Thursday, October 25, 2012

NRO: MD Is Epicenter For Redefining American Progress

BW Photo
Redefining American ProgressBy Jim Pettit
October 25, 2012 4:00 A.M.
When V. I. Lenin wanted to change the economic course of the fledgling Soviet Union in the 1920s, he instituted the New Economic Policy. In the 1950s, Mao Tse-tung sought to transform China with the Great Leap Forward. In the 2010s, a group of progressives dissatisfied with the United States’ political and social landscape are pushing the Genuine Progress Indicator (GPI).

Developed as an alternative to gross domestic product for measuring prosperity, this new performance metric allows politicians and bureaucrats to take account of more subjective costs and benefits in calculating “genuine” progress. As its advocates put it, the GDP measures wealth, whereas the GPI measures “well-being.” Thus, economic, environmental, and social “indicators” are designated assets or liabilities in this contrived new balance sheet.

Maryland governor Martin O’Malley hosted a summit in Annapolis earlier this month for members of the burgeoning GPI movement.

This national forum received scant media attention, and the issue itself has largely been under the radar of most mainstream-media outlets. But when we’re facing such an ambitious undertaking as redefining American progress, it’s time to get a clear view of where this is heading.

Maryland is on the leading edge of the GPI initiative, having implemented it in the executive branch of the state government in 2010. Vermont governor Peter Shumlin signed GPI legislation into law this spring. And Oregon is currently exploring the GPI program. The web-based Maryland program offers a prototype of how the GPI is supposed to work.

Deducted from the GPI are the costs of a wide range of environmental and social indicators such as noise pollution, climate change, and income inequality. Added to the GPI are values assigned to non-paying activities such as volunteer work, leisure time, and housework. The subjective nature of the quantification of these indicators is stunning.

In the case of noise pollution, for example, the government would measure the decibel levels of fire-truck sirens, car horns, jackhammers, and so on, and place the resulting number in the liability column of the state’s Genuine Progress Indicator.

As for income inequality, the Maryland GPI states, “If a society becomes too unequal, if more and more wealth is concentrated in the hands of only a few, it will lead to rising tensions.” GPI advocates assume that they know what “too unequal” means and how to go about lessening income disparities.

The Maryland GPI also tells us, “Marylanders’ social well-being is reduced when the underemployed are not working to their full potential by consequential negative feelings and actions, such as frustration and substance abuse.” It’s hard to see where this will end, but this is just the beginning.

The most troubling aspect of this new program is that it aims to substitute central planning by politicians and bureaucrats for economic freedom. But also troubling is the fact that the GPI can be used to simply paper over economic statistics political leaders dislike. Under O’Malley, Maryland is falling further behind its regional competitors, according to objective, accepted, and proven measures supplied by legitimate organizations. In terms of the number of businesses lost, erosion of the tax base, and the unemployment rate, the state is lagging behind its neighbors in traditional economic performance.

Such metrics come from the U.S. Census Bureau, the IRS, and the Department of Labor, respectively. But they are not part of the Genuine Progress Indicator. In fact, the governor issued a press release in conjunction with the Annapolis conference that claims the Maryland GPI increased 2 percent over last year. Nobody but the bureaucrats running the program have any idea where this number comes from.

It’s not just a few governors advancing this agenda. Nationally, the GPI agenda is pushed by groups such as the New York–based Demos, a liberal public-policy nonprofit that describes itself as dedicated to “empowering the public sector” and “rethinking American capitalism as it exists today.”

The GPI is also promulgated by a cadre of left-wing university professors, who say that economies do not need to grow, that individuals are interchangeable with one another, and that corporations ought to collapse.

For example, the Oregonian newspaper covered an April fact-finding meeting led by Robert Costanza, a professor at Portland State University, and attended by Governor John Kitzhaber.

According to the Oregonian, Professor Costanza explained that “researchers have found in surveys that once people have basic food, shelter and security, additional wealth has little effect on their happiness.”

Propaganda is the basic foundation on which central economic planning is built. It will require a great deal of propaganda to convince us that we’re doing better if we lose our jobs and thus have more leisure time and opportunities for volunteer work. When planning models fail, however, we can look to Mao’s China and Lenin’s Soviet Union for tips on how to deal with the aftermath.

Jim Pettit is policy and communications director for Change Maryland. Founded by former Maryland cabinet secretary Larry Hogan, Change Maryland is a grassroots organization with 25,000 members.


Riverside Grill Specials Of the Day

Daily Specials
Thursday  October 25, 2012

-Beer & Cheese Soup w/ 1/2 shrimp salad sandwich or side salad 6.99
-Buffalo Shrimp Platter w/ Fries and cole slaw 9.99
-Pittsburgh Salad (iceberg and romaine lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers, red onions, shredded cheddar, flank steak, french fries, choice of dressing) 8.99
-Crab Cake Caesar Salad 16.99


$4.00 Burgers starting at 4PM

4 PM - 7PM
@8:00 PM- $3.50 Bacardi  drinks

TIME MACHINE Preview ... Blizzard's Saloon on Fox's Island.

It's 1886 and Blizzard's Saloon on Fox's Island at the Maryland/Virginia line is in the news. What's going on there?

It's one of the TIME MACHINE items this Sunday on the Pocomoke Public Eye!  
Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? It can be just a line or two, or more if you wish. Send to and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!

75th Anniversary/Rededication Ceremony ~Pocomoke City Hall

75th Anniversary Redication Ceremony and Open House
Pocomoke City Hall
101 Clarke Avenue
Pocomoke City, Maryland
Saturday October 27, 2012
11:00 AM

The re-dedication ceremony will include:
Remarks by Mayor Bruce Morrison, City Manager Russell W. Blake and by Delegate Michael A. McDermott.

Music will be provided by the Pocomoke High School Band
Brandy Taylor. Norma Miles will provide a historical reading.

Boy Scout Troop l43 will lead the flag raising ceremony
Miss Pocomoke will assist city officials in the ribbon- cutting ceremony.
The Rev. Jeff Howard and the Rev. George Tasker will provide the invocation and benediction respectively.

Refreshments will be served following the ceremony and attendees will be able to tour the public areas of city hall.


Taken from Denton Journal, August 6, 1936
Seeks Other Projects
Mr. Goldsborough*  also kept before Mr. Ickes**  his endorsement for funds for the construction of a municipal building at Pocomoke City and the completion of the school building construction program started under the ERA.
Some prominent citizens of Pocomoke City complained that that section of the shore had been neglected in the PWA program.
The new allotment of $21,082 to Pocomoke City is to aid in the construction of a two-story-and-basement brick municipal building -with two one-story wings, to cost $46,850.

The building is designed to take care of all municipal activities and the basement is to have a boiler room with concrete slabs overhead, which are to serve as the floor of cells for white prisoners.

*T. Alan Goldsborough, Dem., MD. 1st District
**Harold L. Ickes, Secretary of Interior & WPA Administrator
thanks  to tk for PPE.

2012 Dispatcher of the Year For Worcester County

Jennifer Kosko named 2012 Worcester County Telecommunicator of the Year

Jennifer Kosko was named the 2012 Worcester County Telecommunicator of the Year by the Maryland Emergency Number Association on September 11, 2012 for her outstanding performance during emergencies.

She was recognized for excellence for her role in handling two high priority incidents.Her efforts during an in-progress burglary resulted in the location and arrest of three suspects, all of whom were also wanted in another county for theft and selling stolen goods, by the Worcester County Sheriff’s Office. Her efforts pertaining to a commercial fire involving chemical explosions, exposure to woods and other structures also helped the home fire agency and multiple company responders better respond to the event.

In addition to being named the 2012 Worcester County Telecommunicator of the Year,Kosko has also been recognized by the Worcester County Sheriff’s Office for her professional dispatch of a burglary in progress where the suspect was shot by an officer. Her knowledge and professionalism makes her a valuable asset to Worcester County Emergency Services, where she helps train new dispatchers, head up shift supervisory responsibilities and aid the public.


Heroin Bust In Bishopville

Written by
Brian Shane

BISHOPVILLE — Worcester County authorities arrested a man they identified as a high-level drug dealer, finding hundreds of bags of heroin and thousands in cash in his car on the way back from a supply run.

Police arrested 38-year-old Leck Lyons of Ocean Pines on Friday. Officers were following him on surveillance, and stopped his 2010 Kia Sportage at the intersection of Bishopville Road and southbound Route 113, as he left Delaware.

Lyons had been targeted during weeks of heroin investigations as a major heroin presence in the northern part of Worcester County. Police suspected he had been coming back from picking up the drugs in Philadelphia when they caught him.

“He was supplying dealers with heroin,” said Sgt. Nate Passwaters, who leads the county’s Criminal Enforcement Team. “He was a facilitator, making sure the dealers had what they had. That’s why it was a significant amount, and a significant arrest for us, as well.”

After a search of the car, police found 1,678 individually wrapped bags of suspected heroin and $2,020 in cash. Police said the heroin has an approximate street value of nearly $42,000.

According to police, this seizure is the largest heroin bust in recent history for Worcester County.

Police also went on to search Lyons’ residence on Windjammer Road in Ocean Pines, where they said they found seven more baggies of heroin.

Police also arrested his passenger in the car, 27-year-old Jayna Lynn Griffith of Ocean Pines. Lyons and Griffith both have been charged with possession of heroin with intent to distribute and importation of heroin.

Worcester County State’s Attorney Beau Oglesby called it a “very significant” drug arrest, one he expects will have a trickle-down effect.

“When you take this much heroin off the street, it results in a lack of supply,” he said, “which causes, hopefully, individuals to think of other methods of entertainment as opposed to using heroin.”

Lyons and Griffith are being held at the Worcester County Jail on a $100,000 and $50,000 bond, respectively, awaiting a Nov. 20 preliminary court hearing in Snow Hill District Court.

During the execution of the search-and-seizure warrants, the Worcester County Criminal Enforcement Team was assisted by the Ocean City Police Department Narcotics Unit, Worcester County Sheriff’s Office Patrol Division, Ocean Pines Police Department, Worcester County State’s Attorney’s Office, ATF and DEA Salisbury Post of Duty.

Heroin-related drug crimes have more than doubled in 2012, police said, the result of a crackdown on prescription painkiller abuse. Former painkiller addicts are turning to a cheaper and more readily available heroin supply, police said.

“The ones we arrest, we interview them, and they tell us, ‘yeah, I was on pills, and I couldn’t find any more pills, so I started using heroin.’ And the heroin’s much cheaper than the pills,” Passwaters said.


Pocomoke City Trick-Or-Treat

Photo BW

Wednesday,  October 31, 2012

Hours are:  5:00 PM until 7:00 PM

For children ages 12 and under

After Trick-or-Treating Wednesday evening the Mar-Va will show the black and white version of  "Night of the Living Dead". 

Tickets:  $5.00
 PLEASE NOTE:  Show begins at 7:30 PM.
(So that you may finish trick-or-treating before the movie)

Great night for fright!!!!

Another Effort Being Made To Locat Makemie Burial Sight

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Another effort to locate the grave of Francis Makemie, the 17th century Presbyterian minister, is underway.

The Archeological investigation will be conducted from Wednesday, October 23 through Saturday October 27 at Sanford.

Volunteers are needed. Previous experience in archeology is not required. All volunteers will be guided by an experienced archeologist from the Virginia Department of Human Resources.
Photo BW

In 1683 Makemie started six churches in Rehobeth (the oldest Presbyterian Church in America), Buckingham in Berlin, Manokin in Princess Ann, and Pitts Creek near Pocomoke. He died in 1708 at his home in Sanford. His home site is dedicated as the Makemie Monument Park on Monument Road near Saxis Road and is a Virginia Historic Landmark.

Presbyterians located Makemie's grave in 1879 and again in 1897 but since then the precise burial spot has been lost. Society members and friends interested in archeology are invited to help find the location of the grave.

For more information contact Mark Fisher at 824-5514 or Fitz Godwin at 787-1336 to sign up or for additional information.

Halloween At Furnace Town



Saturday October 27, 2012
11:00 AM until 3:00 PM

Costume Parade at noon. trick-or-treating, pumpkin decorating, games, hay rides, crafts and much more......

Children get in free with costume. 

 Don't worry about your pets!  Dress them up and bring them out for some Halloween fun too!!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Three More Arrests Made In Crisfield Homicide

Curtis Corbin, Jr.
By Leanne Murray
CRISFIELD, Md. - Three more men have been arrested in connection with the murder that occurred on Friday in Crisfield.
On Monday evening, Police arrested, Curtis Corbin Jr., 25, of Salisbury, on  an accessory to 1st degree murder charge.

Barry Bourkel, Jr.
Police made two more arrests on Tuesday. Barry Bourkel Jr., 19, of Crisfield, was arrested by the MSP Fugitive Task Force, in Salisbury. When he was arrested authorities reportedly found crack cocaine and ecstacy on him.

David Anderson, Jr.
David Anderson Jr., 27, of Crisfield, was also arrested. Both, Bourkel and Anderson are charged with 1st and 2nd degree murder, 1st and 2nd degree assault, handgun use in felony, reckless endangerment, and deadly weapon with intent to injure.
All three men are being held without bond.

The homicide investigation into the death of Thomas Edwards, is on-going, and officials are asking anyone with information to contact the Crisfield Police at 410-968-1323.

Specials ~ Riverside Grill~

October 24, 2012

-Vegetable Beef Soup with 1/2 turkey sandwich or side salad 5.99
-N.C. Pulled Pork BBQ Sandwich with hush puppies and cole slaw 6.99
-Cajun Shrimp Caesar Salad 8.99
-Cold Plate - Chicken, shrimp, and pasta salads

4 - 7 PM

Beginning @ 8PM
$2 house wines, $5 Cosmos, $2 Coors Lt. Drafts

Come have a drink with Lindsey!

SPCA Eastern Shore YARD SALE

100 % of the proceeds benefit the shelter cats and dogs.


Bermuda Tracking Site Provides Big Boost For Wallops......

NASA Photo
Bermuda Tracking Site Provides Big Boost for Wallops Expendable Launch Vehicle Operations

Following an agreement signed between NASA and Bermuda in early March 2012, range officials at NASA’s Wallops Flight Facility have recently completed the successful deployment and check-out of a temporary mobile tracking station on Cooper’s Island, Bermuda.

The successful deployment, completed in August, means NASA’s only launch range now offers the full compliment of range assets for expendable launch vehicle operations.
Along with cost savings, perhaps the biggest impact lies in range scheduling. “Owning, deploying, and controlling our own assets means control over scheduling,” said Steven Kremer, NASA Wallops deputy range manager. “It gives us higher confidence in promising range availability to our customers when they come to Wallops for services. In addition, our services offered from Bermuda will benefit other customers who launch from other ranges such as the United States Air Force’s Eastern Range in Florida.”

NASA’s mobile tracking station in Bermuda provides telemetry, radar, and command and control services. It will support the launch of rockets carrying supplies to the International Space Station or satellites to low-Earth orbit. During a typical ELV launch operation, about 10 range personnel will deploy to Bermuda to configure the mobile tracking station, conduct the operation, and then pack the systems for shipment back to Wallops.

Bermuda has been a long-time partner of NASA in supporting space exploration. The British territory hosted a radar tracking station from the Mercury Project in the early 1960s through most of the Space Shuttle Program.

The Wallops Range provides the operational environment required to ensure safe and successful flight operations for rockets, missiles, aircraft, unmanned aerial systems and a variety of other mission types essential to the scientific, military and commercial use of space.

For more information on the Wallops Range, see:


Story Time At the Worcester County Library

**Please be sure to call and register your child.**

To keep up with all the activities and events at the Worcester County Library GO HERE

Donald Trump To Drop "Obama Bombshell" Today

imdb photo
A report this afternoon in Britain’s Daily Mail says the “surprise” Donald Trump is scheduled to announce Wednesday is that Michelle and Barack Obama once seriously considered getting a divorce.
Neither Trump nor anyone at his organization would elaborate on the subject of the coming announcement.

But the Daily Mail said Douglas Kass, a Florida-based investor who also appears on CNBC’s talk show called “Squawkbox,” tweeted “High above the Alps my Gnome has heard that Donald Trump will announce that he has unearthed divorce papers between the Prez and his wife.”

Kass and Trump both appear on the talk show at times.
Kass is an author, found and president of Seabreeze Partners Management.

Author Ed Klein in his book earlier this year made claims about divorce papers, and the White House “rubbished the allegations” the report said.

At the Trump organization, a top aide to Trump says the billionaire will reveal a secret about Barack Obama on Wednesday – probably on Twitter – that could be of interest to “millions of Americans.”

The confirmation came today to WND from Mike Cohen, Trump’s assistant, who said that only three people know what Trump will reveal: Trump, his wife, and himself.

But he also said that the revelation “has nothing to do with drug usage,” in contradiction to several published reports today that said Trump will expose claims Obama dealt drugs during college.

Trump said in a tweet:”Everybody is asking about my announcement this Wednesday concerning Barack Obama – just wait and see!”

Wanted Caroline County Inmate Captured

Shawn Richard Lituski
DENTON, Md.- Authorities have announced the capture of an inmate who failed to return to the Caroline County Detention Center earlier this month.

Twenty-three-year-old Shawn Richard Lituski of Hillsboro was temporarily released from the Caroline County Detention Center on Tuesday, Oct. 9, to attend a relative's funeral. He did not return by the deadline set by court.

On Monday, Oct. 22, members of the Caroline County Drug Task Force, Caroline County Sheriff's Office and the county detention center were able to locate Lituski at a home located inside the Caroline Acres Mobile Home Park in Henderson. Following his capture, Lituski was ordered held without bond.

Charity Nicole Britt
Police said Lituski has a lengthy history with the law, including drug and assault charges.
He was serving an 18-month sentence for possession of a controlled dangerous substance with intent to distribute.

Investigators said the home where Lituski was arrested belonged to his girlfriend, 21-year-old Charity Nicole Britt. She was arrested and charged with harboring a felon/fugitive, harboring a prison escapee, obstructing and hindering and possession of CDS (suspected heroin). She was ordered held in lieu of $50,000 bond.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

From Pocomoke City Police Chief Kelvin D. Sewell & Family

Dear Community:

        Our hearts and prayers go out to Devon Clay’s family and friends during their time of loss. 

Kandace Sewell has come out of surgery and is doing as well as can be expected, she is on the road to recovery.

We thank everyone for their words and prayers during this time and appreciate your kind gestures of sympathy.

Chief Kelvin D. Sewell and Family

Tuesday Specials ~ Riverside Grill Pocomoke


Every Tuesday
4  TO  7  PM

Beginning @ 4 PM- .99 cent kids meals

Tuesday Specials

-Vegetable Beef Soup w/ 1/2 tuna salad sandwich or side salad 5.99
-Meatloaf w/ mashed potatoes and greens
-Taco Salad 6.99

-Cold Plate- Chicken, shrimp, and pasta salads 7.99
-Mahi-Mahi Wrap (grilled, blackened, or fried) 9.99

Undercover Investigations Lead To Largest Heroin Seizure For Wor. Co. In Recent History

Lt. Edward C. Schreier
Worcester County Sheriff's Office

The Worcester County Criminal Enforcement Team is comprised of investigators from the Worcester County Sheriff’s Office, Maryland State Police, Ocean City Police Department, and the Pocomoke Police Department. Over the last several months, members of the Worcester County Criminal Enforcement Team along with the Ocean City Police Department Narcotics Unit have been conducting several joint heroin investigations in the Northern part of Worcester County, Maryland. During the course of these investigations, an individual identified as Leck Lyons, Age 38, of Ocean Pines, Berlin, Maryland was identified as a source of heroin. As a result of this investigation a search and seizure warrant was authored for Lyons along with his vehicle and residence.

On October 19, 2012, Lyons was observed at the intersection of Worcester Highway and Bishopville Road, Bishopville, Maryland at which time Lyons along with a female passenger, identified as Jayna Lynn Griffith, Age 27, of Ocean Pines, Maryland, was stopped and taken into custody. Pursuant to this search and seizure warrant, a search of the vehicle Lyons was operating resulted in the seizure of 1,678 individually wrapped bags of heroin along with $2,020.00 in United States Currency. These individually wrapped bags of heroin have an approximate street value of $41,950.00. This seizure is the largest heroin seizure in recent history for Worcester County.

A search and seizure warrant was executed at Lyons’s residence in Ocean Pines, Berlin, Maryland. As a result of this search and seizure warrant an additional 7 bags of heroin were seized.

Lyons and Griffith were transported to the Worcester County Sheriff’s Office for processing at which time they were charged with the following listed offenses.  

·         Possession of Heroin
·         Possession with intent to distribute Heroin
·         Possession with intent to distribute Heroin – Large Amount
·         Importation of Heroin

Lyons was committed to the Worcester County Jail on a $100,000.00 bond. Griffith was committed to the Worcester County Jail on a $50,000.00 bond.

This investigation was successful as a result of the combined effort of the Worcester County Criminal Enforcement Team, Ocean City Police Department Narcotics Unit and D.E.A. Salisbury Post of Duty. During the execution of the search and seizure warrants the Worcester County Criminal Enforcement Team was assisted by the Ocean City Police Department Narcotics Unit, Worcester County Sheriff’s Office Patrol Division, Ocean Pines Police Department, Worcester County State’s Attorney’s Office, A.T.F. and D.E.A. Salisbury Post of Duty  

Sentenced For Cocaine Distribution

By Connie Morrison

Lethon Williams, of Atlantic, was sentenced on October 18 in Accomack County Circuit Court to a 10 year sentence, with all but 7 months suspended. He was convicted in April of distributing cocaine.

Defense attorney Carl Bundick called on Mr. Williams to testify at his sentencing. Citing the many family activities and milestones he missed while incarcerated, Mr. Williams said that he was ready to return to work and to his family. He testified that he had served as a jail trustee, and through that work, earned a reputation as a hard worker. He called his crime an irrational decision made a hard time in his life; his mother had died two weeks before the cocaine sale that led to his arrest.

Judge W. Revell Lewis III said that Mr. Williams struck him as a man with healthy self-esteem, at that was attributable, in part, to having distinguished himself by working hard while in jail.

The 9 years and 5 months of suspended sentence time is on the condition of good behavior for 10 years.


Bingo To Benefit DASH RESCUE

Find DASH RESCUE on Facebook

Salvation Army Toy Fund Taking Applications For Christmas Aid

The Salvation Army Toy Fund is taking applications for families in need of Christmas toys.

Applications can be found at social services, Rural Health in Onley and also have been distributed to many local churches.

The deadline to turn in the applications is November 1.

Applications will also be available Tuesday October 23 and Friday October 25 from 11 til 1 at the Onley Baptist office at 25462 Coastal Blvd in Onley.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Sending Thought and Prayers ....

Thoughts and prayers are sent to the friends and family of Devon Clay, 19 year old University of Md. Eastern Shore student who lost his life Sunday evening in a single-car crash just outside Princess Anne.

Also in our thoughts and prayers is Kandace Sewell, 20-year old daughter of Pocomoke City Police Chief Kelvin Sewell and wife Rhonda. Kandace was the passenger in the car being driven by Devon Clay.

She is a patient at shock trauma in Baltimore in serious condition.
Story- Car Crash

Riverside Grill Specials

October 22, 2012

-Peas N Dumplings Soup or Chili w/ 1/2 chicken salad sandwich or side salad 5.99
-Open Face Roast Beef w/ mashed potatoes and green beans 6.99
-Mahi-Mahi Wrap (grilled, blknd, or fried) 9.99
-Taco Salad 6.99
-Crab Cake Caesar Salad 16.99

4- 7 PM

Starting @ 8 PM:
1/2 price appetizers
import beer

Midway's "Trunk Or Treat" This Weekend

1st Annual Pocomoketoberfest

This festival is limited to first 500 attendees.

Burley Oak,Evo, Dogfish Head, 16 Mile,Yuengling, Coors.

 St. Michaels Winery, Layton's Chance, Cassinelli, Great Shoals, Fenwick Wine Cellars

One Arrest In Crisfield Homicide Investigation

Terry Clifton White
CRISFIELD, Md.-Around 4:30 a.m. on Sunday, the Crisfield Police Department along with Maryland State Police Investigators and other agencies raided two locations in the Somers Cove Apartments, Crisfield Housing Authority for the possible recovery of evidence related to the homicide of 30-year-old Thomas Lane Edwards. 

A juvenile was taken into custody related to this investigation and later released. 

Police then searched the other location in the development and arrested 23-year-old Terry Clifton White, charging him with the Edwards's murder. 

Edwards was found shot to death with several bullets to the head and neck early Friday morning on a front porch at the housing development. 

Police said that White will be interrogated as to his involvement in Edwards' death.
This is an active and on-going homicide investigation. Police are urging the public to contact the Crisfield Police Department with any information by calling 410-968-1323.

Save The Date: Thirty-One OPEN HOUSE

2 Riverside Drive
Pocomoke City, Maryland



Sunday, October 21, 2012

TIME MACHINE ... Aboard the new steamer Eastern Shore, 1883.

(Reader-friendly viewing of newspaper archives material) 

March, 1883

(Peninsula Enterprise- Accomac)

Launch of the new Steamer Eastern Shore.

reprinted from Wilmington Morning News, Feb. 22nd.

Today, at high water, about 1 p. m., the steamer Eastern Shore will be launched from the yards of the Harlan & Hollingsworth Company. She is an iron side-wheel boat built for the Eastern Shore Steamboat Company to run from Baltimore to points on the eastern shore of Maryland and Virginia, connecting with the Eastern Shore railroad at Crisfield. The new boat, with the Tangier, Helen and Maggie, will make a fleet of four boats provided by this company for the accommodation of the people of the Eastern Shore.

The Eastern Shore is to be fitted up in a first-class manner for the accommodation of 250 passengers, at the same time having a freight capacity of 3,500 barrels. The main saloon is 125 feet long, 20 feet wide, the staterooms on each side, 30 in all, running from aft forward, where a circular room about 30 feet in diameter is used as a dining saloon, with 6 tables capable of accommodating 50 persons, tables and chairs of mahogany and the fittings equal to any first-class steamer on the bay. Forward of the paddle box on the starboard side is the gentlemen's smoking room; abaft is the ladies' toilet. On the port side is the pantry and the gentleman's toilet. Fine promenading space is afforded forward and aft of the saloon on this deck. The furniture of the saloon is solid mahogany with maroon plush upholstering.

Descending to the main deck the after part of the boat is fitted for a ladies' private cabin with berths above and below, about 30 in all. On the port side is the office, and forward of the wheel the kitchen, ice house and engineers' quarters. On the starboard side is a wash room and barber shop; forward of the wheel the package room and saloon for colored people. On the lower deck, commencing aft, is the ladies' private cabin, enclosed in an iron bulkhead, making it one of the compartments spoken of before. Forward of this is the gentlemen's cabin with sixty-three berths, then another bulkhead. Beyond this are the boilers and engine, coal, bunks and firemen's quarters, and enclosed in a bulkhead, making the third compartment, and forward of this are quarters for colored men and women, accommodations for 25 on each side. This is also bulkheaded and divided in the centre, making the fourth compartment. Forward of the last bulkhead are quarters for the sailors and waiters separated by a partition.

The captain's room on the hurricane deck abaft the pilothouse is large and elegantly furnished. — Abaft that again are two rooms for the mates and quartermasters. The clerk's room is on the starboard side of the main saloon and the stewards' on the opposite side next the pantry, all being fitted with a view to comfort and in harmony with the general character of the boat.

The officers of the boat have not all been selected yet, but it is generally understood that Captain Geo. A. Raynor of the steamer Maggie will command her. Nothing in the boat line in point of equipment for comfort and safety and general adaptation to the traffic along the Eastern Shore exceeds the new boat, which will go upon this line in April.

September, 1957

(Salisbury Times)


Goodman Puts Snow Hill Into Finals

Manager Bill Goodman southpawed Snow Hill into the Central Shore League playoff finals yesterday afternoon with a 3-1 win over the Delmar Railroaders at Memorial Field.

The Worcester Countians now oppose the Sharptown Eagles in the best of three final series beginning Sunday, Oct. 13.
Goodman handcuffed the pennant winning Railroaders with six hits, fanning five and not issuing a base on balls.

September, 1957
(Salisbury Times)


Baltimore Colts Run Roughshod Over Detroit Lions

Unitas Shines As Marchetti Batters Backs

The Baltimore Colts were at their magnificent best, that's all.

This just about describes the Hosses opening season win over the Detroit Lions yesterday, 34-14, in Baltimore's Memorial Stadium.

A noisy crowd of 40,112 screamed itself hoarse as they watched their favorites outplay the Motor City opposition in every phase of the game.

A hard charging foursome consisting of Gino Marchetti, Don Joyce, Art Donovan, and Eugene (Big Daddy) Lipscom smeared Bobby Lane and his understudy, Tobin Rote.

Unitas made good 14 completions in 23 passing attempts, tossing to four touchdowns while the defensive line held Detroit to 23 yards.

May, 1930

Princess Anne's new Preston Theater was opening with Western Electric Sound System- "Only Installation South Of Dover."

March, 1926

The commander of the First Regiment, Maryland National Guard and his pilot escaped injury in an airplane mishap near Pocomoke City. They had left Logan Field near Baltimore for an inspection tour of the Eastern Shore. As reported by The Daily Mail of Hagerstown: The mishap occurred when the plane was descending at Hurley Field, near Pocomoke City. The plane did not have sufficient elevation to clear a ditch which loomed up ahead and the wing struck a tree, badly damaging the plane. 

July, 1887

(The Daily News- Frederick, Md)



Will open for the season in 1887 on July 1st. This hotel is situated about 100 feet from Chincoteague Bay and only a short distance from the Ocean, with a large shady lawn in front, it is an inviting and comfortable place during the entire day. The table is always supplied with oysters, clams, fish, and every fresh and still water luxury. Accommodations for 250 guests.
All parties of five or more will be met by our yacht and conveyed free of charge to the beach from either Ocean City, Public Landing, Stockton, Girdletree or Franklin City if we are notified.
Terms $7 per Week. $1.50 per Day.

J.T. WATERS & W.T. SCOTT, Prop'rs.
P.O. Stockton, Md.

Footnote: Green Run Beach was located on Assateague Island about 20 miles south of where Ocean City came into existence in the mid 1870's. The Ocean House began attracting visitors in 1865. Ocean City's more convenient accessibility may have led to the eventual demise of Green Run Beach.


Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? It can be just a line or two, or more if you wish. Send to and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!

Saturday, October 20, 2012

TIME MACHINE Preview ... Aboard the new steamer Eastern Shore, 1883.

"The Eastern Shore is to be fitted up in a first-class manner for the accommodation of 250 passengers..."

It's one of the TIME MACHINE items this Sunday on the Pocomoke Public Eye!

Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? It can be just a line or two, or more if you wish. Send to and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!