Wednesday June 13, 2012
Cypress Festival
The Annual Cypress Festival continues tonight through Saturday night.
Schedule of events: http://thepocomokepubliceye.blogspot.com/2012/06/37th-annual-cypress-festival.html
Family friendly and striving to be a worthy choice for your Internet browsing. Comments and material submissions welcome: tkforppe@yahoo.com . Pocomoke City-- an All American City And The Friendliest Town On The Eastern Shore.
The Annual Cypress Festival continues tonight through Saturday night.
Schedule of events: http://thepocomokepubliceye.blogspot.com/2012/06/37th-annual-cypress-festival.html
It was a very impressive ceremony but I had difficulty hearing the words because the noise from the fire truck was overwhelming. You were close to the stage; did you have a problem hearing? Maybe my ears are getting just as bad as my eyes.
Your friend,
(Thanks for fixing the word verification thing)
I normally don't attend the Cypress Festival but I made a promise to a friend that I would attend this year. I must say, I was really impressed with the festival and the police officers who was there. I watched the officers as they walk around and mingle with the people. They took time to talk with the kids and one of them walked by me and said "hello". It was a sense of security that was present yesterday that made me enjoy the entire evening. PPE will the officers be at the festival throughout the rest of the week. I am considering coming back before the festival end?
Slim- I could hear but was distracted by watching the flag being raised. Even in spite of that it was a wonderful ceremony.
Sorry I missed seeing you.
Anon 6:05 PM- You and everyone else has every reason to believe that the Pocomoke City Police Dept. will be covering the Cypress Festival until it is over. I hope you will plan on attending again this year. I'm sure Chief Sewell does not treat big events like lightly and Officers will be there even if you don't see them.
You didn't miss seeing me. You just didn't know that you saw me.
Your friend,
I was at the cypress festival and I saw police I never seen before and they had a look on there faces like they mean business happy to know the pocomoke PD is finally moving in the right direction. any dates set for the opening of the new police station
Oh snap!I didn't even think to look for you - but then I wouldn't know who I should be looking for. Glad you got to see me.
Anon 10:55
I have met just a few of the officers but they do mean business and Pocomoke Police Dept. IS moving in the right direction...very much so. Chief Sewell is clearly keeping with the promises he made in his Mission Statement written a few months ago.
I have received no word on when the police dept. will open in their new station. I hope you saw the photos I posted a few days ago that are the latest in the series of watching all this become a reality. It won't be long now...
Thank you for the beautiful pictures we see of the new police station and the new restaurant. I did hear the police station will have an opening ceremony on June 21. is there any truth to this date? I don't know the date for the new restaurant to open sorry.
Anon 11:40- So glad you enjoy the pictures. No exact dates have been set for the opening of the restaurant or the new police department.
As soon as I have the exact dates I will post them. Believe me, I'm just as anxious as everyone else.
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