Saturday, May 18, 2013

TIME MACHINE ... This Sunday's Preview.

1962 & 1993.. "Misty" and "Stormy;" 1884.. There's a new railroad route from Delmar to Cape Charles; 1943.. Maryland's new "work or fight" law brings Pocomoke arrest; 1906.. A spring school project for Eastern Shore children; 1900.. An automobile is coming to the Eastern Shore!  
Although you may not find these items in a history book, they are a part of our local history and you can read more about it this Sunday right here at The Pocomoke Public Eye! 

Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? It can be just a line or two, or more if you wish. Send to and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!

Nature Trail UPDATE ~ Moving Right Along With Lots To See and Still Do!

By Richie Schoemaker MD, project chairman

Posted Tuesday, May 14th 2013

Looking back from where we are now, I can’t believe we only got started 2 weeks ago. Now we are ready to start building (come help us on 5/15 and beyond). The massive transport job led by foreman Andy Clarke is just about done. The 38 “second floor” racks are now waiting on the island (as yet unnamed; how about “Broken Back Island”?) near their final resting place in the final stretch of impenetrable swamp. Granted it took two sessions of 90 minutes each to load the 150 pound racks in groups of 10 onto Andy’s long trailer, transport them from the City Public Works lot to the building site, slide each rack down the hill and through the woods, over the bridges and into place. It took four people to load each rack; two to unload and move to the forest and four to haul into the swamp staging area.

Prothonotary Warbler - Male

We had some familiar faces sweating with the loads: Larry Fykes, Rob Clarke (right in there full bore!), Andy Clarke, Michael Redden and a newbie, Josh Weichman. Our first truck load took 58 minutes and the second 39 minutes. The next session was Andy, Larry, Rob, Scott Tatterson, some physician part time, and from the cadet corps came Kalie and Luke Speta. With all that crew, Larry suggested that they move some planks that we need to use as joists as well. And so they did.

Meanwhile, the Town Public Works crew has moved the hundreds of 4 foot treads that Chris Miles cut (for free, thanks Chris!) for us. Only 600 more to go (well, maybe a few more). We are ready for the machine-like assembly line in the swamps! But, one small item remains. What path does the Trail actually follow to get to its final end point? Into the swamp go Andy and Larry, with music from African Queen and Heart of Darkness quietly playing in the stream of consciousness. They make it back alive. Larry’s hip waders didn’t drag him down into the suction of the organic floor of the wooded wetlands (don’t laugh, that happens).

So now we are so close to finishing. Larry wants to jump start our deep water sections, the most difficult, which as one might expect are the first. Yet, our plan is still to push the work over Memorial Day weekend, beginning on Saturday at 9 AM. Volunteers will assemble at the Greenway parking area for the Trail entrance by the golf course and walk around Stevenson’s Pond to the work site adjacent to the northbound Route 13 Bridge. You will see and hear us. Bring your own tick repellent spray, water and work gloves. We will work for 3 good hours and see what we have.
Great Crested Flycatcher

Donations:We are so thankful for the support we have received so far. Many people have called asking about how to contribute. Checks are welcome, payable to CRBAI or the Pocomoke Nature Trail; mail them to Nature Trail, 500 Market St Suite 103, Pocomoke, Md 21851.

T-shirts are going out (as soon as they are done!) to Anne Hughes, Al Correia, Debbie Waidner, CD Hall and Nancy Newsome for their donations for a Foot of the Trail. Major donors are Dr. Tom and Dorothea Harblin and Dr. Scott McMahon who will each sponsor an observation station. Our biggest booster to date is Circuit Court Judge Richard Bloxom who is a Silver Sponsor and supporter of an observation station.

Why volunteer to do this much work?As I stood as quietly as I could last week on the island, I could hear the pileated woodpeckers and summer tanagers calling. Prothonotary warblers were all around. See them and hear them. There was a black and white warbler close to the trunk of the sycamore tree. The great crested flycatchers (AKA weep-weep birds) were definitely annoyed that I was in their space. I heard a new bird call, one almost like a warbler’s phrasing, but no, this was a vireo. We have lots of vireos in our swamps, but this one…

My hearing is getting bad, so I can’t rely on the sound any more. There it is, I can see it just overhead. It was a solitary vireo (and was by itself too), one that I personally have never seen around here. Where is naturalist John Dennis when I need him?
Pileated Woodpecker

I saw a blue-lined skink and found scat of a fox newly deposited on the top of the new bridge abutment. The lizard and fox couldn’t resist checking out our new trail. Neither can I. As the evening started to arrive with fading light, softening of the wind in the cypress and a few buzz, buzzing bugs around my ears, I could see schools of surface feeders breaking the calm of the slack waters between the tides. Solace, indeed.

And yet, what was that? Not a log; that was a head! An otter! Oh my, I haven’t seen otters here for twenty years! I waited, hoping if I held my breath that it would come my way but it swam to shore out of sight up by the magnificent cypress that will be our final destination of this loop.

Otters, birds, fish, and quiet magnificence of our Trail: all this wonder leads to some important questions. What really matters when people are slaughtered in Mother’s Day parade and stories of unspeakable horror fills our newspaper? Are we really better off to seal away human populations from use of our wooded wetlands as a place for solace, learning and recreation? Or are we better off teaching our visitors what splendor we have by letting them see it from our protected boardwalks and observation platforms. I have consistently voted to open access of our forests and swamps to school kids and visitors understanding that a few visitors will attack our signs and some others will toss cans and paper onto the forest floor. Not all people are good hearted.

For every knucklehead who trashes a part of our Trail, there are hundreds and hundreds of others who will value seeing an otter slide or an osprey soar or a calico bass ripple a still surface. Will seeing an elusive vireo (after first identifying its call) impact an eighth grader’s view of nature and the world? Will that attention to detail be the springboard for a new answer to approaching the complex problems of a global world? Can we just try?
Blue Lined Skink

I am not suggesting that studying lizard habitat or understanding where mammals hide under the snows in southern places like Pocomoke will help save the world, but as long as we have youngsters like Hunter Tatterson, Kalie and Luke Speta, and Josh Weichman who are willing to give back to a community like Pocomoke, almost before they are old enough to have taken from the community, then I am optimistic that all the efforts of old guys like Don and Jim and me, like Jack Spurling years ago, are based on an idea that won’t die as we will. We have a duty to teach, to share and to provide for those who will follow and improve upon our attempts to make this a better place to live, to work and to raise the next generation. We can’t ask our schools to take on extra burdens when we can combine our love of nature and our willingness to do the hard work to share with others in hopes that our survivors will see what we see now.

So, you can understand why I feel that building the last loop of the Trail means a lot symbolically. Please give generously of your time and what donations you can to help us make the Pocomoke Nature Trail better.

And don’t forget to pick up a couple of the famous Birds of the Pocomoke River t-shirts! And the bumper stickers too. Call us at 410-957-1550 or at the Chamber of Commerce at 410-957-1919.

Years ago (1980), Mayor Dawson Clarke told me that once I had some Pocomoke River mud under my toenails that I would stick around. The world has changed since then but the same river mud that helped shape my career to focus on environmental health issues might just be important for some one else.

Please help our Trail committee make that opportunity grow.

 Download the Pocomoke City Nature Trail Donation Form

Many thanks,

Ritch Shoemaker MD
Trail Committee, Chairman



Photo/ BW/2013
Flag in Cypress Park

Police Catch Two Men Going Through Parked Cars

Two Clarksburg Maryland Men Caught Going Through Parked Cars

On May 15, 2013 at approximately 1:30 a.m. Ocean City Police responded to the 8800 block of Rusty Anchor Road, in reference to a citizen report of three males tampering with parked cars.  When officers arrived in the area, they observed two males tampering with parked cars by trying door handles to see if the vehicles were unlocked.

Officers confronted the two suspects at which point one of the suspects fled from police.  When officers attempted to subdue the suspect later identified as Harry Gardner Holmes, III, 25 of Clarksburg, MD, Holmes assaulted an officer. Holmes was subdued and subsequently arrested by an officer equipped with an Electronic Control Device (ECD/Taser). 

The second suspect, who was identified as Christopher Ryan Holmes, 22, of Clarksburg, MD, was taken into custody without incident.  During the on scene investigation police determined the two suspects are brothers and staying in the 94th Street area. 

Officers located several witnesses and victims and determined the suspects had gained entry to at least two vehicles.

Per OCPD procedure H. Holmes was treated by OC EMS and transported to Atlantic General Medical Center for treatment after being subdued by an ECD/Taser.  He was released from the AGH and transported by officers to the Ocean City Public Safety Building.

The suspects have been charged as follows:

Harry Gardner Holmes, III:

Two counts of Rouge and Vagabond (was in or on a motor vehicle with the intent to commit theft)

Assault on a Police Officer

Resisting Arrest

Christopher Ryan Holmes:

Two counts of Rouge and Vagabond (was in or on a motor vehicle with the intent to commit theft)

At the time of this release both suspects are being held by the Ocean City Police pending an initial appearance before a District Court Commissioner.

Ocean City Police commend citizens for reporting suspicious activity and encourage other citizens to do the same. The Ocean City community continues to be proactive when it comes to their involvement in fighting crime.   With the summer season approaching residents and visitors should check the security of parked vehicles and residences particularly ones that will be left unattended. Don’t leave valuable items such as digital devices, money or any other items of value in plain view in the interior of an unattended car.   Remember it only takes three to five seconds to become the victim of a crime.  By practicing a few simple crime prevention measures, we can continue to make it tough for criminals.  For more crime prevention information visit our web site at:

Ocean City Police Department

Friday, May 17, 2013

Suspect in Reputed Smuggling Arrested By Delaware Police

Adel Abuzahrieh
DOVER, Del. (AP/WBOC)- A man arrested in Delaware in the takedown of an alleged East Coast cigarette smuggling ring that authorities believe may have funneled money to terrorist groups is being held on $12.5 million cash bail.

Adel Abuzahrieh of Staten Island, N.Y., is being held at Sussex Correctional Institute in Georgetown on Friday, two days after troopers arrested the 47-year-old during a traffic stop on Route 1 near Milford. Police say they found 201 cases of cigarettes in the box truck he was driving and seized between $15,000 and $20,000 in cash.

Abuzahrieh is awaiting extradition to New York.

The two reputed leaders of the smuggling ring, brothers Basel and Samir Ramadan, remain in custody at the Worcester County, Md., jail after being arrested Wednesday in Ocean City.

Authorities said Basel Ramadan, 42, and his 40-year-old brother allegedly obtained cigarettes from a wholesaler in Virginia and smuggled the untaxed cartons to a storage facility in Delaware.


More information concerning the smuggling ring:
New York Daily Times

Office of the Attorney General; New York Daily News

A diagram shows the hierarchy of the scheme and those arrested.

UPDATE: Sex Offender Turns Himself In

Delmar Cubbage
Sex Offender
It has been reported this afternoon, 05-17-13, from the Worcester County Sheriff's Department:

Mr. Delmar Cubbage, 22, turned himself into the Worcester County Sheriff’s Office on the outstanding arrest warrant on May 16 2013. Mr. Cubbage is being held in the Worcester County Jail.

According to the Worcester County Sheriff's Office,
Mr. Cubbage was released from the Worcester County Detention center on 05-02-13 after serving a nearly yearlong sentence for failing to register as a sex offender and violation of probation.

It was reported on May 17, 2013 that Cubbage was wanted for not notifying authorities of his current address.

Mr. Cubbage was originally convicted of fourth degree sex offense in July 2010. Mr. Cubbage has two prior convictions for failing to register as a sex offender.

Accomack County Arson: Bundick Competent To Stand Trial

By Linda Cicoira
Eastern Shore Post

Accused arsonist Tonya Susan Bundick “appears to have above average intelligence,” battles depression and is competent to stand trial, according to a psychological evaluation filed in Accomack General District Court.

A report for her fiancé and alleged accomplice, Charles Robert Smith III, also known as Charlie Applegate, has not yet been filed. Smith’s attorney has asked that it be kept sealed when it comes in.

Bundick, 40, who lived with Smith, 38, on Matthews Road in Hopeton before the couple was arrested, met with psychologist David H. Keenan of Virginia Beach on April 29 at Accomack
Jail, where both defendants are being held without bond, the record states.

“Bundick is clearly depressed at the present time,” Keenan wrote in information mailed to the court on May 8. “She has a history of long-term problems with depression. However, … Bundick’s current condition appears to meet the basic criteria for the finding of Competent to Stand Trial and Competent to Plead.” He said she should remain competent if she continues to take “her prescribed
mental health medications. She expresses the intent of doing so.”

She “understands the roles of the defense attorney, the prosecuting attorney and the judge,” the psychologist wrote. “She has a basic familiarity with most commonly used legal terms and procedures.

Tonya Bundick says that she intends to work with and to collaborate with her attorney. Ms. Bundick also understands the importance of maintaining appropriate conduct in court …
she is reportedly being maintained in a single cell in the Accomack County Jail.”

Keenan added, “Bundick … reportedly lived with her mother and father and older sister during her  developmental years.  She indicates that she was subjected to verbal and emotional abuse … (and) physically abused by her father at times.”


The evaluation of Smith notes that he was abandoned by his biological father.

The couple, who are engaged, had sought to keep sealed the reports, but General District Judge Gordon Vincent denied the motion on Wednesday.

From The Worcester County Sheriff's Office ~2013 Click It or Ticket

Worcester County Sheriff’s Office
Border to Border”

Glen Burnie, Maryland- As motorists take to the roads this Memorial Day holiday weekend, the Worcester County Sheriff’s Office is urging everyone to buckle up.   Beginning Monday, May 20th, law enforcement officials will be out in full force, taking part in the 2013 national Click It or Ticket seat belt enforcement mobilization and cracking down on motorists who are not belted.

“Seat belts save thousands of lives every year, but far too many motorists are still not buckling up, especially at night when the risk of getting in a crash is even greater,” said Chief Michael Kundrat, Maryland Transportation Authority Police. “We want everyone to have a safe summer, but it requires an important step on the part of motorists – clicking that seat belt.”

On the morning of May 20th,   Maryland will be joining law enforcement agencies throughout the northeast in mobilizing the Click It or Ticket “Border to Border” Operation.

Law enforcement agencies that share State borders will team up to provide increased seat belt enforcement at border sites, sending a ‘zero tolerance’ message to the public: Driving or riding unbuckled will result in a ticket, no matter what State.

According to the U.S. Department of Transportation’s National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), 52 percent of the 21,253 passenger vehicle occupants killed in 2011 were not wearing their seat belts at the time of the crash. As noted, deaths involving seat belt nonuse are more prevalent at night than during the daytime.  According to the NHTSA, 62 percent of the 10,135 passenger vehicle occupants killed in 2011 during the overnight hours of 6 p.m. to 5:59 a.m. were not wearing their seat belts at the time of the crash. 

Tragically, these national statistics are mirrored locally.  Preliminary data for 2012 shows that, 108 unbuckled drivers and passengers in Maryland lost their lives.

“Maryland’s seatbelt law is about to get tougher.  Come October first, everyone must wear a seatbelt.  Everyone.  Those in the back seat as well as those in the front,” said John Kuo Administrator of the Maryland Motor Vehicle Administration and the Governor’s Highway Safety Representative for in Maryland. “Governor O’Malley just signed into law a bill that will require all occupants of a vehicle to be buckled.”
In 2011, seat belts saved an estimated 11,949 lives nationwide according to the NHTSA. While this year’s Click It or Ticket enforcement mobilization runs from May 20 through June 2, officers are out enforcing seat belt laws year-round.
Participating Law Enforcement Agencies: Allegany County Sheriff’s Office, Annapolis City Police, Baltimore County Police, Bel Air Police, City of Greenbelt Police, Crisfield Police, Cumberland Police, Frostburg Police, Gaithersburg Police, Garrett County Sheriff’s Office, Harford County Police, Havre De Grace Police, Landover Hills Police, The Maryland State Police, The Maryland Transportation Authority Police, Oakland Police Department, Ocean City Police, Ocean Pines Police, Prince George’s County Police, Princess Anne Police, Pocomoke City Police, Westminster Police, Wicomico County Sheriff’s Office and Worcester County Sheriff’s Office.
For more on the national Click It or Ticket mobilization, please visit

Lt. Edward C. Schreier
Worcester County Sheriff’s Office

Drug Arrests In Northampton County Virginia

EASTVILLE — The Eastern Shore Drug Task Force conducted a roundup Tuesday, May 16, 2013, to arrest multiple individuals that were indicted under seal for 19 counts of drug distribution by a Northampton County Grand Jury.

Arrested on drug charges were:

Corey Beckett,  34, Belle Haven, Virginia

Terrance Brisco,  38, Nassawadox, Virginia

Joseph Pae,  51, Exmore, Virginia

Antwine Twitty Reid,  32,  Machipongo.

Vashon Robinson,  37,  Cape Charles.

Nathaniel Fitchett,  35,  Cheriton.

Vincent Trackdown Stith,  34,  Cheriton.

Additional subjects were arrested on other criminal related charges according to   Special Agent C.S. Wade of the Virginia State Police.

The Eastern Shore Drug Task Force is still attempting to locate Harry Beau Anderson, 65, of Cape Charles. Anderson is wanted for one count of cocaine distribution.
Harry Beau Anderson

Anyone having information in relation to ongoing drug activity may contact the Eastern Shore Drug Task Force at 757-414-0746. Call the respective Sheriff’s Department or 911 if it is currently occurring.

The Drug Task Force was created in 1989 and consists of the Accomack and Northampton County Sheriff’s Departments and the Virginia State Police.

The Task Force was assisted by:  Accomack County Sheriff’s Office, Cape Charles Police Department, Exmore Police Department, Northampton County Sheriff’s Office and Virginia State Police.


Pocomoke Boat Docking Info


Pocomoke Boat Docking Association is 
looking for sponsors for the 1st year of the boat docking event.  If you are interested leave a message on their
facebook  page.
Vendor booth spaces are $50 for the day. If you are interested in being a sponsor, those details are as follows:

Bronze Dockers $100-$500
- Name on sponsorship banner
- 2 free tickets to event
- 25% off vendor booth space

Silver Dockers $501-1500
- Name on sponsorship banner
- 4 free tickets to event
- Business announced at event
- Secondary bleacher seating
- 50% off vendor booth space

Gold Dockers $1501-$3000
- Name on sponsorship banner
- 6 free tickets to event
- Business announced all day
- Representative brought in by boat
- Business on all radio PSA's
- VIP seating
- Free vendor booth space

Pocomoke Boat Docking is in it 1st year and will be held in beautiful downtown Pocomoke on the riverfront.

 The event will be held on Aug. 18, 2013 starting at 1 pm.

Gate will open at 10 am.

More information as it becomes available.

Nature Trail Construction Update / Name The Island.....

by Ritch Shoemaker MD,
project chairman
Posted Tuesday, May 6th 2013

  Nature Trail Construction Update

Any case you missed it this weekend, the fast moving tornado that swept through the Nature Trail Loop construction project
was Larry Fykes (construction foreman) and Andy Clarke (transport foreman) scooping up very task we had to complete and blowing them away. Russ Blake
caught a few candid photos of our crew at the Saturday rack building session. I hope he had a fast lens to stop the action!
Let’s face it; this entire project is complex and heavy. The construction project now includes over 50 tons of materials that have to be organized, moved to the Trail site, staged and assembled. We are well on the way!

Saturday we had just a couple of hours to put together 38 racks, each 4 foot by 16 foot, with five cross braces. Done; the racks are now stockpiled at the City Public Works lot. Back in 1993, building flimsier versions of these racks took us old guys at least three sessions of hand hammering of three hours each to finish. Now that Larry and Andy are tooled to do the job, our work crew of Andy, Larry, Robbie Mills, Scott Tatterson and his 9th grade son Hunter, Mike Thornton, Rob Clarke (no kidding I have photos of Rob working) and I knocked out all the racks in 125 minutes. Don Malloy supervised. You had to see those guys crank out the racks! After a task decision-process that took at least 5 minutes, the racks were put together in 115 minutes. It is incredible to think that a rack could be finished and stacked in less than four minutes each.

Robbie Mills has another nickname now: call him Hammer, the nail gun man. These racks are stronger than our old ones, with four nails per side (not three) and five cross braces not four. Hunter wasn’t too thrilled at first (it seemed) to be volunteering to carry 70-pound boards when the rest of his class mates might be still sleeping. And Mike was inscribing nailing lines as fast as he could bend over to do so.

Sunday afternoon Larry, Andy, Don and I had to clear out underbrush from our proposed staging area on the island in Stevenson’s Pond. I had no idea this site was an island. But the island apparently has no name; maybe because no one has visited! I hope that readers can help me with the name of the island, or if none is known, suggest reasonable names. I tend to think that we should honor Don by naming the island for him. Don’s Watery Den, anyone? Malloy’s Mire? Understanding that no man is an island, and only one island is named for Man, what should we call this island? “Trail Staging Area Island” doesn’t have a real clever sound to it.

Please don’t be bashful about suggestions.

But since the access bridge to the island is now sturdy, we have to get ready for hauling in our materials for the Memorial Day weekend construction. Remember, we need you to help! If you aren’t interested in hauling wood for the actual construction, how about a nice donation? Or buy a famous Bird T-shirt!

Andy is so in to tools. He is often reminded of his uncle’s suggestion to invest in tools that will save labor immediately and for the days to come. Here again, the advances of the next generation need recognition. There I was, sweating for 10 minutes to use loppers to clear out a 30 square foot area of greenbrier, scrubby alder and gum. Andy had his metal blade on a device that looked like a trimmer. In 10 minutes, Andy is barely breaking a sweat and 70 square feet are clear. Meanwhile Larry has figured out how the Trail will traverse the creek and the wetlands beyond. Don has supervised. All told, 60 minutes passed and the entire site is cleared and is ready to go.

Monday afternoon the rocket pace of Trail work continued. This time, all it took was 90 minutes for the delivery of 50 trimmed railroad ties to the island site. Think about it. Take a chain a saw, cut through a sandy, creosoted railroad tie without significantly dulling the chain. First, though push the 200 pound tie far enough away from its stack to cut off 30 inches using a simple template to mark the 30 .inches mark. Nice work, Andy and Larry.

Meanwhile Larry is scrounging pallets for the (bound to be useful) 30 inch pieces. Scott Tatterson and son Hunter are joined by Mike Redden, who seems to be everywhere lifting ties and organizing them on Andy’s trailer. Almost immediately the trailer is loaded with 7500 pounds of ties, the pieces are on three pallets and we are off to the island. Don has supervised.

The ties don’t jump off the trailer by themselves and they sure don’t make a neat and tidy pile in the forward staging area by themselves. Amazing. The whole job only took 90 minutes.

Donations! Don agrees it is a good idea to show civic pride to help this project.
Mayor Bruce Morrison donated a foot as did Jennifer and John Rafter. Dr. John Whittaker (and Suzanne) donated two feet, as did Don Malloy; and also Jim and Dee Norton.

 Just about every business in town has received a donation packet by now, complete with free Trail book and a nifty bumper sticker (this one was designed by Debbie Waidner). If you don’t have a packet, call the Chamber at 410-957-1919 or my office at 410-957-1550. We will get one to you right away.

Next up is the rest of the railroad ties. We need strong backs and a willingness to work fast. And have a good time! We have started building bridges over deep holes in the island entry way to the new Trail construction; that work will be done soon. We need to transport the 38 racks and over 950 pieces of boardwalk decking.

Please join us in this worthy cause. We would like to be done by Memorial Day.

DEA Makes Three More “Fake Pot” Drugs Temporarily Illegal Today

MAY 16 (WASHINGTON) –Today the United States Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) made the synthetic cannabinoids UR-144, XLR11, and AKB48 Schedule I, illegal drugs under the Controlled Substances Act (CSA) for the next two years.  These cannabinoids are often seen in so-called “fake pot” products that are falsely marketed and sold as “herbal incense” or “potpourri” products on the Internet and by a variety of retail stores.  

Synthetic cannabinoids refer to a family of substances that act on the brain similar to delta-9 THC, the main psychoactive constituent of cannabis.  The actual chemical names of today’s controlled cannabinoids are:
         (1-pentyl-1H-indol-3-yl)(2,2,3,3-tetramethylcyclopropyl)methanone (UR-144);
   [1-(5-fluoro-pentyl)-1H- indol-3-yl](2,2,3,3-tetramethylcyclopropyl)methanone (5-fluoro-UR-144, XLR11); and
N-(1-adamantyl)-1-pentyl-1H-indazole-3-carboxamide (APINACA, AKB48).
This action is based on a finding by DEA’s Deputy Administrator Thomas Harrigan that the placement of these synthetic cannabinoids into Schedule I of the CSA is necessary to avoid an imminent hazard to the public safety.  
The DEA published a notice of its intent to do this and issued a press release about it on April 12, giving makers, sellers, and other possessors of these drugs a month to rid themselves of their current stocks and to cease making or buying more.
Over the past three years, smokable herbal blends containing synthetic cannabinoids have been marketed under the guise of being “legal” and have become increasingly popular, particularly among teens and young adults.  These products consist of plant material that has been laced with these cannabinoids. These substances have not been approved by the FDA for human consumption or for medical use.  The long-term physical and psychological effects of these substances and their associated products are unknown but are potentially severe, and psychotic and violent behavior has been observed in short-term users of these products. 
During the next two years, DEA will work with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) to determine if these chemicals should be made permanently illegal.
Click here for a copy of the Final Order and here for an explanation of the process under the CSA for temporarily and permanently scheduling drugs and chemicals.  

"DRUMS ON THE POCOMOKE" ~ Assateague Peoples Powwow

"DRUMS ON THE POCOMOKE"Assateague Peoples Powwow
Photo/Assateague People
Saturday, May 18, 2013
Sunday,  May 19, 2013
Pocomoke  Cypress Park
Pocomoke City, Marylad
MC:  Doug "Deer Dreamer"Vass
Host Drum:  Na Ma Wo Chi

Guest Drum:  Red Storm Drum
 And Dance Troupe from New York
The song that they sing and drum too, are hundreds of years old and are about the Native religion and sung in the native language.
Photo/ Assateague People
Lead Dancers:  Matt Clair and Chris Wheeler
Traditional Native dancing also Fancy Jingle and Hoop
 and Drumming
Photo/ Assateague People
Sacred Friends - Wildlife Rehabilitation
Hawk Demonstrations
Get up close to a Red Tailed Hawk
Native Food Vendors
Also,  Eastern Shore favorites
  ~ Oyster Fritters, Fried Clams and Fish to mention a few
MANY Craft Vendors
The list goes on....

If you have never been to the "Drums on the Pocomoke" Powwow this is the one time you do not want to miss this great opportunity.
$5.00 for Adults
 Ages 5 to  11 ~ $3
children 4 and under FREE
**Veterans and Active Duty Military are Free with I.D. **
**The Pocomoke Discovery Center will offer half price admission to everyone who attends the pow wow with a hand stamp.**

  For more info:  Assateague People on Facebook
Click here:  Drums On the Pocomoke

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Local Raids Linked To Cigarette Smuggling Ring ........

..... That Funded Terrorist Groups

BERLIN -- At least two properties owned by two local businessmen were raided Wednesday by Homeland Security officials and New York authorities and the brothers have been linked to an organized effort to fund terrorist groups.

The Ramadan family owns several local businesses in the area, including convenience stores in Berlin and Ocean City, the Village Market in Ocean City and has at least partial stakes in several local franchises, according to business records.

In Ocean City Wednesday morning, authorities stormed a condominium above the Subway on Sunset Drive and Coastal Highway and were seen confiscating items and seemed to be working a crime scene. In West Ocean City, in the Oyster Harbor community, a similar scene played out at the home of Basel and Samir Ramadan. Personal property was seized and vehicles were stripped and seized during searches.

According to the New York Daily News, “Since 2004, law enforcement has warned that groups smuggling cigarettes from Southern states like North Carolina and Virginia, where they are cheaper, to sell them tax-free up north have funneled millions of dollars in profits to terrorist groups.

“Prosecutors will allege the ring was run by brothers Basel and Samir Ramadan of Ocean City, Md., according to sources familiar with the investigation.

“In the last year, the group allegedly bought $55 million worth of virtually every brand of cigarettes in Virginia, trucking 20,000 cartons a week north and selling them — tax-free — in New York City and upstate.”

Both Basel, 41, and Samir Ramadan, 39, were being held yesterday in Worcester County on the charge of fugitive from justice -- New York.

Witnesses in the Oyster Harbor community reported to The Dispatch 15 police vehicles from Maryland, New York and New Jersey surrounded the home at 12648 Whisper Trace. and two suspects were reportedly handcuffed and seen face down on the lawn. Additionally, at one point, a suburban rolled into the community and six armed agents ran into the house. Four flatbed trucks were also spotted on site and towed all of the vehicles at the home.


UPDATE: HSI arrests 'John Doe'

UPDATE: HSI arrests 'John Doe' child pornography suspect, rescues child from ongoing sexual abuse

WASHINGTON – The nationwide manhunt for a "John Doe" suspected child pornographer ended a little more than 24 hours after U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement's (ICE) Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) issued a public appeal for information about his identity and whereabouts.

 John Doe was arrested Wednesday afternoon after a tip from the public was called in to the ICE tip line. Additional details about the arrest and the identity of John Doe are being withheld pending his initial appearance in federal court.

The criminal complaint and arrest warrant for John Doe was signed Friday in U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia. At that time, HSI had no information about the identity of John Doe, but he was believed to be located somewhere in the United States. The victim he recorded being sexually abused is believed to be 7 to 9 years old.

According to the criminal complaint filed by HSI, four videos of child pornography with date stamps of April 14 and 27 were first discovered by the Danish National Police on May 3. They referred the case to U.S. law enforcement for further investigation.