The Republican governor ordered Conservation and Recreation Department Director David Johnson to stop enforcing the ban in a letter sent Friday.
McDonnell also gave initial approval to another administrative change allowing firearms to be carried openly in state forests.
Concealed handgun permit holders were already free to carry firearms. The right to openly carry guns is widely recognized across Virginia.
In his letter, McDonnell wrote that the department lacks authority under state law to prohibit firearms being carried in plain view.
McDonnell said it was clear that the General Assembly never intended to restrict firearms in parks. "Lacking specific legislative authorization to further regulate firearms, the Department of Conservation and Recreation can not promulgate a regulation that does so," he wrote.
The ban was put in place by McDonnell's predecessor, former Gov. Timothy M. Kaine, now chairman of the Democratic National Committee, said J. Tucker Martin, McDonnell's chief spokesman.
"These regulations ... would simply allow law-abiding Virginians who legally own a firearm to exercise the same rights in a Virginia state forest or state park that they already possess while elsewhere in the commonwealth," Martin said.
In his letter to Johnson, McDonnell cites an opinion he wrote as attorney general on Sept. 26, 2008, answering an inquiry from then-Sen. Ken Cuccinelli, a Republican who is now attorney general.
In the opinion, McDonnell told Cuccinelli that although state laws don't explicitly permit weapons carried openly in parks, nothing in the law prohibits it, either.
Gun control advocate Lori Haas, whose daughter survived a gunshot in the 2007 Virginia Tech massacre, said it was bad for public safety and for tourism.
"You really think we're going to get tourists to Virginia parks if people are carrying firearms everywhere," Haas said. "Who would want to be camping in a state park if the person in the next campsite is carrying an AK-47?"