Monday, November 18, 2013

Laser Bowling - Support the Children's Christmas Program

Laser Bowling - Support the Children's Christmas Program

Eastern Shore Lanes
Pocomoke City, MD

Saturday, November 23, 2013
Time:  9:30 pm until 11:30 pm

Come enjoy a family night of bowling!
Cost is $20 PER PERSON
Includes:  unlimited pizza, drinks, shoe rental
 and 2 games of bowling

The bowling alley is donating half of all ticket sale proceeds to the Children's Christmas Organization. 

We will be holding a 50/50 drawing. 
If you bring in a non-perishable food item you will be entered in to win a PRIZE valued over $30!!!! 
Food will go to the Pocomoke City Samaritan Shelter for their Christmas Dinner!

Mayor's Old-Fashioned Christmas Evening

Change Maryland Blasts Lt. Governor Brown for Misleading Marylanders on Healthcare

November 15, 2013
Steve Crim

ANNAPOLIS - Lieutenant Governor and Democratic gubernatorial candidate Anthony Brown indicated that he knew some Marylanders would lose their healthcare coverage after the October 1 rollout of Maryland's implementation of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), during an interview with WBAL TV's Jayne Miller. According to reports, 73,000 Maryland residents are expected to lose their healthcare coverage.

"The O'Malley-Brown Administration has been one of the biggest cheerleaders for the ACA and Lt. Governor Brown is responsible for implementing Maryland's version of the law," said Larry Hogan, Chairman of the nonpartisan grassroots organization Change Maryland. "Last night, Anthony Brown admitted that he knew many Marylanders could not keep their insurance despite promises to the contrary.  By remaining silent, he intentionally misled thousands of mothers, fathers, and children who depend on health care insurance for the treatment they need."

During the interview, Brown stated he knew that healthcare plans would no longer be available under Maryland's implementation of the ACA.  

"As Lt. Governor, Anthony Brown has an obligation to serve the best interests of all Marylanders, which means being straightforward about the implementation of this new law," Hogan said.  "Despite all the promises from the O'Malley-Brown Administration that the state was ready for this roll out, the exchange has been plagued with one problem after another."

Since the start of the exchange on October 1, not only have 73,000 plans been cancelled, but the state has delayed the implementation of the small business exchange to April, 2014 – 4 months after the federally mandated deadline. Additionally, the Maryland Health Benefit Exchange has released inflated numbers of enrollment – over-reporting by over 3,000 enrollees.  The exchange released a report that 4,651 people had enrolled in a new healthcare plan by October 31, while an official report from the White House indicates that only 1,284 people had enrolled by November 2.

"Marylanders deserve to know whether or not people are enrolling in the Health Benefit Exchange because ultimately, the success or failure of the program will have a direct impact on their own health insurance," said Hogan. "Brown's failures have given us zero confidence that the state even knows how many people have enrolled.  

"It's time for Mr. Brown to come clean with Marylanders, take responsibility for the problems of the state exchange, and personally apologize for misleading the public. Regardless of how anyone feels about the new law, Anthony Brown obviously put partisan politics ahead of the people he was elected to represent. This falls 100% in his lap," Hogan concluded.


Affordable Care Act rollout potentially thorny for Anthony Brown
WBAL TV 11, November 14, 2013

Delayed again: Maryland's small business health exchange will not open until April
Washington Post, November 12, 2013

Report from the Maryland Health Benefit Exchange about Maryland Health Connection, the state-based health insurance marketplace, as of Friday, November 1, 2013
Maryland Health Benefit Exchange, November 1, 2013

Health Insurance Marketplace: November Enrollment Report
Department of Health and Human Services, November 13, 2013

A Journey With Leukemia

I can certainly identify with the article posted below. Most of you probably don't know that I am currently being treated for Acute Myloid Leukemia and have been for almost 6 months.  This Mother of two small children had her world shattered far greater than I have.  I have been fortunate to not have suffered as greatly as she has while seeking treatment.  And my children are both grown.  In fact, it was my own son who was selected to be my bone marrow transplant donor.  He is a hero.  
My daughter and her boyfriend and my wonderful husband are also heroes as they are  my caregivers.

Please take the time to visit the website and be a donor - Be A Hero.  jmmb

Rebecca Eberts and Her Journey with Cancer is this week's Shore Good News

Last week was a very emotional time for Rebecca Eberts of Cashville.

You see, last year this time, Rebecca's world was turned upside down when she received a shocking medical diagnosis that not only shattered her world, but the world of those who love her.

It all started around the end of October of 2012. Rebecca wasn't feeling quite right and noticed a scratchy throat. She had been prone to strep throat in the past or thought she may have had a virus of some sort, but after seeing the doctor and getting some blood tests run, doctors were concerned they had found something much worse then a virus.

This 33 year old mother of 2 precious little boys was told she had Leukemia. At first she thought they had made a mistake. She was young and no one in her family had leukemia. How was this even possible?

She was sent to the hospital in Salisbury where the diagnosis was confirmed. She had Acute Myloid Leukemia and not only would she need chemo and radiation, but Rebecca would need a bone marrow transplant and it would be a long, hard road for this young mother and wife.

Between November 2012 and March of 2013, Rebecca had more than 30 chemo treatments and before she could receive the transplant, she had to be conditioned with 4 days of whole body radiation in 30 minute sessions, twice a day. To make matters worse, on Thanksgiving of 2012, Rebeccas spleen ruptured as a result of a rare side effect from chemo. It was touch and go that night. Five days later, her gall bladder had to be removed.

There were rough days to say the least and Rebecca missed being with her children and wanted to be home with her family so badly. But she knew she had to keep fighting.

To pass the time, she read books and her Bible. But her eyes became so affected by the chemo that she got to a point she could no longer read. So, she downloaded an app and would listen to the Bible instead.

One of the things Rebecca looked forward to the most was being able to Skype with her husband ET and her sons. She admits, however, that there were days in which she was just too weak-but it had to be severe for her to miss that special time.

Rebecca says that through it all, her family was there and she had so much support. Her husband was always uplifting and encouraging. Her parents, Chuck and Karen Parks were extremely supportive. Her sister, Hannah Annis was her rock. Shed call her sister many times in tears and Hannah would have the right words to say that brought comfort to her. And Rebecca could rest assured her sons were in good hands as Hannah took care of them every weekday so her husband could work. Her parents and other people pulled together to help take care of her children too. She says there were countless friends and supporters from the community. She received hundreds of cards from people she knew and people she didn't. She received cards from school children, missionaries and even cards from people in other countries. Rebecca says all of the support was confirmation to her that the Lord had an amazing plan in store. She says her faith in Jesus Christ is what got her through this trying time. And when discouragement came, there were always people that would bless her in such a way that her strength would be renewed over and over again.

Rebecca received a bone marrow transplant on March 27th of this year. Her donor? A stranger who cared enough to be tested and was willing to save the life of someone he doesn't even know. On the morning of the transplant, this unknown donor was put under general anesthesia and bone marrow was aspirated directly out of his hip bone and then flown to Rebecca. At exactly 11:33 p.m. the life saving marrow began infusing into her vein with her parents and husband by her side as they gave thanks to God, and her sister Hannah joining in on FaceTime at home.

Rebecca Eberts was released for good on July 17th of this year. After being in the hospital for 8 long, difficult months, Rebecca was finally going home to her family.

She says that we live in the most amazing and supportive community and her welcome home was unbelievable. There were businesses who had welcome home signs displayed and loads of people were even standing on the side of the road waving and holding up signs as she passed by. She will never forget the love and support she has had.

Rebecca's most recent test results show that the cancer is gone and she says she feels great. Life is more normal now and she's even gone back to work at Kegotank Elementary School, where this past week the staff and students wore orange and Team Eberts bracelets in honor of Rebecca. She was told that there was a meeting after school, but it was a party in celebration of her recovery.

This past Saturday a Be The Match Bone Marrow Registry Drive was held in Rebeccas honor at the Hospice offices in Onancock. They used every single registry kit and had to even refer people to the website to order a kit because they ran out. Rebecca and those who put on the drive are just thrilled with the response.

Registering is very easy and includes a simple swab from your cheek- even I registered on Saturday. I did in honor of Rebecca and in memory of my own mother who passed away from a very rare form of Leukemia. 

If you are interested in registering and possibly saving someones life, you can visit

Rebecca says this journey was like an emotional roller coaster, but it seemed that every time a door would close, two more opened and the outcome was better each time. She says she is here on this earth because of the power of prayer. She believes with all of her heart that the Lord heard the prayers of so many and answered. Doctors are amazing, says Rebecca, but never forget that God is our great physician! 


Sunday, November 17, 2013

Worcester County Sheriff's Office Investigates Hit and Run

Photo Worcester County Sheriff's Office
On Saturday November 16, 2013 at approximately 1745 hours the Worcester County Sheriff’s Office responded to Stephen Decatur Highway in the area of the Frontiertown Campground Berlin, Worcester County, Maryland for a reported pedestrian struck by a vehicle. 

Upon arrival Deputies located the victim who had been able to get himself off the roadway and call 911. The victim was identified as a 42 year old male from Berlin, Maryland.

 The victim told Deputies that he was walking north on the shoulder of Stephen Decatur Highway when he was struck from behind by a vehicle. The victim was unable to provide any further information on the vehicle except that it continued north on Stephen Decatur Highway. There were no witnesses to the accident. 

From evidence recovered at the scene Deputies were able to determine the striking vehicle to be a dark red GM passenger car that has a missing passenger side mirror and possible passenger side damage. 

The victim was transported to the hospital for injuries they received. Pictures of the recovered vehicle parts are included.

 Anyone with information is asked to contact the Sheriff's Office at 410-632-1111 or their local Law Enforcement.

TIME MACHINE ... 1893, 1977, 1892, 1893, 1964

(Reader-friendly viewing of newspaper archives material)

January, 1893
(New York Times)




CRISFIELD, MD., JAN. 14- The amphibious little town of Crisfield down here at the bottom of the Eastern Shore of Maryland is watching with interest an industrial experiment now going on in Tangier Sound. Crisfield is a mere upstart town, scarce(ly) thirty years old in the midst of a region peopled for two and a half centuries. It was named for its founder, the venerable John W. Crisfield, perhaps the oldest practicing lawyer in the United States, whose home is at the ancient village of Princess Anne, and whose son, named Page and not Crisfield, recently resigned his seat in Congress to become a Judge in Maryland.

The town of Crisfield is founded, not upon a rock, but upon a bed of oyster shells, thrown into a salt marsh, and it grows by driving piles and pitching in more shells by way of a firm and dry foundation. In this fashion it has slowly marched out into the shallow waters of Tangier Sound, until it seems a shabby little Venice. Not long ago Crisfield, although surrounded by salt water, was the driest town on the American continent, for in addition to a merciless prohibitory local-option liquor law, it was visited by droughts, during which there was not a drop of drinkable water to be obtained from the wells. At such times water from other places was hawked about the streets by the pail full, and some otherwise well-meaning folk were forced to violate the local-option liquor law. Crisfield is relieved now from at least one species of thirst, for an artesian well 1,300 feet deep is pouring daily 150,000 gallons of excellent water into the town, and when a larger pipe has been sunk this supply will be increased about ten-fold.

Crisfield is not only founded on a bed of oyster shells, but its whole life and business depend upon the oyster trade and kindred industries. Wherever the eye rests it falls upon the white of bleaching oyster shells. The little harbor bristles with the mast of oyster boats, and nine-tenths of the inhabitants are occupied offshore. Within sight of the town there are terrapin to be caught, water fowl to be shot, and thousands of fish to be seined, while Crisfield is the world's one great mart for the sale and shipment of soft-shell crabs.

Just off Crisfield and lying between Tangier and Pocomoke Sound, with Cedar Straight connecting the two bodies of water, are Big and Little Fox Islands. The name of the group is deceptive, since it numbers not two islands but seven. It did once number two, and old deeds, running back into the seventeenth century, as Eastern Shore deeds have a fashion of running, employ this nomenclature. The restless tides of the region have, however, cut the two islands into the present seven. They vary in size from five acres to eighty acres, and the larger islands are channeled with muddy salt water inlets and notched deep with salt water coves. The group lies, indeed, so as to include an almost completely land-locked cove sixty acres in area.

But oysters are only one of the possibilities of this island principality. The islands are about 450 acres in area and the largest of them, Crockett's Island, has 25 acres of rich land, upon which fig trees, among other things are now flourishing. This island was for 150 years the home of the Crocketts. The oyster farmer bought it from the last of the family, and the dwellings on the island long ago fell into ruins. The ragged remnant of a doll's sun bonnet was found among the old timbers the other day- pathetic reminder of a time when there were children and children's joys on this deserted patch of land.

But the area of fertile land on Crockett's Island suggests another possibility. The fig lives outdoors all Winter in this region, and spring comes warm and early. The island lies, in fact, in one of the richest market-gardening areas in the United States. Already asparagus and other choice vegetables have been planted on the island, and within a few years all its available area will be turned into a market garden to help feed hungry thousands in Baltimore, Philadelphia, and New York. The seaweed washed ashore on the island makes an excellent fertilizer, and how far the other islands may be available by its aid for market gardening is an interesting question.

Crisfield watches with interest the experiment on the Fox Islands, because the oyster farmer's possessions lie just in the midst of the debatable land, or water, where many oyster wars have occurred.

April, 1977
(The Daily Times- Salisbury)


The Maryland Department of Transportation has committed more than $143,000 in federal funds for highway safety improvements throughout Maryland.

Worcester- $2,900 for police radio equipment for the Berlin Police Department and $1,300 for hand-held radar equipment for the Pocomoke City Police Department.


April, 1892
(Hamilton Daily Democrat- Hamilton, Ohio)

The President Not at Home

Washington, April 8- The president (Benjamin Harrison), accompanied by Mr. George W. Boyd, of the Pennsylvania Railroad, and T.J. Parker, left Washington last night for New Church, Accomack county, Va. The president will return here either late Saturday night, or Monday morning.


August, 1893
(The Denton Journal)

To be Built of Brick

The town council of Snow Hill has decided that only brick buildings should be built in the business portion of their town. This action is approved by a majority of the people of the town. The people are recovering slowly from the effects of their late disastrous fire, and contracts have been given out for a number of buildings to replace those burned. The First National Bank will be rebuilt at once, and upon the same plan as the one burned.


February, 1964 (Time Machine archive)

Winners were announced in a contest in which high school students in Worcester County vied for honors for bringing in Civil War relics. Pocomoke High School winners were: Mike Bloxom placing first for an 1858 Colt .44 revolver; Jack Tatem, second, with a Springfield rifle and a Civil War era postage stamp; Melissa Jackson, third, with a Civil War sword that was used by her great-grandfather. The contest was jointly sponsored by the Worcester County Historical Society and The Maryland Civil War Commission.


Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? It can be just a line or two, or more if you wish. Send to and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!

Accomack County Circuit Court Cases

Accomack County Circuit Court
Thursday, November 14, 2013

Marquis Giddens pled guilty of possession of cocaine. Giddens was arrested at a routine traffic stop in December of 2012 entered a guilty plea under the first offender program. With no record of any kind, Mr. Giddens agreed to enter treatment and/ or educational program along with paying court costs, and the costs of these programs. Judge Lewis suspended his drivers license for 6 months with work restrictions and gave him 100 hours of community service. 

 Brezuum Douglas pled guilty to two counts of grand larceny. Douglas was charged with steeling assorted jewelry on July 30, 2012 and a Rolex watch on September 1, 2002. Douglas was employed by Greenbush Moving Service and stole the items valued at $2350 from the closet of a home he was relocating. The Rolex watch was pawned at a local pawn shop for $350 but was valued at more than $20,000. It was covered by a homeowners insurance policy. Douglas produced $2000 to the court as a sign of good faith and intent to repay. He pled guilty and Judge Lewis continued the case pending preparation of a presentence report until February. Douglas has been granted work release status and must return to jail each evening.

Christopher Smith was sentenced to five years with all but seven months to run concurrently for failure to register as a violent sex offender. Mr. Smith was convicted on March 3, 2013 of rape and according to testimony, he was to notify the court of any relocation within three days and to register every 90 days. This testimony was that even though his permanent address was at his mothers home he had from time to time spent nights at friends therefore when state troopers and or probation people tried to contact him they had failed. Judge Lewis sentenced the defendant to five years with all but seven months on each charge to run concurrently with probation for the remaining period of time.


SAVE THE DATE ~ Salem Methodist Church

Air Force Minotaur Rocket Launching from Virginia November 19

NASA Photo
WALLOPS FLIGHT FACILITY, Va. — A United States Air Force Minotaur I rocket is scheduled to lift-off at 7:30 p.m. EST,  Tuesday, Nov.19, from the Mid-Atlantic Regional Spaceport’s Pad-0B at NASA’s Wallops Flight Facility in Virginia.

The Minotaur will launch the Air Force's Operationally Responsive Space Office's ORS-3 mission, which features the deployment of 29 satellites in space.

The launch window is 7:30 to 9:30 p.m.  The backup launch days run through November 26.

The launch may be visible, depending on atmospheric conditions at one’s viewing site, from northern Florida to southern Canada and west to Indiana.

The ORS-3 Mission, also known as an enabler mission, will demonstrate and validate launch and range improvements for NASA and the military. These include automated trajectory targeting, range-safety planning and flight termination systems. The launch also will be part of the Federal Aviation Administration's (FAA) certification process for the Minotaur rocket. The FAA has licensing authority over American commercial rockets.

The Minotaur's primary payload is the Space Test Program Satellite-3 (STPSat-3), an Air Force technology-demonstration mission. Thirteen small cubesats aboard are being provided through NASA's Cubesat Launch Initiative. Among the cubesats is NASA's Small Satellite Program PhoneSat 2 second generation smartphone mission. Also included is the first cubesat built by high school students.

The NASA Visitor Center at Wallops and the Chincoteague National Wildlife Refuge/Assateague Island National Seashore will be open for viewing the launch.  Visitors to Assateague need to be on the island by 6 p.m. before the entrance gate closes.

For more information on the ORS-3 mission, visit:

Live coverage of the launch is available via UStream beginning at 6:30 p.m. EST on launch day at: 

Launch status can be followed on launch day on Twitter at: and Facebook at:

Launch status also is available on the Wallops launch status line at 757-824-2050.

Android users can download the “What’s Up at Wallops” app, which contains information on the launch as well as a compass showing the precise direction for launch viewing. The app is available for download at:

Saturday, November 16, 2013

TIME MACHINE ... This Sunday's Preview

1893.. This is Crisfield at 30; 1977.. What's the newest equipment for the Pocomoke City Police Department?; 1892.. Look who's visiting New Church; 1893.. Only brick allowed for new Snow Hill business district construction; 1964.. Pocomoke High School winners named in Civil War relics contest.

Although you may not find these items in a history book, they are a part of our local history and you can read more about it this Sunday right here at The Pocomoke Public Eye! 

Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? It can be just a line or two, or more if you wish. Send to and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!

Friday, November 15, 2013


Team Britt's Support Our Troops Project

Team Britt will be at Enchanted Florist open house collecting any item or money donations. The holidays are coming and so many will not be home with families. Let's continue to show our love and support!! 

Items we could use are....both male and female items. 

Disposable razors
Tooth brushes tooth paste
Chapsticks! Lots! 
Cough drops
Q tips
Foot powder
Shoe inserts
Long underwear, all sizes
Beanie hats-black
Gum/mints-cause lots of those course
Trail mix
Beef jerky
Drink mixes...powder drink mixes (lots of these all favors) 
New magazines
Small handheld games to play 
Anything fun to play with really. 
Letters/pictures of thanks from you and your children
Cash donations are always appreciated for shipping costs or to purchase items needed or requested!! 

Largest Nighttime Christmas Parade Coming Soon

Monday night, December 2nd, 2013, We will celebrate our 41st year as Pocomoke City will be transformed into a “Winter Wonderland” as Pocomoke City plays host to one of Delmarva’s largest nighttime Christmas parades. 

Always held on the first Monday night after Thanksgiving, the Pocomoke parade has become an Eastern Shore tradition and will attract over 100 units from Maryland, Delaware and Virginia along with thousands of spectators.

Each year the parade features marching bands representing high and middle schools from seven counties in three states. Also featured will be beautifully decorated and lighted floats entered by schools, civic organizations, churches, and commercial enterprises.

Clowns, marching units, fire departments, equestrian units, and of course Santa Claus will round out the two-hour event, slated to kick-off at 7:00 p.m. sharp. The route will take the parade north on Market Street beginning at 14th Street and ending at the Pocomoke River.

Professional judges, including members of the National Judges Association (NJA), will score entries in 10 different categories. Cash prizes and trophies will be awarded immediately following the event to the top entries in each category.

A special thanks to the community of Pocomoke City and surrounding areas for the recent support given to us to continue this great tradition that has been a part of the town for over 40 years.

In the event of inclement weather, the parade will be postponed until Tuesday, December 3rd at 7:00 p.m.

For more info...

Studio Day at the Chamber Of Comerce This Saturday

Studio Day at the Chamber
 and Free Workshop

With artist and photographer 
Robin Spalding

Saturday,  November 16, 2013
10 am to 3 pm

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Honey Suckle Painted Cottage Now OPEN

Honeysuckle Painted Cottage
Clarke Avenue
Pocomoke City, Maryland

Honeysuckle Painted Cottage is open today from
 10:00 AM to 05:00 PM.

TIME MACHINE ... This Sunday's Preview

1893.. This is Crisfield at 30; 1977.. What's the newest equipment for the Pocomoke City Police Department?; 1892.. Look who's visiting New Church; 1893.. Only brick allowed for new Snow Hill business district construction; 1964.. Pocomoke High School winners named in Civil War relics contest.

Although you may not find these items in a history book, they are a part of our local history and you can read more about it this Sunday right here at The Pocomoke Public Eye! 

Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? It can be just a line or two, or more if you wish. Send to and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!

Liberal Special Interest Groups Oppose Economic Relief for Middle-Class Families

November 13, 2013
Steve Crim
ANNAPOLIS Special interest groups outlined their opposition to proposed tax cuts that would provide economic relief for struggling middle-class families, in an article published Sunday by the Baltimore Sun.  Much of their arguments were based on the need for government revenue.
"After seven years of tax and fee hikes, Maryland's working families are struggling more than ever.  For years, the governor and his special interest groups have argued that a small tax or fee increase won't hurt anybody's bottom line.  But, the cumulative effect of all those increases have had a devastating effect on the budgets of those who can least afford it," charged Larry Hogan, Chairman of the non-partisan grassroots organization Change Maryland. "Next year's election year politics mean that we may finally see some relief for these families and the far-left special interest groups aren’t happy."
Hogan's comments come on the heels of reports that the same lawmakers who increased over 40 taxes and fees have done an about face and are looking to cut some taxes like the corporate income tax and the much reviled "rain tax." Both Senate President Mike Miller and Speaker of the House Mike Busch have indicated they would consider tax cuts next year as a mean to improve job growth and Maryland’s flailing economy.
"Every four years, these politicians have an epiphany that tax relief will create jobs and grow the economy.  Then, once re-elected, they do just the opposite," said Hogan.  "Now, if the far-left special interest groups have their way, middle-class families won’t even get a brief election year respite."
Environmental and health care groups, as well as key legislators in the General Assembly have warned against tax relief for Marylanders saying that any reduction in revenue will hurt their pet projects.  Governor O’Malley has also indicated that he will not push for middle class economic relief next year.
"The time has come for our state government to reign in spending," Hogan continued. "We wouldn't need these outrageous taxes if our lawmakers were able to fund projects efficiently. Instead, their M.O. is to continually throw money at a problem, without regard to how it's spent. By dialing down the taxes and spending more efficiently, we would be able to fund all our worthy causes without putting even more pressure on taxpayers."

SOURCES: Advocates line up in defense of Maryland taxes The Baltimore Sun, November 10, 2013

Nassawadox Man Charged With Rape In Northampton Circuit Court

Northampton County Circuit Court 
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
By Wesley Edwards

In Northampton County Circuit court Tuesday, Hebrew Finney of Nassawadox Va. was charged with rape of a eleven year old girl. Mr. Finney was found guilty by a bench trial on April 15, 2013.

Several family members, mother, aunt, and sister were all witnesses for Mr. Finney telling the court that since incarceration in April 2013 Mr. Finney had changed.

The Commonwealth pointed out that Mr. Finney had a long record of alcohol abuse and should be punished for this forcible rape. 

Judge Lewis said to the defendant that even though this was his first felony that the crime of forcible rape of an 11-year-old young girl exposed him to a life sentence in prison but he was going to give him 33 years and eight months with 20 years suspended and the suspension would be hanging over the defendants head for the full 20 years.

John Knapp
of New Jersey was charged with reckless driving. 

On the afternoon of April 26, 2012 on the southbound side of Highway 13 just before the tollbooth Mr. Knapp was clocked at 101 mph in a 55 mph zone. Mr. Knapp, a New Jersey police officer, was off duty and going to visit family in Virginia Beach. With a speedometer calibration certification presented showing a 3 mile-per-hour correction the charges was reduced by judge Lewis to 98 mph in a 55 mile-per-hour zone. Judge Lewis explained to Mr. Knapp that the signs on the bridge were very clearly marked therefore he sentenced Mr. Knapp to 30 days all suspended with a stern warning plus a $1500.00 fine.


Turkey Shoot ~ Saxis Volunteer Fire/Rescue

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Festive Weekend of Gift Buying at H & H Furniture

Enchanted Florist Business After Hours

Business After Hours at 
Enchanted Florist

Downtown  Pocomoke City

Thursday,  November  14
5 pm to 7 pm

Eastern Shore States Merging?

Interesting article....

Could there be the state of Delmarva? 

Would you like to live in the state of Delmarva? According to a report on WBOC-TV, some Maryland legislators favor pursuing a scenario where the Maryland Eastern Shore counties would merge with the lower two counties of Delaware and Accomack and Northampton Counties of Virginia to form another state.

This isn't new as the Eastern Shore counties of Maryland have been dreaming of leaving Maryland for years. Eastern Shore of Maryland residents have long resented control of the state by the metro Baltimore counties and lower Delaware residents have likewise grown weary of a state that's politically controlled by Kent County in the Wilmington area.

In Virginia, most of the rural counties including the Eastern Shore trend conservative but Northern Virginia, Metro Richmond and Norfolk generally lean liberal. In the last several elections, Virginia has moved from a strong red to purple or even blue with these areas generally controlling the elections.

The report on WBOC quoted a Maryland Senator Richard Coburn and a Delaware resident but did not quote anyone from Virginia's Eastern Shore on the matter. While its quite unlikely to happen, the divide demonstrates the overall national political battle between those who want less government versus those who look to the government to solve all of their problems.

Maryland also has problems in its western region. Five counties in western Maryland have discussed breaking off from the rest of the state. 


Mar-Va Theater This Weekend

Friday, November 15th 
Saturday, November 16th

Tickets: $5

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Change Maryland on LG Brown's Veterans tax relief plan: Where’s the follow through?

November 12, 2013
Steve Crim

ANNAPOLIS - Lt. Governor and Democratic gubernatorial candidate Anthony Brown issued a proposal yesterday - Veterans Day - to exempt military retirement income from Maryland taxes.  In 2010, as a candidate for lieutenant governor, Brown vocally opposed the same proposal.

Change Maryland Chairman Larry Hogan blasted Brown's hypocrisy: "Four years ago, this Lieutenant Governor stood before all Marylanders at a press conference and criticized this very proposal," he said.  "Not only did his administration not cut taxes for veterans for seven years, Brown and other tax and spend politicians raised taxes forty consecutive times, further burdening struggling veterans. Now, as he looks to succeed his political mentor, Anthony Brown is finally ready to talk cuts. Our veterans deserve better than a Governor who is only in their corner when it's politically convenient."

Touting tax relief in an election year is old-hat for Brown, who joined Governor O’Malley in promising no new taxes on the campaign trail in 2010. However when the duo won reelection, they pushed for the most regressive taxes we have seen in recent history, which have taken billions out of Maryland's economy.

"Yesterday's proposal from Anthony Brown is nothing new," Hogan continued.  "It is a plan that has stalled in Annapolis for nearly eight years. At any point during his seven year tenure as lieutenant governor, Brown could have followed through and championed this issue. Instead, he did nothing - except raise more taxes."
"For over seven years the O'Malley-Brown Administration ignored the needs of Marylanders, including the men and women who serve our country," said Hogan. "Now, during an election year, we're supposed to believe that Brown and others like him view veterans as a priority. But if history is any indication of what Brown would do as governor, it's obvious that our veterans, and Maryland as a whole, can't afford another four years of broken promises and failed policies." 

Change Maryland is the state's largest grassroots political organization. Under the leadership of successful businessman and former Ehrlich Cabinet secretary Larry Hogan, the group has exploded to over 60,000 Democrats, Republicans, and Independents from every county in the state, advocating for fiscal responsibility and common sense policies in Annapolis.


Ehrlich pushes 'no-brainer' military tax exemption
The Washington Post, August 24, 2010

O'Malley thanks voters, says no new taxes next year
The Washington Post, November 3, 2010

O'Malley/Brown/Gansler Double Down on Rain Tax

November 12, 2013
Steve Crim

ANNAPOLIS – According to recent news reports, the Maryland Department of Environment and the Attorney General's office have warned counties who have not implemented the rain tax that they will face heavy fines for not complying with state law.  These "non-complying" counties have found alternative funding sources for projects aimed at reducing stormwater runoff.

"The rain tax has outraged Marylanders across the state, and leaders smart enough to realize the unpopularity of this tax have found alternative ways to fund their priority projects.  For the state to force these jurisdictions to implement a rain tax just proves this is another money grab by the O'Malley-Brown Administration," said Change Maryland Chairman, Larry Hogan.  "The Attorney General is just as culpable as the O'Malley-Brown Administration on this issue."

In a letter released last Tuesday, the state attorney general's office notified officials in Carroll and Frederick Counties that they were in violation of the 2012 law imposing the rain tax, or stormwater management fee, and could face action from the state if they charge an "insufficient" tax.  In addition to the letter from the attorney general’s office, the Maryland Department of Environment has also warned these counties that they could face thousands of dollars in fines: up to $10,000 per day in Carroll, and up to $32,500 per day in Frederick.

"Everyone wants a clean and healthy Chesapeake Bay," Hogan reiterated on Wednesday. "But this most recent missive from the administration proves that this is more about increasing people's taxes than protecting our Bay. It's time for us to start electing real leaders who will fund important projects like cleaning up the Bay without breaking the backs of taxpayers."

In Carroll County, Commissioners invested $20 million in stormwater control projects with existing property taxes, rather than levying an additional tax.  In Frederick County, officials set aside $3 million in the county budget for stormwater clean-up. 

The rain tax is just one of forty consecutive tax hikes that have been levied by the O'Malley-Brown Administration since 2007 that have taken over $9.5 billion out of the Maryland economy and are projected to cost taxpayers $20 billion by 2018. 



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