Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Negative people, we all know at least one

This is something to think about when negative people are doing their best to rain on your parade.
So remember this story the next time someone who knows nothing and cares less tries to make your life miserable.

A woman was at her hairdresser's getting her hair styled for a trip to Rome with her husband...
She mentioned the trip to the hairdresser, who responded:

"Rome? Why would anyone want to go there? It's crowded and dirty. You're crazy to go to Rome. So, how are you getting there?"

"We're taking Continental," was the reply. "We got a great rate!"

"Continental?" exclaimed the hairdresser. "That's a terrible airline. Their planes are old, their flight attendants are ugly, and they're always late. So, where are you staying in Rome?"

"We'll be at this exclusive little place over on Rome's Tiber River called Teste."

"Don't go any further. I know that place. Everybody thinks its gonna be something special and exclusive, but it's really a dump."

"We're going to go to the Vatican and maybe get to see the Pope."

"That's rich," laughed the hairdresser. You and a million other people trying to see him. He'll look the size of an ant. Boy, good luck on this lousy trip of yours. You're going to need it."

A month later, the woman again came in for a hairdo. The hairdresser asked her about her trip to Rome.

"It was wonderful," explained the woman, "not only were we on time in one of Continentals brand new planes, but it was overbooked, and they bumped us up to first class. The food and wine were wonderful, and I had a handsome 28-year-old steward who waited on me hand and foot.

And the hotel was great! They'd just finished a $5 million remodeling job, and now it's a jewel, the finest hotel in the city. They, too, were overbooked, so they apologized and gave us their owner's suite at no extra charge!"

"Well," muttered the hairdresser, "that's all well and good, but I know you didn't get to see the Pope."

"Actually, we were quite lucky, because as we toured the Vatican, a Swiss Guard tapped me on the shoulder, and explained that the Pope likes to meet some of the visitors, and if I'd be so kind as to step into his private room and wait, the Pope would personally greet me.

Sure enough, five minutes later, the Pope walked through the door and shook my hand! I knelt down and he spoke a few words to me."

"Oh, really! What'd he say?!"

He said "Who screwed up your hair?"

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

WTH for the Day

Pedestrian Hits Side of Bus in O.C.

OCEAN CITY, Md.- Ocean City police say a Pennsylvania man was critically injured when he walked into a bus as it drove past him.

It happened about 11:20 a.m. Sunday on 123rd Street. Police say 18-year-old Brett Patrick Dellomo of Williamsport, Pa., was walking north on the sidewalk. Witnesses say he walked off the sidewalk and into the southbound bus lane as the municipal bus was approaching from about 100 feet away.

Dellomo was thrown to the ground and his head hit the sidewalk. He was taken to Peninsula Regional Medical Center in Salisbury. Police are still investigating this incident.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Court Rejects Challenge to 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell'

The Supreme Court on Monday turned down a challenge to the Pentagon policy forbidding gays and lesbians from serving openly in the military, granting a request by the Obama administration.

The court said it will not hear an appeal from former Army Capt. James Pietrangelo II, who was dismissed under the military's "don't ask, don't tell" policy.

The federal appeals court in Boston earlier threw out a lawsuit filed by Pietrangelo and 11 other veterans. He was the only member of that group who asked the high court to rule that the Clinton-era policy is unconstitutional.

In court papers, the administration said the appeals court ruled correctly in this case when it found that "don't ask, don't tell" is "rationally related to the government's legitimate interest in military discipline and cohesion."

During last year's campaign, President Barack Obama indicated he supported the eventual repeal of the policy, but he has made no specific move to do so since taking office in January. Meanwhile, the White House has said it won't stop gays and lesbians from being dismissed from the military.

Last year, the federal appeals court in San Francisco allowed a decorated flight nurse to continue her lawsuit over her dismissal. The court stopped short of declaring the policy unconstitutional, but said that the Air Force must prove that ousting former Maj. Margaret Witt furthered the military's goals of troop readiness and unit cohesion.

The decision by the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals was the first that evaluated "don't ask, don't tell" through the lens of a 2003 Supreme Court decision that struck down a Texas ban on sodomy as an unconstitutional intrusion on privacy.

The administration did not appeal that ruling to the Supreme Court and Witt's lawsuit is ongoing.

The appeals court in Pietrangelo's case also took the high court decision into account, but concluded that it should defer to Congress' determination that the policy fosters cohesion in military units.

The case is Pietrangelo v. Gates, 08-824.

Skeet Shooter?

Well with the price of ammo on top of the price of trap and skeet ranges I like the new alternative. Although some may not approve it's a lot cheaper.

Don't Forget, Analog to Digital this Friday @ 11:59 p.m.

Television stations go digital this Friday @ 11:59 PM, so don't forget if you have an antenna you WILL need a converter box to continue to receive television stations.

Now, don't get a 'converter' box and a cable box confused, if you have cable now you do not need a converter box. You will however need a 'converter' box if you use and external antenna to receive TV channels.

In other words if you do not get a monthly bill for cable or steal it you need a 'converter' box.

Here's a little tip for those that do have cable and do not need a 'converter' box.

The cable company will give you a couple of 'cable' boxes free of charge, but you have to go to Salisbury and go directly to the office and sweet talk them but they will do it.

Why? That's what I said too, but my son went and picked-up one and we get a lot more channels then the TV itself would receive. It also gives you access to on-demand, I thought it was only because we had an old TV but he went and picked-up another box and connected to a brand new LCD TV and it gets a lot more channels with the box then it did without it also.

Good luck on the change from analog to digital.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Newest member of Misty's family born on Chincoteague

The newest member of Misty of Chincoteague's family, Smoke'n Mist, was born last week and is now at the Chincoteague Pony Centre with his mother.

The black and white pinto colt is the son of Misty's Desert Sun, a direct descendent of Misty.

The sire is Tuffer than Leather, a Chincoteague stallion whose roots originate with the wild ponies on Assateague Island.

The foal was born on May 24, early in the morning, with no complications.

Smoke'n Mist is one of several Misty descendants that grace the paddocks at the Chincoteague Pony Centre, which has the largest herd of Misty family ponies in the world.

Library addition taking shape

CHINCOTEAGUE — A new addition to the Chincoteague Island Library is under construction and scheduled to be completed in September of this year, officials said.

The Eastern Shore Public Library Board of Trustees toured the addition on Monday after its monthly meeting, which was held on the island.

“As you can see, we needed room to grow,” said Carl Palmer, vice president of the Island Library’s Board of Directors and overseer of the construction project, on the tour.

The library opened in 1995 in a renovated 1890s barber’s shop. It is run by two part-time employees and about 25 volunteers.
“We had the idea to expand from the time that we opened,” said Board of Directors President Linda Ryan.

The town donated the land on which the addition is being built. The project was set in motion about five years ago, when the size of the addition necessary to serve the needs of the library’s patrons was assessed.“We just don’t have an adequate collection to serve the needs of the island.

During the summer, we have so many computer users and visitors that the space was inadequate,” Palmer said.Fundraising efforts ranged from collection boxes placed in businesses around town to grants. “We had so many groups and individuals that helped us achieve our goal in two years,” said Ryan.

Billy Reed Jr. Construction, a company located on the island, began building the addition in November of last year.

Plans for the new addition include a children’s room, meeting room, and a second reading room. The second floor will have additional bookshelves and a section on Chincoteague’s history. The addition will be complete with a sprinkler system and an elevator.“It’s very handicap-friendly,” said Palmer.

The new building will also allow the library to have more computers for public access. During the peak tourist season, approximately 500 people use the library’s computers each week.

The library currently has around 7,000 books. “We plan to triple that,” said Palmer.Once the addition is completed, everything will be moved out of the original building, which will be renovated.

The original part of the library will be used as a reading room and popular books section. “We just can’t wait,” said Ryan. “It’s happening.”The Chincoteague Island Library, located on Main Street, is open six days a week: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Mondays and Tuesdays, 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. on Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays, and 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. on Thursdays.

CHINCOTEAGUE; Pit bull attack concerns council

Seldom does the public comment period of the Town Council's monthly meeting take center stage. But on Monday night it did.

Accomack County Supervisor Wanda Thornton addressed the council about a vicious dog attack recently that left her great-granddaughter, Joy, suffering serious injuries and her family traumatized.
"I'm here on a serious note," said Thornton. "Last Saturday afternoon people and four dogs were trespassing on my property. A pit bull attacked my great-granddaughter as she was getting out of the car."
Thornton said the attack came so fast that there was no time to stop it.
"I think they would have killed her," said Thornton and the council members listened to every emotional word.
Fortunately there were a number of people in the vicinity of the attack and they responded by pulling the dog off the 6-year-old child.
"She was bleeding profusely," said Thornton. "She was in shock."
Thornton said the dog got the little girl on the ground and went for her face.
"She put her arm up to protect her face and the dog bit her arm," said Thornton.
Thornton said that on at least two other occasions the dog had attacked others in the neighborhood.
Thornton said she contacted Accomack County Animal Control, but it takes about 45 minutes for the agency to respond to calls from Chincoteague.
Thornton stated the dog has been destroyed and the remains sent to a lab to test for rabies.
Thornton requested the town look into constructing a "holding pen" to keep such animals until the county's animal control can get here to pick up the animal.
She praised the response of Chincoteague Policeman Kenny Reese. "Kenny Reese was wonderful," said Thornton.
The council expressed concern about the attack and pledged to discuss the matter at the next meeting.

Obama Offers French Profound Apology For D-Day

President Barack Obama marked D-Day today by issuing a long-awaited American apology for the invasion, saying that “the Nazi threat was a flimsy excuse for blatant American cowboyism.”
“For too long, my country has ignored the devastating impact that 160,000 soldiers, 5,000 ships, and 13,000 aircraft had on both the peace-loving French people and the delicate Normandy ecosystem 65 years ago. My friends, the epic struggle between good and evil that the United States presented as a pretext for the invasion was simply a ruse for our insatiable imperialism. I am here to say, Je suis desole. A thousand times, je suis desole.”
Obama also offered specific regrets for:
the deafening noise of the invasion, which interrupted German lessons for French citizens up and down the Normandy coast;
the widespread urination by anxious American GIs in the French surf, upsetting the delicate pH balance of the water
the failure to secure the proper beach permits for the invasion

The Pastor's ASS


The pastor entered his donkey in a race and it won.
The pastor was so pleased with the donkey that he entered it in the race again,and it won again.

The local paper read:PASTOR'S ASS OUT FRONT.

The Bishop was so upset with this kind of publicity that he ordered the pastor not to enter the donkey in another race.

The next day, the local paper headline read:BISHOP SCRATCHES PASTOR'S ASS.

This was too much for the bishop, so he ordered the pastor to get rid of the donkey.

The pastor decided to give it to a nun in a nearby convent.

The local paper, hearing of the news, posted the following headline the next day:NUN HAS BEST ASS IN TOWN.

The bishop fainted. He informed the nun that she would have to get rid of the donkey, so she sold it to a farmer for $10.

The next day the paper read:NUN SELLS ASS FOR $10.

This was too much for the bishop, so he ordered the nun to buy back the donkey and lead it to the plains where it could run wild.

The next day the headlines read:NUN ANNOUNCES HER ASS IS WILD AND FREE.

The bishop was buried the next day.

The moral of the story is . . .

being concerned about public opinion can bring you much grief and misery . . even shorten your life. So be yourself and enjoy life. Stop worrying about everyone elses ass and you'll be a lot happier and live longer!

Pregnant Maryland Womans Body Found in Crawl Space

A 28-year-old Oregon woman has been charged with murder after the body of a new mother was found in the crawl space of her home.
Rescue crews first went to Korena Roberts' home in Washington County on Friday in response to a call of a newborn in distress. They found Roberts' boyfriend unsuccessfully trying to revive the baby using first-aid techniques.

Roberts told deputies the baby was hers, the county sheriff's office said. Medics noticed a lot of blood at the home, and sent Roberts and the baby to a hospital.
"Doctors at the hospital were not able to revive the baby," said Sgt. David Thompson of the Washington County Sheriff's Office in a news release. "They also discovered that Ms. Roberts had not delivered a child at anytime in the recent past."
Deputies returned to the home, where they found the body of 21-year-old Heather Snively in the crawl space under the kitchen, Thompson said.
Authorities learned Snively had been pregnant at the time she was attacked, and they determined she was the mother of the infant.
An autopsy will now determine how the baby was delivered, and whether he died before or after birth, Thompson said.
The outcome could result in another murder charge for Roberts, deputies said.
Residents in the woman's Mill Creek Drive neighborhood said Roberts had told them she was expecting a child, according to CNN affiliate KPTV.
"She didn't appear to be pregnant to us," neighbor Doug King told KPTV.

Town of Parksley Awarded $100.000

The Town of Parksley has been awarded $100,000 by the Department of Housing and Community Development to create a business loan fund to encourage business expansion and job creation. This loan fund is a part of the town’s grant to construct a community fiber-optic network in conjunction with the Eastern Shore Broadband Authority.To be eligible for a loan, existing Parksley businesses must be expanding their services and other businesses must be locating to Parksley. The business owner must be willing to commit to the creation of one new job per $10,000 borrowed. The Town of Parksley will accept applications on a first-come, first-served basis. The first step will be to complete a pre-application identifying the owner, type of business, location of operation, purpose of the loan and sources of additional funding. The application package is now available at Parksley Town Office from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday. The loan committee will meet June 23 to begin reviewing applications.

NASA’s Max Launch Abort System

NASA’s Max Launch Abort System is scheduled to be tested June 15 at Wallops Flight Facility. The launch window extends from approximately 5:45 to 8:15 a.m.The unpiloted test is part of an effort to design a system for safely propelling future spacecraft and crews away from hazards on the launch pad or during the climb to orbit. This system was developed as an alternative to the launch abort system chosen for NASA's Orion crew capsule. Orion, part of a new spacecraft system being developed by NASA's Constellation Program, is undergoing design reviews in preparation for flying humans to the International Space Station in 2015 and, later, to the moon. The Max Launch Abort System is being tested to provide experience in flight testing a spacecraft to NASA's Engineering and Safety Center, which leads the project from NASA's Langley Research Center in Hampton. The 33-foot-high launch vehicle will travel to an altitude of approximately one mile to simulate an emergency on the launch pad. A full-scale mockup of the crew module will separate from the launch vehicle and parachute into the Atlantic Ocean.

Traffic Stop Nets 50 Pounds of Pot

How dumb can they be? It looks like they could have at least afforded to buy an enclosed trailer if they wanted to haul "bails" of pot.

NEW CASTLE, Del. (AP) - Police say an officer spotted a huge load of marijuana in the bed of a pickup truck during a traffic stop in the New Castle area Friday night.
A Delaware River and Bay Authority officer pulled over the truck on southbound Interstate 295. The driver has been identified as 51-year-old Eric Baptiste of Virginia Beach, Va.
The marijuana weighed about 50 pounds. Baptiste has been charged with with trafficking in marijuana and related offenses. He's being held at the Young Correctional Institute on $27,500 bail.

Two Teenage Boys Drown in Md. State Park

Now this is a strange one. This is a sad ending that I do not understand. if these two teens were with adults on a boat, and as I understand this article the adults in the boat called to say the teens were struggling in the water? Do I understand this right?
If that being the case why in the world didn't the boaters pull the teens out of the water?
Something ain't right here. Stay tuned for more than we are hearing on this one.

Article from WBOC;

ABERDEEN, Md. (AP) - Authorities say two teenage males drowned while swimming in the Gunpowder River on Saturday afternoon.
The teens were on a boating excursion with adults when they drowned. Authorities say the boaters made an emergency call to report the two were having trouble swimming in the water off the Hammerman beach area at Gunpowder Falls State Park.
Police from nearby Aberdeen Proving Ground were involved in the search. George Mercer, a spokesman for the federal facility, says the teens' bodies were found late Saturday night in federal waters.
Their ages were estimated at between 17 and 19 years old. Aberdeen Proving Ground police are handling the investigation into their deaths.

A Comment Worthy of a Post

In reference to the Pocomoke City budget.
Great ways, and great ideas on how the city could very easily save our tax dollars. A little commonsense goes a long way.

Billy Burke said...
Tom,These are good observations.

I think the City of Pocomoke could save a lot of money by:Getting a new City Manager.Russ Blake has been there simply too long, he is at the highest end of the pay scale one could achieve for the position and he has a negative affect on bringing new business to town.

Limiting the mileage on take home police carsI understand that giving officers a take home car has become industry standard, has a positive effect when the officer lives in the city limits and is a financial motivator.

The lady who lives in Delaware is one of the nicest people on the force but 100 miles plus per day is over the top.
The cop who lives in town or just up the road 5 to 15 miles is not getting the same "bonus compensation" as someone who commutes 100 miles plus daily on the city's credit card.City needs to get out of real estate businessPocomoke City owns at least 60 parcels of land, lots & buildings they have taken from citizens by demolishing their buildings, taxes or whatever.

The City has NEVER publicly sold or offered for sale their real estate, its all back room deals.I can see negotiating for something like Industrial Park space where the land is owned to attract businesses.Lots around town are something else.

This is something Mikey campaigned on and he even took my suggestion to "tie conditions" to the sale such as building a home within a specific period of time.
The property will be on the tax rolls PLUS the city will get cash when it's sold.

Be more business friendlyThis goes back to the city manager wanting to control every business in town.If it's legal then let it go. Why can't someone get an adult beverage downtown?We don't need another Lawsons so Honiss Cane does not need to be a "silent-partner" in the first drinking establishment.

Snow Hill & Berlin are filled with art galleries, small shops and have more than a few places to get a coke or a beer. Why not Pocomoke?Utilize the riverfrontThe riverfront has needed gas & ice sales available since the day we moved here in 1987.

The City says you can't have a pump next to the bridge because that is the spot that makes the most sense.OK why not put the pumps down at the boat ramp? Duh???

Employee's NEED Raises & Benefits
The employees are dedicated and put up with a lot of crap coming out of City Hall.
They don't like to see or hear about Russ & the Chief going to their vacation condo's in Florida on the city's nickel when they don't get a $50 a month COLA raise.
That's about the worst thing you can do for morale and makes people less productive.It's back to getting rid of the City Manager and new blood at City Hall.It's quite obvious that what Russ Blake & Company have been doing does not work.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

2 Teenaged Girls Arrested for Taking Clothes Off at Store

LEWES, Del. - Police say they have arrested two 15-year-old girls for taking their clothes off at a video rental store in Lewes on Friday night.
According to Delaware State Police, at 8:30 p.m. a staff member of the Midway Movies in Lewes was viewing the surveillance video system in the theaters when they came across two young ladies in one of the hallways.
Police say the girls were observed taking off their clothes and snapping photographs of themselves with their camera enabled cell phones.
According to detectives, these acts were done in public and witnessed by several other patrons walking by.
Troopers arrived on the scene and took custody of the suspects. They were taken back to Troop 7 on charges of disorderly conduct and their parents were contacted.
Investigators say that the two girls were taking their clothes off and snapping pics of themselves as they intended on electronically sending their racy photos to their friends- memorializing their behavior.
DSP says this incident underscores the dark contrast of how technology can both benefit and adversely impact our youth.
Cpl. Jeff Whitmarsh says, "The purpose of this news release is not to simply notify the public of this incident, but to encourage parents to engage in serious and meaningful conversation with their kids about the dangers vs. the benefits of technology. As silly as incidents such as this may seem on the surface, there are real concerns afoot. Once a digital image is sent across the information highway, it no longer belongs to the sender."
" Photos, such as the ones taken last evening, all too often end up on various web pages and file sharing sites. It is not until the original sender learns how many people have seen their pictures, including strangers that the realization of their decision to send the photos in the first place sets in. This is why parents need to talk to their kids. This is why the conversation needs to be meaningful and serious," Whitmarsh says.

WTH For Today: New Jersey Cop Beats Man for Standing On Corner

I'm interested in why these officers even stopped to confront this citizen.
Why would the police tell him to zip his jacket? Why can he not have his jacket zipper fastened?

If what’s on a tape captured outside a bar in Passaic, is what really happened, then a police officer in New Jersey has some big explaining to do.

The tape shows a cop getting out of his car and getting more than a little rough with a man standing on a street corner.

One week after the beating, Ronnie Holloway’s eye is still black and blue. But it’s an improvement.

Read entire article

Bow to the King

It's really unbelievable that the hard left are so in love with their messiah that they will actually bow in his presents.
It's time to check yourself Brain Williams.

Pocomoke's budget shrinks slightly

Next year's proposed budget is slightly lower than the current budget, largely because of a loss of state and county revenue of about $157,000.

City officials are planning to keep the tax rate for owner-occupied homes at 75 cents per $100 of value and 76 cents per $100 for other real property.

The proposed budget of $7.45 million is slightly less than the current operating budget. A major part of the budget is the ambulance fund at $828,248. Of that amount, $117,748 will come from city funds, with the balance coming from Worcester County, transport charges and other sources.

The largest part of the budget, $4.55 million, is for the general fund, with the balance for the water and sewer fund. There will be no increases in water and sewer rates, but the trash disposal fee will be increased 50 cents to offset an increase in the county tipping fee charged to Pocomoke and other towns for solid waste.

One major capital expense for the water fund is the construction of a new well off Clarke Avenue at $365,000. However, City Manager Russell W. Blake said he had applied for a federal stimulus grant to cover the cost of the project. He expects an answer on the grant this month. Without the grant, the money will have to be borrowed.

Another stimulus grant in the works is $500,000 to upgrade the town's sewer plant. The balance of the funding for the upgrade will come from the Chesapeake Bay Restoration Fund.

With the reduction in outside income, the town's employees will see no increases in cost of living or step raises. With a lieutenant in the police department retiring, his position will not be filled immediately, and a position in the Public Works department will be eliminated.

The town is looking at a significant increase in hospitalization insurance costs of about 13 percent. Another major impact on the budget is the current year's increase in gas and oil prices and in heating and electric bills -- 25 percent and 20 percent, respectively. The city manager expects these increases to continue.

June 6, 1944 A Day To Remember

June 6, 1944, 160,000 Allied troops landed along a 50-mile stretch of heavily-fortified French coastline to fight Nazi Germany on the beaches of Normandy, France. General Dwight D. Eisenhower called the operation a crusade in which “we will accept nothing less than full victory.” More than 5,000 Ships and 13,000 aircraft supported the D-Day invasion, and by day’s end on June 6, the Allies gained a foot- hold in Normandy. The D-Day cost was high -more than 9,000 Allied Soldiers were killed or wounded -- but more than 100,000 Soldiers began the march across Europe to defeat Hitler.

Photos From the Front

A collection of U.S. Army photography from the build up of troops in England, to the beaches and airborne landings in France.
View the Photos

U.S. Army Divisions in the Normandy Campaign

A listing of the American Divisions involved in the Normandy Campaign and contact information for their active divisions and retiree associations.
View the DivisionsView the D-Day American Assault ForcesView the Allied Order of Battle for the Normandy Campaign

D-Day Beaches

Descriptions and maps of the Normandy beachheads the Allies invaded.
View the Invasion Descriptions

General Eisenhower's Message

Both text and the actual reading (.mp3) are provided of General Eisenhower's Message.
View the Message

WWII Poster Gallery

A selection of World War II posters available in high resolution to download.
View the Posters


A collection of news articles related to the D-Day invasion at Normandy.
Click for News

Friday, June 5, 2009

A letter From a Teacher to Obama

The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NWWashington , DC

Mr.. Obama:I have had it with you and your administration, sir. Your conduct on your recent trip overseas has convinced me that you are not an adequate representative of the United States of America collectively or of me personally.You are so obsessed with appeasing the Europeans and the Muslim world that you have abdicated the responsibilities of the President of the United States of America .
You are responsible to the citizens of the United States .. You are not responsible to the peoples of any other country on earth.I personally resent that you go around the world apologizing for the United States telling Europeans that we are arrogant and do not care about their status in the world.
Sir, what do you think the First World War and the Second World War were all about if not the consideration of the peoples of Europe ? Are you brain dead? What do you think the Marshall Plan was all about? Do you not understand or know the history of the 20th century?Where do you get off telling a Muslim country that the United States does not consider itself a Christian country? Have you not read the Declaration of Independence or the Constitution of the United States?
This country was founded on Judeo-Christian ethics and the principles governing this country, at least until you came along, come directly from this heritage. Do you not understand this?Your bowing to the king of Saudi Arabia is an affront to all Americans. Our President does not bow down to anyone, let alone the king of Saudi Arabia.
You didn’t show Great Britain, our best and one of our oldest allies, the respect they deserve yet you bow down to the king of Saudi Arabia . How dare you, sir! How dare you!You can’t find the time to visit the graves of our greatest generation because you don’t want to offend the Germans but make time to visit a mosque in Turkey .. You offended our dead and every veteran when you give the Germans more respect than the people who saved the German people from themselves.
What’s the matter with you? I am convinced that you and the members of your administration have the historical and intellectual depth of a mud puddle and should be ashamed of yourselves, all of you.You are so self-righteously offended by the big bankers and the American automobile manufacturers yet do nothing about the real thieves in this situation, Mr. Dodd, Mr. Frank, Franklin Raines, Jamie Gorelic,the Fannie Mae bonuses, and the Freddie Mac bonuses. What do you intend to do about them? Anything?
I seriously doubt it.What about the U.S. House members passing out $9.1 million in bonuses to their staff members on top of the $2.5 million in automatic pay raises that lawmakers gave themselves? I understand the average House aide got a 17% bonus. I took a 5% cut in my pay to save jobs with my employer. You haven’t said anything about that.
Who authorized that? I surely didn’t!Executives at Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac will be receiving $210 million in bonuses over an eighteen-month period, that’s $45 million more than the AIG bonuses.. In fact, Fannie and Freddie executives hav e already been awarded $51 million not a bad take.
Who authorized that and why haven’t you expressed your outrage at this group who are largely responsible for the economic mess we have right now.I resent that you take me and my fellow citizens as brain-dead and not caring about what you idiots do. We are watching what you are doing and we are getting increasingly fed up with all of you. I also want you to know that I personally find just about everything you do and say to be offensive to every one of my sensibilities. I promise you that I will work tirelessly to see that you do not get a chance to spend two terms destroying my beautiful country.Sincerely,Every Real American

Ms Kathleen Lyday
Fourth Grade TeacherGrandview Elementary School
11470 Hwy. CHillsboro, MO

Sears duped and spied on its customers online

After enticing customers to participate in an online marketing study, the company that owns Sears and Kmart spied on them -- capturing their secure web use and spending, the Federal Trade Commission alleged recently in a case against the company. Sears Holdings Management Corp. today settled that case, agreeing to stop the practices, instruct their customers how uninstall the software that had been watching them and to destroy the data that was collected.Here's what happened...Sears recruited participants in its marketing study off its web site and paid participants $10 if they downloaded and retained the software. They were told the software for "My SHC Community" would allow them to "participate in exciting, engaging, and on-going interactions – always on your terms and always by your choice." They also were told the software would only monitor their online browsing, the FTC said.Instead, the FTC said, Sears' software captured secured sessions from participants including online banking, drug prescriptions and even library borrowing history. In addition, the FTC said, Sears also was able to see certain information from web-based email programs and even from some non-Internet computer activity.

Sears Holdings Management Corp., the parent company of Sears and Kmart, settled a case to stop enticing customers to sign up for a software that spies on them. It must also instruct customers how to uninstall the software that monitored their spending across the web, even on sites that are supposed to be secure, and destroy the data that was collected. The Federal Trade Commission brought the case against the Sears Holdings.

Sears was unapologetic and admitted no wrongdoing in settling the case. In a statement, the company maintains that it was above-board with participants.
"Sears Holdings takes the safety and security of our customers' private information very seriously. The company conducted a research project nearly two years ago with a small panel of consumers who were recruited online to better understand the surfing behavior of US retail customers," the company's statement said. "The panelists were informed upfront of the nature of the work being conducted and were paid for their participation in the study. At all times, Sears Holdings ensured the privacy and security of the personal information of all participants who enrolled in the program. We also worked to ensure best practices of its disclosures and notifications to panelists."The company said that all the personal information gathered has already been destroyed and that the software was removed, adding, "No tracking software is being deployed on any of Sears Holdings' sites or communities."You can decide for yourself. Read the marketing materials here.

World Leaders Shun Obama

This is the respect the world leaders now have for our nation.
Recently Chevez said "Comrad Obama" was "farther left" of himself and Castro.

Venezuela's President Hugo Chavez said on Tuesday that he and Cuban ally Fidel Castro risk being more conservative than U.S. President Barack Obama as Washington prepares to take control of General Motors Corp.

During one of Chavez's customary lectures on the "curse" of capitalism and the bonanzas of socialism, the Venezuelan leader made reference to GM's bankruptcy filing, which is expected to give the U.S. government a 60 percent stake in the 100-year-old former symbol of American might.

"Hey, Obama has just nationalized nothing more and nothing less than General Motors. Comrade Obama! Fidel, careful or we are going to end up to his right," Chavez joked on a live television broadcast.

During a decade in government, Chavez has nationalized most of Venezuela's key economic sectors, including multibillion dollar oil projects, often via joint ventures with the private sector that give the state a 60 percent controlling stake.

Obama has vowed to quickly sell off General Motors once the auto giant is back on its feet, but the government will initially control the company after a $30 billion injection of taxpayer funds.

Chavez, a vehement critic of the U.S. "empire," has toned down his rhetoric since Obama took office in January and the two men shook hands during a summit in Trinidad and Tobago in April.

Residents Await New Wal-Mart Distribution Center in Somerset County

WESTOVER, Md. - Wal-Mart is expanding stores nationwide adding about 22,000 new jobs. For years now we've heard about plans to build a new Wal-Mart distribution center in Somerset County.

It's expected to bring 750 badly needed jobs. But construction has yet to begin.

The site of the distribution center, which has been fenced in, is on Revells Neck Road. But there's been no groundbreaking.

WBOC called Wal-Mart, but so far we've heard no word on when construction will begin.

Customers at a barber shop in Princess Anne have been talking about the Wal-Mart distribution center. The only question they have is when.

James Leatherbury says,"We want it to come. We want it to hurry up and get here."

Leatherbury says the 750 jobs are badly needed in Somerset County and he plans to apply for a job when the facility is built.

"For beneficial reasons. You know I have kids and I need benefits just like every other person," Leatherbury says.

Danny Stevens from the Princess Anne Chamber of Commerce says, "Any sort of center would have an impact, an immediate impact."

Stevens says he hasn't heard any updates on the project's status. Stevens says the center would help the town and the Eastern Shore.

Stevens says,"I think it would bring more businesses to town and the surrounding area."

But so far they've seen no construction. Leatherbury says it's frustrating.

Robbery Suspects' Car Runs Out of Gas

If you're going to rob a bank make sure you have gas in the get-a-way vehicle

DAYTONA BEACH, Fla. (June 5) - Authorities say they've arrested two suspected bank robbers after their getaway vehicle ran out of gas.
Daytona Beach police say 38-year-old Randall Fredric Walker went into the Riverside National Bank Tuesday afternoon and demanded money from a teller. After leaving the bank with the money, authorities say Walker jumped into a Jeep Cherokee driven by 35-year-old Jason Warren Dietrich. The two didn't get far before the vehicle ran out of gas.
The men got out of the sport utility vehicle and left the area separately. But police found the abandoned SUV and traced it back to Dietrich, the registered owner.
Both men face bank robbery charges. They were being held on $50,000 bail.

NYC man charged with threatening Obama, Sotomayor

NEW YORK -A Manhattan man who threatened to kill U.S. Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor and said he wanted to kill President Barack Obama has been arraigned on charges of making a terroristic threat.
A criminal complaint says 48-year-old John Zaubler called 911 Saturday and said he was going to kill Sotomayor by "blowing her up" because he did not want his girlfriend to go to federal prison.
The complaint also says he wanted to kill Obama by "blowing him up."
Zaubler did not enter a plea in Manhattan Criminal Court.
Judge James Gibbons ordered Zaubler held without bail and ordered a psychiatric examination. He scheduled a hearing for July 6.
Zaubler's lawyer, Fran Hoffinger, did not immediately return a call seeking comment.

Great Grandma Graduates High School

A Virginia woman will finally cross center stage to obtain her diploma, more than 60 years after she started high school.
At age 80, Marian Almond will be more than four times the age of most of her fellow graduates when she accepts her GED degree at Liberty University.

Embedded video from CNN Video

Almond dropped out of school when she was 16 to begin working in retail. She got married the following year.
"I just felt like I wanted to work," said Almond. "I didn't like school."
She never looked back and went decades without earning a diploma. It wasn't until Almond was rejected for a literacy volunteer opportunity that she felt compelled to return to school.
She hopes youngsters will avoid her path if they are on the fence about completing school.
"Heavens, don't quit school, go to graduation," said Almond.
She plans to celebrate with a bottle of champagne that's been stored in her refrigerator for years.

Salisbury City ethics commission finds no ethics violation

Salisbury's Ethics Commission announced Friday that it has found no wrongdoing on the part of a City Council member accused of violating the municipal code by voting for a budget that includes health insurance benefits for herself. The commission also exonerated another councilwoman who discussed health benefits for herself at a city budget work session.
Jonathan Taylor, a city resident and blogger, filed a complaint against Councilwoman Terry Cohen. The complaint also named Councilwoman Debbie Campbell, who Taylor said advocated health insurance benefits for herself during an April 28 budget work session. The second complaint filed by Taylor alleged that both Cohen and Campbell discussed the council health insurance at a May 19 budget work session. The third complaint alleged that Cohen voted for the budget ordinance at the May 26 City Council meeting, when the budget ordinance included funding for health insurance for herself.
Cohen denied any wrongdoing, saying she is entitled to vote on the budget and was not voting on the restoration of her health benefits. Funds for the benefits had been restored with an amendment to the budget.
The Ethics Commission held a hearing on the complaints on Wednesday and on Friday afternoon ruled that neither Campbell or Cohen violated the city's municipal code when they participated in a discussion about health insurance at either one of the city's budget work sessions.
"The Ethics Commission finds that the city has a long-standing policy of providing health insurance coverage to City Council members, and that discussion of health insurance coverage for council members at a budget work session is necessary to determine the correct amount of funding for that category in the budget ordinance," the Ethics Commission stated in its published decision.
The Ethics Commission also determined that Cohen did not violate the municipal code when she voted on the budget that includes health insurance coverage for her.
"The Ethics Commission finds that health insurance coverage for City Council members is permitted by Maryland Code and by the long standing benefits policy of the city, and that a vote on the funding of the health insurance coverage as a component of the budget ordinance is not a violation of the city ethics code," the Ethics Commission said.
The Ethics Commission further stated that a vote by a council member on the budget ordinance- which includes an expenditure for council member health insurance- is a necessary exemption under the municipal code, in order to permit passage of a budget ordinance by three or more favorable votes, as required by the city charter.
In addition to rendering its decision, the Ethics Commission issued an advisory opinion that recommended the mayor and City Council appoint a compensation review committee to study the benefits, including health insurance, that is offered the mayor and council.
"The review committee should recommend a future approach regarding these benefits to the mayor and council. The benefits, including health insurance, should be the subject of a written policy or a section in the city charter or code," the Ethics Commission said.

Student Busted a Fish Tank at Pocomoke High by a Thrown Rock

Today at Pocomoke High school a student threw a rock that busted a 55 gallon fish tank in the marine biology room.
A junior student picked up a rock that had previously been inside the fish tank and was removed for cleaning. the student threw the rock at another student missing his target. The rock missed and struck the 55 gallon fish tank full of water and fish and busted the tank.
Water and fish went everywhere of course, the water destroyed a school laptop and others personal belongings, notes school papers etc.
It took students and school employees over 2 hours to clean up the flooded classroom and the health of the fish are not known at this time.

Free doughnuts Friday, June 5 at Dunkin' Donuts, Krispy Kreme

Dunkin' Donuts is celebrating National Donut Day on Friday, June 5 by giving away a free doughnut with the purchase of any beverage, while supplies last.Krispy Kreme is also giving away one doughnut per customer on Friday, and no purchase is required.National Donut Day is celebrated the first Friday in June. It was established in 1938 by the Chicago Salvation Army to raise money during the Great Depression.

Bo Obama "Attacks" Microphone on Reporter's Camera

The First Dog is so darn cute, we can hardly stand it.

Proving that he's got a playful streak (he is, after all, a canine and still a puppy) Bo sniffed out the camera crew surrounding him on the White House lawn and decided that one particular microphone looked the tastiest.

As far as misbehaving goes, Bo's playfulness is mild and good-natured compared to some other presidential pets! (See below.)

Watch as he romps with the microphone and gives it a few good bites before it's rescued.

Want more Bo? Click here for more videos of the presidential pup with President Barack Obama and the First Lady Michelle Obama. Every time a presidential pet breaks protocol or gives in to their "bad" side, it's reported as international news. So far the Obamas' Portuguese Water Dog, has only been guilty of trying to chew on people's feet and chomping on a news camera microphone like it was a tasty treat. How have other presidential pets acted badly in the past?

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Health Officials Confirm First 2 Cases of Swine Flu in Worcester County

The Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene and the Worcester County Health Department are confirming the first two cases of Influenza A H1N1 in Worcester County.
According to the DHMH, a lab confirmed two probable cases have tested positive for the H1N1 virus. As of June 4, Maryland has 83 confirmed cases.
"As we've monitored the increasing numbers of H1N1 flu nationwide, we anticipated that we would eventually see cases in our county," said Debbie Goeller, health officer for Worcester County. "The Worcester County Health Department continues to monitor reports of illness, provide preventive information to the public, and review and update local plans. We also continue to communicate with local health care providers to successfully diagnose and treat our residents who may be ill."


Salisbury City Council health insurance ethics complaint

Should Pocomoke follow suit? Yes, it IS wrong for members to vote for their own benefits. is it "unethical"? sure it is, is like giving yourself a $10,000.00 raise, more money than they make to sit on the council. What's taking Salisbury so long to come to this very easy conclusion? If they find it is indeed ethical will they let that ridiculous decision stand? let's hope not. I feel it's wrong for any city council members or any elected official to receive health insurance on the tax payers dime, this is not only a part-time position, it's a very part-time, part-time position. There's no reason that a council member does not have insurance through their full time employment or retirement plan. I hope Salisbury sees this and says no to the insurance.
On that same note who and when was Pocomokes insurance implemented? Was it voted on by the council? If they have a job or retirement plan are they being paid double by insurance companies somehow? Do we have a board of ethics? Some more questions that need to be addressed here in Pocomoke. Say NO to benefits for elected officials that are not full time. It's our dime.

Questions surrounding the actions of two councilwomen named in a complaint still remained following the conclusion of a Salisbury City Ethics Commission hearing late Wednesday morning.

Both City Council members, Debbie Campbell and Terry Cohen, testified at the hearing that lasted more than an hour and a half, but the commission closed the meeting room doors in the Salisbury fire station headquarters and deliberated privately.

The five-member ethics panel, made up of city residents appointed by the mayor and approved by the council, is expected to publish a written opinion at an undetermined date.

The complaint against Cohen and Campbell, who receive health benefits through the city, was filed by city resident and blogger Jonathan Taylor early last week.

Taylor, known as The Salisbury Grinch, accused Cohen of violating the city's municipal code when she voted to pass the city's budget -- which included funds for health insurance -- in late May.

Taylor also alleges Campbell and Cohen violated the code when they discussed health insurance issues during City Council work sessions.

"I don't see any conflict of interest in the process," said Robert Gladden, who was voted vice chairman in the absence of Ethics Commission chairman the Rev. John Kennedy. "My personal feeling is there has not been any ethics violation," said the former Salisbury city councilman just before the public portion of the hearing concluded.

A third councilwoman, Shanie Shields, receives health benefits through the city; however, she was not named in the complaint.

Taylor said he declined to name Shields because she publicly stated her intent to discontinue receiving health insurance through the city.

While Taylor was not present during the meeting due to a scheduling conflict, City Administrator John Pick read Taylor's written testimony to committee members during the hearing.

"Anytime you discuss salary and benefits, it's a political thing," Cohen testified. "Do we commit an ethics violation every time we vote on the budget?"

Cohen alleges that when former mayor Barrie Parsons Tilghman removed health insurance benefits from the 2010 budget, Tilghman violated the municipal code. The council's job is to create policy, and the mayor's job is to administer policy set forth by the council, Cohen said during the hearing.

"I cannot knowingly vote for a budget that contains something that was done illegally," Cohen testified.

Furthermore, Cohen said if she and Shields had abstained from what has become a controversial budget vote on May 25, the council would have been unable to take a vote because the remaining two voting members were not enough for a quorum.

Campbell was absent from the budget vote due to illness.

At the hearing, Campbell was represented by local attorney Steve Cox, who made arguments on her behalf before the commission.

Cox pointed to the conflict of interest section of the municipal code which makes an exception for elected officials, and others to whom the section applies, to participate in any city-related "decision-making process" if the individual has disclosed his or her interests and "does not create a conflict of interest."

"It is clear that the interest of Miss Campbell was disclosed," Cox said to the Ethics Commission.

While the code does not define conflict of interest, Cox said everyone knew Campbell received health insurance through the city.

While Campbell's attorney and Cohen both maintained the benefits-budget vote issue was a policy issue, Taylor asserted that it was the actions of the councilwomen that should be the focus of the probe.

"I must emphasize again this is not whether the former mayor was in her right to make the cut, it is on the actions that the two councilwomen took to re-obtain said benefits," Pick said while reading Taylor's statement to the committee. "I think this is financially irresponsible when the cost of Debbie and Terry's insurance for four years for Debbie will be $40,000 and two years for Terry will cost $20,000, which equals $60,000, or two police cars."

Accomack County Circuit Court

Several criminal cases were heard recently in Accomack County Circuit Court.

According to Commonwealth’s Attorney Gary Agar, Lawrence Ivey, 51, of Parksley was found guilty of attempted burglary and grand larceny and sentenced to 10 years on each count, all suspended except for three years and two months.

Derek Hairston, 38, of Parksley was found guilty of driving after having been named an habitual offender and was sentenced to two years, with one year suspended.

Rosa Justice, 49, of Mappsville was found guilty of possession of cocaine and sentenced to 10 years, with all but 45 days suspended.

Sentencing was deferred until presentence reports are prepared for Nas Askia, 34, of Boston, Mass., found guilty of armed burglary and the use of a firearm during the crime; James Mongelli, 19, of Delaware, found guilty of burglary; and Marcus Henderson, 24, of New Church, found guilty of possessing marijuana with the intent to distribute it.

Brian Brown, 30, of Horntown, charged with possession of cocaine and marijuana, was given First Offender Status, by which the charges will be dismissed if he maintains a clean record.

Sentencing was handed down for Phillip Rogers, 57, of Painter, previously found guilty of three counts of rape. He was sentenced to 15 years on each count, to run concurrently, plus three years of post-release probation.

Jarvis Scarborough, 19, of Painter, previously found guilty of robbery and use of a firearm during the robbery, was sentenced for the robbery to 10 years, with all but three years suspended, and for the firearms charge to three years, for a total of six years to serve.

Reginald Handy Jr., 21, of Atlantic was sentenced for burglary and grand larceny to three years on each count, all suspended except for three months on each count.

Accomack Grand Jury

An Accomack Grand Jury indicted 25 people Monday on more than 50 counts.

Included in those charges was a robbery count against a Louisiana man who was indicted two months ago for the killing of a Parksley area native.

The most recent indictment charges Jowarski Russell Nedd Jr., 28, of robbing homicide victim Albert Danny Hargis last August. At a preliminary hearing, evidence showed Nedd was seen after the murder with $3,800.

According to court records, Garrett W. Dunham, an Eastville lawyer, will not assist defense attorney Patrick Robbins of Accomac in the case. Dunham was allowed to step down due to an undisclosed conflict. The court appointed Norfolk lawyer Allan Zaleski to replace him.

Also indicted were:

•Thomas Lee Bailey, 21, of Temperanceville on a count of grand larceny in connection with the July 27, 2007, theft of property belonging to Lance Godwin Fisher;

•Gladene Walden Banks, 55, of Atlantic on a count of possession of cocaine on Feb. 14;

•Cecil M. Brown, 43, of Nassawadox on counts of breaking into the home of William Cullen and possession of a firearm by a convicted felon on March 2;

•James William Bruce, 24, of Keller on a count of child neglect and endangerment in connection with a Jan. 27 incident in which a child was burned with hot water;

•Tony Kevon Cuffee, 18, of Accomac on counts of breaking into Trina Allen’s home on Dec. 19, 2008, and breaking into Sheikesha Jackson’s home two days later;

•Marcus Mitchell Davis, 23, of Atlantic on four counts of maliciously shooting at an occupied vehicle on March 20;

•Clyde Roger Evans, 67, of Tangier on a count of aggravated sexual battery involving a 13-year -old between July 1 and 8, 2007.

•Pierre Cheyenne Gore, 26, of New Church on a count of eluding an officer on April 15;

•Kerwin Antwon Harmon, 29, of Nelsonia on a count of malicious maiming on Jan. 23;

•James Lamont Johnson, 34, of Belle Haven on a count of credit-card fraud between July 24 and 29, 2008;

•Arthur Alexander Jones III, 25, of Bloxom on a count of leaving the scene of an accident on March 9 in which Dynel Taran Downing, 21, of Greenbush died;

•Christopher James Justis, 20, of Parksley on counts of burglary and grand larceny in connection with incidents at Latinos Market on Sept. 30, 2008, Accomack Little League’s concession stand on Oct 5, 2008, North South Sneaker store on Oct. 2, 2008, and the home of David Matthews on Oct. 16, 2008; and on a count of stealing William Crowe’s property on Oct. 23, 2008;

•Crystal Tipton, 31, of Quinby also was indicted in connection with the incidents at the concession stand, sneaker store and Matthews’ home. Julia Marie Vermeal, 19, of Parksley was indicted in connection with the incident at Latinos Market and the concession stand; and Bobby Young III, 19, of Bloxom was indicted in connection with the incident at the Matthews home.

•Keith Cornell Kellam, 20, of Nassawadox on a count of assault and battery of Trooper S.N. Kulick on Feb. 8;

•Mario Kellam, 22, of Norfolk on counts of robbing Edward Sherwood Gunter on Nov. 22 and use of a firearm in the incident;

•Daniel Steven Kovach, age unavailable, of Virginia Beach on a count of embezzling from American Legion Post 159 in Chincoteague on Oct. 18, 2008;

•James E. Logan, 25, of Melfa on a count of possession of cocaine on Jan. 31;

•Andrew Wesley McDonald Jr., 33, on counts of eluding and assault and battery of Chincoteague Officer Ryan Daisey on March 14;

•Ray Phillip Padgett Jr., 35, of Parksley on a count of shoplifting from Fresh Pride in Parksley on March 13;

•Robert Wayne Poulson, 53, of Keller on a count of receiving stolen property on March 7;

•Robert Revels, 22, of Horntown on a count of stealing firearms belonging to Thomas and Keith Harmon on Dec. 10, 2008;

•Jason Michael Rienerth, 19, of Onancock on counts of burglary and grand larceny of Zununs on Sept. 29, 2008, and burglary of the Hospice Thrift Store in Onancock on Oct. 5, 2008;

•Marquita M. Savage, 33, of Belle Haven on a count of credit-card fraud and forgery on July 28, 2008;

•William Carlton Taylor, 58, of Bloxom on Jan. 31 counts of possession of cocaine, having a firearm while possessing a controlled substance and possession of firearm after having been convicted of a felony.

Judge scolds Pocomoke men for roles in fire

Three local men have been sentenced to 18 months in jail for their roles in the October break-in and arson of a Pocomoke City public works facility.

Charles E. Furst, 19, and Matthew A. Depaolis, 20, both apologized for their actions before pleading guilty in Circuit Court Monday to one of the 13 charges against each of them. The charges held them responsible for the destruction of the Young Street maintenance garage on Oct. 5.

"I know it was stupid," Matthew Depaolis said. "It was stupid to do it, and I apologize."

The third defendant, Matthew's brother Nicholas J. Depaolis, 22, was sentenced at a plea hearing in May to 18 months in jail, 36 months of probation and a $1,000 fine for a malicious destruction of property.

Furst had 42 months suspended of the five-year penalty for first-degree malicious burning of property. The Pocomoke City resident -- who confessed to law enforcement officials that he started the fire -- will also pay $286,000 to the city in restitution and serve 36 months of supervised probation.

Matthew Depaolis received the same sentence as his brother.

The State's Attorney's Office did not prosecute any of the other charges, which included burglary, theft and -- for Furst -- a count of second-degree arson.

Circuit Court Judge Theodore R. Eschenburg Sr. warned the men that they were getting off lightly with only 18 months in jail for what he called very serious charges.

"Guys, I am shocked to even see you here at all," Eschenburg said, looking down on the young defendants. "I don't know what I was expecting, but I wasn't expecting three guys with no (criminal) record."

Eschen-burg seemed especially disappointed at Furst for his role in the incident. The Pocomoke High School graduate served in the JROTC for four years, and was appointed to the rank of 1st Sergeant as a senior. He aspired to join the U.S. Marine Corps, but was unable to for health reasons, said his former commander Sgt. Maj. Ron Trostle, who testified on Furst's behalf.

"I cannot believe you would do something so completely and utterly stupid," Eschenburg said after looking through a folder of Furst's ROTC awards and letters supporting his character. "You were on your way to being somebody."

Pocomoke police arrested the men in January after an anonymous tip lead investigators to search the Cypress Road house where they were living. There, they found the missing radios.

The town is still in the process of replacing all of the equipment and the building, said Mayor Michael McDermott, who called the arson a "malicious act."

"In tough economic times, this is such a tragic event," the mayor said. "This is not a time as mayor that I want to fund replacing equipment when there was nothing wrong with it."

Three Men Arrested in 'Open Air Drug Market' Investigation in Berlin

The Worcester County State's Attorney's Office say three men have been arrested for drug dealing in an undercover operation in Berlin, Md.

Authorities arrested Canitchell Mills, 48, Darryl Whaley, 52, and Dvaughn Miller, 22, all of Berlin. All were charged with distribution of cocaine and possession of cocaine.

State's Attorney Joel J. Todd says the drug arrests were a part of the undercover operation announced at the "Take Pride in Berlin" meeting.

The meeting held on May 21, at the multipurpose building on Flower Street, unveiled the undercover operation to target Berlin's open air drug market in the area's of Bay Street and Flower Street.

The Worcester County Bureau of Investigation say they will continue their attempt to locate the other targets that have active warrants.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

:Thumbsup: Judge Thomas

Maryland Students Unwittingly Befriend Justice

Two high school football players made a special new friend in a high place while traveling back to Maryland from a recruiting trip to the University of Nebraska, according to a report from
Seniors Terrence Stephens and Jason Ankrah were flying in coach class when they began chatting with the fellow traveler and Cornhuskers fan sitting next to them. They had no idea at the time that their companion was Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas.

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The star gridiron players from Quince Orchard High School in Gaithersburg, MD. didn't recognize the justice until the plane landed. They were so excited that they asked their principal to invite Thomas to be the graduation keynote speaker.
"I was amazed this guy knew so much about us as football players and as people," said Stephens. "That was shocking. I felt honored to be known by someone of his caliber. He was just a regular old guy, sitting in coach, which really shocked me."
Thomas said he was so impressed with the students that he made a rare exception and skipped a court session to speak at the high school and embraced Stephens and Ankrah as they came on-stage to receive their diplomas.
"These young men had no idea who I was as I formed my first impression. I was just another stranger to them. They were wonderful ambassadors for your school and for their fellow students," said Thomas at the Quince Orchard graduation ceremony.
For more on this story, check out

WTH For Today

Stripper's High Kick Gets Club Sued

Embedded video from CNN Video

N.H. Man Arrested for 153rd Time

PORTSMOUTH, N.H. (June 3) -- A man has been arrested for the 153rd time, this time after he was accused of punching someone in the face over the weekend.
Paul Baldwin, 49, told a judge Monday he plans to plead guilty to the assault, along with trespassing and alcohol charges. He said he's had a long battle with alcohol and was trying to correct the problem during his most recent one-year jail term, which ended last week.
The Foster's Daily Democrat newspaper said Baldwin's record dates to 1984 and includes 152 other arrests, eight trespass orders, 75 citations, four Social Security aliases and 17 name aliases.
Prosecutor Rena DiLando said she didn't have time to read Baldwin's full criminal record because it's so long

Man Shot in Salisbury Home Invasion-Robbery

It seams that not all is being reported in this story. Sources say that the victim was protecting his 3 month old baby that the intruder threatened to shoot if they did not comply wit his demands of money, valuables and drugs, then he was shot by the intruder after lunging in the way of the bullet that was meant for the infant. It has also been reported by the same source that the gunman pulled the trigger several more times to complete the job but the gun was out of ammo or missed-fired.
This supposedly happened after an adjoining neighbor had just been robbed, or attempted to be robbed by the same subject. After the shooting the gunman left with a laptop and few items.

WBOC reports:
Police are looking for a suspect wanted for shooting a man in the chest during a Wednesday morning home invasion-robbery in Salisbury.
Salisbury police say that at around 4:46 a.m. officers responded to a on the (700 block of Baker Street for the report of a home invasion-robbery. Upon arrival the officers observed that a victim had sustained a gunshot wound to the upper left chest. The victim, identified as 21-year-old Jonathan Michael Duvall of Salisbury, was transported to Peninsula Regional Medical Center where he remains in stable condition.
Witnesses told Salisbury police detectives that a lone suspect had entered the rear of the home and confronted the victim. The suspect pulled out a handgun and fired a single shot that struck the victim. The suspect then took several items from the home and ran out of the home.
Police described the suspect as a black male, 20-25 years of age, 6-foot-1, thin build, wearing a black pullover style hooded sweatshirt, blue jeans and black shoes.Anyone with information about this crime should call the Salisbury Police Department at (410) 548-3165 or Crime Solvers at (410) 548-1776.

Severe Thunderstorm Watch


Pocomoke City Police Report 5-1-09 thru 6-3-09

Compliments Billy Burke and The Pocomoke Tattler

2 Armed Suspects Sought in Convenience Store Robbery

I hate seeing these stories, Every time I read about an armed robbery in Salisbury or near there that involves a sawed-off shotgun I can't help but wonder if that was my gun that was used. My house was broken into and my guns stolen, one of them being a sawed-off 12ga shotgun. The pocomoke police said they are pretty sure that gun was in Salisbury. I surely wish they could find it before it kills someone.

SALISBURY, Md.- Authorities are looking for two armed suspects wanted for holding up a Salisbury convenience store late Tuesday night.

Detectives with the Wicomico Bureau of Investigations say the crime occurred at around 10 p.m. at the Countryside Market on Nanticoke Road.

According to police, two armed suspects entered the store and demanded the clerk to open the cash register. Both suspects were able to obtain an undetermined amount of cash during the robbery. The store clerk was unharmed.

Police say one of the suspects was described as a black male, wearing a black colored short sleeve T-shirt, black jeans, tan colored boots, black knit hat, blue colored bandana and armed with a sawed-off shotgun. The other suspect was described as a black male, wearing a black colored zippered hoody, black colored jeans, black colored tennis shoes, blue colored bandana and armed with a handgun.

Anyone with information about this robbery is asked to contact Detective Nick Gismondi of the WBI at (410) 548-4898 or Crime Solvers at (410) 548-1776.


WTH For Today; Deli Owner Takes Mercy on Robber

GARDEN CITY, N.Y. (June 3) -- A rifle-toting convenience store owner said he decided to show mercy on a would-be robber after seeing the man collapse into tears and claim he was only committing the crime to support his starving family.
The Long Island store owner provided the bat-wielding man with $40 and a loaf of bread and made him promise never to rob again.

"This was a grown man, crying like a baby," Mohammad Sohail, owner of the Shirley Express convenience store about 65 miles east of New York City, told The Associated Press in a telephone interview on Tuesday.
The man dropped the bat, picked up the bread and tucked the $40 into his waistband before fleeing, said Suffolk County police Sgt. John Best.
Sohail, who moved to the United States from Pakistan about 20 years ago, said he was getting ready to close his store shortly after midnight on May 21 when the man in his 40s entered with a bat in his hand. Sohail said he tried to stall for a moment and then grabbed a rifle he keeps behind the counter and ordered the assailant to drop the bat.

The would-be thief dropped to his knees and begged for forgiveness, Sohail said.
"He started crying that he was out of work and was trying to feed his hungry family," he said. "I felt bad for him. I mean, this wasn't some kid."
He said he tossed $40 to the man, who then stood up and told Sohail he was inspired by the act of mercy and wanted to become a fellow Muslim. Sohail said he led the man in a profession of Muslim faith and the two ended up shaking hands.
Sohail said he went to the back of the store to get some milk to give to the man, but when he returned the man had fled. He said he called police and reported the attempted robbery, but he doesn't want to press charges if the man is ever caught.

Best said detectives have reviewed a store surveillance video of the attempted holdup, but said it would be difficult for anyone to identify the suspect because he was wearing a mask.
Sohail, who said he had never been the victim of a robbery attempt, said he didn't expect any accolades for what he had done.
"I'm a very little man. I just did a good job," said the married father of one. "I have a good feeling in my heart. I feel very good."

Chincoteague National Wildlife Refuge Beach Closures

Many visitors who frequent Chincoteague National Wildlife Refuge this time of year will not be surprised to hear about temporary beach closures that occur seasonally within the Off Road Vehicle (ORV) zone. It’s actually another sign that summer has arrived, marking the beginning of the high tourist and another busy nesting season.

Off-road vehicle use is allowed on a small section of the southern end of Assateague Island for visitors who have obtained the proper permits. This enhances their ability to participate in surf fishing, which is an increasingly popular activity on the refuge. The incremental closure of public access to this small area is necessary to protect the piping plover and other migratory shorebirds. However, in the fall, the beach will reopen to public access after all young birds are able to fly.

According to refuge Manager Lou Hinds, “The needs of wildlife come first on all wildlife refuges. On Chincoteague National Wildlife Refuge, piping plover management dictates that we protect these threatened shorebirds during the breeding season.”

The Hook and Overwash areas of Chincoteague National Wildlife Refuge abound with prime sites for a variety of beach nesters. Currently there are approximately 18 pairs of piping plovers, a species listed as threatened since 1986, 14 pairs of American oystercatchers and nesting colonies of foresters and least terns as well as black skimmers. Shorebirds such as red knots, ruddy turnstones, and a variety of sandpipers use this area as a critical feeding and staging area during their long distance migrations.

Other wildlife species also need access to undisturbed shoreline in order to survive. In recent years, an increase in sea turtle nesting has also been noted in these areas.

Conan Makes His 'Tonight Show' Debut (BUST)?

Conan O'Brien is the new Jay Leno ... sort of.
The late-night comedy talk show host moved into the hour vacated by Leno last Friday on 'The Tonight Show' -- a change that has been five years in the making. Leno, of course, will begin his prime-time slot in the fall.Skip over this content

O'Brien joined a line of predecessors — Steve Allen, Jack Paar, Johnny Carson and Jay Leno — on television's most historic late-night franchise.
"I think I've timed this move perfectly," he said in his opening monologue. "I'm on a last-place network, I moved to a state that's bankrupt and 'The Tonight Show' is sponsored by General Motors."
O'Brien spent 17 years as host of NBC's "Late Night" in New York before his move to the early 'Tonight.'
O'Brien christened a new studio on the Universal City lot with a handsome art-deco look. The stage has a blue glass background for the opening monologue, before O'Brien retreats to a desk in front of a sparkling backdrop of Los Angeles

From the top, O'Brien showed the silly comic style that sets him apart from Leno, with more comedy skits filmed earlier and less reliance on jokes in front of the studio audience. The first one showed O'Brien marking off a to-do list for his new show. "Move to L.A." was the last item, as a camera panned a New York skyline outside his window.
A frantic O'Brien went out in the street to find a cab. When he couldn't, he began running. He ran out of New York, and sprinted across the country — across Wrigley Field in Chicago, past the Gateway Arch in St. Louis, by the Rockies and through the desert to Las Vegas. Finally he arrived at the locked door to his new studio, only to realize he'd left his keys behind.
In other segments, O'Brien commandeered a tram filled with tourists on a Universal Studios lot tour and took his used green Ford Taurus for a ride into Los Angeles' car-obsessed culture. Fabio complimented him on his ride.
O'Brien appeared nervous at the long-awaited opening night, pacing onstage during his monologue and mugging with his red pompadour.
"I remember watching Johnny Carson when I was a kid and thinking: That's what I want to be when I grow up," O'Brien said. "I'm sure right now in America there is likely a kid watching me, thinking: 'What is wrong with that man's hair?'"
Longtime sidekick Andy Richter slid smoothly into the role Ed McMahon once played for Carson, standing at a podium to the side of the stage and loudly laughing at his boss' jokes.

Over at CBS, David Letterman slyly mentioned NBC's transition.
"I'm still here," he said. "I knocked off another competitor."
He said he got a call from his mom and she said, "Well, David, I see you didn't get 'The Tonight Show' again," a reference to Letterman losing out to Leno to become Carson's successor.
Comic Will Ferrell was O'Brien's first guest, his appearance less manic than some of his memorable "Late Night" visits. He offered O'Brien some "tips" for L.A. living, including a good burger joint in Pasadena "called Burger King."
Pearl Jam was the musical guest, debuting a song off an upcoming album.
Ferrell sang his own song in tribute to O'Brien, a version of "Never Can Say Goodbye" that "bewildered" the host. Why sing a goodbye song on the first night?
"Don't get me wrong," Ferrell said. "I'm pulling for you. But this little thing is a crapshoot at best."

Thought the Conficker Virus Was Bad? Gumblar Is Even Worse.

If you thought Conficker was bad, meet Gumblar. If malware programs were comic book villains, Conficker would be Kingpin -- evil for sure, but really just a big bully. Gumblar on the other hand would be Galactus -- massive, all-powerful, evil, and extremely difficult to defeat.ScanSafe, a computer security firm, has been tracking the progress of the worm since its arrival on the scene in March, according to CNET. Originally, the attack spread through infectious code that was planted in hacked Web sites and then downloaded malware from the domain on to victims' computers. But that was just the opening salvo. As Web site operators cleaned their pages of the code, Gumblar replaced the original material with dynamically generated Javascript (Web site code that is created on the spot instead of being completely determined beforehand -- a key element of Web apps like Gmail) that is much harder for security software to detect and remove.The evolved version also went about adding new domains to the list of sources for downloading its malware payload, including and, and began exploiting security holes in Flash and Adobe Reader. The worm also searches out credentials for FTP servers (a method for uploading files to a Web site) on a victim's computer, using them to infect additional Web sites.
Its not clear how many sites Gumblar has infected, but security firms seem to agree that it accounts for about 40 percent of all new malware infections right now. According to ScanSafe in just the first two weeks of May over 3,000 Web sites were compromised and spreading the worm. Most sites have been quick to clean up the infections as best they can, but, even if all the infected pages were removed, Gumblar would still have an army of infected PCs (see botnet) to inflict further damage. Already infected PCs could be used to hijack even more Web sites, by searching out logon information for Web servers and uploading their malicious payload. Compromised PCs can also be instructed to install Trojans that steal data and passwords.The danger posed by Gumblar is so great that ScanSafe suggests a full reformat and reinstallation of Windows to clean out an infection. It also suggests changing all of your passwords and usernames after securing your PC.Detecting an infection is complex, and not fool-proof. According to ScanSafe the best way to find out if your PC has been hijacked by Gumblar is to follow CNET's well laid out steps:
1) Locate the file sqlsodbc.chm in the Windows system folder (in Windows XP open My Computer then go to Local Disk (C:) --> Windows --> System32)2) Obtain the Sha1 of the installed sqlsodbc.chm using FileAlyzer, a free tool for obtaining the Sha1 of a file. If you've never heard of Sha1 before, don't panic. It's a sort of automatically generated digital identifier for files designed by the NSA, and used by security applications to confirm that a file is what it is supposed to be.3) Compare the obtained Sha1 code and the file's size to the list located on the ScanSafe STAT Blog.4) If the Sha1 and corresponding file size do not match with a pair on the reference list, it's a potential sign of a Gumblar infection.If you're still not sure if you're safe from Gumblar, or the method for detection has left you staring at the screen slack-jawed and sratching your head, then now might be the time to get on the phone with that tech-savvy cousin of yours and have him check it out. [From: CNET]

Couple Jump From Cliff With Son's Body

Such sad news, I can't imagine what this couple was going through.

(June 2) -- British police are investigating what one resident has called a "terrible tragedy" -- the apparent suicide of a couple whose 5-year-old son died of natural causes.
The bodies of Neil and Kazumi Puttick were spotted Sunday at the base of Beachy Head, a notorious suicide spot in East Sussex, London's Daily Mail reported. The couple had placed the body of their son, Sam, in a rucksack before they jumped, police said, and it was found next to them.

Sam, whose spinal cord was injured when a car hit him at age 1, was paralyzed from the neck down and used a ventilator 24 hours a day, the newspaper said. He had been hospitalized with pneumococcal meningitis, an inflammation of the brain and spinal cord, and was discharged Friday so that he could die peacefully at home, a hospital spokesman told the Mail.
Sam died that night. Police said that the Putticks made the 100-mile trip from their home to Beachy Head on Sunday. There were two rucksacks found near Neil and Kazumi's Puttick's bodies. One contained their son, and the other held some of his toys.

Police are investigating whether the Putticks "were so overcome with grief at their son's fairly sudden death that they decided they could not bear to go on without him," a source told the Mail.
The family's neighbors were stunned by the deaths.
"It is a terrible tragedy and I can't believe it has happened," one told the newspaper. "This is too shocking for words."
Another said that Kazumi, 44, and Neil, 34, were devoted to their child. "They were a lovely couple and they did 150 per cent for that boy."
The Daily Mail has more details on the probe.