Someone brought this to my attention yesterday and I was amazed. I'm guilty of buying this brand of sugar simply because it is less expensive than the 5 lb. bag of Domino sugar in Wal*Mart.
Now I'm quite sure Wal*Mart has done everything correct with the pricing and all the info we need to know is on the shelf sticker and the weight is clearly marked on the bag. 

My friend and I just never noticed. We assumed the 4 lb. bag of Great Value Pure Sugar was a 5 lb. bag.
Does anyone know if this was ever a 5 lb. bag?
Breyers icecream did this a good while back. Have you noticed the same thing happening in other foods?
Five pound bags of sugar usually seem to be stuffed really tight with no gaps in the top of the bag. This one obviously has substantial air space at the top. Thanks; I had not noticed this before.
yup... a lot of items have dropped in weight or quantity and remained the same price or went up slightly.
Today at Wal-Mart the 5 lb. Domino was about $4.30 and the 4 lb. Great Value was about $2.20 so the Great Value is still the better buy.
Ice cream container and mayonaise jars have gotten smaller and also rarely does bacon come in 1 lb packages anymore. Also watch out for the meat sold at Walmart. The label gives the percentage of whatever solution they inject into the meat so you end up paying for this solution because it adds weight, that shouldn't be put into the meat anyway!
Breyers has been at this "downsizing" for a good while. First the half gallon became 1.75 quarts and now it is only 1.5 quarts. As the sides of the carton slant inwards at the bottom, the volume goes down.
Moral: Always check the label, even on trusted brands that you have bought for many years.
BTW, there's a lot of chemical junk in that "solution" they inject into the meats. I won't buy them.
Talk about prices going up, I really feel sorry for some people with the price of gas these days. It doesn't matter much with me because short of the grocery store I have everything else I need and don't need to drive too often. I'm really worried about alot of these hard working young couples who are the ones who suffer from all of this. I know of some who have to drive 60 miles round trip to and from work. Then you add on these companies "downsizing" their products and it all adds up.
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