Longaberger and Vera Bradley Bingo
Pocomoke Elks Lodge
Friday the 21st of September 2012
The Heather Leigh and Christopher Robbin Hill Foundation
(Featured in a special game or raffle ~ to be announced)
$20.00 For special seating
Call 410-957-2917 or leona@isp.com to reserve)
Raffles ~ Chinese Auction and MORE!
and the Hill Foundation will have sweets you can purchase.
Fundraiser to help build a science-oriented playground for our youth
Come join us and bring your friends !!
If you would like to be a sponsor and get involved with Heather Leigh and Christopher Robbin Hill Foundation contact Leona Hill. (info above)
About the foundation:
By: Leona Hill
For those who do not know "our story", Bob and I have lost both of our children. Christopher died at the age of 4 from mono. The mono caused his immune system to shut down and he became ill with every kind of illness known to man. We spent 7 weeks at NIH for research and the bulk of 22 month at JHH. He died at Johns Hopkins Hospital on February 11, 1980. Heather was a scientist involved in cancer research when she was diagnosed with ovarian cancer at the age of 26. She fought for 8 1/2 years going through the years with multiple surgeries and chemo along with a bone marrow transplant. She died in our home at the age of 34 on the 8th of September 2005. Our children were remarkable! They faced life with love and gracefulness. They never complained. They both had a strong faith in our God and looked toward Him to get through life. Our hearts will always be broken and we often wonder why we outlived our children. We do know that God has all of answers and we must continue to trust in Him until we join them!
Bob and I have created the Hill Foundation so our children will have a legacy long after we are gone. In doing so, my vision is to give back to our community. We, the Foundation, give scholarships out each year to students entering a science oriented field. We also support the Marva Theater in the Performing Arts for the summer Theater Academy each year. Once the science playground is built it will belong to our community with our monies supporting it. Meanwhile, we need to hold the fundraisers to provide for the ongoing scholarships.
So, please come out and join us and bring your friends!
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