They began arriving four hours early, ignoring triple-digit heat-index levels for a chance to hoot and holler at Sen. Benjamin L. Cardin's health-care town hall meeting Monday night.
Outspoken opponents of the Democratic overhaul plan, which Cardin supports, vented their hostility at the first-term senator. In an echo of similar events around the country, most of those in the capacity crowd at Towson University were clearly hostile to the reform proposal and dismissive of Cardin's attempts to defend it.
"I know some of you don't want me to mention the facts, but listen to the facts," the senator said early on, drawing an angry response from opponents in the room and applause from supporters - who were both outshouted and outnumbered.
Rest of the story............www.baltimoresun.com.
But wait!! You haven't read the best part! Cardin had organized "backup".
Cardin staff working with SEIU/ACORN to generate pro-reform turnout tonight?
Below is an email chain forwarded to me. It originated with a Ben Cardin staffer. The Cardin staff is desperate to make his Senate townhall tonight look like a rally for Obamacare.
Isn’t this astroturfing, Senator? You, a United States Senator, using a network of liberals to gin up support for Obamacare?
And let’s put this in perspective: This means Senator Ben Cardin supports Obamacare and knows he can’t vote for it without an astrotruf campaign of his own.
Note that the original message at the bottom was sent by Rev. Jerome Stephens,
Statewide Field Representative for Senator Ben Cardin to Denise Riley at the AFL-CIO. Riley’s assistant Kim Tucker then blasted it out.If you are in Maryland, show up tonight.
Note that SEIU and ACORN are sponsors.
The email chain:
—– Original Message —–
From: Penny McCrimmon
To: Penny McCrimmon
Sent: Friday, August 07, 2009 9:56 AM
Subject: FW: More Info: Senator Cardin’s Health Care Town Hall Meeting- Tea BaggersTHANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR RESPONSE!!!!!!!!!!!! I knew I could count on my fabulous Obama volunteers. Here is the information you requested. Also, from the most influential Political Club in the State, the Central Baltimore County Democratic Club (CBCDC), they’ve stepped up to the challenge and are sponsoring a pre-meeting rally.
A Republican Friend (who says the Republicans just don’t get it) told me that the few Republican Legislators that we have in the State are sponsoring the “Tea-Baggers” by paying for their transportation to this event. I’m resending my initial email. Click the link below to RSVP to Senator Cardin’s Office. They need to know how many will attend. Also, first come, first seated.
Senator Benjamin Cardin’s Town Hall Meeting on Health Care
Monday, August 10, 2009, 7 pm
Harold Kaplan Concert Hall
Cross Campus and Osler Drives
Towson, MDThe Central Baltimore County Democratic Club will hold a pre meeting Rally at 5:30 pm
Harold Kaplan Concert Hall
Co-sponsors are the following Unions: SEIU, AFL-CIO, MSTA, UFCW. Progressive Maryland and ACORN are also sponsors.Penny McCrimmon
From: Penny McCrimmon ?Sent: Thursday, August 06, 2009 12:16 PM?To: Penny McCrimmon ?Subject: FW: Senator Cardin’s Health Care Town Hall Meeting- Tea Baggers
We need to get the Obama volunteers to attend Senator Cardin’s Health Care Town Hall Meeting. If you’ve been watching the news, you’re aware that the “Tea Baggers” have been sabotaging Democratic Congressional Town Hall Meetings on President Obama’s Health Care reform meetings. We need to be a visible presence at this event to support the President’s agenda in the same manner that we worked to get him elected. All of the necessary contact info is provided herein.
Penny McCrimmon
From: Ward?Sent: Thursday, August 06, 2009 10:27 AM?To: Penny McCrimmon?Subject: Fwd: Health Care Town Hall Meeting with U S Senator Ben Cardin
I would not miss this! How about you? The YD’s might want to be there too??Ward
??—–Original Message—–?From: Kim Tucker, AFL-CIO?To: Kim Tucker, AFL-CIO?Sent: Wed, Aug 5, 2009 2:53 pm?Subject: Health Care Town Hall Meeting with U S Senator Ben CardinBelow is the information for Sen. Ben Cardin’s Town Hall Meeting on Health Care,
this Monday, August 10th in Towson.Sen. Cardin’s office has been notified that the “teabaggers” and “birthers” will
be holding a rally outside the concert hall at 5:30 PM. They will then file
into the Town Hall Meeting.They have asked us to send people that support health care reform to counter the
ones who will try to disrupt the meeting. Please let your staff, members,
friends, family all know and encourage them to attend. They can RSVP to:RSVP – sean_mckew@cardin.senate.gov
Thank you!
Denise Riley
Political Director
Maryland State and District of Columbia AFL-CIO________________________________________
From: Jerome_Stephens@cardin.senate.gov
To: Denise Riley
Date: Tue, 4 Aug 2009 12:30:48 -0400
Subject: Health Care Town Hall Meeting with U S Senator Ben CardinPlease share with your network
As Congress considers health care reform, Senator Cardin has been traveling
around the state speaking to Marylanders about the legislation. In August, he
will hold town hall meetings in Towson. If you plan to attend, please RSVP.
Space is limited at the venue. In accordance with fire regulations, when the
venue is full, there will be no standing room available.Monday, August 10th – 7 p.m.
Towson University Center for the Arts
Harold J. Kaplan Concert Hall
Corner of Cross Campus and Osler Drives
Towson, MD 21204Parking is available across the street from the Center for the Arts
on Auburn Drive off Osler Drive on Lot 13.RSVP – sean_mckew@cardin.senate.gov
Rev. Jerome Stephens
Statewide Field Representative
U.S. Senator Ben Cardin
DMessage Sent By:
Kim Tucker, Administrative Assistant
Maryland State & D.C. AFL-CIO