Mercy and Wayne Yaeger are looking for help for their oldest son, Mark Mckinzie. Mark, a 20 year old Wor Wic student, was having trouble concentrating due to persistent headaches. Then one august evening he had a seizure. A CAT scan revealed Mark had a brain tumor. He was flown to John’s Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore where emergency surgery was performed. After several surgeries, more than 95% of the tumor was removed.
Mark must now face extensive physical therapy and then radiation and chemotherapy treatments to treat the portion o the tumor that could not be removed in surgery. Health insurance covers portion of Mark’s care, but Mark’s mother, father and two younger brothers are facing a financial battle involving lost wages, mounting medical expenses, and the cost of commuting and staying in lodging to be by his side.
If you would like to help his family, there is a Spaghetti Dinner, DJ Dance and Golf Ball Drop Fundraiser on October 17th at the Elks Lodge #1624 in Pocomoke. 
For more information or to make donations contact Kathy Perry at (410) 202-6101 or Bert and Sandy Ramsay at (410) 957-2524.
Details: There will be a 50/50 Raffle, Golf Ball Drop and more. It will be held at the Elks Lodge #1624 in Pocomoke on October 17 from 7:00 - 11:00 PM. Tickets are $15.00 per person and carryout will be $10.00.
The Golf Ball drop allows you to win %10 of the proceeds. Purchase a golf ball for $10.00. The goal is to sell 2000 golf balls. The big drop will be on October 17th at the Elk's Lodge #1624 during the benefit Spaghetti Dinner.
All proceeds will benefit the Yaeger family of Pocomoke for medical costs of their son Mark.
Tickets may be purchased at YMCA Pocomoke, Crown Sports Center, Eastern Shore Lanes and the Holy Name of Jesus Hall (Tues-Thurs).
Please make checks payable to Mark Mckinzie Benefit Fun.
Its called UNIVERSAL HEALTHCARE. Tell people to call their representatives and DEMAND that they stop catering to the special interest insurance groups and give what 75% of the American People WANT. Stop the insanity. Stop lining the pockets of the richest 1%. Why do people fight against their own best interests and continue to give more and more and more to the wealthy?
what in the heck are you babbling about?
healthcare? this is a fund raiser dinner.
I don't mind you posting but remember, this site post truth found and report on those truths.
75% of the people DO NOT want government healthcare.. they want LESS government in their lives. That' is the facts.. and not the liberal olbermann talking points.
I'd be glad to post something on healthcare to debate if you'd like. But be prepared to argue FACTS.. not mythical MSNBC numbers.
Yeah, universal health care is going to pay for the family's lodging in Baltimore. Shut up and go to the fundraiser!
Is there some reason you object to the posting of a fundraiser?
jmmb, I'm not objecting to the posting of the fundraiser. It's a great idea-the more free advertising the better. I'm agreeing with Public Eye and referring to the first comment which is totally off the wall in my opinion.
Then my apologies, please!
With everything that has been happening on this web site I hope you understand how easily it is to become confused.
The "anon" sometimes just seem to run together.......
Sorry about that. Please forgive me.
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