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Police recover credit card skimmers at Pocomoke City Exxon - 47abc (wmdt.com)
Family friendly and striving to be a worthy choice for your Internet browsing. Comments and material submissions welcome: tkforppe@yahoo.com . Pocomoke City-- an All American City And The Friendliest Town On The Eastern Shore.
This Sunday here at The Pocomoke Public Eye:
In the summer of 1970 shore teens and young adults were excited about news of plans for a large rock concert "Berlin Airlift" to be staged right here on the lower Eastern Shore. Would it happen?
The Maryland-Delaware-D.C. Press Association has removed Edward J. Clarke, the late editor and owner of the Worcester Democrat, from its Hall of Fame after a review of his published work revealed vile commentary, extreme racism and the promotion of lynching.
View the Association's full statement:
Clarke Removed from MDDC Hall of Fame - MDDC Press Association
SALISBURY, Md. – After weeks of gathering data, the 47 ABC Storm Team has officially released its exclusive 2021-2022 winter outlook.
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47 ABC Winter Outlook: Moderate La Niña Expected - 47abc (wmdt.com)
(NBC News)
".. could be saturated by rising seas and convert to uninhabitable wetlands by 2051."
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Climate change threatens Chesapeake Bay island faster than thought (nbcnews.com)
(From Senator Carozza's office)
Annapolis, Md. – Senate Minority Leader Bryan Simonaire is pleased to announce the appointment of Senator Mary Beth Carozza (Lower Shore) to the Governor’s Family Violence Council.
“It was my pleasure to recommend Senator Carozza for the Governor’s Family Violence Council. Senator Carozza has been involved in these issues during her time as a legislator, and most recently as a member of the Child Custody Domestic Violence Workgroup. I know she will be a valuable asset in advancing the work and mission of the Council.”
The Governor’s Family Violence Council is charged with providing the Governor with timely and accurate information on family violence with recommendations to reduce and eliminate abusive behaviors. It is comprised of a dedicated group of government officials, law enforcement professionals, legislators, community advocates, victims’ rights representatives, state and local government representatives and survivors.
"I am grateful for the opportunity to serve on this Governor's Council focusing on preventing and reducing family violence in Maryland. By working with all the partners including family victim organizations, child advocacy groups, and law enforcement, we can advance policies and community initiatives that better protect more Marylanders from family violence," said Senator Mary Beth Carozza.
July, 1960
Worcester Democrat
November, 1982
May, 1896
Democratic Messenger
October, 2008
December, 1925