Showing posts with label Christmas trees. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Christmas trees. Show all posts

Friday, December 27, 2024

Your Christmas Tree is welcomed-


Whether it be for breakfast, lunch, or dinner the goats at North of Eden Farm (Eden, Md.) will put your Christmas Tree to good use as a tasty meal. The farm is located at 3700 Stockyard Road, Eden, and is accepting trees from the public.

Phone (510) 331-3011

(View WBOC news story:)

It's in Wicomico County, not Somerset.

Tuesday, January 2, 2024



The Solid Waste Division of Worcester County Public Works will host its annual collection of Christmas trees now through January 15, 2024. Area residents can drop off Christmas trees at the Central Landfill in Newark and the Berlin, Pocomoke, and Snow Hill Homeowners Convenience Centers at no cost.

Businesses and organizations that sold trees will not be permitted to drop off trees at the convenience centers, but may take them to the Central Landfill where applicable tipping fees will be assessed.

The trees will be ground into mulch for use at the Central Landfill. Remember, you can make a difference by recycling. For more info, contact Recycling Manager Bob Keenan at 410-632-3177, ext. 2405.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Cats and the Christmas Clean Up!

At the end of the Christmas holiday as you prepare to take down the tree are you like me and just hope and pray that you removed all ornaments and left none hanging? Do you not like sticking you arm into the half dead tree because you know its needles are going to poke you (again) and your hands will be sappy.

I have been known, a time or two........or three or leave a couple of ornaments inside the branches only to find them the next day, still clinging to the tree that is now outside.

Well, not this year!! My faithful companion was very grateful and extremely eager to assist me. Keep in mind this was her first experience with a pine tree.
After she jumped into the tree she went from limb to limb....................Even checking the drapes..........

Done! No ornaments left on the tree! All it cost me was some nice warm cuddle time and lots of praise.

She didn't bother to stay around for the rest of the clean up!!