Dear Fellow Patriot,
Our campaign for the House of Delegates is in full swing and growing daily. I have had many opportunities in the past months to bring our message of
- Smaller, more efficient government;
- Lower taxes, and a Business friendly environment;
- Conservation that works for farmers, watermen, and the environment; and
- Trusting that Marylander’s know what is best for their families.
The response has been tremendous! The people know what is at stake in this year’s election, and they are prepared to help and be engaged in campaigns that can make a difference. We have welcomed their outpouring of support with open arms.
On Thursday, June 17th, we will be hosting an evening of Italian Cuisine at the
I have concentrated on budget friendly events so everyone can get involved, but I need your help for this event to be a success. Your partnership in this campaign is the only way to insure that I will have the opportunity to serve you and this district in
Our shared eastern shore values deserve to be heard. Please help me as I work to be your strong voice in
With Warmest Regards,
Help us send Mike to Annapolis!
Join us for an evening of Italian Cuisine (spaghetti)
Ocean Pines Community Center
239 Ocean Parkway, Ocean Pines, MD
Thursday, June 17, 2010
5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Individual $25 / Table (10 tix) $200
Order tickets online at
or return Reply Form below.
We are concentrating on budget-friendly events so everyone can get involved. I need your help for this event to be a success.
— Mike
Please indicate your choice below:
I would like to purchase ______ $25 Individual Tickets.
Total Enclosed is $_______.
I would like to purchase ______ $200 Table of 10 Tickets.
Total Enclosed is $_______.
I cannot attend, but please accept my donation of $______.
Order tickets online at:
www.electmikemcdermott .com
Please complete the following information:
Name: _________________________________________________
Address: _______________________________________________
Phone Number: __________________________________________
Email: __________________________________________________
Please make checks payable
and mail to:
Citizens to Elect Mike McDermott
217 Walnut Street
Pocomoke City, MD 21851
AUTHORITY: Citizens to Elect Mike McDermott. Craig Theobald, Treasurer.
No way will I support him.
I will vote for Mike McDermott.
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