Sunday, October 8, 2023

Pocomoke Fall Festival

 Photos courtesy of Wulfhause Productions

View all of the Virtual Halloween Contest photos on the Pocomoke City Facebook page and vote for your favorites. The three top vote winners will be announced on October 27th.

Time Machine: 100 years agp this week in Pocomoke's newspaper; 1991, 1940, 1895, 1939.



March, 1991

         (see upper right column)
        (see upper right column)

Salisbury Daily Times

June, 1940

Worcester Democrat

February, 1895

The Morning Herald (Baltimore)

Rewinding T I M E to- 1939

(New York Times)

Saturday, October 7, 2023

Pocomoke Police: Dock Jam message.


  The Pocomoke City Police Department would like to officially welcome all guests and attendees to the Dock Jams event on 10/7/2023. We hope that you enjoy yourself and the beautiful downtown area of Pocomoke City.

   We ask for all guest and attendees to be mindful and considerate when parking your vehicle in our downtown area. We ask that you do not block private driveways, fire hydrants, handicap parking, etc... and obey all parking laws. We further ask that you do not park in a matter that obstructs the follow of traffic on any of our streets. Should you not adhere to the laws and this request, enforcement actions may be necessary.

   Private property owners if you are not permitting public parking on your property, we recommend you post your property. Again, we thank you for your cooperation and hope that you have a great and safe time.

The Life Experiences and Wisdom of Pocomoke City's Eben Hearne- Article 10

Originally published August 15, 1941)

(Worcester Democrat)

(This series continues next Saturday here at The Pocomoke Public Eye.)