSMD here. Reports from a hundred towns and cities have been received by the station yesterday and today telling of the good reception and the appreciation of baseball fans for this service. Insofar as could be ascertained WSMD was the only station broadcasting a running account of the games as they were being played in the Yankee Stadium, N.Y., and several million listeners heard how the world champions took both engagements and went into the American League lead by 1 1/2 games. Most of the eastern stations were silent during that part of the afternoon and reports indicate that the local station was heard in probably a score of Eastern States. Telephone calls acknowledging reception were received between the first and second games of the program and there was immediate response. The switchboard at Wicomico Hotel, where the studio is located on the seventh floor, was so congested that the operation could not handle all of the them. Everywhere crowds were assembled at receiving sets in public places and about loud speakers placed at points of vantage on city streets.
The most celebrated guests to appear at the Wicomico Hotel studio were Gary Cooper and Faye Wray. Charles Truitt would recount later that prior to his interview with Faye Wray she was quite nervous about making her first live appearance on radio.
Helen Tawes of Crisfield, a vocalist and pianist who studied at The Peabody Institute Of Baltimore, sang on WSMD. Some three decades later she would be First Lady of Maryland when her husband, J. Millard Tawes, was governor.
But after about a year on the air the WSMD owners concluded there was a lack of advertising support to keep radio on the air on the Eastern Shore at that time. So the station ceased operation and its' broadcast equipment was acquired by WGH which was setting up operation in Newport News, Va.
There wouldn't be another try at radio on the Eastern Shore until 1937... (stay tuned).
Contributed by Terry Kleger of Salisbury. terrykleger@yahoo.com
Southern Accomack County 911
Verizon is currently experiencing problems with telephone service in southern Accomack County.
If unable to reach the 9-1-1 Center by using 9-1-1 or non-emergency lines, those requiring help may report emergencies at their local fire or EMS station.
If unable to reach the 9-1-1 Center by using 9-1-1 or non-emergency lines, those requiring help may report emergencies at their local fire or EMS station.
PRESS RELEASE - March 28, 2011
Trans-Gender, Cross Dressing Bill HB-235
Delegate Mike McDermott Press Release
Delegate Mike McDermott Press Release
Contact: Katlyn Schmitt March 28th, 2011
240-320-7711 (Cell)
410-841-3431 (Office)
(ANNAPOLIS) -- “The 86 Delegates who voted for HB-235 should be required to respond to questions from children who may become confused about the gender of their teachers… and questions from parents who feel that their children have been thrown into the adult world” stated Delegate Mike McDermott (R-District 38B) in response to HB-235, Human Relations – Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity – Antidiscrimination. HB-235 passed in the House on Saturday with a vote of 86-52 and mainly outlaws discrimination against an individuals gender-related identity regardless of their actual sex at birth. It has been referred to as a bill protecting “cross-dressers” and “trans-genders”.
“It is extremely unfortunate that HB-235 passed. This bill has many negative consequences for our struggling business community which the 86 Delegates who voted for the bill have failed to consider” stated Delegate McDermott.
“As a society, we need to consider the cost of putting our children in a situation where they grow up too abruptly and are confronted with situations that are far beyond their maturity… all in the name of being politically correct” responded Delegate McDermott.
“It is sad that some leaders would want to tear down the barriers that have always been present to protect our children. Society has long established two sacred sanctuaries for innocent children: the mother’s womb and the classroom for the young. One has been torn down and the other is in the process of being torn with the passage of HB-235” continued Delegate McDermott.
“We're dealing with folks who don’t have a compass… they're not sure which direction points up” said Delegate McDermott on the House floor this past Saturday. The bill and its amendments will be heard in the Senate Judicial Proceeding Committee before being voted on in the Senate.
~This Weekend At The MARVA THEATER~
Fri, April 1st
Sat, April 2nd
Time: 7 p.m.
Tickets: $5
A young boy named Milo gains a deeper appreciation for his mom after Martians come to Earth to take her away.
Rated PG
Rated PG
Legislative Updates By Delegate Mike McDermott
Field Notes
March 21 - 26, 2011
Observations and Reflections on Legislative Activities
By Delegate Mike McDermott
March 21 - 26, 2011
Observations and Reflections on Legislative Activities
By Delegate Mike McDermott
- On Monday evening, the House heard Second Reader bills and received a copy of HB-70 and HB-72, the House Budget Bill and the Budget Reconciliation Bill which will be heard on Wednesday afternoon. These documents consist of hundreds of pages and will be difficult to review in such a short amount of time.
- On Tuesday morning, the House voted on the following bills on Third Reader:
NOTE: (For quick review, check out the bills which have significant vote counts in opposition.)
Third Reading Calendar (House Bills) #27
HB 31Third Reading Passed (96-44)
HB 130
Motion Special Order until 3/23 (Delegate Cluster) Adopted
HB 164
Third Reading Passed (126-12)
HB 179
Third Reading Passed (105-33)
HB 197
Third Reading Passed (138-0)
HB 326
Third Reading Passed (139-0)
HB 356
Third Reading Passed (130-9)
HB 404
Third Reading Passed (139-0)
HB 442
Third Reading Passed (98-41)
HB 602
Third Reading Passed (134-5)
Third Reading Calendar (House Bills) #28
HB 647Third Reading Passed (139-0)
HB 703
Third Reading Passed (136-1)
HB 728
Third Reading Passed (139-0)
HB 748
Third Reading Passed (102-38)
HB 789
Third Reading Passed (139-0)
HB 826
Third Reading Passed (139-0)
HB 830
Third Reading Passed (140-0)
HB 838
Third Reading Passed (140-0)
HB 842
Third Reading Passed (138-1)
HB 848
Third Reading Passed (139-0)
Third Reading Calendar (House Bills) #29
HB 863Third Reading Passed (139-1)
HB 887
Third Reading Passed (140-0)
HB 947
Third Reading Passed (139-0)
HB 966
Third Reading Passed (140-0)
HB 982
Third Reading Passed (139-0)
HB 1030
Third Reading Passed (139-0)
HB 1047
Third Reading Passed (140-0)
HB 1109
Third Reading Passed (140-0)
HB 1137
Third Reading Passed (133-5)
- On Tuesday, the following bills were heard in the Judiciary Committee:
- HB-1327: Increases the penalty for the distribution of Salvia to persons under 21 years of age. The increases have been sought by Ocean City Police as they attempt to battle the use of Salvia by juveniles.
- HB-1327: Seeks to change forfeiture laws in Maryland to address certain financial crimes. Currently the law does not allow a prosecutor to attempt seizure of assets from a criminal involved in fraudulent financial dealings. This makes sense in that it gives the prosecutor to do more than simply request restitution for a victim.
- HB-1248: Seeks to establish “Earned Compliance Credits” for inmates on Parole and Probation as a means of encouraging parolees to remain out of prison and cut down on recidivism. The program has been utilized in other states, like Texas, with a great deal of success. It has led to a reduction in the prison population in those states and a tremendous cost savings.
- HB-1264: Seeks to the penalty of Elder Abuse from 10 to 20 years on a First Degree offense as well as doubling of the fines. It would also place further restrictions on the pretrial release of anyone charged under this statute.
- HB-1320: Would remove all credits for “Good Time” or Diminutive credits for a person convicted of a violent crime. It would require any time negotiated by any plea agreement be served in full prior to release from incarceration.
- HB-1332: Would create a “Drug Free” zone pilot program for the Anne Arundel County Parks and Recreation Department. It addresses possession of paraphernalia, etc. on park areas designated in the zoned pilot program. The program is similar to the Drug Free School Zones already utilized across the state.
- HB-896: Seeks to punish law enforcement officers if they violate the law concerning race based profiling. There was much discussion over this bill. It was clearly indicated that the 10-year study commissioned in Maryland since 2000 that Officers are not discriminating on traffic stop based simply on their race. This did not sway the ACLU from being a big supporter of this bill. This is bad legislation and many from the law enforcement community testified against it.
- HB-744: Seeks to introduce the “Arizona Law” into Maryland law which would provide protection to officers who check the immigration status of a person stopped for another violation. There were differences of opinion, but the idea of securing our state is sound, and our immigration issues are growing exponentially.
- On Wednesday morning, the House voted on the following bills during Third Reader:
Special Order Calendar
HB 632Floor Amendment (Delegate O'Donnell) {263128/1 Rejected (50-78)
Floor Amendment (Delegate O'Donnell) {993129/1 Rejected (49-84)
Second Reading Passed with Amendments
HB 130
Third Reading Passed (101-37)
Third Reading Calendar (House Bills) #30
HB 402Third Reading Passed (111-26)
HB 505
Third Reading Passed (137-0)
HB 510
Third Reading Passed (137-0)
HB 666
Third Reading Passed (137-0)
HB 751
Third Reading Passed (97-37)
HB 817
Third Reading Passed (134-2)
HB 879
Third Reading Passed (138-0)
HB 1041
Third Reading Passed (137-1)
Third Reading Calendar (House Bills) #31
HB 93Third Reading Passed (97-41)
HB 104
Third Reading Passed (136-2)
HB 111
Third Reading Passed (137-0)
HB 162
Third Reading Passed (138-0)
HB 208
Third Reading Passed (135-3)
HB 320
Third Reading Passed (137-4)
HB 1049
Third Reading Passed (137-0)
HB 1050
Third Reading Passed (132-6)
HB 1072
Third Reading Passed (134-3)
Third Reading Calendar (House Bills) #32
HB 221Third Reading Passed (122-13)
HB 362
Third Reading Passed (101-37)
HB 392
Third Reading Passed (136-0)
HB 653
Third Reading Passed (138-0)
HB 1116
Third Reading Passed (138-0)
HB 1118
Third Reading Passed (138-0)
HB 1134
Third Reading Passed (113-25)
HB 1223
Third Reading Passed (134-3)
Third Reading Calendar (House Bills) #33
HB 840Third Reading Passed (138-0)
HB 852
Motion vote previous question (Delegate Minnick) Adopted
Third Reading Passed (98-40)
HB 897
Motion Special Order until 3/24 (Delegate Frush) Adopted
HB 1020
Third Reading Passed (136-0)
HB 1067
Third Reading Passed (136-0)
HB 1082
Third Reading Passed (124-14)
HB 1222
Third Reading Passed (136-2)
Third Reading Calendar (House Bills) #34
HB 163Third Reading Passed (138-0)
HB 233
Third Reading Passed (137-0)
HB 244
Third Reading Passed (122-14)
HB 253
Third Reading Passed (137-0)
HB 255
Third Reading Passed (139-0)
HB 319
Third Reading Passed (137-1)
HB 499
Third Reading Passed (139-0)
HJ 7
Third Reading Passed (108-31)
Third Reading Calendar (House Bills) #35
HB 519Third Reading Passed (108-31)
HB 558
Third Reading Passed (138-0)
HB 625
Third Reading Passed (123-10)
HB 671
Third Reading Passed (139-0)
HB 682
Third Reading Passed (135-1)
HB 724
Third Reading Passed (126-12)
HB 730
Third Reading Passed (95-42)
HB 812
Third Reading Passed (133-5)
HB 831
Third Reading Passed (139-0)
Third Reading Calendar (House Bills) #36
HB 241Third Reading Passed (136-2)
HB 502
Third Reading Passed (139-0)
HB 573
Third Reading Passed (135-4)
HB 921
Third Reading Passed (100-38)
HB 959
Third Reading Passed (139-0)
HB 1174
Third Reading Passed (83-56)
- Following the morning session, I had a nice visit from the AFP (Americans for Prosperity) group from Worcester County. We gathered in the Delegation Room for the Eastern Shore and I spent about an hour responding to questions and providing them an overview of our current state of affairs. It was great to see so many interested and concerned citizens including many young people on a Field Trip from an area private school.
- On Wednesday afternoon, the Judiciary Committee conducted a voting session with the following outcome:
Favorable: HB-135, HB-407, HB-794, HB-899, HB-1277
Unfavorable:HB-839, HB-896, HB-999
- On Wednesday afternoon, the House heard the Second Reading of the Budget Bill, HB-70 and the Budget Reconciliation Bill , HB-72. (I will cover the budget in a separate article). The following amendments were offered by the Republican Caucus: Among other things, these amendments would have eliminated millions in over spending, tax payer funded abortions, funds for illegal alien education, and, in short, it would have limited our spending to our projected revenue increase of 3% (not the 11% contained in this budget).
- On Thursday’s first session, the House voted on the following bills during Third Reader:
Third Reading Calendar (House Bills) #37
HB 145Third Reading Passed (134-2)
HB 202
Third Reading Passed (125-10)
HB 211
Third Reading Passed (138-0)
HB 346
Third Reading Passed (138-0)
HB 632
Third Reading Passed (91-45)
HB 714
Third Reading Passed (139-0)
HB 784
Third Reading Passed (138-0)
HB 1085
Third Reading Passed (139-0)
Third Reading Calendar (House Bills) #38
HB 1004Third Reading Passed (137-1)
HB 1105
Third Reading Passed (134-3)
HB 1237
Third Reading Passed (138-0)
HB 1253
Third Reading Passed (138-0)
HB 1274
Third Reading Passed (138-0)
HB 1276
Motion vote previous question (Delegate Minnick) Adopted
Third Reading Passed (118-17)
HB 1292
Third Reading Passed (123-12)
HB 1334
Third Reading Passed (137-0)
Third Reading Calendar (House Bills) #39
HB 4Third Reading Passed (137-0)
HB 363
Third Reading Passed (137-0)
HB 405
Third Reading Passed (137-0)
HB 437
Third Reading Passed (101-37)
HB 444
Third Reading Passed (139-0)
HB 560
Third Reading Passed (138-0)
HB 736
Third Reading Passed (138-0)
HB 890
Third Reading Passed (137-0)
HB 917
Third Reading Passed (138-0)
- On Thursday the Judiciary Committee heard the following bills:
- HB-1255: Would create a mechanism for people with previous convictions for Felony Theft to file for an expungement of the charge after 10-years of not having any issues with the Criminal Justice System. This bill has a few issues that need to be worked out before it is ready for prime time.
- HB-1279: Similar to HB-1255 seeks to allow expungement of charges to which a person did not receive a conviction on their record. This had issues raised by several people and is technically very problematic.
- On Thursday, the Judiciary Committee voted on the following bills:
Favorable:HB-511, HB-801, HB-859, HB-919, HB-1315, HB-1320
Unfavorable: HB-744, HB-1264
- On Thursday evening, the House conducted the Third Reading of the Budget Bill and the Budget Reconciliation Bill (HB-70 and HB-72). There was a great and thorough debate and two clear world views emerged on the floor. The ruling party sees no problem with an 11% increase in spending (a billion more than last year) while we only project a 3% increase in revenues. The minority party believes in cutting the deficit and spending while still allowing for moderate growth. In the end, it broke down on party lines with Republicans voting “No” and Democrats voting “Yes” (42-97).
- On Friday, the House conducted Third Reading votes on the following bills:
Third Reading Calendar (House Bills) #41
HB 40Third Reading Passed (127-7)
HB 135
Third Reading Passed (117-17)
HB 391
Third Reading Passed (122-15)
HB 407
Third Reading Passed (127-10)
HB 608
Third Reading Passed (137-0)
HB 670
Third Reading Passed (96-41)
HB 675
Third Reading Passed (136-0)
HB 794
Third Reading Passed (137-0)
HB 1016
Third Reading Passed (136-1)
HB 1104
Third Reading Passed (135-0)
Third Reading Calendar (House Bills) #42
HB 1141Third Reading Passed (138-0)
HB 1156
Third Reading Passed (137-1)
HB 1184
Third Reading Passed (138-0)
HB 1208
Third Reading Passed (137-0)
HB 1212
Third Reading Passed (137-0)
HB 1240
Third Reading Passed (138-0)
HB 1251
Third Reading Passed (137-0)
HB 1252
Motion Special Order until 3/28 (Delegate McIntosh) Adopted
HB 1277
Third Reading Passed (138-0)
HB 1310
Third Reading Passed (108-30)
HB 1347
Third Reading Passed (138-0)
Third Reading Calendar (House Bills) #43
HB 201Third Reading Passed (137-0)
HB 406
Third Reading Passed (137-0)
HB 421
Third Reading Passed (138-0)
HB 607
Third Reading Passed (137-0)
HB 613
Third Reading Passed (138-0)
HB 660
Third Reading Passed (133-4)
HB 739
Third Reading Passed (137-0)
HB 998
Third Reading Passed (138-0)
HB 1154
Third Reading Passed (112-25)
HB 1168
Third Reading Passed (137-0)
Third Reading Calendar (House Bills) #44
HB 1193Third Reading Passed (137-0)
HB 1311
Third Reading Passed (136-0)
HB 1315
Third Reading Passed (137-0)
HB 1327
Third Reading Passed (137-0)
HB 1329
Third Reading Passed (137-0)
Third Reading Calendar (House Bills) #45
HB 216Third Reading Passed (107-30)
HB 823
Third Reading Passed (137-0)
HB 1128
Third Reading Passed (137-0)
HB 1147
Third Reading Passed (135-2)
HB 1218
Third Reading Passed (135-0)
Third Reading Calendar (House Bills) #46
HB 22Third Reading Passed (137-0)
HB 665
Third Reading Passed (108-29)
HB 992
Third Reading Passed (136-0)
HB 1013
Third Reading Passed (137-0)
HB 1282
Third Reading Passed (136-0)
HB 1343
Third Reading Passed (137-0)
Third Reading Calendar (House Bills) #47
HB 598Third Reading Passed (136-0)
HB 897
Third Reading Passed (135-0)
HB 919
Third Reading Passed (137-0)
HB 941
Third Reading Passed (124-8)
- On Saturday, the House had a Third Reader Voting Session with the following results:
Third Reading Calendar (House Bills) #48
HB 511Third Reading Passed (137-0)
HB 587
Third Reading Passed (137-0)
HB 756
Third Reading Passed (99-36)
HB 986
Third Reading Passed (129-8)
HB 1182
Third Reading Passed (137-0)
Third Reading Calendar (House Bills) #49
HB 899Third Reading Passed (135-0)
HB 933
Third Reading Passed (132-5)
HB 1027
Third Reading Passed (137-0)
HB 1146
Third Reading Passed (136-0)
HB 1175
Third Reading Passed (135-1)
HB 1178
Third Reading Passed (137-0)
HB 1243
Third Reading Passed (109-25)
Third Reading Calendar (House Bills) #50
HB 119Third Reading Passed (135-0)
HB 561
Third Reading Passed (137-0)
HB 763
Third Reading Passed (137-0)
HB 766
Third Reading Passed (134-2)
HB 801
Third Reading Passed (135-0)
HB 809
Third Reading Passed (135-1)
HB 841
Third Reading Passed (137-0)
Third Reading Calendar (House Bills) #51
HB 122Third Reading Passed (133-4)
HB 287
Third Reading Passed (135-0)
HB 528
Third Reading Passed (125-12)
HB 601
Third Reading Passed (135-0)
HB 611
Third Reading Passed (134-0)
HB 685
Third Reading Passed (120-16)
HB 867
Third Reading Passed (135-0)
Third Reading Calendar (House Bills) #52
HB 985Third Reading Passed (89-46)
HB 1022
Third Reading Passed (101-95)
HB 1053
Third Reading Passed (137-0)
HB 1139
Third Reading Passed (135-2)
HB 1151
Third Reading Passed (135-1)
HB 1190
Third Reading Passed (135-1)
Third Reading Calendar (House Bills) #53
HB 11Third Reading Passed (135-2)
HB 87
Third Reading Passed (91-46)
HB 289
Third Reading Passed (138-0)
HB 387
Third Reading Passed (138-0)
HB 477
Third Reading Passed (136-2)
HB 487
Third Reading Passed (123-14)
HB 614
Third Reading Passed (137-0)
HB 1259
Third Reading Passed (132-5)
Third Reading Calendar (House Bills) #54
HB 620Third Reading Passed (99-39)
HB 740
Third Reading Passed (105-32)
HB 778
Third Reading Passed (122-14)
HB 859
Third Reading Passed (134-2)
HB 860
Third Reading Passed (136-0)
HB 939
Third Reading Passed (137-1)
HB 983
Third Reading Passed (139-0)
HB 1196
Third Reading Passed (99-39)
Third Reading Calendar (House Bills) #55
HB 171Third Reading Passed (94-43)Third Reading Calendar (House Bills) #48
HB 511Third Reading Passed (137-0)
HB 587
Third Reading Passed (137-0)
HB 756
Third Reading Passed (99-36)
HB 986
Third Reading Passed (129-8)
HB 1182
Third Reading Passed (137-0)
Third Reading Calendar (House Bills) #49
HB 899Third Reading Passed (135-0)
HB 933
Third Reading Passed (132-5)
HB 1027
Third Reading Passed (137-0)
HB 1146
Third Reading Passed (136-0)
HB 1175
Third Reading Passed (135-1)
HB 1178
Third Reading Passed (137-0)
HB 1243
Third Reading Passed (109-25)
Third Reading Calendar (House Bills) #50
HB 119Third Reading Passed (135-0)
HB 561
Third Reading Passed (137-0)
HB 763
Third Reading Passed (137-0)
HB 766
Third Reading Passed (134-2)
HB 801
Third Reading Passed (135-0)
HB 809
Third Reading Passed (135-1)
HB 841
Third Reading Passed (137-0)
Third Reading Calendar (House Bills) #51
HB 122Third Reading Passed (133-4)
HB 287
Third Reading Passed (135-0)
HB 528
Third Reading Passed (125-12)
HB 601
Third Reading Passed (135-0)
HB 611
Third Reading Passed (134-0)
HB 685
Third Reading Passed (120-16)
HB 867
Third Reading Passed (135-0)
Third Reading Calendar (House Bills) #52
HB 985Third Reading Passed (89-46)
HB 1022
Third Reading Passed (101-95)
HB 1053
Third Reading Passed (137-0)
HB 1139
Third Reading Passed (135-2)
HB 1151
Third Reading Passed (135-1)
HB 1190
Third Reading Passed (135-1)
Third Reading Calendar (House Bills) #53
HB 11Third Reading Passed (135-2)
HB 87
Third Reading Passed (91-46)
HB 289
Third Reading Passed (138-0)
HB 387
Third Reading Passed (138-0)
HB 477
Third Reading Passed (136-2)
HB 487
Third Reading Passed (123-14)
HB 614
Third Reading Passed (137-0)
HB 1259
Third Reading Passed (132-5)
Third Reading Calendar (House Bills) #54
HB 620Third Reading Passed (99-39)
HB 740
Third Reading Passed (105-32)
HB 778
Third Reading Passed (122-14)
HB 859
Third Reading Passed (134-2)
HB 860
Third Reading Passed (136-0)
HB 939
Third Reading Passed (137-1)
HB 983
Third Reading Passed (139-0)
HB 1196
Third Reading Passed (99-39)
Third Reading Calendar (House Bills) #55
HB 171Third Reading Passed (94-43)
HB 396
Third Reading Passed (111-27)
HB 787
Third Reading Passed (101-36)
HB 868
Third Reading Passed (124-8)
Third Reading Calendar (House Bills) #56
HB 235Motion vote previous question (Delegate Ross) Adopted
Third Reading Passed (86-52)
HB 881
Third Reading Passed (93-45)
HB 396
Third Reading Passed (111-27)
HB 787
Third Reading Passed (101-36)
HB 868
Third Reading Passed (124-8)
- One of the more disturbing bills passed on Saturday was HB-235. This is the “transgender, cross-dresser” bill which now requires for employer accommodations of these confused individuals. The bill will allow for our public school teachers to call themselves “Bob” one week and “Bonnie” the next week. It will be a real problem for small business and big business alike and is sure to be just one more reason not to move a family or a business into Maryland. Myself and Delegate Otto did not vote for this bill for reasons too numerous to name.
- I am working on a budget summary over the next few days. It will not be a pretty report if you care about spending.
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