In a letter sent to WESR from Dianne Nickel, local resident and current Lymes disease patient of Dr. Gubb, she said that Dr. Gubbs contributions vastly outweigh the allegations against him.
Nickel said "A year ago I could not see to drive my car, and I had chronic fatigue, leaned on walls to stand, had migraine headaches, joint pain and swelling in my wrists, night sweats and so on. I lost 5 months of work due to these ailments. I am glad to say that Dr. Gubb's treatment has me back on my feet, exercising 10 miles each night on my exercise bike, working 8 hours a day, driving anywhere I want to and feeling great with no pain."
Nickel also addressed the AMA's allegations, saying "I understand that he gave pain killers to patients and did not follow their cases and treatment. All I can say is for sure that he did not give anyone a pain killer unless they absolutely needed it. I trust him completely. He sent me to an herbal store to purchase milk thistle, probiotics and other herbal remedies. He is a naturalist."
The letter also says the review of Dr. Gubb by the AMA was only a 3 man review. A more formal 9 person review could overturn the ruling in this case. Gubb still plans on closing his family medical practice at the end of the month. He is the only Lymes disease specialist on the Eastern Shore.