Showing posts with label Pocomoke Mayor and Council. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pocomoke Mayor and Council. Show all posts

Monday, May 20, 2024

City of Pocomoke




Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Pocomoke Council seats to be decided today, 4/2.

Pocomoke City's municipal election today (Tuesday, April 2) will determine the representatives for City Council Districts 4 and 5.  The candidates are Brooke Cottman and Nola Tullar for the District 4 seat, and C. Esther Troast and CL Marshall for the District 5 seat.  Polls at the Pocomoke City Library will be open from 7:00a.m. to 7:00p.m.

Transcripts and video links for the Meet The Candidates event that was held last Tuesday are posted on the Pocomoke City Arrowhead Facebook page:

Monday, February 19, 2024

Monday, March 5, 2012

Pocomoke City Mayor and Council Meeting TONIGHT


7:30 P.M., MONDAY, MARCH 5, 2012

  1. Call to Order, Prayer, and Pledge of Allegiance.

  1. Review and approval of minutes from meeting of February 6, 2012.

  1. Review and approval of bills to be paid.

  1. Discuss letter from Pocomoke City Elks Club regarding proposed golf tournament on May 12.

  1. Review letter from Great Fair Committee concerning proposed event at the Fairgrounds on June 23.

  1. Authorize appointment of Councilwoman Tracey Cottman as the municipal representative to the Tri-County Council of the Lower Eastern Shore.

  1. Emergency Resolution No. 453 to approve renewal of PNC Line of Credit for up to $200,000.

  1. Emergency Resolution No. 454 to approve a three year lease with Ford Motor Credit for the SUV purchased for the police department and allowing the Mayor to sign documents relating to this lease.

  1. Authorize the City Manager to request bids for a new ambulance to be purchased with USDA grant.

  1. Authorize Mayor to issue Proclamation for Arbor Day 2012. (April 4)

  1. City Manager to present eight month budget summary. 

Comments from the Audience
Mayor and Council items.


Monday, February 6, 2012

Pocomoke City Mayor and Council Meeting TONIGHT


7:30 p.m., Monday, February 6, 2012
City Hall

Call to Order, Prayer and Pledge of Allegiance.

 1. Review and approval of minutes from meeting of January 9, 2012

 2. Review and approval of bills to be paid.

 3. Mayor to welcome members of Cub Scout Den #1 - Troop 143 Pocomoke City.

 4. Representatives of the Delmarva Discovery Center to discuss plans for future events and continued support.

 4. Chip Choquette, representing F.I.R.S.T. Robotics Team 1829, to discuss upcoming competition.

 6. Second Reading of Ord. No. 408 to authorize a new franchise agreement with Comcast Cable, Inc. for cable TV, internet and other services.

 7. James Jones and others to discuss Save the Youth Program.

 8. City Manager to present recommendations for recreation equipment purchases for Cypress Park (POS funds).

 9. Discuss recommendation from Downtown Coordinator Angela Manos regarding a consultant to work with downtown businesses and other groups to improve profitability and performance.  (Partnership with Downtown Pocomoke Association and Worcester County Tourism Department)

Comments from the Audience.
Mayor and Council Items.


Monday, September 12, 2011

Pocomoke City Mayor & Council Meeting Tonight



7:30 P.M., MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 2011

1.                  Call to Order, Prayer, and Pledge of Allegiance.

2.                  Review and approval of minutes from meeting of August 8, 2011.

3.                  Review and approval of bills to be paid.

4.                  Introduction of new police officer, Lynell Green.

5.              Police Chief J. D. Ervin and CALEA Coordinator Shawna Gamino to present official certificate from CALEA renewing the Pocomoke Police Department’s status as a “Recognized CALEA Agency”.

6.                  Representatives of Pocomoke City Chamber of Commerce to present plaques thanking several City Departments for their assistance during the 2011 Cypress Festival.

7.                  Authorize Mayor Morrison to appoint the Law Office of William C Hudson as the City’s legal advisor in accordance with Section C-66 of the City Charter.

8.                  City Manager and representatives from Becker Morgan Group to present summary of bids received for renovation to building at 1500 Market Street for new Police Department offices. (Bid opening 11:00 AM, 9/12/11).

9.                  City Manager to present memo recommending that certain delinquent business taxes be written off.

10.              Discuss letter from Landmark Insurance Company concerning Worker’s Comp. Insurance.

11.              Discuss vacancies on various Boards and Commissions.

Comments from the Audience

Mayor and Council items.



Monday, August 8, 2011

Pocomoke Mayor and Council Meeting Tonight

7:30 P.M., MONDAY, AUGUST 8, 2011

1.                  Call to Order, Prayer, and Pledge of Allegiance.

2.                  Review and approval of minutes from meeting of July 5, 2011.

3.                  Review and approval of bills to be paid.

4.                  Representatives of Chamber of Commerce to present plaques of appreciation for City support of the 2011 Cypress Festival.

5.                  Continue discussion with Chamber of Commerce representatives regarding “Welcome to Pocomoke” signs.

6.                  Ambulance Department Director Mike Thornton to present twelve month status report.

7.                  Review of bids for Ambulance Department power lift stretcher. (Bid opening 11:00 A.M. 8-8-11).

8.                  Res. # 450 to authorize loan from John Deere Inc. for purchase of aerator with 3/4'” tine holders and tines.

9.                  Authorize requests for bids:
a.       Police Department building improvements at 1400 Market Street.
b.      Supplies for extension of water mains to Water Treatment Plant on Quinn Ave.

10.              Authorize City Manager to submit application for Community Park and Playground (CPP) grant funding.  (DNR)
a.       Cart Path # 2 and # 9
b.      New maintenance shop
c.       HVAC at Log Cabin

11.              Housing Repairs/Demolition:
a.       Recommended repair or demolish :
1.      705 Second Street (Owner Donna Joseph)
2.      523 Young Street (Owner Allen B. Blount, Jr)
3.      618 Clarke Ave.  (Owner Joyace Dale)

b.      Houses previously ordered to be repaired or demolish:
1.      707 Clarke Ave.   (Owner Sodoria Wallop) (Date June 15, 2010)

12.              City Manager to announce recent CDBG grant award for Housing Rehabilitation projects.

13.              Authorize Mayor to sign agreement with DDC and UMES.

Comments from the Audience
Mayor and Council items.
Adjourn to Executive Session to discuss personnel, real estate, and legal matters as permitted under the provisions of Sec. 10-508 (A), (1), (7), (8) of the State Government Article of the Annotated Code of Maryland and perform executive actions


Thursday, June 30, 2011

Pocomoke Mayor and Council Meeting

Written by
Bill Kerbin
POCOMOKE CITY -- A new city-constructed restaurant space between the Delmarva Discovery Center and the Pocomoke River moved one step closer to completion Monday night when the mayor and Council accepted a bid from Gillis Gilkerson.

The final construction bid, after taking out certain items, came to $599,940. This included reducing the size of the restaurant by two of the proposed four sections, leaving 100 seats inside the building. There would also be 20 seats outside along the river.

Councilwoman Tracey Cottman said that she was concerned about the deletions, believing they would reduce the quality of the facility. In response Jack E. Mumford III, representing Becker Morgan, the architects, said that there would be little change in the quality of the building, as most of the reduction is in taking off whole sections.

Mumford said that one section and a patio could be added back into the plans, increasing the cost by $37,000. He added that this would give the restaurant an additional 30 seats. The council also wanted to add a cupola to the front of the building. It had been in the original plans but was deleted. With these additions, the final cost of the building would be just under $650,000.

City Manager Russell W. Blake said that he had talked to the USDA about funding for the kitchen equipment and the furnishings. He is not sure, he said, but he thinks that the town could get funding for a portion of the expenses.

The council voted to pass an $8.5 million budget for the coming fiscal year with little or no change from the figures presented at the previous meeting in June. The new budget calls for a tax rate of 75 cents per $100 on owner-occupied property, the same as last year. The rate on real property that is not owner-occupied will be 80 cents per $100.

Del. Michael A. McDermott attended the meeting to voice his opposition to the planned toll increase for the Chesapeake Bay Bridge. Plans are to increase the tolls from the present $2.50 to $5 in October and to $8 in January 2013.

When he asked for justification for the increases from the Maryland Transit Authority, he said, he was told there had been no study. He then called the increase a "revenue grab." He said that the Bay Bridge made a $10 million profit last year with the present tolls, adding that a large amount of the increase on its tolls will go to fund the Inter-County Connector on the Western Shore. There is no planned increase in the toll for the ICC, which opened in the past five years.

McDermott said a scheduled public hearing on July 14 would be held at Stephen Decatur High School, and he suggested the mayor or a council member attend and testify.

Following the delegate's comments the council voted to support his views, by writing a letter to the state officials. Mayor Bruce Morrison said that he would attend the public hearing.

Under other business, the council voted to waive the real property taxes and the water and sewer fees for the Mar-Va Theater; to give the Great Fair Committee a contribution of $10,000 toward horse racing; to abate taxes for properties in town that do not receive services; and to approve the Eastern Shore Gas Company's plans to change 5,000 feet of steel lines to plastic lines.

Source;|newswell|text|Worcester County Times|s

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Pocomoke City Police Dept. Will Get New Location

Written By
Bill Kerbin
POCOMOKE CITY -- The Pocomoke mayor and Council took a major step toward a new home for the Police Department when they accepted a $700,000 loan from Shore Bank for the purchase and interior renovations of the former Delmarva Collision building on south Market Street.

They also gave approval for City Manager Russell W. Blake to request proposals for architectural services to design the interior of the building.

Citing some of the benefits of the new building over the present police headquarters, Councilman Robert Clark said it is an almost new building (only seven years old), which will be energy efficient.

The police are presently housed in the former National Guard Armory. He said that there is more parking, which is secured, and the building was constructed by a local contractor.

Mayor Bruce Morrison expressed his pleasure with the idea that the Police Department and the Fire Department will both be in one location.

Another construction project received approval when the Council voted to authorize City Manager Russell
W. Blake to request bids for the construction of a new restaurant between the Delmarva Discovery Center and the Pocomoke River.

The town presently has two grants totaling $650,000 for the construction of the building.

The Council approved a resolution for the application of $575,000 in Community Development Block Grant funding. If funded it would include $300,000 for housing rehabilitation; $50,000 for the demolition of the former fire station; $75,000 for the demolition of vacant, substandard houses or commercial buildings; and $150,000 for the resurfacing of Fourth Street and other streets in eligible areas.

Reporting of the disposition of last year's grants, the city manager said that all funds have been disbursed for housing rehabilitation; construction of the ambulance garage is under way; and engineering has been completed on storm drainage improvements for Eighth Street.

The Council voted to authorize the mayor to sign a memorandum of agreement between Pocomoke City and the Virginia Department of Transportation for sewer service to the Virginia information center just below the state line. The center is reported to have a failing wastewater system.

The city manager said that Virginia will pay to run the line to the end of the Pocomoke line near the Maryland-Virginia line and will pay the town for the service.

He added that the town's system will have no trouble handling the additional load.

The Council also okayed an agreement with some minor changes with the B'oosurf Broadband Co. for the installation of antennas on the city water towers. The use of the towers will be free unless the company moves outside of Pocomoke City or if it is sold to a profit-making company. It is presently a non-profit.

Under other business, the Council approved the use of the city tent by the Assateague Peoples for their annual powwow; authorized a proclamation for Municipal Clerks' Week; and passed a resolution making elected officials wait a year after their term of office expires to be employed by the town.


Monday, May 2, 2011

Pocomoke Council Moving Forward On New Police Building

Jennifer Shutt
Staff Writer
POCOMOKE CITY -- The Pocomoke City Police Department may soon get a new building.
At the upcoming council meeting, Mayor Bruce Morrison is expected to sign a resolution that would set in motion a $532,000 mortgage from Shore Bank to purchase a newer building on Market Street.

The police department has been in the same building since the mid-1960s, according to City Manager Russell Blake. The building was originally an armory built in the 1920s and later given to the city.

"The condition is such that it's beyond its economic life," said Blake of the 85-year-old building. "We have repaired it and repaired it and stretched its life probably beyond what we should have."
Could this be the new location for the Pocomoke City Police Dept.?

The chance to purchase the 7,600-square-foot building developed during the past four months. Blake said the city began looking for available and appropriate properties to house the 16 police officer unit about a year ago.

"I'm sure it's going to boost the employees' spirits by moving into a nice, professional facility," said Pocomoke City Police Chief J.D. Ervin.

Once the sale is finalized, the one-story building will need to undergo renovations to accommodate the police department.

"The inside would have to be divided properly," Ervin said. "We would have to figure out what offices we need and where they need to be located so everything is functional."

Blake said once the sale is final, the city will begin to work with an engineering firm to determine how to remodel the property to suit the police department's needs.

Other business

City officials are also expected to give second readings to two resolutions.

The first would amend the charter by bringing it up to date with current voting laws and regulations in Worcester County. Two sections of the charter that state in order to vote in city elections, residents must register at City Hall, are expected to be removed.

"The county has taken over the registration of voters for all municipal elections, so those paragraphs are no longer needed," Blake said.

The council is also scheduled to amend charter language on the employment of elected officials.

"If approved, it will stipulate that no elected official can be hired as a city employee unless it's at least one year after the expiration of their term or one year after they resign," Blake said.


Sunday, May 1, 2011

Pocomoke City Mayor and Council Meeting


7:30 P.M., MONDAY, MAY 2, 2011

1.                  Call to Order, Prayer, and Pledge of Allegiance.

2.                  Review and approval of minutes from meeting of April 11, 2011.

3.                  Review and approval of bills to be paid.

4.                  Presentation of plaque to former Mayor Michael McDermott in recognition of his six years of service as Mayor of Pocomoke City (2005-2011).

5.                  Authorize Mayor to sign Proclamation for Municipal Clerks Week.

6.                  Public Hearing on proposed 2012 Community Development Block Grant application and update on ongoing CDBG projects

7.                  Res. No. 445 to authorize submission of 2012 CDBG application to State DHCD.

8.                  Discuss letter from Assateague Peoples, Inc.  regarding use of the City tent for 19th   Annual Pow Wow on

May 20-22, 2011.

9.                  Authorize Mayor to sign Memorandum of Agreement between Pocomoke City and VDOT regarding sewer service.

10.              Res. No. 446 to authorize Mayor to sign agreement with Shore Bank for acquisition of property for use as Police Station.

11.              Second Reading of Res. # 443 to amend Charter by deleting Sections C-32 and C-33 regarding voter registration for Municipal elections.

12.              Second Reading of Res.  #444 to amend the Charter by adding language to Section 23A regarding the employment of elected officials.

13.              City Attorney to present revised lease agreement between Pocomoke City and Bloosurf Broadband Co regarding the placement of antennas on City water towers.

14.              Authorize City Manager to request proposals/bids:

a.       Architectural Services for interior modifications for new Police Station.
b.      Electrical Services for new pedestals on docks.
c.       Construction of new restaurant adjacent to Delmarva Discovery Center.

15.              Set date for auction of surplus vehicle and equipment.

Comments from the Audience
Mayor and Council items.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Pocomoke City Mayor and Council Meeting Tonight



7:30 P.M., MONDAY, MARCH 7, 2011


1. Call to Order, Prayer, and Pledge of Allegiance.

2. Review and approval of minutes from meeting of February 7, 2011.

3. Review and approval of bills to be paid.

4. Representatives of National Rural Water Association to present trophy recognizing Pocomoke City’s water as second place winner in a recent nationwide taste competition held in Washington, D.C.

5. Representatives of MarVa Theater and Performing Arts Center to discuss budget request.

6. Authorize Vice President of the City Council to sign Proclamations:

A. Arbor Day- April 6, 2011

B. Fair Housing Month (April)

7. Authorize renewal of Mutual Aid Agreement Between Pocomoke City Police Department and Crisfield Police Department.

8. Review and approve proposal from PKS for three year extension of auditing services contract.

9. City Manager to present proposal from EnerNoc Company for electricity cost savings at Wastewater Treatment Plant.

10. Review proposals from electrical engineering firms for design of electric improvements for new pedestals on Municipal Docks.

11. Authorize placement of advertisement in program for upcoming DELMARVA FIREMEN’S ASSOCIATION CONVENTION, which will be held in Pocomoke City from April 28-30.

12. Authorize repairs to surplus truck recently donated by the Maryland Forrest Service to the Pocomoke VFC.

13. City Manager to present 8 month budget status report.

Comments from the Audience

Mayor and Council items.
