Godwin has over 25 years experience in law enforcement and is a 20-year veteran of the sheriff's office.
Godwin, of Parksley, will run as an independent for the post, which has been held by Sheriff Larry Giddens since 2008. Giddens is retiring.
Godwin has been chief deputy second in command with the rank of major in the department since January 2008.
Godwin began his law-enforcement career in 1985 as an officer with the Parksley Police Department followed by employment with the Virginia State Police as a weight-enforcement officer in 1987.

He was promoted to corporal in 1995 and patrol lieutenant in 1999.
As lieutenant, Godwin was responsible for the day-to-day operations of the uniform patrol division, including the SWAT team, K-9 units, dive teams, and dispatch.
In 2002, Godwin also assumed responsibility of supervising animal control and began supervising the newly constructed Eastern Shore Regional Animal Control Facility in 2005.
In addition to his training at the Peninsula Tidewater Academy of Criminal Justice and the Virginia State Police Academy, he has received training in numerous areas during his career. Those areas include lawful employment practices for law enforcement, freedom of information training, managing jail risk and liability, budgeting for criminal justice executives, FBI first line supervisor school, liability issues for K-9 handlers, raid liability and planning, FEMA national incident management system ICS-100, 200, 700, 300 and 400, breath alcohol operator course, vehicle inspection course, uniform drug interdiction training, SWAT training, basic and advance patrol and narcotic K-9 schools, street survival and tactical use of police K-9, basic radar operator, domestic violence training, community policing in small town and rural areas, basic animal control school, and gang training.
As chief deputy, Godwin is responsible for the management of all departmental divisions to include law enforcement, corrections, courtroom security/civil process, communications, animal control and the animal control facility.
The Accomack County Sheriff's Office consists of 75 sworn and non-sworn personnel.
Godwin is a member of the Eastern Shore of Virginia 911 Commission, member of the Chesapeake Bay ASAP Policy Board and a member of the Eastern Shore Regional Jail Board.
Godwin, 46, resides in Parksley, with his wife, Sheila, and their two sons, Johnnie and Logan.
He will make a outstanding Sheriff
Yes, he will!
We have been so fortunate to have Sheriff Giddens too. There is no doubt in my mind that the Sheriff's Office will be just as great with Godwin as our next Sheriff.
I like Walter Marks better. I've known him all my life. He will be able to make the hard choices our county needs.
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