Kim Hinkley, of Back-Creek Road in Bishopville, was charged with driving while under the influence of alcohol, driving without a license, negligent driving, unsafe lane change, driving on a revoked license and failure to obey designated lane directions.
Sunday morning around 10 a.m., Maryland State Police say Hinkley was driving east on Rt. 367 when she allegedly crossed the center line and sideswiped another vehicle, narrowly avoiding a head-on collision.
Hinkley was charged on June 21 with similar charges including driving under the influence of alcohol, driving on a suspended license and failure to display license to a police officer. Hinkley was previously found guilty of driving under the influence of alcohol in June of 2009.
Source; http://www.delmarvanow.com/article/20110725/NEWS01/110725010/WORCESTER-CRIME-Woman-faces-DUI-charges-after-crash?odyssey=mod|newswell|text|Worcester County Times|s
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