This place (Newtown) is a pretty snug little village, containing about 500 clever and hospitable inhabitants; is has good wide streets, quite clear of that "eye sore," known mostly over the Peninsula by the name of "deep sand"; the houses, though built of frame, are generally built substantially and with some discretion and taste; there are two neat, new, and quite handsome frame churches in it; as for the merchants of the place, suffice it to state that they are very clever and hospitable. F. Mezick, Esq., the landlord with whom I stopped, and his very obliging and jolly assistant, are richly deserving of a passing notice, for the good treatment and the extension of the many civilities to "the stranger."
(Reader-friendly viewing of news archives/historical archives material)
December, 2006
The Index-Journal (Greenwood, S.C.)
Mid-Atlantic spaceport launches first rocket
ATLANTIC, Va. (AP)- A rocket carrying two experimental satellites into orbit blasted off Saturday from the Virginia shore in the first launch from the Mid-Atlantic region's commercial spaceport, leaving a corkscrew exhaust trail against a pink-streaked sky just before sunrise.
The 69-foot Minotaur I rocket soared from the launch pad amid a white flame plume at exactly 7 a.m. as scheduled, after teams had spent the week resolving a glitch in software for one of the satellites which scrubbed a liftoff Monday.
"It's been a lot of work. It's been a long road but today we showed we could do it," said Billie Reed, director of the Mid-Atlantic Regional Spaceport, which built the launch pad on land leased from NASA's Wallops Flight Facility. "We're in business for real."
About 80 invited guests at a viewing site about a mile from the launch pad cheered as they watched the rocket's trail, which looked like giant cigarette smoke rings.
The crowd cheered again seconds later as the first of four stages separated from the rocket, which then disappeared from view.
The remaining stages also separated successfully, as did the two satellites, said Air Force Col. Samuel McGraw, the mission director.
August, 1879
National Republican (Washington, D.C.)
Physical and Moral Recuperation
OCEAN CITY, MD., August 29, 1879,
To The Editor Of The National Republican:
Ocean City has only been opened up to the public three seasons, and yet it has already obtained an extensive reputation. It is undoubtedly the finest bathing point on the Atlantic coast. The entree to the sea is carpeted with fine sand, into which one's bare feet sink witlh more delightful sensations than velvet tapestry can convey, and the creamy waves roll in alluringly, inviting to the bath.
The season is closing, yet the cars are bringing strangers upon every incoming train. The Atlantic Hotel, the Ocean House and the Seaside have each their pleasant coterie of guests. The Ocean House is on the extreme southern point of the peninsula, and presents special attractions not enjoyed at the other hotels. It is delightfully located, with an unobstructed view in all directions, while an air of home-like freedom and seclusion invests it with peculiar charms. Mr. L. D. Lynch, the affable proprietor, was a Maryland planter, and the generous and hospitable characteristic of the Southern host are visible throughout the establishment. One can come here without being haunted by fashion-mongers, or compelled to air their finery the first week, and instead of beating out of their toes nightly the surplus vitality inhaled and absorbed during the day, they can quietly horizontalize themselves in this "cradle of the deep," and sink into the arms of Morpheus to the lullaby music of rolling waves. Ladies should pick their plainest and simplest clothing for the sea-slde; no other can possibly escape injury, and are simply a nuisance and impediment in donning the more desirable garments of healthful strength and painless nerves.
June, 1961
The Daily Mail (Hagerstown, Md.)
Everything Under Control In West Berlin Declares Mayor, In Chat With Berlin, Md. Mayor
POCOMOKE CITY, Md. (AP)- The mayor of Berlin, Md., today assured mayor Willie Brandt of West Berlin, Germany, the people of the United States are ready to come to his aid at a moment's notice.
Mayor William Hudson, in a pre-arranged telephone conversation, told Brandt: "Your city is a great outpost of freedom and a wonderful beacon of inspiration for all the world. We want you to know that all of us in Berlin, Md., and in the United States, send our best wishes for your continued success as a symbol of true spirit of freedom."
Brandt replied: "You tell your people everything is under control. The people are quite confident here in Berlin in spite of a few difficulties which may be at hand. I think we can rely upon our friends, as they can rely on us."
The trans-Atlantic telephone call was made in the studios of radio station WDMV in Pocomoke City, Md., which originated the idea. Curt White, manager of the station, said the call was made "from one Willie to another," and "from one Berlin to another," to assure Brandt the people of America were behind him. He said the conversation was taped and was being sent to the Voice Of America.
Mayor Hudson also invited mayor Brandt to visit his town on his next trip to the United States to enjoy the Delmarva Peninsula's hospitality and fishing.
Footnote: The era was during the height of the cold war with Soviet Premier Khrushechev threatening the takeover of West Berlin.
September, 1924 (Time Machine archive)
Kingston Daily Freeman (Kingston, N.Y.)
(Item reporting on tourists visiting in Crisfield)
...While they were attending services at the Methodist Church at Crisfield, Md., they were surprised to see President and Mrs. Coolidge enter the church, accompanied by Secretary Hughes. The congregation remained standing until the president's party had left the church, then hurried to the wharf to wave as they returned to the president's yacht, the Mayflower, that had quietly anchored in the harbor.
February, 1857
The Grand River Times (Grand River, Michigan)
In all parts of Virginia the people are busy harvesting ice, with the expectation that no supply will be needed from the north next summer. It has been uncommonly cold at the south this season. The Snow Hill, Md., Shield says 25,000 bushels were housed there last week.
August, 1902
The Times (Washington, D.C.)
(Continuation of Tangier Island article from last week)
One of the noticeable peculiarities of the island is the absence of any very old looking houses, and from appearances one would say that there are no buildings that have been standing over fifty years, but upon a little inquiry we find that the island has been inhabited for more than 200 years, but as the buildings are all frame structures they have been remodeled, repainted, and enlarged as occasion required, so that with all of these changes the buildings have gone through, a state of evolution which makes them very nearly up to date so far as the prevailing style of architecture is concerned.
None of the houses Is supplied with a cellar, for the highest point of the island is only a little above high tlde level, and the inhabitants have learned to do without the luxury of a cellar. In fact, the only structures which are built to any extent underground is one cistern, and the hot water heating plant for the new Methodist Church, and the excavations for each of these structures will not exceed three feet.
Another strange feature of the island is the absence of any very old inhabitants. Whether the inhabitants, as they become old, have a fashion of moving to the mainland, or whether they have the faculty of always remaining young, I am unable to explain. One thing is certain, the citizen who reaches the age of seventy is considered to be very old, and is respected to a point almost approaching veneration on account of the supposed accumulation of worldly knowledge due to the advanced years. The island seems to be blessed with good health, and, in fact, the place Is rather too healthy to prove profitable for a physician. This seems to be due to the natural conditlons of the Island and the natural manner in which the inhabitants live.
(More of this article next Sunday)
Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? It can be just a line or two, or more if you wish. Send to and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!
"Somewhere over
the rainbow
Bluebirds fly..."

Flying on for JMMB
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