Here was something so huge happening to America and the only way for Americans to hear of those horrific bombings was to hear the United States President through only medium the radio. The only pictures at the moment were the ones imagined in ones own mind.
Years later when I finally heard the crackling radio broadcast made by President Roosevelt on that day did I finally understand just how dark that day must have been for so many Americans.
And on an odd note, I understood why no Japanese goods were sold in America when I was young (that I ever saw) and why nothing was ever allowed in our home made by the Japanese.
Please give thought today about the men and woman who fought that battle and for those who lost their lives on this day, December 7, 1941, and for the families that lost them. Say a prayer for those in harms way, fighting today to keep FREEDOM in America. ~ jmmb~

President Franklin D. Roosevelt described December 7, 1941, as a “date which will live in infamy.” It was early Sunday morning when Imperial Japanese naval aviation forces attacked Pearl Harbor. 2,400 service men and women lost their lives that day and more than 1,100 were injured during the surprise attack on Hawaii. The event led to the escalation of World War II. The day after the attack, the United States declared war on Japan.