Thursday, January 2, 2025

State help urged with water intrusion-


As lawmakers prepare to meet in Annapolis for the 2025 legislative session, I and other coastal residents are asking for investment to be directed toward supporting communities experiencing flooding now, and preparing communities for a future with more water. This needs to be a priority for Maryland, with or without federal support.

(View commentary:)

Maryland’s coastal communities need help now - Maryland Matters

Maria Payan paints a grim picture of despair and destruction caused by Mother Nature and aided and abetted by unbridled racism and states that water levels will rise precipitously in the near future.

Her solution is that government must "take action" and "invest more". Nowhere does she offer any concrete ideas. Does she think the residents should be evacuated and compensated for their losses? Should the Chesapeake Bay be plugged at the southern end and the water pumped out into the ocean? Should fresh water be pumped into the ground to halt salt water intrusion?

Typical blather from another well-meaning but brain-fried liberal who thinks government can actually help people.

Your friend,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Maria Payan paints a grim picture of despair and destruction caused by Mother Nature and aided and abetted by unbridled racism and states that water levels will rise precipitously in the near future.

Her solution is that government must "take action" and "invest more". Nowhere does she offer any concrete ideas. Does she think the residents should be evacuated and compensated for their losses? Should the Chesapeake Bay be plugged at the southern end and the water pumped out into the ocean? Should fresh water be pumped into the ground to halt salt water intrusion?

Typical blather from another well-meaning but brain-fried liberal who thinks government can actually help people.

Your friend,