Family friendly and striving to be a worthy choice for your Internet browsing. Comments and material submissions welcome: . Pocomoke City-- an All American City And The Friendliest Town On The Eastern Shore.
Saturday, September 26, 2009
They Come From Across The Land
I find this very interesting to say the least. After all the heat and trolls we have been dealt for the last little while I decided to do some digging to see just why we do not seam to see a middle ground.
What I did was decided to keep a log, a very personal log where no one could see it, in my head.
I was not very surprised at my conclusion as I had already suspected what my findings would be.
And those findings are...the vast majority that comes here to the PPE to stir the pot and spit vitriol are from thousands of miles away... they have never been to a search, they have never given their time, they have never thanked a PVFireman, why? because they don't live here.
So with that, if there's another search will the land be filled with these 'so-called' supporters from thousands of miles away? (all 5-6 of them?)Will they fly in from TX, CA, ME, KY, TN, ect.etc? That's an easy one, NOPE!
They are trolls, and some folks jump right on their trolling rigs like a hungry blue fish.
Every local that posts here are on the same page, and some outsiders also, but mostly every single local person can see what's happening.
It is a darn shame that some have fallen trap of a few trolls that want attention and are sitting back laughing about the way they have influenced others that are at present, week at heart.
Kudos to the locals and a few others that see this for what it is.
Somerset deputy fired after complaint
James "Troy" Durham was nervous when he heard that Worcester County sheriff's deputies were knocking on his door Friday afternoon
It wasn't so long ago that the 41-year-old former Somerset County Sheriff's deputy was in the law enforcement brotherhood.
But he was kicked out of the family after working more than two decades as an officer when Somerset Sheriff Bobby Jones terminated him last week. Durham had been placed on administrative leave in September 2008, where he remained and continued to be paid by the county for a year.
"It was an effort to intimidate me and keep me quiet," Durham said of the visit from the Worcester officers. "I am in fear of my well-being."
Durham says this all began with a single arrest report. He assisted the Maryland State Police during an arrest. Per normal routine, he filed a report shortly after. Durham says he was asked to change his report and omit certain pieces of information. When he refused, he claims he was told to make the change or turn in his badge and gun.
He made the change.
But he kept the original report. And with it he filed a grievance.
That grievance, Durham maintains, is why he was placed on leave, why he was fired, why he became the target of an investigation and why he now fears for his safety.
For filing his grievance, Durham said, he found himself under investigation for "leaking internal documents."
His grievance has since become the foundation for a civil lawsuit against the Somerset County Sheriff's Office and Somerset County Commissioners.
It details the incident of the changed report and alleged misconduct within his former place of employment.
Errant faxes
According to Durham, the house call by Worcester deputies was triggered by faxes that contained court documents related to the lawsuit.
The six-page complaint, filed in April, alleges the commissioners and Sheriff's Office violated state laws, including the Law Enforcement Officers Bill of Rights.
Why Durham's lawsuit was faxed to various law enforcement agencies is unclear and has sparked an investigation at the request of Wicomico County State's Attorney Davis Ruark.
The deputies were sent to check on Durham on Friday simply to make sure he was OK, according to Sgt. Ed Schreier, a spokesman for the Worcester County Sheriff's Office.
"The officers were sent there because a lot of faxes were being sent out," he said. "They went down there to check his status."
Schreier later changed his story, saying he didn't know the exact reason the deputies were checking on Durham and he could not confirm the dispatch was directly related to the faxes.
Copies of documents related to the lawsuit were sent by fax to law enforcement departments, public officials within the state and other agencies, according to Ruark.
The phone number at the top of the fax, which indicates the number the document was sent from, is a number associated with the Wicomico County State's Attorney's Office. But Ruark said the documents were not sent from his office.
"The fraudulent originating fax number at the top is inexcusable and was done with an intention to mislead those receiving the faxes," Ruark said.
The State's Attorney's Office was bombarded with phone calls and complaints after the first round of faxes were sent out about six months ago, according to Ruark. And as a result, the office took extra security precautions and changed the locks on its office doors. However, more documents were sent out this week, again claiming to have originated from the Wicomico County State's Attorney's Office.
Memos to other government agencies were also distributed to inform them that the faxed lawsuit documents were not from the Wicomico state's attorney.
Now, the legal documents that allege misconduct and violations by the Somerset County Sheriff's Office and Somerset County Commissioners have passed through many hands across the state, and Durham says he still wonders how he became the subject of an investigation and ultimately lost his career.
According to Durham, the threads of his 20-year law enforcement career started to unravel when he filed that grievance in September 2008.
Friday, September 25, 2009
Open Thread for Friday
Enjoy, and relax. I hope everyone has a great weekend even to those that think I'm a terrible person.
post away if you dare.... ;)
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Threatening Email; OK, Here it is, The Post you all have been waiting for.
It's pretty obvious that we at PPE have struck a nerve and this is only one example of what I deal with behind the scenes of an opinion blog.
Being the fact that you folks will not stand for embellishments, plagiarism, and a host of other implications and conspiracy theories that our good people and our fine City has recently been accused of, this is their only recourse of action. Intimidation. I can assure I WILL NOT be bullied into backing down when it comes to exposing the truth.
Below you will read an email that I received from the owner of the website 'Blinkoncrime" Shannon Stoy... her motive is to quiet us, more like silence us, but let me say that if that website embellishes as it has on numerous occasions we will not stand by and watch it happen.
The owner can threaten me all she wants and if they at had consistently uncovered the truth this would not be an issue. Yet this is no issue on my part, I WILL NOT, now, or ever stand idly by and watch anyone drag our VFD and/or LE through the mud.
Our LE has gone to every length they could muster up a resolve to this case, they have gone well above and beyond their duty, even listening on their phone to someone with a wee-jee board trying to direct the officer to a body.
If one cannot support that, well there's no hope for them. Read the email below, and discuss. Keep it respectful please!!
BTW: I want all our readers to know that I sent a return email and gave this person 24 hours to provide me with proof of their copyright to this email.
September 21, 2009
Pocomoke City, MD 21851
Dear Mr. XXXXX;
I am in receipt of some entries contained in your blog, “The Pocomoke Public Eye” that are alarming, harassing, and in some instances, blatant lies. It contains requests and threats for others to openly and with malice, embarrass, harass and contact my professional contacts as well as family members. At no time have I ever publicly placed my name, professional affiliations, or personal statistics on the web.
Your blog has a moderation feature available to you. If it is your choice to post repeated anonymous vitriol, the responsibility of that content rests solely with you at this level. This applies to posts, comments; any all content published by you, whether written by you personally or submitted by named or unnamed contributor. I have addressed the copyright infringements with a notification complaint in accordance with the Digital Millenium Copyright Act through the ISP of your “blog”, separately.
To say this is a gross invasion of my privacy and is causing severe distress and concern for me, my family, and in some cases professional colleagues, is an understatement.
I note that there are a few posts about defamation and the like; Let me assure you the following laws, including, but not limited to: cyber bullying, cyber stalking and harassment make no provision for defamatory or libelous acts when they are exacted in this manner.
The state of Maryland, where you are located, provides for statutes of cyber bullying and cyber stalking under Maryland Statute 555C.
Md. Criminal Law Code Ann. § 3-803. Harassment. Amended 2002.
(a) Prohibited. -- A person may not follow another in or about a public place or maliciously engage in a course of conduct that alarms or seriously annoys the other:
(1) with the intent to harass, alarm, or annoy the other;
(2) after receiving a reasonable warning or request to stop by or on behalf of the other; and
(3) without a legal purpose.
(b) Exception. -- This section does not apply to a peaceable activity intended to express a political view or provide information to others.
(c) Penalty. -- A person who violates this section is guilty of a misdemeanor and on conviction is subject to imprisonment not exceeding 90 days or a fine not exceeding $ 500 or both.
Under NJ law, where I am located, this activity is clearly covered in harassment statutes, located here. It is distinct in that it is prosecutable whether the offense originates in this state, yours, or possibly the posters itself, as you can discern from the Stalking statues below.
New Jersey Stalking Law
1[1. N.J.S.2C:33-4 is amended to read as follows:
2C:33-4. Harassment.
Except as provided in subsections d. and e., a person commits a petty disorderly persons offense if, with purpose to harass another, he:
a. Makes, or causes to be made, a communication or communications anonymously or at extremely inconvenient hours, or in offensively coarse language, or any other manner likely to cause annoyance or alarm;
b. Subjects another to striking, kicking, shoving, or other offensive touching, or threatens to do so; or
c. Engages in any other course of alarming conduct or of repeatedly committed acts with purpose to alarm or seriously annoy such other person. A communication under subsection a. may be deemed to have been made either at the place where it originated or at the place where it was received. A communication under subsection a. includes but is not limited to a communication made by means of an electronic communication device. "Electronic communication device" includes, but is not limited to, a telephone, cellular phone, computer, video recorder, fax machine, or pager.
d. A person commits a crime of the fourth degree if in committing an offense under this section, he acted with a purpose to intimidate an individual or group of individuals because of race, color, religion, gender, handicap, sexual orientation or ethnicity.
e. A person commits a crime of the fourth degree if, in committing an offense under this section, he was serving a term of imprisonment or was on parole or probation as the result of a conviction of any indictable offense under the laws of this State, any other state or the United States. (cf: P.L.1998, c.17, s.4)]1
11. N.J.S. 2C:1-14 is amended to read as follows:
2C:1-14. In this code, unless a different meaning plainly is required:
a. "Statute" includes the Constitution and a local law or ordinance of a political subdivision of the State;
b. "Act" or "action" means a bodily movement whether voluntary or involuntary;
c. "Omission" means a failure to act;
A copy of Blogger Terms of Service violations is here
Please consider this my good faith attempt to request you remove objectionable content immediately.
Shannon Stoy
Editor In Chief
Cc: Janet Fries, Drinker Biddle & Reath LLP
1500 K Street, NW
Suite 1100
Washington, DC 20005 202.842.8800 (main) 202.842.8465 (fax)
George S. Kounoupis, Hahalis & Kounoupis
20 East Broad Street
Bethlehem, PA 18018
Telephone: (610) 865-2608
Facsimile: (610) 691-8418
Sean Henady, 3 View Search Services
Mandy Albritton, 3 View Search Services
NOTE: If you have received a similar email and would like it posted please send it in, I will be glad to post it for discussion.
Blink; you've been blogged
Eastern Shore Robotics PEP Car Race Saturday
1pm - 2pm: Team Safety Inspections, Registration Fee Collected, Introduction
2pm - 4pm: Races!, Display Booths open (FIRST Robotics, Navy, NASA)
4pm - 5pm: Finals!, Guest Speakers, Team 1829 Robot Show
5pm - 6pm: Sponsors Recognized, Award Ceremony!
For more information, please visit
Pocomoke leaves positions open to absorb state cuts
City Manager Russell W. Blake reported that the state was cutting $221,522, mostly in highway user revenues, from the funds that would normally have been sent to Pocomoke City. The balance was cut from aid for police protection. Blake said that this was the largest cut the state, which is slashing its own budget as tax revenues fall short, had ever imposed on Pocomoke City.
Blake said that there were also items not included in the budget, such as the $10,000 reward for the arrests of the arsonists in the Public Works fire, $20,000 in costs related to a well project, and $12,000 for the purchase of the Fleming lot on Market Street.
To meet this shortfall, he proposed savings of $262,277 in unspent capital outlay and in not filling employment positions. There would be no layoffs or furloughs of personnel already working for the city.
The budget would also continue to include funds for a part-time downtown coordinator and the pigging of the water lines in the Pocomoke Heights area.
Treatment plant proposals
The council reviewed a proposal for contract administration for the sewage treatment plant ENR upgrade project. The only one that was submitted was from George, Miles and Buhr. Blake suggested that the council proceed to negotiate with the firm, a move that was given the okay by the council.
Proposed policies
The state of Maryland had asked the council to submit a policy giving guidelines for borrowing by the town. Blake said that this is not a problem for Pocomoke City, since the town had incurred very little debt. The policy, which was passed by the council, calls for the debt not to exceed 3 percent of the operating fund or one percent of the assessed valuation of property in the city limits.
The state is also requiring revisions in the stormwater management ordinance. The council is expecting to hear a recommendation from the Planning and Zoning Commission at a future meeting. The deadline for a draft ordinance is Nov. 11.
In a hearing concerning a repair or demolish order for the former truck stop property on Route 13 south, William Hudson, one of the property owners, appeared to comment about the order. He said that the building had been closed, but he questioned the short amount of time to demolish the building if that action was needed.
Mayor Michael A. McDermott said even though the building might have been secured, it was "obviously an abandoned building."
Hudson said he would need more time, about six months, if the building had to be demolished. He added that he would take care of covering up the graffiti that is presently on the building.
The town decided to give him 60 days to remove the graffiti and secure the building and would review the matter in six months concerning any other actions.
Ron Sawyer, a Pocomoke resident, appeared before the council to discuss the policy on removal of abandoned cars. He had received a notice about a vehicle on his property and had removed it. He thought the policy was a good one, but that it was not being handled fairly. He has seen a number of other abandoned vehicles throughout the town.
McDermott said that a lot of the action in this area was complaint-driven. He also requested Sawyer's help in reporting any vehicles he has seen.
Under other business, the council passed an ordinance declaring a number of items, mostly cars, as surplus so they could be disposed of and they approved the Fair Board's plan to reimburse horse owners who had come to this year's races at the fair. The races were rained out.
Police say one shooting hit target, other hit bystander
On Monday, Sept. 14, a 20-year-old Pocomoke City resident was shot in the calf near the intersection of Bonneville Avenue and Second Street just after 9 p.m. The victim was transported to Peninsula Regional Medical Center in Salisbury for treatment of non-life threatening injuries. The man would not give any information to police about the shooter.
In a similar incident on the morning of Sept. 16, a 25-year-old man, also of Pocomoke City, was shot in the ankle near Sixth and Bank streets. The man was treated and released from Atlantic General Hospital in Berlin.
Pocomoke City Police officials believe that events are related and that one person is responsible for both shootings.
"It appears to be something that may have been borne out of a fight that happened some where outside of Pocomoke," said Pocomoke City Mayor Michael McDermott who added that the shootings targeted one individual, the man shot Wednesday morning. "It seems that there is some type of retaliation involved."
Shootings are not common in Pocomoke City, said Police Chief J.D. Ervin, and when they do happen, they tend not to be random.
"This is the first one we've had in four or five years," Ervin said. "They are very seldom and unfortunately these things normally don't start in Pocomoke -- they start outside of Pocomoke and come into town."
Police have identified a suspect they think is responsible for both shootings and are optimistic he will soon be in custody. In the meantime, Ervin said, residents should not be worried about their safety.
"Nobody wants any shootings or incidents like this in their community, but unfortunately theses types of things aren't always preventable," Ervin said. "But there shouldn't be any concern."
Anyone with information is asked to call 410-957-1600.
Wicomico mother charged with child's murder
Debra Sanches is accused of leaving her 8-month- and 18-month-old children unattended in the bathtub. When she returned, the 8-month-old child was floating in the water and unresponsive, according to county officials.
As a result, Sanches was indicted on second-degree murder, involuntary manslaughter and reckless endangerment charges earlier this week.
See continuing coverage in The Daily Times on Friday.
Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser
Mark Mckinzie Family Needs Your Help ! |
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Hawkins man accused of breaking into home, setting shower curtain on fire
ROGERSVILLE — A Hawkins County man accused of breaking into his girlfriend’s former house and setting the shower curtain on fire was charged Tuesday with aggravated burglary and arson.
According to reports, the girlfriend of Clarence Jackson, 35, 176 Bass Lane, Rogersville, was recently evicted from a residence at 166 E. Madeline Lane.
The new occupant of the residence was in the process of moving but hadn’t moved anything into the house Tuesday when she received a call from a witness informing her that the house had just been broken into.
When the new occupant arrived, she found that a French door at the rear of the house had been broken with a rock, and a shower curtain in the bathroom had been set on fire.
Although the shower curtain burned up, the fire extinguished itself before spreading.
The witness reportedly recognized Jackson as the person who had arrived at the residence.
The witness told police that Jackson pulled his vehicle to the rear of the house, broke out the glass to the rear door with a rock, and entered the house.
The witness said Jackson left a short time after entering the residence.
Hawkins County Sheriff’s Office Detective Jeff Greer later contacted Jackson at his home and brought him to the Surgoinsville Police Department for questioning.
Jackson allegedly admitted to going to the house but denied breaking in.
Damage to the residence was estimated at $300.
Jackson remained lodged in the Hawkins County Jail Wednesday without bond.
He is scheduled for arraignment Sept. 28 in Hawkins County Sessions Court.
Strange Lights in the Sky
Turns out NASA successfully launched the Black Brant XII rocket from the launch pad located in Wallops Island, Virginia. The rocket was designed to gather data on the highest clouds in the atmosphere. NASA hopes that the experiment will give them useful information regarding the properties and formation of the clouds, named noctilucent clouds, which occur in the higher altitudes.
So there you have it! Lots of people living in the Northeast (even as far away as Boston) saw the lights. Many people reported the sightings to news stations, as I guess I would have too. But, sorry, no aliens, just NASA.
And that's a good thing.
Monday, September 21, 2009
How Does The Public Eye Feel?
From the beginning I was not even aware that Pocomoke had a missing person. I found that information on another blog a few months after the person went missing. At that point I asked questions, did some searching. I did alot of searching and I found so much bumbled-up info out there that Sherlock Holmes could not string it together.
Now, in the beginning I do believe that LE "dropped the ball". But I also believe they must have had a reason not to jump on this right away. We do have an outstanding Sheriffs Department so the question to why the wait in the very beginning we may never know.
But the people of Pocomoke worked diligently. They talked to friends, neighbors, searched the internet, asked questions. They even blogged tirelessly trying to help. Eventually, they even personally volunteered their personal time and bodies on multiple occasions.
Then things quiet down again for a while. Yet the folks of Pocomoke, the ones that were in it from the start, kept pecking the keyboards finding bits and pieces and providing that info for whomever needed to know.
Still, no sight nor sound about what is actually happening to find this missing person. All the while the family is losing hope by the day. But the Pocomoke community has not forgotten them. Slowed down? Maybe. It's the same information over and over but we still work on tirelessly. We said we would, and by-golly we won't quit!
Fast forward: Something happened. What? We don't know......nothing new......Is anyone working on this? Then BANG!! New evidence! Yeeehaw! Just as we thought LE was not working on this. They prove that they are on the case with new findings.
Now shhhhhhh!! No one say anything about this "new"find. Ok. So we wait and wait. What's going on we wonder but we are told to "Shhhhh". So mums the word because we are a community of integrity and few want to be on the end of "so-n-so told me", "he said/she said" you know the small town "chatter".
Now once again it quiets down for awhile, and once again we wonder. Ok. Times up! Let's do this thing again......... Blogs are alive, people talking about who, what, when, why and how. We go to new places, do new searches, contact new people. We put a fire under their ass once again but each time we come up with less or I should more of the same. Of course we do. There is only so much info available and we have seen it all before.
Fast forward again. Someone finds a website that deals in missing persons that decides they want to help. Yeeehaw!! The city is ecstatic that this new person is willing to jump in and help. We probably bombarded them with emails. I know I did. I even sent them embarrassing emails of things I personally question and am skeptical about. But I figured what the heck.....leave nothing that could possibly help out of the picture.
Enters---- the "new hope" for the Sheddy family. At first we all stuck fast to our computers. We just could not wait to get home and fire up the PC, read and contribute VIA comments about what we knew and how we knew it. The "new hope" seemed vigilant and progressive.
But wait!! Something's not quite right. Some things we have said are taken way out of context. We are told there is no mishandling by the first appointed. I was even told by this "new hope" that she would personally campaign to help the first working on the case, to seek a higher office that the first in control of the case was seeking. (scratching head) Yeah, I know. That's a rough one.
Now off to blogging we go. Oh boy! We are going to get somewhere now! But wait! That's not right. Tha'ts not what was said. Now I have some questions. I ask those questions. But instead of an answer I get blamed. Me? Ok must be a mistake.
I/we keep plugging away and asking questions but I find now I and others are being blamed. What's going on here?
I start looking for the truth. Then I started posting my findings of the truth and BOOM!! I'm suddenly the bad guy. I'm the blogger that's trying to stir up trouble........I'm now the bad-guy, a target.
Oh boy! Now I'm going to be sued.
More and more people jump aboard the truth all the while others are now being accused of being me and I of being others. Why this diversion? Why the division? All the while the PCVFD is being implicated in a cover-up and conspiracy. We read about fires in Parsonsburg. There's a deputy Fire Marshall shot in the leg and the thefts at the Wicomico county landfill plus an eleven year old RICO case? Yet, I have to ask.........Where is Christine?
It looks as if the "new hope" has changed directions and is looking into some kind of government conspiracy that simply does not exist. A complete 180 degree turn from what they stated they would do from the beginning. The "new hope" demanded "proof to back-up" "accusations" from others but now the "new hope" is making accusations with NO proof. Anyone that can read can go back and see that for themselves.
What happened? Did the "new hope" hit a road block and needs some kind of juicy story for their readers, even if it's an embellishment? Did the PPE's throw a wrench into their spokes? Or did the outright lies just catch up to them.
Not much has happened since the "new hope: accused our VFD of deleting information from their website and insinuating that our VFD is involved in a conspiracy.
So, is this the end? What exactly is next? It has become hush-hush once again. Will the police come a-knocking at your door?
Nah!! It's just getting started!
Hold on to your hats!!!!!!!!
Odor on Nictitate (Chapter 2)
Odor on Nictitate
By Odor Eliminator
Chapter 2
Who’s Who in the Nictitate Tale
Rich man, poor man, baker man, thief ……….. keeps running through my head as I write. Most of us probably remember it as a rhyme chanted while jumping rope as a child. I was thinking about all of the “characters” in Nictitates tale, trying to figure out where they belong in my story, and the ditty popped into my head. The ditty is a relentless nag!
It’s been almost two years since Christine Sheddy went missing from the farm house on Byrd Road in Pocomoke, Maryland. Strong belief is that Christine was murdered and since the very beginning, thoughts about who is responsible for her disappearance have not changed.
Several searches of the farm and surrounding area have been conducted by Law Enforcement Agencies, VFD’s, Search and Rescue Teams, and community volunteers. Criticism has been bandied about over the thoroughness of these efforts and of late, accusations have spun out of control. When I started to write this tale, I said that I would search for the truth. This endeavor has proven to be a mind blowing saga that leaves my head spinning and it’s hard to tell where truth leaves off and conspiracy theories take over.
If you’ve read the tale that is being spun by Nictitate there are many characters in the plot. I’m not going to go over the usual list of characters, if you’ve made it this far in the saga, you know who they are or at the very least can find the list on other blogs.
Along came a spider named Nictitate claiming to have “eyewitness” accounts of all of the happenings on the Byrd Road farm. Where she came from is anyone’s guess but we definitely know that she’s not from around these parts.
Cyber detectives and bloggers have been busy this past week tracking down Nictitates nest. It’s lined with AKA’s such as Nidlund, Walker, Moser, Stoy, and a probable AKA of Castellano. In thinking about all of these AKA’s, I dreamed up a new pest control commercial where the spider changes appearances to avoid the bug spray but in the end the spray can says pssst, gotcha!
Lying in wait for their prey, spiders are crafty by nature and Nictitate is no different. Spinning a web from crude fiber she allows her groupies to precariously hang on in case something larger comes along as she knows they will attack. Every once in a while Nictitate throws a left over morsel to the groupies to keep their appetites in check.
Posing as a free lance journalist, investigative journalist, crime writer, editor in chief, an investigator, public relations, communications specialist, and lead analyst/investigator 3View Search Services she lies in wait. Now that’s what I call a really big spider!
In an exclusive interview with neighbors, OE now has some answers to your burning questions. What was Nictitate supposed to be when her associate Man With A Stick approached them about contributing to her tale? “The new detective investigating Christine’s case,” said the neighbors. “She’s from Philadelphia and she has lots of contacts in high places”.
As a matter of fact, when the neighbors didn’t speak with Nictitate at that time as they were going out of town, she called and left a telephone message the following day requesting for them to return her call and also sent an email posing as the lead analyst/investigator 3View Search Services. Now how do you suppose she got their telephone number and email address?
Having seen and spoken to Man With A Stick on some of the searches for Christine, the neighbors trusted him and had originally agreed that they would speak with Nictitate. They now say that “fate stepped in that day” because the timing of the request didn’t fit with their schedule.
After finding out that Nictitate wasn’t such a big spider after all, the neighbors have not spoken to her, will not speak to her, have not or will not give her anything that belongs to them for her book that she is writing. They say that they don’t like “duplicity” and believe that anyone who has to be misleading about what kind of spider they really are needs to get a psssst from the bug spray can.
Rich man, poor man, baker man, thief…….. I now know why the ditty has been a relentless nag. It’s because of all of the poses of Nictitate. Saying that “Nictitate has taken things that belong to them to use as her own and has invaded their privacy by writing inaccurate and twisted tales about the eyewitness accounts of happenings on Byrd Road” the neighbors shake their heads in disgust.
Nictitates tale has gotten way out of control. And yes, downright lies are being told. The character of the people has been carelessly thrown on the ground and stomped on. Furthering the downward spiral is puffed up self important people using Christine’s case to further their private agenda’s. It’s a sad day when in the same breath, a cry for bringing in the FBI to help is finished with a tirade about the corrupt town of Pocomoke. Conspiracy indeed!
The last characters in the who’s who of the Nictitate tale that I’m going to talk about are Law Enforcement. You know, the “real legal people” investigating Christine’s case? But that will have to wait for another day. Too much information at one time about this saga will make your head spin.
Coming soon….. Odor on Nictitate, Chapter 3 – Someone’s got to take the heat, it might as well be the cops!
Note: For those of you who want to highjack writings from OE – DON’T. Any writings contributed by Odor Eliminator belong to The Pocomoke Public Eye exclusively and all rights are reserved. You may not copy and paste, dissect, snip, or use any of OE’s writings in any part or its entirety without prior written consent.
PPE NOTE: Newer post will appear below this one for awhile
Sunday, September 20, 2009
It's Broke

- The U.S. Post Service was established in 1775—you have had 234 years to get it right—and it is broke.
- Social Security was established in 1935—you have had 74 years to get it right—and it is broke.
- Fannie Mae was established in 1938—you have had 71 years to get it right—and it is broke.
- War on Poverty started in 1964—you have had 45 years to get it right; $1 trillion of our money is confiscated each year and transferred to "the poor"—and they only want more.
- Medicare and Medicaid were established in 1965—you have had 44 years to get it right—and they are broke.
- Freddie Mac was established in 1970—you have had 39 years to get it right—and it is broke.
- The Department of Energy was created in 1977 to lessen our dependence on foreign oil, it has ballooned to 16,000 employees with a budget of $24 billion a year and we import more oil than ever before—you had 32 years to get it right—and it is an abysmal failure.
Truly, the inmates are running the asylum—and what does this say about us, as voters who put such idiots in office?? If we do not vote against EVERY incumbent currently in office—we are ALL morons, regardless of our political leanings.