President Obama's support for the construction of a mega-mosque and Islamic center two blocks from ground zero in lower Manhattan has sparked public outrage and bipartisan condemnation. The controversial plan would place a 13-story mosque where Islamic terrorists killed nearly 3,000 people on 9/11. The Coalition to Honor Ground Zero will rally with patriotic Americans from all backgrounds near the World Trade Center site on Sunday, August 22nd to protest construction of the mosque and make clear the message that they want no stealth jihad or brutal Shariah Islamic Law in America.
Among those who will be represented at the Sunday rally are blue-collar workers who have united and are taking a "Hardhat Pledge" - promising not to take part in the building of the mosque. In addition, firefighters, veterans, the families of 9/11 victims, first responders, human rights and women's rights leaders, and residents of the Ground Zero neighborhood will be present in support of the rally this Sunday.
"The Coalition to Honor Ground Zero, the 9/11 Families and first responders are heartened by the support of the many patriots from around America who will be joining the Coalition on Sunday to seek the truth about this mosque, its Imam, and his financial supporters," stated Tim Brown, a firefighter who was at the World Trade Center on 9/11 as the buildings came down and who lost 93 friends that day.
"The Coalition will continue to pursue why our State Department is sending an Imam around the country and abroad who stated that 'United States' policies were an accessory to the crime that happened [on 9/11]' and that '...in the most direct sense, Osama bin Laden is made in the USA.'"
Andy Sullivan, a construction worker who was at the World Trade Center on 9/11 and who created the Hardhat Pledge, states: "Our opposition to the Ground Zero mosque is not about freedom of religion but about respect and human decency."