Hello Everyone.....
As an animal lover and owner I am raising money during a fundraiser for BARCS (Baltimore Animal Rescue And Care Shelter). I volunteer my time as often as I can at this shelter and since I have known about BARCS I have become the owner of the best pets ever! Animals that live at BARCS are animals that the city has cast out for one reason or another.
A few months ago I fostered a dog whose family had to give him up due to job loss and could no longer care for him. He came to me a very sad dog and missed his previous owners so much and the small children that once played with him. He wasn't the prettiest dog in the world and had some severe skin issues. I took him in, changed his food, treated his skin and changed him back into a happy dog. A few weeks ago he was adopted and the last I heard he was going camping on the weekends and going to work daily with his new owner.
Currently I have a cat named Billy Ripkin. Billy came from BARCS and every day he sees me off to work and is waiting on the sidewalk when I return home. He walks too, beside me, when I walk the dog.
Pickles is the a cat that no one wanted because his fur looked as if he had gone through shock. Today as a grown and has beautiful long fur with a fluffy tail.
Then there is Sprout, the silly dog, that I have had for over a year. She had not been given the love puppies need nor discipline and was mildly abused This year she has attended obedience school and I am now able to schedule "doggy play dates".
All these animals came from BARCS and otherwise would have gone to a shelter that would have put them to sleep after a waiting period.
BARCS needs your donations so they can continue to take care of the animals that have fallen upon hard times. All of the wonderful people that care for these unfortunate animals are volunteers, including myself, that understand that even animals need out constant care and love.
And that's what Sprout, Billy Ripken, Pickles and I are trying to do.
You will find the link below that will take you the BARCS donation site. You don't have to give alot. The smallest amount will be so appreciated. My fundraiser goal has not been met yet and I did not set it high because I know these are hard times for most of us.
If I meet my fundraising target Sprout will get to parade around in his Shark costume and Pickles dressed as a Pumpkin for Halloween.
I thank you from the bottom of my heart for you kind donation and all the animals at BARCS thank you too.
Deborah Northam
FirstGiving - Baltimore Animal Rescue and Care Shelter Inc - Sprout and Pickles Page
Donating through this website is simple, fast and totally secure. It is also the most efficient way to support my fundraising efforts.
Many thanks for your support -- and don't forget to forward this to anyone who you think might want to donate too!
If you have any questions please feel free to email jmmb.
And if you are a frequent reader of this site you have seen some of my pets.